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2 hours ago, Benice said:


Some kind of obscure  branch of the Megami Tensei series, wasn't it? Giten Megami tensei or something like that?

Yeah, I haven't played the game, but it does have sex scenes and some stuff thats a little gruesome, though all I've seen of either is the image of the heroine's head in the middle of a giant splat of blood, in old PC graphics.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

And of course this veritable monstrosity:

Ah Red Hare, recently stole it after KOing Lu Bu during a WO1 mission (although I probably won't be able to finish that game now, now that my old computer is pretty bad -I got to sample it at least).

Reminds me that China used to refer to some exotic "heavenly horses" from Central Asia as "blood-sweating horses", a very distinctive and fantastical, if "eww!" description. Apparently, the term likely refers to a Ferghana horses, which modern biologists say could as health complications from parasites get blood mixed into their sweat. -Just a Chinese equine factoid.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I want bear, elephant, and wooly mammoth cavalry in the next FE game.
Make it happen, IntSys!

For the class name for the elephant cavalry, "Varu" would be a good choice, since it was the term used in India. To post the description of them provided by that Civilization VI game I've been playing waaaay too much of lately:



"Although not the most reliable of battle-mounts (as apt to trample friendly troops as enemy when panicked), war elephants were a staple in Indian warfare for centuries until the advent of gunpowder. In pre-gunpowder combat, the 'vāru' (“royal elephant”) served two purposes. Their scent tended to terrify horses, thus rendering the enemy cavalry relatively useless. Second, they could usually break through even the strongest line of infantry, especially if armored, crushing spearmen and archers and everything else in their path (and reaching 25 kph on the run). Too, elephants were notoriously hard to kill, and there are records of them surviving as many as sixty arrows. Usually surmounted with a howdah or other platform for archers, the vāru could wade right into the fray. But, in case the elephants did go berserk and start squashing their own side, the driver carried a spike and mallet to kill them with a blow to the skull."


Civ VI made India's Varu a Heavy Cavalry unit (which attacks at close range) and inflicts a Combat Strength (attack & defense) penalty to adjacent enemies, probably to represent the elephants striking fear into the enemy troops. In Civ V, this ability was given to Carthage's African Forest Elephant, and the Varu instead got the ability to freely move over terrain that'd slow down other ground units, maybe because elephants can crush everything. Either way, compared to standard horse cavalry, Varus have less Move in Civ.

And as a minor supplement, the Domrey ("elephant" in Khmer) of the Khmer (modern Cambodia) Empire in the same game:



"If there aren't enough horses for your cavalry, why not use the mighty elephant to crush and terrify your enemies?

The Khmer joined a long tradition of employing war elephants in their military campaigns. Research suggests that the Indians first used elephants in their military campaigns around 1,100 BCE, tuning what was at that point a farming helper animal and turning its 12,000 pounds of might into sound and terror for their opponents on the battlefield (at least until the invention of gunpowder evened the odds).

The mount of kings, military leaders would ride elephants into the battlefield, using their lines to stampede through enemy forces.

Khmer riders would use the precision of double crossbows to supplement the raw power of their elephants. However this domrey variant adds a bit more sheer force with a mounted ballista to impale the bold soldier not wise enough to run away."


To differentiate itself from the Indian Varu, the Khmer Domrey was made a Siege unit (ranged units which are used in Civ VI to tear down city walls, but they deal less damage to units) with the ability to move and attack in the same turn unlike all other Siege units in the game (without the Expert Crew promotion or the area-of-effect buff provided by Great Generals that is).


Also, what about these from Civ5?


Camel Archers! (Although Arabians used horses plenty don't get them wrong.)

"Some Muslim cavalrymen rode camels into battle. This often had an unsettling effect upon European-bred horses that had not before encountered those unusual beasts. As might be expected, camels are better-suited to desert terrain than are horses. Generally, the camel archer employed hit-and-run tactics against the enemy, more similar to Mongol horse archers than to knights or other heavy cavalry units. A well-trained camel archer unit could be extremely difficult for knights to deal with, if those knights were not protected by archers or their own light cavalry."

If you're interested in learning more about camels, this article is informative.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah Red Hare, recently stole it after KOing Lu Bu during a WO1 mission


I never figured out how to get Red Hare in WO3U.
Though I never really needed a horse in that game in the first place, because one of the first things I levelled was my characters' speed.

But it is really fun to use in DW8E. If you play on easy (which I did at one point for the heck of it), you can trample and one-shot enemy captains and even officers with it. XD

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(although I probably won't be able to finish that game now, now that my old computer is pretty bad -I got to sample it at least).

That is less nice.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Reminds me that China used to refer to some exotic "heavenly horses" from Central Asia as "blood-sweating horses", a very distinctive and fantastical, if "eww!" description. Apparently, the term likely refers to a Ferghana horses, which modern biologists say could as health complications from parasites get blood mixed into their sweat. -Just a Chinese equine factoid.

Very interesting! I did not know yet!

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Reminds me that China used to refer to some exotic "heavenly horses" from Central Asia as "blood-sweating horses", a very distinctive and fantastical, if "eww!" description. Apparently, the term likely refers to a Ferghana horses, which modern biologists say could as health complications from parasites get blood mixed into their sweat. -Just a Chinese equine factoid.

Come to think of it, war elephants (and thus elephant cavalry) were actually a thing in Persia, as well. So it wouldn't be that far-fetched to include them in FE at some point.
"Varu" would be a good class name, I think.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, what about these from Civ5?


Camel Archers! (Although Arabians used horses plenty don't get them wrong.)

"Some Muslim cavalrymen rode camels into battle. This often had an unsettling effect upon European-bred horses that had not before encountered those unusual beasts. As might be expected, camels are better-suited to desert terrain than are horses. Generally, the camel archer employed hit-and-run tactics against the enemy, more similar to Mongol horse archers than to knights or other heavy cavalry units. A well-trained camel archer unit could be extremely difficult for knights to deal with, if those knights were not protected by archers or their own light cavalry."

Ah, yes, I know about this one!
An interesting tidbit that has its roots in actual history, as far as I can tell/remember.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If you're interested in learning more about camels, this article is informative.

Nice, nice! Thank you!

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Time to reset the game, it's broken! 

R.I.P... any idea what's going on for it there?

27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but it does have sex scenes and some stuff thats a little gruesome, though all I've seen of either is the image of the heroine's head in the middle of a giant splat of blood, in old PC graphics.


10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Savage Princess

💖 Sienna.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Dere she is!

Even though she isn't actually my fav. Character, I just wanted a Morshu reference.

And she' a really bad unit. That helps my decision!

I will say that there is a very, very, very good reason to use Ruby, though.

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5 minutes ago, Benice said:

R.I.P... any idea what's going on for it there?

According to Interdimensional Observer, multiplayer is busted. And I think he's right, tried single player, and no game breaking. That's kinda lame, ngl.

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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

incest intensifies

HOW DAREST THOU?! Sienne would never stoop so low as to be even near Volcens!

Sienna is great. Except for...Volcens... well, he...

Well, Shrimpy, I'l just say that at some point, you and I are gonna want to defenestrate Volcens together.

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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That pic can so be taken out of context.

Oh frick.

She's basically just using a loophole to roast Volcens when he is being a manchild. The queen ususally accompanies the king in court, but Sienna accompanies him in oublic instead since Volcens js single.

Speaking of, you actually meet the one who is supposed to marry Volcens.

She becomes reason no. 1293373 to hate him.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

That is less nice.

An update to my old computer (stupid me) means if I'm lucky it'll take 20 minutes to boot up now, thats pretty bad (and I need to get all my old photos and other stuff off that hard drive) The problem with my new computer is that I was using an old PS3 controller for emulation, and that requires a USB port to establish the initial connection, a port whose shape isn't found in my new computer. Playing Dynasty Warriors with a keyboard? No. I could use my Switch Pro Controller, but I'd rather save that for the Switch, I don't want to press that hard-to-press "reset connection" button again and again to swap between Switch and emulation.

Part of me wants to get a second computer, a PC this time, to function as an emulation machine + a tiny bit of Steam use. But shelling out the cash for that and a controller? That kills the desire. Understanding technobabble so as to find a PS2-emulation capable computer that'd be even more money and unfashionably big? That grinds the corpse of the wanting into a very fine dust that sinks to the bottom of the sea.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Come to think of it, war elephants (and thus elephant cavalry) were actually a thing in Persia, as well. So it wouldn't be that far-fetched to include them in FE at some point.

Thank 3H for that I guess? I don't know much in the way of Persian/Iranian history, but it does seem very interesting, everything from the Achaemenids to the Safavids that is (the modern country is ...tricky).

What I most recently read of them is that the Sassanid dynasty seems to have embraced Zoroastrianism as the state religion unlike prior dynasties for proto-nationalistic reasons. They said goodbye to the foreign Hellenistic culture of the Seleucids and Parthians and returned to the native traditions, fire temples are the abode of true Persians! This included the persecution of early Christians because Christianity came from the evil Roman Empire and Christians were suspected of being spies for Rome, despite Rome persecuting Christianity in the first century or so of Sassanid rule. Although Rome eventually adopted Christianity, the Sassanids curtailed their persecution of Christians (with periodic upswings of violence and the government carefully overseeing the elite Christian clergy), mostly because when the Sassanids got strong and or Rome/Byzantium got weak, the need for an internal enemy to scapegoat went away.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Well, things just got interesting in my CK2 playthrough.

The Mongols now launched a war again on the... well, the Abbasids were deposed. It's now a different dynasty in charge of the Caliphate. Anyway, the Mongols took Irak from them. Since the date is already past 900AD, combined with the loss of Irak is one of the conditions for the early unlock of Jihads. Oh man. Though for now, the Caliph hasn't called for one yet. Yet. Hmm...

On the flip side, this unlocks the formation of Holy Orders. With both the Knights of Santiago and Calatrava, though I can only create one, since I'm the only independent leader in the whole of Hispania, hahaha.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Question @Benice If you don't renew a contract, can i renew it later?  Or will they leave forever.

Like i am willing 100% to renew Dean and Sylvie, but dunno about Axel yet

Yep! Any time! They'll just go back to their old spot, where you hire 'em again when you next need to.

Are you planning to use Ruby?

Also, Cryptic Kaga warning-At the start of the next main mission, the game tells you that there will be special events when Reese talks to Kramer, Faye and Czene. Make sure you talk to Czene.

And other Cryptic Kaga that is a sorta-spoiler and therefore shall be hidden:


Make sure you deploy Czene and clear Ponies and Thieves by siezing. Trust me.


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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Are you planning to use Ruby?

dunno really. She seems like a big pain to use xD

I did hear the reward she gets is really good, but hmm

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Also, Cryptic Kaga warning-At the start of the next main mission, the game tells you that there will be special events when Reese talks to Kramer, Faye and Czene. Make sure you talk to Czene.

And other Cryptic Kaga that is a sorta-spoiler and therefore shall be hidden:

Kaga gonna Kaga xD


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