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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Now, the only other Ys game i've played is 7 and i haven't even beaten that one yet but so far, i like the feel of Origin a lot more. Feels quicker and bosses don't take 10,000 years to die. The game itself seems perfect for being played in short bursts which is what i will do.

Classic Ys games are pretty short and the fun is in the challenging hard bosses. They rarely last over 5 Minutes. Ys 7 is really the only one to suffer from tanky bosses problem (and Ys 8 final boss)

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll do that for ya.:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Chapter 5- Doesn't really have a "boss" but the final enemy here is 20. Though the common enemies around your earlier targets are more like ~23.
  • Chapter 6- 24
  • Chapter 7- 28
  • Chapter 8- 31
  • Chapter 9- 35
  • Chapter 10- 39. But you'll probably fight this one in a Skell, so it's more your Skell gear that matters.
  • Chapter 11- 45
  • Chapter 12- 50. Not to mention reaching level 50 with Sakuraba maxed out at the AM Terminal lets you purchase and use level 50 Skells, thats useful for the earlier phases.

This said, level doesn't bend time-space around the difficulty like XC1. You may wish to exercise restraint on Skell use in Chapters 7 and 8, for the fun of it, might be too easy with them.

Dont forget about restraint on overdrive! Not if you want to have some challenge!

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8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Dont forget about restraint on overdrive! Not if you want to have some challenge!

Of course! I ripped clean through Chapters 7-9 bosses with OD, and that includes the second Skell-oriented phase of Chapter 9's.

...Dare I try Chapter 10's boss on foot with OD use and see how it goes? I think it's possible.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Dare I try Chapter 10's boss on foot with OD use and see how it goes? I think it's possible.

That's what I do, but hey, I'm always level 60 at ch7, so what do I know!?


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59 minutes ago, Armagon said:

In other news, i got 120 Stars in Galaxy 1 for the first time ever. And i'll leave it at that because i do not feel like playing Super Luigi Galaxy right now (and i'm playing through Galaxy 2 at the moment).

Congrats on that! That's no mean feat!

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...i might actually need one of the stronger Mercs for this, considering  the 25 ATK ballista i need to take out asap, and unlike FE5, i don't have Karin + Fergus evading everything this time around

I will need to plan this carefuly when i do my next session

Edited by Shrimperor
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I just have made a little online shopping tour through the PS Store. Big in Japan is offering so many interesting JRPGs. Purchased Persona 5 Dancing In the Starlight, Tales of Berseria and Yakuza Zero. Latter is a series I haven't played yet, but people recommended me to play it and I'm watching a LP of a part of this series right now which rised my interest. Also I loved the protagonist in Project X Zone 2. He was one of my favorite characters. However my serious issue is that I have no more storage for games anymore since my PS4 only has 500 GB. Already had to delete the one or other game I don't intend to play (anymore) like Tokyo Xanadu Ex or Trails of Cold Steel III for being dublicates. I don't even know, if it's possible to upgrade a PS4 in terms of storage. Never have bothered with this topic, so I have no idea. Wasn't expecting to buy that many PS4 games to be honest. It's because PS4 games tend to be more favorable than Switch games.

Edited by Julian Teehee
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15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

...i might actually need one of the stronger Mercs for this, considering  the 25 ATK ballista i need to take out asap, and unlike FE5, i don't have Karin + Fergus evading everything this time around

Gads, I love clouds of war.

But yeah. Kramer also does really well here, since with his 11 AS and arrowbane, he takes good care of crossbows. However, something I will tell you about Ballistician AI:


The ballisticians here won't attack until they reach certain spots along the shore of the rives and sorta aren't a big threat for that reason.

This is a good one for Sherpa, Dean and Faramir. I like bringing Faye because crossbows got nothing on best girl! Except for the chance to one shot if they hit a 14, but eh. that only happens 14% of the time.

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25 minutes ago, Benice said:

Except for the chance to one shot if they hit a 14, but eh. that only happens 14% of the time.

More like 86% of the time. Faye got hit by likr every 2nd low% attack so far


25 minutes ago, Benice said:



Also i have to deploy Chtistine for this map ugh..

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Faye got hit by likr every 2nd low% attack so far

Dodgetanks are good i swear

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


Yep, Elbert is busted. Although Kramer's more of a hard counter to crossbows, since he can counterattack them easily, whereas... Can Elbert even, thanks to bracketing? It's possible he might at, like, level 20...

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1 hour ago, Julian Teehee said:

Going to leave this place for a while now since I've started to feel kinda bad here.

Julian, don’t! Whose going to help my sing my gregarious songs!?!

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13 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


well, enjoy 😄

Thanks! ^^

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

IF said "men do not exist".


On that note, I probably won't talk about the game much. We'll see.

5 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

Going to leave this place for a while now since I've started to feel kinda bad here.

I'm sad to hear that. I'm sorry you feel that way.
Hope things will improve for you soon!

Edited by DragonFlames
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5 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

Going to leave this place for a while now since I've started to feel kinda bad here.

Taking a hiatus from social media for whatever reasons is perfectly reasonable. Whatever the reasons may be, I wish you health, wealth, and the rest of things humans should have in life.


7 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

I don't even know, if it's possible to upgrade a PS4 in terms of storage.

Not that I'm aware out outside of an external hard drive, but you use use one for terabytes more of space.

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7 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

I just have made a little online shopping tour through the PS Store. Big in Japan is offering so many interesting JRPGs. Purchased Persona 5 Dancing In the Starlight, Tales of Berseria and Yakuza Zero. Latter is a series I haven't played yet, but people recommended me to play it and I'm watching a LP of a part of this series right now which rised my interest. Also I loved the protagonist in Project X Zone 2. He was one of my favorite characters. However my serious issue is that I have no more storage for games anymore since my PS4 only has 500 GB. Already had to delete the one or other game I don't intend to play (anymore) like Tokyo Xanadu Ex or Trails of Cold Steel III for being dublicates. I don't even know, if it's possible to upgrade a PS4 in terms of storage. Never have bothered with this topic, so I have no idea. Wasn't expecting to buy that many PS4 games to be honest. It's because PS4 games tend to be more favorable than Switch games.

You can buy external hard drive that store your games (good ones are expensive, though) 

I would reccomend it if you play alot of PS4 games as they tend to take alot of space quickly.

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tfw whole country celebrates your birthday

8 hours ago, Benice said:

Dodgetanks are good i swear

They are usually of my most trusty units in FE.

Not in Berwick as RNG seems to have it for me. I missed way too many 70-80s only to get hit by a 10 after.

7 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

Going to leave this place for a while now since I've started to feel kinda bad here.

Take a break and get well, soon!

You're always welcome here!


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

They are usually of my most trusty units in FE.

This is how you can tell somebody hasn't done Ironman runs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be condescending or anything like that, but... When the threat of death looms over everybody's heads at all times, you learn to avoid leaving their safety up to the RNG if at all possible - even if it's an extremely low chance. If it exists, it can and will eventually happen. I learned that the hard way.

I do agree that dodgetanks are pretty fun in regular runs, though.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is how you can tell somebody hasn't done Ironman runs.

I did actually. One time, did a conquest Ironman run on hard.

I remember doing 3 mistakes, with each mistake leading to 3 units dying XD

But none of them due to RNG, it was all mistakes in my planning.

The reason i didn't do any other ironman is that i rarely replay games.

Conquest however is one of my all time favourites if we are gonna talk from pure gameplay prespective, and is the only game i ever completely replayed.

Berwick actually kinda reminds me of conquest a bit, ngl. Which is good haha

9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Today's your birthday?
Hope you have a happy one, in that case! ^^


7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Ey, happy birthday Shrimpy!


28 now....

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Dodgetanks in SRW are always good.

Except if the game uses the Evade Decay mechanic. Hah! Imagine if FE did that. Where if a unit dodges, they actually receive an evasion penalty for the rest of the turn. And it stacks if they manage to evade even more times that same turn.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Dodgetanks in SRW are always good.

Except if the game uses the Evade Decay mechanic. Hah! Imagine if FE did that. Where if a unit dodges, they actually receive an evasion penalty for the rest of the turn. And it stacks if they manage to evade even more times that same turn.

That is an interesting idea, tbh.
But I can also see this go south rather quickly, I think it's an okay way to incentivize players to not rely on lucky dodges.


And speaking of dodge-tanking, my favorite dodge-tank strategy is this: in Radiant Dawn, have Ike support with Mia, give either one the Daunt skill, keep 'em close on the battlefield (not hard to do since they have the same Mov stat), and they will be nearly unkillable for the rest of the game.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

tfw whole country celebrates your birthday

Happy birthday! 🎂🦐


21 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


HAL Laboratories actually did an April's Fools joke last year similar to this:


The context was Kirby got square, and Qbby, the character of the minimalistic 3DS puzzler BoxBoy, turned into Sphere-y.:


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