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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

FE Sword girls are usually ❤️

and better than their edgy male counterparts

Say'ri is unironically one of my favorite characters in Awakening.

Also, we are on the 666th page.
And I started it. Kinda makes me want to... you know.

Also, also... screw these guys!

Screw them eternally!
Thankfully, you can lure them into pitfalls, so they're not too bad once you know how to avoid them, but if they catch you... yikes.
Poor, poor Brownie... again...

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10 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

While ''strong enemy units'' might seem like a weird complaint, since i complain how most FEs have enemy units with low quality, the enemies shouldn't be so strong that you need 4 player units to take out a generic mob. And in general, Def stats should be low (for both player and enemy) to encourage player phase focus. Giving enemies, even mobs, skills, is also much better than stat inflation. See Conquest in how to make high quality enemies that are actually threatining without making player units feel useless. The skills placement in Conquest is almost perfection Why is poison strike a thing though. Berwick is also doing well in that regard, so far, which i am a fan of.

I can mostly understand what you say in your dissertation (for a lack of a better word), except here. From my experience, FE12 handles the difficulty issue exactly as you describe - by turning enemies into powerhouses, but keeping defenses low. Not sure what difficulty you played the game on, but that's definitely how they handle the higher ones.

10 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

And yeah, I think Marth being the only one to visit villages was FE11, but I could be wrong about that.

FE12 as well, actually. There are a couple of instances where it gets really annoying, too. Bantu's recruitment is absolutely hilarious.

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tfw you get swarmed with bowsers in a castle level F.

I am bad at Mario xD

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not sure what difficulty you played the game on, but that's definitely how they handle the higher ones

I played on Hard. I felt like most of my units couldn't really deal much damage to enemy units. Early game enemy units had like 9-12 def/30HP while my units could barely get up to ~15 ATK. Or maybe i am just bad at FE, but i like to think i am good as i do well in other games the community considers hard, like FE5, RD and Conquest xD

Honestly though, it was more the ambush spawns than anything else that majorly pissed me off in FE12, ngl

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Honestly though, it was more the ambush spawns than anything else that majorly pissed me off in FE12, ngl

Uh... Yeah, I can't defend that. FE12's ambush spawns can get really obnoxious. At least they have the decency to come out of forts most of the time, but yeah, ambush spawns are never any good.

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From what i rememer from memory also they were usually Cavs or Pegs, which have bigger mov than usual in FE12 (but so did most units tbf)....

NGL though, it's not like FE12 is the only game that pulls ''ambush spawns on higher difficulty'' bs. FE16 does it on maddening too. I hate that mode, with passion. Dunno what IS thinks with that, really.

If you are gonna do obnoxious ambush spawns, pull them late game, so that i am invested in the game enough to not drop it at that point (Hello FE5. The bs it pulls late game is like whyyy, but i wasn't gonna drop a game at chapter 21 xD).

That reminds me of the Siege tome ambush spawn in FE5...

FE16 Maddening pulls the same bullshit, too, in one of the later maps.

Dunno how anyone can think that's fair

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14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

tfw you get swarmed with bowsers in a castle level F.

I am bad at Mario xD

Although I don't think dying to a literal swarm of Bowsers in a Mario game (Mario Maker, I assume), makes you bad at that game.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

From what i rememer from memory also they were usually Cavs or Pegs, which have bigger mov than usual in FE12 (but so did most units tbf)....

NGL though, it's not like FE12 is the only game that pulls ''ambush spawns on higher difficulty'' bs. FE16 does it on maddening too. I hate that mode, with passion. Dunno what IS thinks with that, really.

If you are gonna do obnoxious ambush spawns, pull them late game, so that i am invested in the game enough to not drop it at that point (Hello FE5. The bs is pulls late game is like whyyy, but i wasn't gonna drop a game at chapter 21 xD).

That reminds me of the Siege tome ambush spawn in FE5...

FE16 Maddening pulls the same bullshit, too, in one of the later maps.

Dunno how anyone can think that's fair

I most certainly don't!
I hate ambush spawns, and thus I haven't touched Maddening at all yet (and I have no plans to). I also haven't played the Archanea games on anything higher than Normal (which is also because you don't get to play the amazing Prologue in Shadow Dragon, because reasons).


Alright, the Draggy Guild now has its first major mission.
Go to the 5th floor of the Yggdrasil Labyrinth and defeat the King of the Beasts, Chimaera. This one's gonna be a doozy, I can tell already. Hehe.
"We'll beat that thing, no worries! Right guys?", asks Tamaki.
"YEAH!", agrees Victoria.
Meanwhile, Dr. Jeff is silently trying to run away, but is stopped by a recently resurrected Brownie.
"YOU DON'T PAY ME ENOUGH FOR THIS!!!", the "doctor" panics.
The Hexer chimes in: "Fear not, Healer of Wounds, and my Fierce Ladies! For, I, Catastro, shall unleash the ULTIMATE DARKNESS upon our foe! They shall lay no hand, claw, nor paw on you so long as my Mystic Mist exists!" Sadly, his voice is rather squeaky, so his grandeur is lost on the others, who either shake their heads or just stare at him.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Best thing is, i was able to evade the Boswers fine...

then fell into the lava xD

Oops! XD

Although I really shouldn't be saying anything, because I can barely make it past the first Bowser stage in the OG Super Mario Bros. on the 3DS.

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All this talk about ambush spawns reminds me of how Yggdrasil (JP srpg studio fangame i always shill xD) pulls it.

They basically give the player a warning ''Enemy reinforcements will appear here'' so you can kinda plan around them. That, and if you are able to capture enemy reinforcement points fast enough, you get 100 Exp and gold out of it.

Not really a bad approach, ngl.


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26 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

the farthest i made it in og Mario bros. on the NES as a kid is 8-2 or 8-3 before i got game over'd by a time out F


I checked earlier and the farthest I made it was like... 2-2. *cough*
Have I mentioned I suck at platformers yet?

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

All this talk about ambush spawns reminds me of how Yggdrasil (JP srpg studio fangame i always shill xD) pulls it.

They basically give the player a warning ''Enemy reinforcements will appear here'' so you can kinda plan around them. That, and if you are able to capture enemy reinforcement points fast enough, you get 100 Exp and gold out of it.

Not really a bad approach, ngl.

Agreed. I think this is just about the only way to do same turn reinforcements right, tbh.

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You should play the Lost Levels aka the original Troll Mario



9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I am not the only one who thinks Berwick Saga ost is really Trails-y, am i?

This music certainly wouldn't be out of place in Trails, that's for sure.
I find that especially the artstyle looks very similar to Trails.


I just did a quest where you have to defeat every EO player's nightmare, the Ragelope F.O.E., to get a Severed Antler.
Now, to get a Severed Antler, you have to defeat the thing with a Cut-type attack. And the only person who can use those is of course my bae Ronin, Tamaki (either through just attacking, Beheading Cut, or Frigid Slash).
Problem is, the moment Brownie ran out of TP to use Hit Taker (redirects all enemy attacks toward the user of this skill) the Ragelope thought it wise to go and one-shot her.

Thank goodness I had Dr. Jeff learn Revive just before this, and had some Amrita (TP-restore items) on hand, or else this battle would've gone south really, really fast.



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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

This music certainly wouldn't be out of place in Trails, that's for sure.
I find that especially the artstyle looks very similar to Trails.

The game structure itself kinda reminds me of Trails

From the city hub, to the slow start to set up the characters and the world first, to the music, to the turn system (kinda)...

Maybe with Kaga we would've gotten the Trails x FE game? xD

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

The game structure itself kinda reminds me of Trails

From the city hub, to the slow start to set up the characters and the world first, to the music, to the turn system (kinda)...

Maybe with Kaga we would've gotten the Trails x FE game? xD

Going by what I know and have heard about both, I could very well see that.
Maybe Kaga really did play Trails in the Sky when he made Berwick. XD

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Inb4 Kaga is a fellow Sky boomer and is also crying at the state of modern Trails xD

Wouldn't surprise me at all! Heck, even I'm crying a little bit! XD

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NGL, the turn system is Berwick is pretty fun, and with some finetuning and some skills and stuff related to the turn system and it's manipulation and a magic system that completely makes use of it, it could be amazing. I imagine we could've gotten something like that if the game ever got a sequel, but well...

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

NGL, the turn system is Berwick is pretty fun, and with some finetuning and some skills and stuff related to the turn system and it's manipulation and a magic system that completely makes use of it, it could be amazing. I imagine we could've gotten something like that if the game ever got a sequel, but well...

Kaga should be 70 at this point, right?
Guy deserves a rest, tbh.

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My next sig will probably have some Etrian Odyssey stuff in it, provided I can find something good and provided I can make it fit well with whatever else I wanna use.
Though for this month, I'll stick with that one, because Halloween and all. XD

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