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The only maps I disliked in RD were 2-1, where you only have two units and no healer, and whatever Chapter in Part 3 you use the Scrub Brigade to fight laguz in FoW.
Everything else I quite liked.

Just now, Sooks said:

It sounds good. If only the game didn’t require you to win the lottery to play it legally...

Yeah, that's a problem.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I love Part 3 because my fav. guys were back and having no money = i had to be very careful with my resources. I didn't find the maps that easy, although they could be more difficult.

Money troubles are only for the first few chapters when you think about. Adequately arming the GMs costs a good deal though you get with the Silver Card for the first chapter with a shop. But then, lo', the next chapter has a White Gem, and the chapter after that a Blue Gem. Chapter 11 gives you 20k much later. 


5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It sounds good. If only the game didn’t require you to win the lottery to play it legally...

*Stabs you with an obsidian knife*

What are you saying? Your right kidney will be able to afford it.

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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Doesn't Lowen's bio call him "Wolt's mentor", though? At least I think it did.

It does but he appearently does have a convo where is explicitly calls Wolt his son. I'll save state and check.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Because Treck was on his way to cap three stats.

My Treck is also on his way to cap three stats.

Bench-warming, forgetability and looking like a Looney Toons character that got hit in the fact with a frying pan. You know, the most important stats.

8 hours ago, Dayni said:

*Ducks for cover

There is no escape



2 hours ago, Sooks said:


This is against the law.

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Which is why said story elements cannot be considered in relation to the base game, because that fails to recognize how many players did not buy or play said DLC. I have the same criticism about BotW and how it handled its DLC. Story elements should not be locked behind a paywall if said story elements are necessary to fully understand the plot of the base game.

I'd normally agree but i can present one exception: Torna ~ The Golden Country. Though it is the biggest part of Xenoblade 2's season pass, both Torna and Xenoblade 2 were intended as a duology (though you can just play Xenoblade 2 and be fine, in fact, you didn't have a choice before September 2018). This differs from something like Heirs of Fate because Torna is not a "what if" story, it's a full-on prequel that takes place before the main game and, mild inconsistencies aside, benefits the overall story.

You can also just buy Torna as it's own game, in a physical package if you want complete with it's own cart, and i consider it it's own game (although more along the lines of a Xenoblade 2.5 rather than a Xenoblade 3), so it's more than you're typical DLC campaign.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand i just now read that you said that "Story elements should not be locked behind a paywall if said story elements are necessary to fully understand the plot of the base game", which i'm realizing doesn't even apply to my example because while Torna and Xenoblade 2 are intended as a duology, Torna does not exist to "lock story elements needed to fully understand the plot of the base game behind a paywall". It adds to it but it's not necessarily required. But you should totally still play both tho.

54 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I've never gotten much use out of the capture mechanic, in all honesty.
Seemed kinda pointless.

Yeah, i guess it's just there if you're doing an ironman and you fuck up really hard and you need extra units.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Bench-warming, forgetability and looking like a Looney Toons character that got hit in the fact with a frying pan. You know, the most important stats.

I want a game that has these as actual stats with actual gameplay applications.
I do not know what those might be, but... MAKE IT HAPPEN, INTSYS!

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, i guess it's just there if you're doing an ironman and you fuck up really hard and you need extra units.

Good point.

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14 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

RD Part 3 is great. And on normal, it's a really fair and good challenge, IMO.

Maybe it's just that I'm an insane person who plays FE12 lunatic and decides it's not enough to just play, I also have to use bad units too. But I found it absolutely mind-numbing. Ike is invincible, Titania is invincible, Oscar is a slightly worse Titania that is still invincible, Gatrie is slow but he's still invincible, Shinon isn't invincible but he kills everything so who cares... It's just Rolf and the mages that aren't invincible, for crying out loud! It was like playing vanilla FE8 except with like five Seths (one unbenchable) instead of just one!

Of course, this was on normal. Perhaps I should try the game again on hard at some point. The game pace is a real problem, though. No other FE is as actively painful to play as Tellius. Everything is so slow, and Dolphin isn't able to speed up that well.


Playing as the GMs was awesome after going quite a bit of the game using other factions.

I imagine this would be great if you like the GMs.

As for me, I hate PoR, so if anything I had negative bias going in. After enjoying Micaiah and Elincia's arcs, Ike inserting himself into the game and having no character for 12 chapters (because his arc ended in PoR) was... rather unbearable. Seriously, I initially disliked him, but friggin' Skrimir turned out to be the best part of part 3's story. All Ike ever seems to do in RD is be mildly angsty, complain and hog the spotlight for no good reason. It frustrated me a bit, I won't lie.

Like, seriously, they don't even provide the flimsiest excuse for Ike being the only one who can kill Ashera. It just happens because Ike cool, I guess?

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

My Treck is also on his way to cap three stats.



Bench-warming, forgetability and looking like a Looney Toons character that got hit in the fact with a frying pan. You know, the most important stats.

Son of a--

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe it's just that I'm an insane person who plays FE12 lunatic and decides it's not enough to just play, I also have to use bad units too. But I found it absolutely mind-numbing. Ike is invincible, Titania is invincible, Oscar is a slightly worse Titania that is still invincible, Gatrie is slow but he's still invincible, Shinon isn't invincible but he kills everything so who cares... It's just Rolf and the mages that aren't invincible, for crying out loud! It was like playing vanilla FE8 except with like five Seths (one unbenchable) instead of just one!

looks at all the times he had to reset throughout the game and even in part 3

Uh, well, hey. To each their own. I'm not any good at FE, so I guess normal felt plenty challenging to me. xD

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I imagine this would be great if you like the GMs.

As for me, I hate PoR, so if anything I had negative bias. After enjoying Micaiah and Elincia's arcs, Ike coming in and having no character for 12 chapters (because his arc ended in PoR) was... rather unbearable. Seriously, I initially disliked him, but friggin' Skrimir turned out to be the best part of part 3's story. All Ike ever seems to do in RD is be mildly angsty, complain and hog the spotlight for no good reason. It frustrated me a bit, I won't lie.

Like, seriously, they don't even provide the flimsiest excuse for Ike being the only one who can kill Ashera. It just happens because Ike cool, I guess?


Ngl, Ike's presence made sense to me because of his arc in FE9, even if he was very much a static character in RD by comparison. What I don't quite understand is why people see Ike as hogging the spotlight when both Skrimir and Soren get almost as much screentime in Part 3. Of course, that's a matter of perspective. Nothing wrong with seeing it either way. It's just something I don't understand, like when people say that Ike overshadows Miccy in Part 4. If anything, Yune is the one who completely overshadows Miccy with the whole possession thing. But again, everyone will see it differently. I don't want it to sound like I'm saying anyone is wrong for seeing it differently. That's just a me thing, I guess.

Uh, well. Ragnell was a weapon blessed by Ashera, so perhaps she could only be killed with a weapon that held her blessing? Similar to how the Black Knight could only be damaged by the same kind of weapon in PoR? I really don't know why that's the case, tbh.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Speaking of silly stat ideas:

Awesome! xD
I want these in the next Fire Emblem game, please, and thank you.


Although when it comes to looking like they got hit in the face with a frying pan...
that's still better than looking so average you may as well have been a generic soldier with a name, no helmet, and a slighty fancy hair color.
Which is my opinion on like most of the Cavaliers in the series from a design perspective.

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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I do think it's worth pointing out though that both Ike and Yune get the cutscene of killing Ashera together though, so Ike isn't the only one given the spotlight there.

Fixed that for ya, since she is the one in control currently. xD
Not that it matters, I just always wanted to try that.

And I believe it's also worth noting that, in that moment, Yune transfers most of her powers to Ike so he can land the killing blow, with the implication being that her power is needed to finish the job.

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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Uh, well. Ragnell was a weapon blessed by Ashera, so perhaps she could only be killed with a weapon that held her blessing? Similar to how the Black Knight could only be damaged by the same kind of weapon in PoR? I really don't know why that's the case, tbh.

To me, it's the error Awakening learned from. RD had cinematic final blow = gameplay final blow, Awakening rightfully separated the two.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

RD Titania was almost useless for me xD

Boyd was faster than Titania for me IIRC, crazy enough. xD

Just now, Shrimperor said:

I played FE4. Much slower



2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Fixed that for ya, since she is the one in control currently. xD

And I believe it's also worth noting that, in that moment, Yune transfers most of her powers to Ike so he can land the killing blow.

True, true.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To me, it's the error Awakening learned from. RD had cinematic final blow = gameplay final blow, Awakening rightfully separated the two.

Good point.

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5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

looks at all the times he had to reset throughout the game and even in part 3

Uh, well, hey. To each their own. I'm not any good at FE, so I guess normal felt plenty challenging to me. xD

Shit... I didn't mean to call anyone out or anything. That's just the way it felt to me. Perhaps I should've benched Titania, or something. Problem is, unlike Seth who bores me to tears, Titania... I love her design and her character, so I wanted to use her. Oh, well...

5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

What I don't quite understand is why people see Ike as hogging the spotlight when both Skrimir and Soren get almost as much screentime in Part 3.

Skrimir and Soren were great, yeah. Ike hogging the spotlight was more on part 4. For some reason they defaulted to having him as the main character when the three teams converged, even though Micaiah and even Tibarn were more engaging characters than Ike at this point.

Of course, Micaiah had the whole Yune issue... Though, to be honest, I don't think that was so bad. Micaiah has enough scenes for herself even after Yune happens, I feel, and to be honest, becoming the embodiment of a literal goddess is pretty damn rad. Not to mention that it is foreshadowed and it actually makes sense, unlike Ike getting the Ashera kill because Ike is so special and cool. Yune is a bit of a problem for Micaiah's character, but even then she's still better than Ike and his complete lack of substance.

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I do think it's worth pointing out though that both Ike and Miccy get the cutscene of killing Ashera together though, so Ike isn't the only one given the spotlight there.

Ike is still the only one who can kill her in the gameplay. But, you know what? It's better than PoR. Tauroneo's battle convo with Ashnard is perfect. Perfect! And he can't kill him because Ike is the most special little boy in the world, so he has to kill the final boss all by himself! Goddamned prick... I swear, it may sound petty, but that's one of my biggest pet peeves with Tellius. Why can't you let Tauroneo earn his damned name!?

...In all seriousness, a side effect of Ike being the only one who can kill the final boss is that they had to make him more or less impossible to RNG-screw, to prevent a softlock. The result of this is that Ike is embarrassingly overpowered, which only contributes to making part 3 more of a boring slog.

What I'm trying to say is that Ike is the source of all of Tellius's problems and Tauroneo should be the main character of the games instead

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Radiant Dawn is the only Fire Emblem game I've played in the series that justifies the "only the Legendary Sword of Plot" can kill the final boss in gameplay.

In Echoes, you can kill Duma with Nosferatu (which as I've heard was a glitch in OG Gaiden), nearly everywhere else, your lord isn't even the best option you have against the final boss. Marth, for example, will get utterly murdered by Medeus on the highest difficulty in Shadow Dragon, and perhaps in New Mystery, too (this, I do not know, however. Saint Rubenio can maybe confirm this for me), in FE7, it's better to Luna the Fire Dragon to death, Idoun and Formotiis die easily to dragon lolis, and the less we speak of the final bosses in Fates being some of the worst examples of gameplay-story segregation in this regard, the better (why do we need the Omega Yato when I can kill Anankos with a Frying Pan?). And in Three Houses, the Relics aren't even that relevant or special (which makes sense, considering their origin; and which also makes it easier for me to decide to never use them precisely because of said origin story).

Edited by DragonFlames
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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Saint Rubenio can maybe confirm this for me

Can do!

Marth is... actually the best option to kill Medeus in the higher difficulties of FE12. At capped speed, he just barely avoids being doubled thanks to the Binding Shield, and the Falchion is the only weapon that is effective against the Shadow Dragon. Everyone else struggles to deal damage to him - even my beastly Yubello dealt a measly 8 damage. Marth was dishing out 24 per shot.

So... Yeah. You were wrong there. In FE11 he sucks, though. For FE11 the best option is to send Tiki/Nagi to kamikaze on Medeus, morbid as though it may sound.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Take (Dunno if hot or cold) : Yune > Miccy. I love Yune, i am kinda indifferent to Miccy, especially after her blind loyalty

The blind loyalty is spotty, I'll admit, but I liked Pelleas, so I didn't mind it as much. I did love Yune's personality, though.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Shit... I didn't mean to call anyone out or anything. That's just the way it felt to me.

Oh, no. No worries about that at all. Didn't seem that way in the slightest.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Problem is, unlike Seth who bores me to tears, Titania... I love her design and her character, so I wanted to use her. Oh, well...


3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For some reason they defaulted to having him as the main character when the three teams converged, even though Micaiah and even Tibarn were more engaging characters than Ike at this point.

I saw it more as three protagonists coexisting, but hey, everyone sees it differently.

I would agree with that last bit though. Definitely.

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Radiant Dawn is the only Fire Emblem game I've played in the series that justifies the "only the Legendary Sword of Plot" can kill the final boss in gameplay.

In Echoes, you can kill Duma with Nosferatu (which as I've heard was a glitch in OG Gaiden), nearly everywhere else, your lord isn't even the best option you have against the final boss. Marth, for example, will get utterly murdered by Medeus on the highest difficulty in Shadow Dragon, and perhaps in New Mystery, too (this, I do not know, however. Saint Rubenio can maybe confirm this for me), in FE7, it's better to Luna the Fire Dragon to death, Idoun and Formotiis die easily to dragon lolis, and the less we speak of the final bosses in Fates being some of the worst examples of gameplay-story segregation in this regard, the better (why do we need the Omega Yato when I can kill Anankos with a Frying Pan?). And in Three Houses, the Relics aren't even that relevant or special (which makes sense, considering their origin; and which also makes it easier for me to decide to never use them precisely because of said origin story).

All true.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Take (Dunno if hot or cold) : Yune > Miccy. I love Yune, i am kinda indifferent to Miccy, especially after her blind loyalty

Eh, I'd agree. Yeah. Miccy fits RD's story, but I felt like Yune's interactions with the other characters were more engaging overall.

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I just played 12-1 in my Berwick Ironman. It was... interesting, to say the least. 

I had to do most of 12-m and all of 12-1 without Dean cuz he got crippled by a Steel Ballista on turn 4, and then Sherlock got crippled in 12-1. Larentia died to a 6% crit from one of the armors with a Hatchet, but Arthur managed to land a 50% with the Knight Sword and survive an Assassin. Reese broke the Gram on Rasputin, but Alvina managed to finish him off with a thrown Angon. Plus, with the Obsidian, I got to fully repair Gram again. My total death count is 13, but since Derrick doesn't count, I just now got the Vanish charm. The only way for me to get the Maoza Wolf is to kill 4 characters in 13, so uh, doesn't look like it'll happen this run. Now I just need to pick up a Darkmend orb for Owen, hopefully.

Also, my thoughts on RD's story in brief:

Part 1 is really good all around, same with part 2.

Part 3: Has some big flaws with the Daein stuff, but I think it's still pretty enjoyable. Definitely needed some touch-ups and small rewrites.

Part 4: Oh god why. Ike becomes the main hero out of nowhere, Miccy gets relegated to background development and has her conflict solved very fast. This needed to be rewritten the most, I'd say. 

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Take (Dunno if hot or cold) : Yune > Miccy. I love Yune, i am kinda indifferent to Miccy, especially after her blind loyalty

I mean, I don't disagree. I enjoy Yune's sass, and as you may know, I don't take to blind loyalty very well (to the point where Felix is one of my favorite characters in all of Fire Emblem just because he explicitly says that it's completely friggin' stupid (well, he's not THIS direct, but... you know. xD)).

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Marth is... actually the best option to kill Medeus in the higher difficulties of FE12. At capped speed, he just barely avoids being doubled thanks to the Binding Shield, and the Falchion is the only weapon that is effective against the Shadow Dragon. Everyone else struggles to deal damage to him - even my beastly Yubello dealt a measly 8 damage. Marth was dishing out 24 per shot.

So... Yeah. You were wrong there.

Oh, okay! In that case, I correct my statement.
Thank you for the clarification!

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In FE11 he sucks, though. For FE11 the best option is to send Tiki/Nagi to kamikaze on Medeus, morbid as though it may sound.

Warp strong unit; kill unit in front of Medeus -> Warp Tiki/Nagi, attack Medeus -> Tiki/Nagi dies -> Aum Staff -> Tiki/Nagi kill Medeus
I think this or something close to this was one of the few surefire ways to kill Medeus on H5, as far as I've heard.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I wanted to murderize the bastard xD

Yes. xD

Just now, twilitfalchion said:

I hate blind loyalty in any character (Catherine from 3H, for example), so I disliked Pelleas for the same reason, tbh.

Agreed completely.

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