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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So far, I must say, for as much as I'm shitting all over this game's story, I must respect one thing: It doesn't make bosses retreat. It would've been so easy to have Gangrel retreat and continue to be a useless pest for the rest of the story, but no. They stuck to their guns and killed him, early as though it may be. Kudos for that.

It will usually stick to that.

There's two exceptions I'm thinking of and one is not an egregious case.

The Spotpass paralogues on the other hand..... There's a reason I count them as non-canonical.

Edited by Dayni
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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


So far, I must say, for as much as I'm shitting all over this game's story, I must respect one thing: It doesn't make bosses retreat. It would've been so easy to have Gangrel retreat and continue to be a useless pest for the rest of the story, but no. They stuck to their guns and killed him, early as though it may be. Kudos for that.

...which gets kinda undercut if you have access to the spotpass maps that let you recruit multiple of the defeated villains, like Gangrel and Walhart.

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17 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...which gets kinda undercut if you have access to the spotpass maps that let you recruit multiple of the defeated villains, like Gangrel and Walhart.

I know of them, but considering the circumstances as I understand them, I don't think it's an issue. They're just a bit of fanservice, and in this case, I don't think it's bad one, because you can just ignore it entirely. It's just the kind of thing that you do on a second run, when you feel like fooling around.


All right, so that's the first taste of Walmart's invasion. It was... pathetically easy. Gangrel put up far more of a fight. I didn't even lose anyone in this fight. Though that's probably because at this point, all the useless scrubs are dead and everyone that remains has like 20 defense after pair up.

And now the characters are going to yap on and on about how this army is oh so powerful, even though we mopped the floor with them easily. And now we're off to meet the new ruler of Plegia. I hope it's not Aversa.

It's going to be Aversa, isn't it.

Oh, okay, it's not Aversa. It's just the weirdo who died, and is now back alive for a reason that I hope they explain. I will give them one point for actually letting Chrom recognize him, instead of being "hmm, this guy looks familiar... ahh must be my imagination, I'm sure he's a swell fellow."

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God fucking damnit, now I have to do a skirmish so I can purchase Panne a bronze axe so she can actually do something as a wyvern rider.

Well, no matter. It went by rather fast thanks to my overpowered army. They're all promoted now, too. Only ones left are like, Kellam because I ran out of seals and Panne because she just reclassed. This should be enough for the rest of the run, however long that may be.

So, map start. First things first, we recruit another psychopath. He doesn't have 20 defense, so he'll hardly be of any use.

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Ah, how nice. A kill commander map.

And that's it, map over. It took two turns to get Edgy Kabba to the boss and one shot it. How long did that take me? Three minutes? Three minutes.

...And still Henry had enough time to get murdered. Amazing.

Well, I've got to hand it to ya, Awakening - you did it. You finally made me laugh. The difficulty has gotten so ridiculously low that it's outright got me laughing at it. Path of Radiance, Sacred Stones, Mystery of the Emblem... All is forgiven. All is forgiven. I now know the true meaning of the word easy.

Holy fucking shit.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

then play without 😛 

Panne would've been unarmed. And I'd like to continue using Panne, seeing how with Gregor's aid she reaches the minimum defense requirements to be a part of my team.

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@Spara Throne room wasn't so bad. Just a simple bait & Switch. I've seen worse Throne rooms. Much worse XD. 

Honestly, the one thing i have against the map is Terrain slowing Horsies down when most of your Team is made of Horsies haha. Then again i used that to funnel the enemy Bow Horsies out...

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"Oh, and, Edgy Kabba... If we are all bound by these invisible ties, I thank the gods it's with you. "

Lissa, Stahl, Miriel, Sumia, Donnel, Maribelle, Gaius, Cordelia, Nowi, Olivia, Henry: "We don't."

Anyway, boat map. Lucina joins at last. Her defense is low, so she'll hardly be of any use.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


Oh boy...

I loved that mechanic. It's so unique.

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You know, most people would use the stream of a VTuber in a language they can't understand as background noise while they do other things.

Me, I use Awakening as background visuals while I listen to my favorite VTuber's stream that I can't understand.

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Okay, boat map over. Units with 20 defense tanked everything and that was it. As usual.

Most remarkable thing is that, wow, it was a great idea to reclass Panne to wyvern rider. She now has stats comparable to Sully, even though Sully is promoted. Second seals are broken. Because what this game needed were more ways to break it.

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Okay, harbor map over. Units with 20 defense tanked everything and that was it. As usual.

Panne is ready for promotion. She's gone from my worst unit to my best unit in a matter of no time at all. Well, second best. Her resistance is bad, so Sully and Edgy Kabba are better than her.

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21 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wait, you prioritize defence over offence? That's not how FE is meant to be played! XD


depends on game. Awakening is one of the more EP focused ones.

Than again, so is like, most of the series. Only New Mystery, Conquest, 3 Houses, Berwick and now that i am playing it Vestaria have a more player phase focus. 

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Than again, so is like, most of the series. Only New Mystery, Conquest, Berwick and now that i am playing it Vestaria have a more player phase focus. 

I think you are overlooking a few, like Echoes mechanics do encourage player phasing, I think you could make an argument for Thracia as well depending on what you are including in player phasing.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Thracia was very very very EP heavy when i played it.

If you are counting staff use, and capture mechanics as a part of player phasing that would swing it that direction for me, although if you are looking only at combat I would put it more into EP focused.

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We joke about me being an elitist, but I'm nothing, nothing compared to my father. My father complains that there's nothing to watch on TV, but then he says that TV shows are all shit. Each and every one of them, without exception. All he watches are badly dubbed American reality shows, but all TV shows are garbage, and he just knows it, because he's wise like that. I sarcastically recommended anime to him, and when I explained that anime was "Japanese animation", he just replied that he doesn't like the Japanese, or Japanese women. He made a point to emphasize that last thing.

Anyway, sorry for coming here and pouring my personal issues on you. It beats screaming at him.

27 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wait, you prioritize defence over offence? That's not how FE is meant to be played! XD

It's how Awakening works. Everyone has 20 defense thanks to pair up, so the maps just require advancing and watching things happen. That's it.

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Is that proof that i am good at FE or something xD

Do i keep them in stockpile and or should i have them with Zade?

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, sorry for coming here and pouring my personal issues on you. It beats screaming at him

nah, we get it. We all have someone like that in the family 

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