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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Shrimperor said:

I mean, Enid's magic had like 40 MT didn't it xD

True, but you won't get as good a bonk spell for a while. The only unit who does have a good cav-killing spell for their first appearance is a super frail infantry, but since all the cav lancers 2HKO basically everybody, it's hard to keep her safe from them. Especially with how many there are.

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- Panne.

- Sully.

- Flavia.

- Panne.

- Gregor.

- The engine is really nice, it's quick, it's slick, I can skip everything.

- Panne.

- When the game started throwing "kill commander" maps at me instead of routs, I was able to skip it instead of playing it.

- Have I mentioned Panne yet?

- Panne.


- Everything.


Awakening is a game with terrible map design, balance that feels like an AI developed the game, a story that spent its first 8 chapters being a medieval-themed slice of life anime and then suddenly did a 180 turn and demanded that I took it seriously... only to fall even further by pulling the Hierarch nonsense that I'm still not over, difficulty that somehow manages to be simultaneously unforgivingly high and embarrassingly low due to units being either too OP or too weak, bad graphics and an unmemorable soundtrack aside from a few awesome tracks that stand out above the rest.


10/10 please step on me Panne

In the ranking:

I'm not sure, but I probably should put it just below Sacred Stones, because the rest I hated so much that I couldn't finish them. This one, I loved so much that I finished it in one sitting. Even if it was for all the wrong reasons. So yeah. Expect to see it there... starting tomorrow. Now I'm going to bed because it's late.


Praise be to Panne.

Odccnupd o
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Odccnupd o

So you just looped her around Griffon Rider?

Alright I suppose.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


10/10 please step on me Panne

You talking about yet another woman you want dominating you:


I would bonk you, but I lost the stick.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



- Panne.

- Sully.

- Flavia.

- Panne.

- Gregor.

- The engine is really nice, it's quick, it's slick, I can skip everything.

- Panne.

- When the game started throwing "kill commander" maps at me instead of routs, I was able to skip it instead of playing it.

- Have I mentioned Panne yet?

- Panne.


- Everything.


Awakening is a game with terrible map design, balance that feels like an AI developed the game, a story that spent its first 8 chapters being a medieval-themed slice of life anime and then suddenly did a 180 turn and demanded that I took it seriously... only to fall even further by pulling the Hierarch nonsense that I'm still not over, difficulty that somehow manages to be simultaneously unforgivingly high and embarrassingly low due to units being either too OP or too weak, bad graphics and an unmemorable soundtrack aside from a few awesome tracks that stand out above the rest.


10/10 please step on me Panne

In the ranking:

I'm not sure, but I probably should put it just below Sacred Stones, because the rest I hated so much that I couldn't finish them. This one, I loved so much that I finished it in one sitting. Even if it was for all the wrong reasons. So yeah. Expect to see it there... starting tomorrow. Now I'm going to bed because it's late.


Praise be to Panne.

Odccnupd o

Absolutely meme-tastic review.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Ruben and Panne


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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hey, no! Back to your cave, Reuben!

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Ruben and Panne

I'm not sure that's accurate. The library behind her isn't in ruins.

7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So you just looped her around Griffon Rider?

Alright I suppose.

What would you have me do? She broke the game in two as griffon, why fix what isn't broken?

...seriously, she was so fucking broken. Looking on from the sidelines, Yubello must've been like "finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary." Somebody make that into an actual meme, please. I'll pay you in imaginary cookies!

8 minutes ago, Dayni said:

You talking about yet another woman you want dominating you:


I would bonk you, but I lost the stick.

She can bonk me if she wants

Not that I'd have much of a choice. I mean, what am I gonna do? Fight her? Pfft.

Anyway, yes. Yes I will.

8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Absolutely meme-tastic review.

I'm glad you liked it as much as I liked Awakening.

...dang it, I forgot to put Gangrel in the list of pros! Well, imagine he's there. Guy carried the story on his shoulders, and when he fell, I started to skip everything out of sheer lack of interest. I gotta respect him for that.

8 minutes ago, Spara said:

Hey, no! Back to your cave, Reuben!

Who would've known, Ruben and Reuben were two sides of the same coin all along!

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Itprobably rankles because the whole thing with the vampire hunters in the series is that they're human unless the character specifically isn't. Which would kinda not work for the most prominent bloodline in all this, the Belmonts.

So the Belmonts have to be normal people then?

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Bear in mind that the new-universe Lords of Shadow trilogy that got criticized has the first game end with the Belmont hero, Gabriel, becoming Dracula. And the second game (the 3DS title Mirror of Fate) has new-universe Trevor as the son Dracula didn't know he had, fight him. Trevor then dies without his father knowing his name but learning they're father-son, and Drac bites his son's corpse in a seemingly futile attempt to revive him and throws him in a coffin labeled "Alucard" to give him some name. Apparently enough time passes for Trevor's son, Simon, to grow up, but eventually the vampire Alucard awakens.

Lords of Shadow is something I've never played, but is usually criticized by franchise fans. Not entirely sure why, although I haven't looked into it.

I find Lords of Shadow interesting in that it never seems to be brought up. I know you haven't played them so it makes sense why you didn't include them your Castlevania breakdown but there wasn't even a passing mention.

Although i do remember playing the demo for Mirror of Fate, it seemed to play more like the classic Castlevanias.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's not inexplicable that "Grima terraformed the planet", or that Wyverns would migrate to Valentia (horses didn't exist in the Americas until the Spanish let some loose). But the game never explains any of the radical changes, and without explanations, it can feel like "why bother?" with use of the same world.

I feel like the explanations are either visual or just a common train of logic. Yeah, there are some weird geographical changes, the Demon's Ingle in particular being an actual contradiction to the lore since that's an entire cardinal direction opposite from where Duma was slain, or the fact that Ch.1 of Mystery of the Emblem still exists by the time of Awakening, almost completely intact if it weren't for the fact that it's an island (although since this is Gangrel's paralogue, you can make the argument that it was just fanservice). But other than that, i never felt Awakening taking place in Archanea's far future was a stretch. Grima makes Godzilla Earth look small so i can absolutely buy he terraformed the planet. I can buy that Wyverns artificially migrated to Valentia. The Taguel are implied to be another form of Laguz that came via the Outrealms and that isn't farfetched either considering Tellius didn't know Wolf Laguz existed until very recently so who's to say Bunny Laguz don't exist?

Would it be nice to have some concrete explanation? Sure. But i don't think the game really needed to explain.

I mean, if anything, Awakening's connection to Archanea is more established than Judgral's, where the only reason Judgral is connected to Archanea is because Kaga said said it was. I mean, yeah, Naga's a background character in Judgral but that's about it.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll accept OoT > WW, but the rest is nonsense IMO. Each story can be enjoyed on its own, Nintendo makes barely any effort to interlink them, so why should I?

And Nintendo officially gave up trying to interlink them with Breath of the Wild. I mean, there is one line that references the Child Link timeline but BotW has too much of everything for the timeline to actually mean anything.

Zelda timeline's wack anyways, Hyurle itself goes through too many drastic changes (Wind Waker actually makes sense tho and Spirit Tracks Hyrule is clearly established to be a completely different land).

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

...Except Ys stories are interlinked


Like the entire series is part of Adol's journal but apart from Ys Origin (in which Adol wasn't born yet) -> Ys 2, it doesn't really seem to matter. I think.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, people here like to dunk on you for being way too persistent, but...

My issue is moreso the aggressiveness than the persistence.

Like damn bro, even i'm not this mean to Kaga.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


10/10 please step on me Panne


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3 hours ago, Dayni said:

The CoRobin.

  Reveal hidden contents


Because I'm not bright.

Change his hair color to black and he becomes exactly like my avatar when I played Awakening for the first time.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Olivia! Olivia is nice, dancer x armor knight couldn’t go wrong. Plus her hair is also pink.

And she’s winning, nice.

Olivia it is. Now I have to prepare for one of the hardest paralogues. At least I didn't put Cordelia on the poll. I'm still imagining how to keep Severa alive with only 4/5 mov units.

3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:


The best appearance because Blue Hair Inigo is best Inigo.

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17 hours ago, Maof06 said:

Change his hair color to black and he becomes exactly like my avatar when I played Awakening for the first time.

Well that's funny.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...seriously, she was so fucking broken. Looking on from the sidelines, Yubello must've been like "finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary." Somebody make that into an actual meme, please. I'll pay you in imaginary cookies!

I will have to reupload this elsewhere because it is large, but for now, as you asked:


(Edit: Uploaded it away from SF)


18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, yes. Yes I will.

I'm disappointed you didn't respond to me taking the quote from the cutscene in the opening and play along with it.

Edited by Dayni
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15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

it doesn't really seem to matter. I think.

There are actually a few returning plot points and character in alot of the games.

Eldeen lore, Romun domination, etc.

In one of Ys 9 trailers you even see one of the bosses the player fought in both Ys Origin and Ys 1

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So the Belmonts have to be normal people then?

For its worth, they did had that plot point that due to Richter being possessed/dark-succumbed, the Belmonts couldn't use the whip for quite a while. Which led to the Morris family holding it (Bloodlines, Portrait of Ruin) in the interim.

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22 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Tales of Arise is ditching multiplayer... ewww.

That's too bad, as its one of my favorite parts of the Tales of series.

Tales has multiplayer????????

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

There are actually a few returning plot points and character in alot of the games.

Eldeen lore, Romun domination, etc.

In one of Ys 9 trailers you even see one of the bosses the player fought in both Ys Origin and Ys 1

Ah, i see.

Although i imagine that last part is just a bit of fanservice.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

For its worth, they did had that plot point that due to Richter being possessed/dark-succumbed, the Belmonts couldn't use the whip for quite a while. Which led to the Morris family holding it (Bloodlines, Portrait of Ruin) in the interim.

All of a sudden, Trevor being related to Dracula being a big no no makes sense. After all, if Trevor has demon blood in him, then the Belmont Whip and any other holy artifacts would likely just not work, potentially even backfire on Trevor.

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5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yep. Sounds about right.


I don’t know if I’ll play it immediately. I have no clue what I want to do.

But thank you.

Edited by Sooks
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