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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Playing Cold Steel III through is worthy for playing IV. IV is my favorite part in the entire series simply because it feels like a "best of Trails" for me since almost every character from the three continents is playable. Gameplay is also improved. I guess I'm the only here who actually have played all Cold Steel parts which is very ironic considering the reference of the thread is based on the series. III was the weakest CS part for sure, but IV made up things. The only Trails game I didn't enjoy, was FC. If this had been my entrance, I'd never have got into this series.


Anyways finished sceond dungeon of Persona 5 Strikers yesterday. Music was less epic than in the first one, but the dungeon itself wasn't. I'd say I've managed the controls for the most part. However it doesn't mean that I'm interested to play more hack and slash games like Fire Emblem Warriors. Gameplay is too stressful and I want to have more strategical thought.

Edited by Zan Partizanne
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I was considering staying up late into the night to watch the Aquarid meteor shower, which peak around May 5th at a rate of ten meteors per hour. But it's all clouds where I am for the next few days. Oh well, it isn't like I actually watch these normally, I stayed up once for meteors, and aren't even sure if I saw any and my eyes were playing tricks on me instead. The Perseids in the summer will be much better for me, weather permitting.


3 hours ago, Sooks said:

I’m just saying I’m not really familiar with him and I thought it was funny that it was a bunch of roles I had no clue on and then just Ricken.

Also Marth. Though I'd understand if you've never heard him as blue-haired flame crest boy's voice, neither have I.

Some of his roles have been surprisingly different. I've heard him do heroics, I've heard him voice angry people, I've heard him voice happy-go-lucky procrastinators.

The sheer amount of work he has done is impressive, if also perhaps a sign of laziness by the video game industry. It can also impact one's impression of various characters. The incongruity between Giacomo's "Why can't I beat you Sagi?!" and Joe talking about a silly manga in the middle of the apocalypse negatively impacted Joe, because I felt his voice was "wrong", due to me associating Lowenthal with more serious roles. And if a VA often gets typecast into a particular role, and you didn't like a character who was in that role, in my case Legretta from Tales of Abyss, it can carry over unfairly to another in that role- namely Einheria from Bravely Default.

I try not to judge a character based on the VA's previous work, but perfectly separating the present particular from the past is difficult.


38 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And losing your save when you're near the end of a JRPG is never fun and that was a very good way to instantly kill my motivation.

This has happened to me before at least twice, probably more like three if not more, I completely understand this feeling.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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25 minutes ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Playing Cold Steel III through is worthy for playing IV. IV is my favorite part in the entire series simply because it feels like a "best of Trails" for me since almost every character from the three continents is playable.

It's Avengers Endgame for better and for worse.

25 minutes ago, Zan Partizanne said:

I guess I'm the only here who actually have played all Cold Steel parts which is very ironic considering the reference of the thread is based on the series.

4 came out on PC and Switch a little while ago. I would be playing that right now if, well, you know.

20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And if a VA often gets typecast into a particular role, and you didn't like a character who was in that role, in my case Legretta from Tales of Abyss, it can carry over unfairly to another in that role- namely Einheria from Bravely Default.

I'm sure this has happened to some people but I can't say I understand it. More often than not, hearing the same voice will likely make me go


even if I didn't like one of the roles.

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This has happened to me before at least twice, probably more like three if not more, I completely understand this feeling.

It sucks so bad. I mean, losing your save will never be a good thing but in a JRPG or any lengthy game, it's the absolute worse case scenario.

Still not as bad as when my 100% save in Smash 4 on 3DS got corrupted.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Those birthed in April, August and December are blessed. And July too, I guess. Because he's amazing when he's serious as well.

...I am merely Zombie Majima.

Construction Majima is great too, though.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Watermelon Majima...


...The context doesn't make this make much more sense.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:


I'm not gonna lie, even though he's a great comic relief character...It's his serious performance in Y0 that makes him my favorite character ever.

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33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm sure this has happened to some people but I can't say I understand it. More often than not, hearing the same voice will likely make me go


even if I didn't like one of the roles.

I do that when I can’t even remember the role I heard that person in.

And that happens quite frequently.

31 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Zombie Majima... the one it would be the least pleasant to be! Poggers!

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So, only now I finished Vestaria's prologue. I had to accompany my mother who went to get the COVID vaccine tonight. Anyway...


I see good vibes ahead.


Or not.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 hours ago, Benice said:

RIP Shrimpy...

Shrimpy gashinda! Kono hito de nashi!

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well he already knows that i still enjoy these games

Yeah. You have fun and enjoy it! I will just not talk about it unless asked as to not bring the thread into complete negativity.

@Acacia Sgt

Athol lvlups don't really matter at the end of the day

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Athol lvlups don't really matter at the end of the day

I'm mostly aware, but it's still amusing to see the level up, in contrast with Zade's.

I know what their growths are, in any case.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Alternatively you can break the game now and be funny.


7 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Are you Ruben's alt account? 😜

...But... I mostly complain when the game is too easy, not too hard!

And besides when I complain about difficulty I'm right, I mean, c'mon

6 hours ago, Maof06 said:

Do you see me shilling Berwick?

It's never too late to start...

4 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

You like FE and turn-based RPGs in general, right? Based on that I'd say you'll enjoy Trails, but I could be wrong, of course.

What about if you're a FE fan? That means you don't meet the first requirement....

4 hours ago, Maof06 said:

How's the dwarf I made?639800176_Neven1.thumb.png.d1a917160d4087c1b8a3991a98e85290.png

He looks like he just saw something unbelievable and cannot believe his eyes.

Like a modern FE that is as good as Berwick Saga.

29 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Shrimpy gashinda! Kono hito de nashi!

Yes, I agree!

29 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I will just not talk about it unless asked as to not bring the thread into complete negativity.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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You learn it after you stay in a fanbase so toxic, it makes FE fanbase during awakefates era look peaceful. Even the Falcom prez acknowledged the split in the fanbase in some interview, and how classic and modern fans don't get along. That's how bad it is.

When you want to cut ties with it completely, the best thing to do is to just ignore posts and maybe upvote/downvote when you see posts outside the fanbase you left. Attempting to say anything will just start a war. Even if i know that most likely won't happen in this thread, i don't wanna become too passionate about this again, or risk bringing negativity.

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Morning, y'all!

11 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Ah btw Draggy, since Ufotable were cowards, here's a Badass ending they should've animated but didn't. If Shirou and Rider don't Team up at the end this happens
Sparks Liner High A bad End so badass, it isn't even qualified as a bad end. 

Shirou 1 v 1 Saber


Bad ending my rear end! This is friggin' awesome!

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, gotta bring out the horny bat on this dude.


To be fair to the guy, it is implied that his social skills are exactly zero, and he came to Ruswall specifically to study demons, and Arnice is a half-demon, so she does fall into his field of interest.

Though, then again... he IS rather desperate about making her his assistant, so... yeah, bring out the bat!

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Shrimpy when he sees someone playing Cold Steel and enjoying it.


Also me with Conquest. Or Fates in general. But mostly Conquest. Also Pokémon.
But like Shrimpy said, I also don't want to bring negativity, so I've decided to completely shut up about it.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:


Officer Majima, eh?
Eh, could be worse, perhaps.
Also, he looks like Dynasty Warriors' Xiahou Dun, and that is kind of funny.


Also, I've been playing some Three Houses again, because reasons, picked the Blue Lions, and this is Mercedes currently:

Unironically my best combat unit right now. I guess you could say that there is no "Mercie" for her enemies.

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21 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Hold on, Three Houses has a "Reason" skill? Ho boy.

Reason is just regular anima magic level, just renamed. Similarly, faith is light magic. Dark magic is glorified anima, falls under reason as well.

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So they have rather high requirements to even obtain Reason at all.

No wonder Byleth "Ain't Nepotism a Bitch" Eisner ended up being the teacher of every single important personality in the setting despite them not having any qualifications whatsoever.

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Ghost of Tsushima is a game that was a very pleasant surprise to me. I had only seen information or discussion about it here and there but never followed the hype myself. However, once I dove into the world of Tsushima and experienced Jin's journey, I realized how deserved the hype and praise for it was. In my opinion, this game is a masterpiece in its narrative, its visuals, and its gameplay, among other aspects. Not perfect, of course, but excellent in nearly everything it sets out to do.

Sacrificing Honor for Victory


Something I was very interested to find out is how your actions as the player influence the weather effects. Embrace the Ghost, and storms are a consistent presence to reflect the shadows Jin sticks to when approaching enemies. Embrace honor, and the principle of facing enemies head-on is reflected in the presence of frequent sunny weather and clear skies.

Certainly, Ghost of Tsushima's story is something that would not be at all out of place in a classic samurai film or other work based on feudal Japan. But this is not to say that it feels tired or uninteresting. Where the basis of the plot is somewhat basic, it is in its execution that I find Tsushima excels in offering a very compelling narrative.

Jin Sakai, nephew of samurai Lord Shimura, is quickly given the responsibility of liberating Tsushima Island from the Mongols who have invaded it. While the plot quickly develops into something overall more complex than that, this responsibility is the driving force behind Jin's actions and the source of his inner conflict from beginning to end. Does Jin embrace the "Ghost" persona, adopt the most effective tactics to protect his homeland, and forsake the code of honor that he had trained by for years? Or does he follow the path of the honorable samurai and preserve his principles, but at the expense of his countrymen and women? Although it does not significantly affect the story for the most part, the player is given that choice in how they approach each fight.

But Jin is not alone in his journey. In his travels and through other circumstances, the young samurai meets a variety of interesting people with both colorful and tragic backgrounds, some of which will join him and remain his staunchest allies until he achieves what he is tasked with doing.

And this is one area (among several) where Tsushima gets it right. Jin is indeed the main character and his story is never not the central focus of the game's plot, but other characters (each of whom gets their own chains of story-heavy side-quests) are given sufficient time to develop so the player understands their respective situations and can get emotionally invested in them. Even for the more minor side-quests, this remains true. More often than not, I found myself feeling sympathy or sadness over what had happened to a friend, ally, or even a random citizen of Tsushima because I was personally allowed to see the cause of their pain myself. Tsushima really embraces active storytelling and uses it to great effect.

A Stunning World to Explore


Tsushima is no stranger to bright and vivid scenery like these. The entirety of the island has such a colorful variety of sights to be seen, from the lush grasslands and forests of Izuhara and the wetlands of Toyotama to the snow-capped hills and mountains of Kamiagata.

I don't exaggerate when I say that Tsushima is the most visually impressive, beautiful game that I've played. Even on the base PS4 console, every part of the world is simply gorgeous. The swaying of the plant life in the wind, the rain effects in stormy weather, the radiance of the sun on the horizon - it's a treat for the eyes no matter where you are in the world. Personally, I found Kamiagata to be the most enjoyable to explore as far as the natural scenery is concerned. The wintry weather and the forests of red and white trees really stood out to me.

And the visual quality extends to the buildings and other structures as well. It's no surprise to see that traditional Japanese building styles are implemented throughout the environment, but the level of detail that is featured in every landmark shows the dedication on the developers' part to ensure that Tsushima conveys a Japanese setting in a very realistic way.

The same is very much true for Ghost of Tsushima's audio direction as well. One might call it minimalist, but the music is used brilliantly to accent the intended tone and subject for each scene. Especially in some of the most emotional moments of the game, the music kicks in and places you in the perfect state of mind to experience each part of the story.

One track that really represents what I mean is "The Way of the Ghost" (posted below). In one of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the game, the music and vocals move to the forefront to reinforce the emotion of what has happened. It's fantastic how well that was implemented.

Yet visuals and audio can only carry a game so far, of course, and it is in the quests and random events of Tsushima Island that the bulk of what you'll be doing is found. Once you are given your horse (who you can name based on three choices; I chose "Kage," which means "shadow"), the first section of the world is opened up to you to explore at your leisure. At all times you have your main story goal clearly marked for you (called "Jin's Journey"). And in addition to the main story, you have several side-quests - some involving major story characters and others only minor NPCs - to complete as well, called the "Tales of Tsushima."

There is something to be said for enjoyment overriding how important flaws are for each person playing a game, but it's worth mentioning that this is one of the few gripes that I do have with Ghost of Tsushima, as much as I love most everything else. Tsushima is no exception to how open-world games are usually designed in that certain activities are repeated across multiple side quests, causing the minor side quests to feel a bit samey as a result. But as I mentioned before, when you enjoy a game enough, little things like that don't matter as much. Especially with the tales dedicated to members of the main cast, this matters very little, as the stories their quests tell are so engaging that I found myself immediately moving into the next quest involving them just to see what happens.

Moreover, other things the player can do when traveling through the world are discovering hot springs, fox dens, bamboo strikes - and more - as well as quietly infiltrating Mongol camps (or running in sword-first, if you're so inclined) to liberate each region of the map, or engaging in dramatic duels with other skilled swordsmen and women. This is where Ghost of Tsushima's excellent combat system comes into play.

Living and Dying by the Sword


Falling somewhere in between a more Souls-esque combat system and a pure hack-and-slash, Ghost of Tsushima's combat strikes a perfect balance of being fun to execute, and incredibly satisfying to master.

Not long after the player assumes control of Jin, you're given the katana of the Sakai clan, the weapon you'll wield and improve (by crafting, as you do with your other gear and armor as well) throughout the remainder of the game. You begin with a single stance (style of combat) and a relatively limited moveset. But this is a good decision, in my opinion, as it motivates the player to master the tools they're given early on before advancing and earning new abilities. As you progress, Jin will learn a myriad of different moves that he can perform with his blade and with other items the player unlocks as they go along.

While there are certainly some elements of the combat that push the bounds of realism, there's no denying how good it feels to perfectly parry an enemy's attack and end them in a single stroke of your blade. Or when you break through a shield to slice apart the one holding it through a properly executed combo. Tsushima's combat is powerful and weighty, yet it never loses the grace and speed one would expect from someone who is a seasoned swordsman. Jin is certainly very skilled with a blade, and mastering the combat lets that shine through. Quickly shifting from opponent to opponent while dodging, blocking, and parrying is part of an expertly designed system with a very high skill ceiling. It's easily become my favorite combat in any game I've played.

Of particular note is the beautiful intensity of the one-on-one duels that take place at certain points in the story or in side-quests. These instances remove your access to any other weapons you have apart from your sword. A true test of your skills, I'd say these encounters are some of the best parts of Tsushima. The cinematic flair, the emotion behind many of them, and the pure brutality of it - they get your blood pumping and have you on the edge of your seat, as one mistake can indeed be the difference between life and death.

But the combat is not just limited to swordplay. As part of his Ghost persona, Jin learns to use the shadows and other tactics for his benefit, eventually becoming a skilled assassin. Embracing the Ghost leads him to use tools like archery, smoke bombs, kunai, poison, and other weapons characteristic of the classic ninja to fight the Mongol invaders. In the same way that the traditional sword fighting was endlessly fun to experiment with, Tsushima's stealth mechanics, while perhaps more limited than those found in other games, are very enjoyable to use as well. Like Jin's sword skills, his options to attack from the shadows will only increase as you advance through the game. Chain assassinations, new arrow types, darts that cause enemies to lose their sense and attack each other, etc. The number of choices creates the potential for many gameplay possibilities.

A Lovingly-crafted Masterpiece


I doubt I'll ever tire of seeing scenes like this, both for their aesthetic beauty and for the emotional significance behind them.

Ghost of Tsushima
, if you couldn't tell already, is a game that I love very much. I could go on an on about so much, from the most subtle of details to the most obvious strengths, along with many other reasons why I think it's excellent, but what is most memorable to me is the impression I was left with as I played. If nothing else, I get a very strong sense that the folks over at Sucker Punch thoroughly enjoyed making the game. It's not often that I play something that draws me into its world and characters in such an intense way, but Tsushima did that.

For that alone, I highly recommend Ghost of Tsushima to anyone interested in open-world games, meaningful narratives, action-adventure games, and the like. It's an amazing experience that I will fondly remember as much as I do for games like Trails and Breath of the Wild, and I will likewise look forward to returning to the game in the years to come.

^ Random wall of text and images talking about a game I really love. Read if you want. Or not if you don't.

It's for a blog review on another site, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to post here, since I didn't say much about the game before. I also posted something similar on Backloggd.

17 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm sorry for even bringing it up. Jesus.

Don't be. They're always like that. It's not you.

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