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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This would work... for old archers. But then, how many old archers are there in the series? There's Dayan and... Dayan, actually. Everyone else is a tiny kid or a young adult at most.

Amusingly, remake!Lorenz can count thanks to Generals having bows in the DS games.

Not counting reclassing for obvious reasons.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Amusingly, remake!Lorenz can count thanks to Generals having bows in the DS games.

It's funny how he went from Swords to Bows in three games.

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

That doesn't even go into what went on with AstraZenaca and their conflicting deals leading to them focusing on the UK contract and underdelivering to the EU.

Oh yeah that shitshow.

Weren't there also some cases of AZ basically hiding vaccinations or something?


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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Amusingly, remake!Lorenz can count thanks to Generals having bows in the DS games.

Oh yeah, Lorenz. Can't Lorenz like, use Parthia at base?

...Well, not quite, but I think he might be able to pull it off as a horseman. Either way, guy's an absolute badass.

Speaking of Lorenz, here's an extremely depressing fact: to verify if he could use Parthia at base, I googled him. Google outright refused to give me the right one. I went up to page 5 and it was still Three Houses Lorenz.

Fuck Three Houses, seriously.

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''Need to get hit 6 times by the Cannon before you can advance. You can't kill units from the enemy's other Squad until then''


Time for the outkaga'ing Kaga to start eh?

I mean, it wouldn't be that bad if Morale carries over from chapter to chapter, which means imma need to use those precious healing items before next map because i had to tank a cannon to the face

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30 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

As of now, I am fully vaccinate...and now I feel the need to sleep.


26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, I almost forgot. Gunter's an... interesting case, because in Revelation he just instantly falls off, which even for an old guy is utterly ridiculous. In Birthright he doesn't exist, but then in Conquest he just... sort of powers the fuck up while he's in Valm? I guess it might make sense if I knew anything about Valm other than "plot device place that you cannot mention outside, except you totally can because Azura does it immediately after leaving and doesn't vaporize."

Valm is the name of the second continent in Awakening, the one where you fight the guy that you called Walmart.

The place you’re thinking of is Valla— Wyv9BgD.png

Don’t ask why there’s a watermark, it’s part of the reason why Valla doesn’t like being mentioned

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Don’t ask why there’s a watermark, it’s part of the reason why Valla doesn’t like being mentioned

Azura dissolving in water and you wonder why is there a watermark?

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Valm is the name of the second continent in Awakening, the one where you fight the guy that you called Walmart.




1 minute ago, Sooks said:

The place you’re thinking of is Valla— Wyv9BgD.png

You're just pretending. Azura mentioned the place outside the place and she was fine. Clearly the whole rules nonsense was just a prank.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

"My work here is done."

"But you haven't done anything."


“Also buy Revelation”

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You're just pretending. Azura mentioned the place outside the place and she was fine. Clearly the whole rules nonsense was just a prank.

You reacting to Revelation would be fun.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Oh yeah that shitshow.

Weren't there also some cases of AZ basically hiding vaccinations or something?

I'll go check what was going on in Italy.

It looks like they were confirmed to not be going to the UK, there's been a lot of mistrust throughout though so initial reports got all the rage and clarifications as usual got left behind.

(I'll link a reuters link, unless you want something else)

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Speaking of Lorenz, here's an extremely depressing fact: to verify if he could use Parthia at base, I googled him. Google outright refused to give me the right one. I went up to page 5 and it was still Three Houses Lorenz.

Which is why I don't bother using google for this kind of stuff.

Imagine some Japanese kid using google to find stuff on Corrin only to keep getting SoV Kamui.

Just now, DragonFlames said:

I will say this: his voice actor is great.
In fact, I picture him voicing Miles Edgeworth. It would fit perfectly.

Please don't. I can't agree.

(Funnily, he also voices Caspar.)

Just now, Sooks said:

You reacting to Revelation would be fun.

I can see him hating it's guts even before chapter 17.

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19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Might be a little political, but as much as pro EU as i am, in that case i sometimes wish Germany should've went all in alone (or with France, or other countries willing to pay) and not waiting for the EU to agree on something.

I can see it, sometimes you know what the unequivocal right thing to do is, and you want to get it done fast, but not everyone realizes or accepts (in the case of deniers) it, and so, slowdown when it has ramifications.

I'm all for supranationalism, the nation-state based on one ethnicity was sorta a bad idea in retrospect. It isn't so much your country's moment of nation-statism taken to its most atrocious extreme that is making me think of this right now, as it is Israel. Ironic, the victim of the nation-state becomes a nation-state victimizer.

But alas, supranationalism is less of a practical reality, than a wonderful fantasy. I hope humanity does gradually progress towards that. And then one day after that, proceeds to interplanetarianism, Solar System Alliance forever, down with planetism!


12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Let us know if the microchips start affecting your dreams.

I heard that some anti-vaxxers are starting to mask up now, because they don't want to inhale the microchips we the vaxxed are supposedly exhaling. Yay?


12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

As for the vaccination issues, I will still argue that the handling of supply internationally has been worth being disappointed in and will end up leading to a more likely scenario where a mutant strain breaches the threshold of being immune and thus forcing us beck several steps in dealing with the virus.

Well that is a depressing thought. Bubonic plague first struck in 1347 in Europe, but recurring outbreaks happened until... 1665 for England, Central Europe in 1710, 1721 for France, 1737 for Ukraine, Southern Europe in 1743, Russia in 1791.

Given a globe of 7 billion+ people to spread around and back, maybe if human nature stands in the way, we'll be dealing with this for the rest of our lives.


17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Archer is, oddly enough, another class that they like to use to justify the little kids. Which is a bit weird, because bows aren't exactly easy to use, either. I guess the logic is "they can stay away from the enemy's face, so it suits the little boys who couldn't take a hit"?

Archers, because they don't brawl up close, get branded as "dainty", when they need bulked-up arms for putting plenty o' tension on the bowstring to hurt things. Few game developers have recognized this.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This would work... for old archers. But then, how many old archers are there in the series? There's Dayan and... Dayan, actually. Everyone else is a tiny kid or a young adult at most.

That's why those losers can't shoot further then two tiles.

Also Xavier. A Axes. A Bows.

Edited by BrightBow
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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Archers, because they don't brawl up close, get branded as "dainty", when they need bulked-up arms for putting plenty o' tension on the bowstring to hurt things. Few game developers have recognized this.

If anyone wondered why Warriors got bows... there you go.

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1 minute ago, Dayni said:

Please don't. I can't agree.


1 minute ago, Dayni said:

(Funnily, he also voices Caspar.)

Ayup, he does! And while it is easily recognizable, I think he plays them both pretty well.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well that is a depressing thought. Bubonic plague first struck in 1347 in Europe, but recurring outbreaks happened until... 1665 for England, Central Europe in 1710, 1721 for France, 1737 for Ukraine, Southern Europe in 1743, Russia in 1791.

Given a globe of 7 billion+ people to spread around and back, maybe if human nature stands in the way, we'll be dealing with this for the rest of our lives.

  I think it less human nature and a combination of sheer stubbornness, arrogance and misplaced self-assuredness.

People have shown better natures throughout the pandemic too.

We have been lucky so far that variants haven't proven so yet in fairness.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

I heard that some anti-vaxxers are starting to mask up now, because they don't want to inhale the microchips we the vaxxed are supposedly exhaling. Yay?

Sometimes it works out?

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:


I just don't hear Edgeworth from him, a bit too haughty and I don't think he'd do the OBJECTIONS! justice. (Note: This is me saying I don't want Lorenz's voice as Edgeworth, no reflection on Crispin himself)

Just now, DragonFlames said:

Ayup, he does! And while it is easily recognizable, I think he plays them both pretty well.

I mean, I wouldn't really note black marks on the VAs regardless, but yeah you can tell at times the two are more closely voiced than others.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, how's being the aggressive conqueror now working out for ya?

we still took out a country that was suppossed to be our allies due to a misunderstanding, and then completely eleminated a faction in a civil war. And i doubt the game will end after we take back the capital, it has been only like 10 hours and i doubt the game is that shor.

We'll probably go full Ike on enemy Country next


2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Don't you mean a "Kylier"?
... I'll see myself out.

Ayy our daily Dragon dad pun 😄

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

(I'll link a reuters link, unless you want something else

Reuters works!

There aren't many you can trust more than them.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm all for supranationalism, the nation-state based on one ethnicity was sorta a bad idea in retrospect. It isn't so much your country's moment of nation-statism taken to its most atrocious extreme that is making me think of this right now, as it is Israel. Ironic, the victim of the nation-state becomes a nation-state victimizer.

Oh don't let me start. I don't wanna talk about that topic in this Thread.


4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But alas, supranationalism is less of a practical reality, than a wonderful fantasy. I hope humanity does gradually progress towards that. And then one day after that, proceeds to interplanetarianism, Solar System Alliance forever, down with planetism!

haha! Would be great, wouldn't it?

But i really hope EU grows closer together because, well, lone countries vs. US, China and Russia (among others) is a very very bad idea.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

we still took out a country that was suppossed to be our allies due to a misunderstanding, and then completely eleminated a faction in a civil war. And i doubt the game will end after we take back the capital, it has been only like 10 hours and i doubt the game is that shor.

We'll probably go full Ike on enemy Country next

Oh, not there yet. Ignore what I said then.

I got confused due to that picture with Bly.

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