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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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So I got to the third fight, which wrecked me before, but this time it was really easy. Why? Well the AI for the boss… was just really stupid tbh. It would constantly waste a turn using its weakest attack instead of using AoE on my party all grouped together. So is my luck turning around?

Well I won the boss, so hooray for that. Watch the game crash now.

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As far as stupid AI goes, I think this is my highlight:


When you're trying to Manifest Destiny, but take a REALLY wrong turn at Albuquerque... okay, Peru-Bolivia was my ally, but why did the US bothered to send troops down there? Beats me...

Go home Scott, you're drunk.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Okay! I think that’s chapter 3 completed. The chapter didn’t officially end, but the actual plot of the chapter has come to a close, so if there is any more plot left, that’s probably just a sudden “surprise!” plot point to lead directly into chapter 4, (since every other chapter (except the prologue, I guess) had ended by this point in its story) and as such won’t really be developed enough for me to be very opinionated on it, unless it’s that the entire game has been a dream or something. Although…


considering that every other chapter has ended by the point we get on the airship, and that a cutscene of this was in the teaser at the end of FC, the airship might get attacked and that could lead to chapter 4. Maybe they have to emergency land in Rolent or something, since it’s odd that we’ve been going clockwise around the regions from Ruan, but then we skip Rolent and head to Bose.

So I should be able to give my thoughts on the chapter. Spoiler stuff:


Oh my god. That entire final stretch from Estelle getting the letter to the scene with the Ouroboros members (presumably at their headquarters) was absolutely fantastic. Like I can’t even put into words how wonderful all that was. Especially the plot twist of Renne being an enforcer. It makes so much sense yet I never saw it coming. The entire way it was revealed was wonderful. And we finally learned what Kevin’s deal is, who has been a really intriguing character that gets you hyped whenever he shows up, at least for me. His character itself is just awesome. And then Orseille comes into play and Kevin whips out an artifact and obliterates a gospel with it, and then you fight a tank with the bracer you didn’t pick and playable Julia, and then Renne is revealed to be an enforcer and flys away on her robot while hinting about Joshua, and then Loewe gets some surprising development in an Ouroboros scene and then it’s revealed that their new plan is to recruit Estelle into the society. Absolutely wonderful. Easily the best chapter story wise so far, it only comes close to the very end of FC, but even then that’s only three scenes in a chapter. So good.

I hope Estelle is actually able to “rescue” Rene from the society, that would be a very interesting plot line, I feel like. This Ouroboros revelation also means I was half right about her parents being behind the threatening letters.

For anyone not reading the spoilers, all you need to know is that chapter 3’s story is fantastic, absolutely wonderful, easily the best chapter so far, and also I love Kevin (character wise).

Gameplay wise, the core chapter gameplay was the same as 2’s, which is to say excellent. I don’t know if it was just me but the optional side quest bosses seemed to be really good this chapter, better than usual. However… that final stretch. It’s the reason I’m singing chapter 3’s praises so much in the story, the entire section was done masterfully but the gameplay just… wasn’t. They decided to prohibit you from buying any EP restoring or reviving items, and limiting your healing choices to two very bad meals, right before the final stretch of the game, and then they made the boss a tank who also happens to be an HP sponge that is effectively immune to physical attacks, so arts are really  your only option. You know, the attacks that drain EP… in the section of the game where you can’t buy EP charges. That’s a reset if you don’t have a minimum of 10 right there. They also sandwiched this fight in between two others, and while the first one is very easy, 2 and 3 are both proper boss fights so if you pulled out all the stops for the tank that wrecks your team and you can only damage hundreds of HP at a time (23000 HP btw), well, enjoy resetting again, since there’s no way you didn’t burn through all your items and 3 will take a bit of work. A warning would have been nice, I guess. As far as units, Agate is Agate, really just the same as the first game, although his CP restoring craft + tearal is insanely broken. Was that on the first game? I don’t remember it. Kevin is… interesting. His S-craft is wonderful, but other than that he has mediocre stats and crafts so… I’m not really sure what you’re supposed to do with him. And finally,


playable Julia was just really nice to have, I was incredibly hype when I saw that (especially since it was in the middle of this chapter’s great climax). The actual battles you get her for are… very limiting (if you have Agate here, she will do nothing but spam dark matter), so I didn’t really get to get an actual feel for her, but she seemed good. I hope she joins for real though realistically I would just bench her, but it’s hard to imagine plot justification for that outside of the very end of the game when we’re presumably saving the world or something.

I would also just like to mention the series of unfortunate events that occurred during my attempts at the boss fights in case anyone missed them (which I am not blaming the game for, just recounting). Two separate times after making considerable progress against the HP sponge (it was on 3000 HP one of those times), I accidentally closed the game, and what’s looking like a bug killed me in a different attempt. The tank’s explosion when you defeat it damaged my party in my second attempt where I beat it, but didn’t in the third (when my party members were right next to it) and iirc the first, and this damage liked my last party members, but dying after I had killed the last enemy didn’t trigger a game over, instead the game acted like I had won and took me to the next battle, but because all my party members were dead I would automatically get a game over after the enemy’s first action, and I could only retry the battle (which would just be me watching myself lose instantly again) or return to the title screen… and do the past two fights again.

Overall feelings on the chapter are conflicting, since the story was magnificent and the final stretch of gameplay was anything but.

But there was more Kevin. And that’s always good for a chapter.

(For the re-record I would have posted a different theme here, but there’s a part in game at least where the Silver Will motif takes over the song and it sounds really nice, but the version uploaded to YouTube doesn’t have that, so I will settle for this)

Normally this is where I would post a screenshot of the chapter end screen, but I didn’t get to the official end of the chapter since it’s 2:30 in the morning and there’s still a side quest left so just… pretend it’s here.

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Now watch as you run Spain into the ground.

Already did once, in Civ VI.

...Well actually, I tried to do a religious victory and failed miserably, so I steered into a democratic victory and won because the AI is extremely stupid.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Classic Ys sure but modern Ys does not seem fun with mouse+keyboard.

You underestimate my power.

7 hours ago, Maof06 said:

Why the hack creator thought it was a good idea to keep things this way?

Because he made his hack on FE7, not 8. There's a lot less fancy stuff in 7, so he had to make do with what he had.

That being said, the part you can absolutely hold against him is that he made supports slow. If you're going to be stuck with vanilla GBAFE supports, at least make them really fast. But no, they're roughly the same speed as vanilla supports. Quite annoying.


Literally every game

Every official game. In hacks, it's really common for knights to see their movement improved. For good reason, too. Armors aren't nearly so amazing that they need to have their movement nerfed like that.


Even fighting games?

I don't like fighting games. But I've managed just fine every time I've played one.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:


Don't listen to Sooks, Armagon. Do not get my favorite character, Onef, killed. It would be a very bad idea for you to do such a thing.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Saint Rubenio is this you?



Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

They decided to prohibit you from buying any EP restoring or reviving items

Just saying, be prepared next time when the game tells you you won't be able to buy anything.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Kevin is… interesting. His S-craft is wonderful, but other than that he has mediocre stats and crafts so… I’m not really sure what you’re supposed to do with him

Full support. He is insanely awesome as support

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16 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

@DragonFlames I spotted something you might like (Spoiler for a boss in Ys 9)

  Reveal hidden contents


Dunno how either xD

*extremely happy Draggy noises*

Also, thank you for the Giasburn pics, but my hype levels tell me to stick with Hinako for now. xD
Will use him as my pfp sometime, though!

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Trails villains when you beat them be like


This is why Ouroboros sucks ass and is a blight on the story of Trails... along with practically everything else about them.

I want this to happen to every single one of them.


Anyway, don't wanna make more enemies by ranting on an aspect of Trails that I didn't like again.
Instead, let's focus on something I DID like in Ys 8 when I continued that for a bit yesterday:

The game really DID go all Walking With Dinosaurs on me. xD
Also, Laxia finally identified a sauropod correctly! Makes me wonder why they called that short-necked fossil one, but I digress.
Also, also, sauropod Spinosaurus. Because why not?
Thankfully, they don't attack you unless you attack them first. This area gave me Final Fantasy XII flashbacks. xD
This particular creature is level 80... I am skirting around the level 38 range, so... I do NOT want to mess with that! xD
Also, why would I attack completely docile creatures? That is not the Draggy way.

And then there was a scene where the group talked about family, and my ice cold heart felt a tinge of warmth.

Also, Hummel is actually not an edgelord. He's just a bit quiet. Like me irl. But actually a nice guy. Unlike me.

I hereby regret calling him Not-Rean. That black-hole-bastard cannot even HOPE to compare to him.


Sahad, you make fart jokes. That alone is enough. xD

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So I've been playing Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon. I always enjoyed Metroidvanias more than classic Castlevanias, so while I'm liking it well enough... well, that's about it, honestly. I'm not loving it like I loved Ritual of the Moon. But that's okay. Different strokes for different folks, and all.

The sequel is a bit more interesting, though. It has a co-op mode, and now that things are calming down with the virus, I can finally hang out with my friend again. We had tons of fun with Shovel Knight, and while this is no Shovel Knight, I'm sure it'd be fun, too.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Anyways here's one for the Fate fans here


Books of Babylon!

8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

*extremely happy Draggy noises*


What made it even better is that the music mod i am using played Deadly Temptation for that battle.

Also he is much much much much much stronger now. Like holy. Compare him more to Giasburn in Ys 8. Took me like 5 hours to defeat (on Inferno mind you)

11 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Makes me wonder why they called that short-necked fossil one, but I digress

Shrimpy theory: Laxia is still a noob researcher and thus doesn't get everything right.

12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And then there was a scene where the group talked about family, and my ice cold heart felt a tinge of warmth.

This is something Ys 8 does really well imo. The sense of togetherness and family among the party & the village with all of them growing together and becoming close is 👌

13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, Hummel is actually not an edgelord. He's just a bit quiet. Like me irl. But actually a nice guy.


Wait until you get his quest

14 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Unlike me

Shush you. You are nice!

14 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Sahad, you make fart jokes.

Worst part of the game tbh xD

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34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Books of Babylon!

Fun fact: that is Sophie's special in Warriors All-Stars.
And it's one of the best special attacks in the entire game, too. xD

This character got me into Atelier.
Also, the enemies she's fighting here never appear in Warriors All-Stars at all. I dunno why. xD

Also, also, the attack looks a lot less impressive here, but in the game itself, it just annihilates everything, comes out ridiculously fast, and has ridiculously long range.
In other words, Sophie OP.

34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also he is much much much much much stronger now. Like holy. Compare him more to Giasburn in Ys 8. Took me like 5 hours to defeat (on Inferno mind you)

Oh wow!
My boy grew up! *sniff* I'm so proud!

34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Shrimpy theory: Laxia is still a noob researcher and thus doesn't get everything right.

Makes sense to me!

34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

This is something Ys 8 does really well imo. The sense of togetherness and family among the party & the village with all of them growing together and becoming close is 👌

Yeah, definitely! ^^

34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Wait until you get his quest


34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Shush you. You are nice!


34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Worst part of the game tbh xD

Luckily, they are few and far between, but yeah. XD

Edited by DragonFlames
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6 hours ago, ♠Soul♠ said:

Somebody tell Zan Partizanne to actitivate her comment section.

How do I make a status?

I know I replied on them, but I think I never created one.

Never bothered with that, and I also would prefer PMs instead of that, but it's not that I would totally decline the other way.

5 hours ago, ♠Soul♠ said:

is okay just put them on Youtube. Might be nice.

I suggest you put them up as individual chapters, that way it's easier to make them apart.

They're up on YT now.

Also I can't edit streams on YT, so I can't separate them into chapters.

And I don't plan to make an own stream for all 44 maps.



This is what I'm going to do for the rest of my day:

Ys Origin OST extended - Scarlet Tempest - YouTube

(besides playing this game)

Edited by Zan Partizanne
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A freakish tornado warning interrupts my sleep (it's well over now). I'm not used to this, it's the first I've had in a decade, very possibly two.

I don't think I can fall back asleep now, at least I got a few hours of snooze, unlike my one dog who I'm told has been acting crazy for the past few hours. Midsummer thunderstorms in the past few days have turned them into nervous wrecks, to the point of trying to jump into a bathtub.

The sun is starting to rise now, but the wind and rain are bad enough I don't want to resume MP1 at this moment. Samus has come this far, I don't want her to meet a terrible end at outage-induced data corruption.

That despite having full endgame powers with no real chance of any enemy actually being able to kill me, I want to play MP in broad daylight, says something about how utterly cowardly I am, a pinch of good atmosphere is enough.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

so I steered into a democratic victory and won because the AI is extremely stupid.

You're not exactly wrong, the consensus of the learned is that Civ 6's gameplay mechanics have been too numerous and complicated for the AI to handle, and that the AI on the whole apart from that is still horrendous.

I still like the game, despite its FE Awakening-esque problems of "content galore, but sloppy handling of it", as it has introduced me to the 4X genre as a whole. I play Civ 6 less for challenge, and more for something relaxing.

If you wanted a threat, I've been told by many elitists that Civ 4 is the last one with good AI. -In part because the developers officially integrated a fan-made AI mod. But, the game looks too dated to play for me.


29 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, the enemies she's fighting here never appear in Warriors All-Stars at all. I dunno why. xD

Assuming the video was put out pre-final release, that could be the answer. Sometimes, last-minute changes happen, or, the developers make changes for footage for its own sake. I remember one video of SSB Melee that added a platform to the Temple stage that doesn't exist in the final product. There were some early videos of Xenoblade Chronicles X that showed a named monster that doesn't physically exist in the final game at all.

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33 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

they look like zelda chickens xD

They kinda do, don't they?
Those are actually ghosts! In Atelier Sophie itself, it's a bit more clear, haha!

29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Assuming the video was put out pre-final release, that could be the answer. Sometimes, last-minute changes happen, or, the developers make changes for footage for its own sake. I remember one video of SSB Melee that added a platform to the Temple stage that doesn't exist in the final product. There were some early videos of Xenoblade Chronicles X that showed a named monster that doesn't physically exist in the final game at all.

I see! Yeah, that makes sense.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Listen to Sooks, Armagon. Do get my favorite character, Onef, killed. It would be a very good idea for you to do such a thing.

Ok Ruben.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

This particular creature is level 80... I am skirting around the level 38 range, so... I do NOT want to mess with that! xD

If it were me, I simply would win by not getting hit.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The sequel is a bit more interesting, though. It has a co-op mode, and now that things are calming down with the virus, I can finally hang out with my friend again. We had tons of fun with Shovel Knight, and while this is no Shovel Knight, I'm sure it'd be fun, too.

Yeah, CotM 2 is hilarious with friends.

Although the game does have a level repetition problem so idk how far multiplayer will take you on that front.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok Ruben.


8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, CotM 2 is hilarious with friends.

Although the game does have a level repetition problem so idk how far multiplayer will take you on that front.

Well, it'll be good for a day or two, hopefully. And if not, I've got a couple Mario Parties set up in my completely legal, entirely regular Gamecube.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, it'll be good for a day or two, hopefully. And if not, I've got a couple Mario Parties set up in my completely legal, entirely regular Gamecube.

Tbf, if you already own the game, emulating is legal, isnt it?

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6 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Tbf, if you already own the game, emulating is legal, isnt it?

I suppose so, yes. Except the only Mario Party I own is Super, but shhhhhhh

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I suppose so, yes. Except the only Mario Party I own is Super, but shhhhhhh

Hmmmmm, i see. That's quite the conundrum, now isn't it? 

Naughty boy, Ruben!

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Hmmmmm, i see. That's quite the conundrum, now isn't it? 

Naughty boy, Ruben!

My copies are legal. They're so legal, they could become a lawyer. I have done nothing wrong!

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So can we talk about how hard they went for the Prime Trilogy title theme? It does replace the individual title themes of the Prime games, which is a bit of a bummer since I took a listen to the Prime 2 title theme and it's pretty great but the Trilogy title theme is good enough that I'm ok with it replacing the other ones.

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10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I can't imagine motion controls making those games easy to play. Motion controls =ewwwwww.

You'd be surprised. Game controls pretty smoothly once you get used to it.

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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Just saying, be prepared next time when the game tells you you won't be able to buy anything.

I… don’t remember the game actually telling me that.

4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Full support. He is insanely awesome as support


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