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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Walter or Zin? I don’t remember Zin having a buff… but I also only used him for 1 battle in this game (I think) and only because I had to, so what do I know?


if he doesn't have it yet he will learn it pretty soon. It's a self 60% Str/def buff

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I have never given up this hard on math homework as i have today. 

I actually just don't give a shit anymore, i'll take the fucking 60% on today's math homework. Who gives a shit, math is cringe and is everything wrong with the world.

45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Three people have been plopping him around? I'll designate Ruben as Id, sorry Sooks but you get stuck with "The Coward", and because bias I'll give Armagon the Fei known as "Fei".😜 I reserve the fourth-barely-exists personality for myself.

The bolded parts work, since Ruben and I are in a constant clash.

36 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I have to take Zin with me? Oh boy, two dead weights on the team instead of one! Unless they actually make Walter able to be damaged by physical attacks, which they should, but I’m skeptical.


>Dead weight


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30 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


if he doesn't have it yet he will learn it pretty soon. It's a self 60% Str/def buff

That craft literally breaks some battles, its funny to see the enemies scratch him!

Edit: without having to look, i think its distend? Composure is the healing one I think. Correct me if im wrong.

Edited by lightcosmo
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Over here it's Blind Mouse, more closer to Latin and somewhat derivative evolving into what is now Murciélago. Forget French, what's up with English though, amirite.

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41 minutes ago, Armagon said:


>Dead weight


I thought I made it clear but I was talking about if they make everything in the fight practically immune to physical attacks like they did in the Blueblanc fight. I’ve never actually used Zin, but arts seem to be rapidly outclassing physical attacks like they were balanced to begin with, so we’ll see. It’s the reason Estelle did practically nothing in the Blueblanc fight, after all.

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14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:




Treasure count should've been 69.

Just now, Sooks said:

I thought I made it clear but I was talking about if they make everything in the fight practically immune to physical attacks like they did in the Blueblanc fight. I’ve never actually used Zin, but arts seem to be rapidly outclassing physical attacks, so we’ll see. It’s the reason Estelle did practically nothing in the Blueblanc fight.

I don't recall the Blueblanc being bad for physical attackers.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Oh yes, they did. That's why games like PxZ are so great.

I got a Video Not Available.

This one works for me. A little too quiet on the volume side, though.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't recall the Blueblanc being bad for physical attackers.

I wish I was unable to recall Blueblanc.

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Ayy, congrats @Shrimperor!
Can't wait to hear your full thoughts on the game! ^^

Meanwhile, I made a bunch of progress in Ys 8, got a new skill on best girl, called "Dragon Wave" (goddamnit, Dana, why are you so awesome?), and saw some awesome and sweet stuff, as well!
For example, one of the villagers had a baby, which Adol is now the godfather of (I called him "Luke"), and even my heart felt fuzzy after that whole scene, especially since literally minutes before birth, I finally managed to find Alison's husband!

After the baby was born, Ricotta, the youngest member of the playable party, had this to say:

After that, I was tasked with investigating a ghost ship belonging to a pirate who died over 100 years ago.
One of my favorite parts of the game so far! Especially the plot twist surrounding the pirate's captain! Also the boss fight was neat! A bit easy, but still! The design was amazing!

And then, I once again got to do a portion of Dana's side of the story, which is always nice!
Especially with some backstory details that got unveiled, about some person named Urianus!
They put that "i" in there on purpose, just so people cannot make the obvious joke. Not that someone with a sense of humor as mature and refined as my own would ever resort to that kind of thing. *cough* Never, I tell you!

Also, I did a quest for Ricotta's adoptive dad, after which I got a scene that I couldn't help but feel like this is Falcom trolling themselves:aaR3kn2.jpg

Adol had someone he was interested in, the only one to make him say a line of dialogue in Ys 2 (possibly the most significant line of dialogue for his character in that regard, even if it was just her name). But she is now a rock.
Ngl, after seeing Ys 1 and 2, my headcanon is that he still loves Feena, and that is why he never reacts much to the affections of the other ladies he meets. Maybe him traveling at all is a result of his heart being broken by Feena's.... y'know. Being a rock and stuff.
... aaaaand I just made myself feel bad for the guy.

Though I think I should stop just randomly pulling this kinda crap out my butt before I really make the Ys veterans among you mad at me. xD


Also, good morning, everyone! ^^

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Listen to this while you're walking through a lonely part of town at night.
Or a cemetary.


Jokes aside, this is the perfect music for an area such as a ghost ship.
On that note, Okami had a ghost ship, too. Which also happened to be one of my favorite areas in that game.

And while we're on the subject of Okami... have some bonus music from one of the most beautiful games that I have ever played:

This final battle theme is preceded by a scene that... certainly got me emotional. Not outright crying, but close.
I don't often say this so directly, as I am always cautious about recommending games, but do yourselves a favor and play this.

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It was a good idea to wait on the Lonely Mirror. It took him a couple of days, but the creator fixed the problem I was having. Excellent, now I can continue without regrets.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ruben when an RPG


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Ruben when


8 hours ago, Armagon said:



This is the funniest shit.

Goddamn you, guys.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

You can tell Omori is about depression cause the girl in the top left corner there is about to cry.

Actually, she's just enraged. It's a bit different.

...There is, however, a depression status in the game. It raises your defense way high, but it lowers your attack to peanuts. Unironically, the emotions system in Omori is one of the things that made me actually enjoy the combat. It's so unique.

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

He must really hate the RPG that is life. But then, don't we all.

It's so boring and unbalanced.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

But can I yell at Earth and tell it to get its stuff together?

Well... No, but you can yell at the Earth until you make it angry.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nice to see Fei in anguish so much. It suits him, given it took until like 2 hours from the end to finally pull himself together. Three people have been plopping him around? I'll designate Ruben as Id, sorry Sooks but you get stuck with "The Coward", and because bias I'll give Armagon the Fei known as "Fei".😜 I reserve the fourth-barely-exists personality for myself.

How dare you make me Id.

...Whatever that means.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

The bolded parts work, since Ruben and I are in a constant clash.

What are you even talking about!?

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

If it hurts you, Ruben will die when he sees this.

I am currently dead.

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Morning! Didn't expect to wake up this early after falling asleep so late. 🥱 What was XCX doing in my dreams, and why did L backstab everyone?

Science factoid of the day, mentioned b/c Ys VIII is being mentioned. On this day in 2011, scientists discovered the remnants of the world's "youngest" known dinosaur. A horn belonging to a triceratops, dated to have lived somewhere between 2000-10000 years prior to the meteor strike that drove the dinosaurs extinct 65 million years ago.


4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Ys 9 was fun. Will talk about it later. 8/10

8.10 isn't bad at all, but I feel sorry it's a step back for you after the almost-10/10 Ys VIII.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What are you even talking about!?

It's complicated, because Fei Fong Wong, the person whose image you meme'd, is a complicated mess of Freudian and Jungian psychology as creatively interpreted by a Japanese man in the late 1990s.

But, because Xenogears would totally not be your thing at all, I'll try to summarize the important stuff. Fei has Dissociative Identity Disorder, stemming from trauma incurred when he was 4 years of age, the result of him being blessed and cursed with the most special powers on the planet. "The Coward", Id, and "Fei" are the three dissociative personalities. Id doesn't like "Fei" having control over their body, but "Fei" is unconsciously able to suppress Id, barring brief moments in intense situations. In the end, "Fei" unifies his broken psyche and dissolves the other two.


2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

This final battle theme is preceded by a scene that... certainly got me emotional. Not outright crying, but close.
I don't often say this so directly, as I am always cautious about recommending games, but do yourselves a favor and play this.

Okami is good. Not perfect to me, but still a nice game in need of a sequel, how long are Waka and Amaterasu going to be left hanging on the Celestial Plains? That so-so Okamiden suggested something must be amiss up there. I don't care so much about any faults 'den may have if it made room for a sequel for Ammy. Act on it Capcom!

Athough, in retrospect, I can see why reviewers criticized the combat as breaking the immersion. I get the smoke from a spiritual plane transcendence perspective, but using that as the limiter on the fight arenas yanks you out of the watercolor world. I'm not sure I'd like flipping it to Zelda no-fight-ring, but how to make limitations on the fight zone less distracting?

  • A simple electric force field made of a few thin pillars arranged in a circle, sounds like it wouldn't be good either.
  • Although perhaps the pillars could work with a color filter that turns the entire area "hellish" shades until the fight is over.
    • But is recoloring the world too much technical work to be done?
  • Perhaps ditch the premise of visible boundaries, barring fights you cannot run from, but keep the invisible boundaries still.
    • Place a mini-map in the lower left corner that shows with definition the boundaries of the battle arena, which does undergo the hellish color change.
      • A green circle indicates the main fight zone.
      • Yellow is a sizable boundary zone where you can fight, but you're at the outer limits and approaching the white
      • If the white is if crossed into, it means you flee from battle. 
      • Toss in a force field crystal or something else to break, and which can't be readily broken accidentally, as a second precaution against accidental fleeing. It should be readily visible in combat, but not actually big.

Also, I thought the final fight was something of an HP sponge. Not like it sinks the game for me or anything. A certain fight against a clockwork demon was the last great fight in the game, I don't care if it was easy (which is a problem with the combat as a whole- but rather too easy than too hard for me). The final boss does have some good artwork though, and the concept behind it was very simple, but visually well-executed.

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