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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That we're still here is nothing short of a miracle.

That is true, considering everything!

12 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

24 is the oldest we saw him yet

Whoops! xD

12 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

So 92 more games to go xD

Yay! XD

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Would be pretty great although i would hope it's well received. 

According to Shirmpy, Origins caused a bit of an outrage when everyone's favorite redhead wasn't around.

I shall add this to my ever-growing list of possibly weird opinions:
Yunica > Adol

And I don't mind him not being in the game, considering it takes place, like 700 years before his time. It wouldn't make a lick of sense for him to be in the story.
Also, he's selectable in the boss rush.

Origin's weakpoints to me are Hugo (because f*** Hugo), and the Fact family coming scarily close to being akin to a black hole in terms of story importance... actually, scratch that. They ARE a black hole.
I know, context with the rest of the series and all, but would it have killed Falcom to give at least SOME importance to the other Saint families beyond "yeah, they existed" and "yeah, one of their members has a route, but it's non-canon, lol"?

Edited by DragonFlames
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Yunica > Adol

One of the points Origin made become my first finished Ys game.

Though in general the soundtrack of the older Ys games is so much MUCH better than the latest ones. 


I started a bit Oath of Felghana yesterday, and gameplaywise this one feels similar to Origin which is definitely good.

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3 minutes ago, Zan Partizanne said:

I started a bit Oath of Felghana yesterday, and gameplaywise this one feels similar to Origin which is definitely good.

I think Orign, Oath, and VI were built upon the same base, which might be why it feels that way.
Looking at the games being played, they did look quite similar, as well.

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2 minutes ago, Zan Partizanne said:

I have not played Hugo's route, but I couldn't see any disgust to him by playing Yunica's story.

Me either.
But then I watched his route. Ugh. XD

2 minutes ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Well, mid day break is over already, so bye bye.

See ya! ^^

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18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I think Orign, Oath, and VI were built upon the same base, which might be why it feels that way.

yes they were

Ys 6 was the 'revival' of the series, and where they started remaking and 'canonizing' the games.

Every game that came after is canon

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't think there's that many Vandal Hearts out there, so unless you were referring to TRS or just misread the name...

Fair point!

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Lonely Mirror has now done Thracia's chapter 20 but better, because even though everyone was scattered, they all had the opportunity to do things, unlike in the Thracian chapter where half the army just spends the whole map playing catch-up. Not bad.

And now, it's time to bench all the women so I can recruit funny general woman. The game doesn't really give you clues, as far as I noticed (beyond her obsession with men making you go "hey maybe I should send only men after her", I guess), but the bastard is literally invincible, so I won't take any chances. And hey, on the bright side, this way I don't have to despair over who to bench so I can make room for the thief. Thankfully both thieves are male... Still fucking sucks, because...

Oh my God I just realized I only have four male units on the main team apart from the lord. Holy shit, this is going to be horrible...

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although the Cardinal of the avant garde (who ends up being surprisingly serious later) didn't transfer well aesthetically to PxZ.

I do think it does a good job of keeping true to the artstyle at least. Like, PxZ's artstyle has a pretty good way of representing the original artstyles. You can tell who comes from a realistic-looking game vs who doesn't.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The original mission in Resonance of Fate was the kind old lady Cardinal asking the three heroes to hand out presents to the children. It adapts the normal combat system of the game for doing so, as shown here.:

This is the funniest shit.

Btw, in case you're wondering, Leanne is not present during the Christmas chapter of PxZ2, as she went with the other group to convince the Cardinal to give them the metals they need.

....said metals ended up being gold and silver statues of Leanne, to which Leanne remarks "they made more of them?!"

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I shall add this to my ever-growing list of possibly weird opinions:
Yunica > Adol

Ngl, from my limited experience, i kinda agree.

Mainly because there really is no reason why Adol doesn't talk (i know he "canonically" does but like you know what i mean). Like i know much like Link, it's tradition at this point, but i do think Adol should actually talk.

I also think Link should talk and it's hilarious how Nintendo goes to great lengths to make sure he doesn't. At least Samus has the excuse of not having anyone to talk to on most of her missions because she is 100% solo and the few times she does have someone to talk to, she'll actually talk to them. And then there's Other M.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's past noon where I live lol

But hey, better late than never, as they say.

Silly Ruben. EST is the only time-zone that matters.

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Wow, someone posted in a seven year old topic of Chiki.

I think only hardcore members like me and maybe Acacia remember "that" person.

This topic is about as old as me in this forum.


Anyways time to continue Felghana.

Edited by Zan Partizanne
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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Don't speak the forbidden taboo!

One day I will play this game. One day, I will see if it's actually as bad as people say it is.

I mean, I know the narrative is ass but I wanna play the game for myself.

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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Silly Ruben. EST is the only time-zone that matters.


15 minutes ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Wow, someone posted in a seven year old topic of Chiki.

I think only hardcore members like me and maybe Acacia remember "that" person.

This topic is about as old as me in this forum.

It is always a weird feeling when someone necroposts a thread. It feels like they opened a time capsule.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

One day I will play this game. One day, I will see if it's actually as bad as people say it is.

I mean, I know the narrative is ass but I wanna play the game for myself.

Yikes... i'll pray for your sanity! 

i know it has a few locks where you can't advance in the game, which is too bad. XD

edit: one example door bug

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

always a weird feeling when someone necroposts a thread. It feels like they opened a time capsule.

The Internet is honestly like, a continuous time capsule. And while you can see some of that right now, I don't think enough people have grasped how relatively young the Internet is.

It's gonna be really interesting to see the digital landscape in a few decades.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Yikes... i'll pray for your sanity! 

I mean, I already have the unpopular opinion of saying Super Metroid is the weakest of the 2D Metroids so.....who knows.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

know it has a few locks where you can't advance in the game, which is too bad. XD

Wait, are there like legitimate softlocks?

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I edited my post to show you what i mean, but yeah.

Oooh yeah, that's pretty bad.

But thankfully, since Wii saves are saved to the SD card, I can just download a save to fix it should that ever happen to me. I did this in Radiant Dawn when promoting characters would sometimes crash the game.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Oooh yeah, that's pretty bad.

But thankfully, since Wii saves are saved to the SD card, I can just download a save to fix it should that ever happen to me. I did this in Radiant Dawn when promoting characters would sometimes crash the game.

It made me laugh when i seen it the first time. XD

Yeah, there are ways around it, but if you don't know about it beforehand, there isn't much you can do to avoid it. Like... if you get stuck and then save and don't realise theres a fix... well... oops.

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