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So after reading about how busted this "Hypermode" is, I think Prime 3 Veteran is gonna be the way to go.

That and reading how Prime 3 Normal is too easy.

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14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The only one I can think of is Banner Saga. Except for a handful of battles, the game lets you keep going even if you lose, though usually there are consequences for it.

There’s more than one? I thought it was just the finale in the first game. Though I think I saw someone saying that the battle right before Nikels does his thing has to be won as well.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Do a run where you purposely lose each time and see how many you have left.

How many what you have left?

Edited by Sooks
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@Shrimperor, I wish you all the world's enjoyment in your travels, and I hope you'll stay safe, friend!

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

7dsuiff2 o

If he was depicted as being 28 and not 280, I would have had to sue the creator of this for putting me in the game without my knowledge. They even made him a fire dragon.

In any case, I have had an unfortunate encounter yesterday.
Or rather, someone whom I thought I had removed from my life decided to intrude again. I got an e-mail from someone I have not talked to in six years now, someone I once called a friend. Best friend, even.
But we had a falling out, and, well, we haven't spoken to each other ever since. I don't know what prompted them to message me yesterday, and honestly, I do not really want to know. Their message wasn't exactly apologetic, either, which caused some rather... unpleasant feelings of years of being taken for granted, feeling used, doing favor after favor after favor only to get no thanks for them, instead, the only thing I got were even more favors, sometimes even those that went past what I was really comfortable with, and favors I asked of my own were either met with complete silence or increasingly flimsy excuses for why that person could not follow through.
Now, I am really not someone who only does things for others for rewards. I really am not.
But would a simple show of gratitude and the really have been so much to ask?

I really do not know why I put up with that person for that long, and I probably should have ended the friendship much sooner than I ended up doing. But at some point, I just could not put up with it anymore. I felt like I was being taken advantage of, neither my health or well-being was of any concern. I was just there to do stuff for that person, whether or not I was actually willing or capable of doing it did not matter. In fact, I was being coerced into doing it regardless. And when I really said no, that person would actively get pissed off at me. And that was finally the point where I told that person to their face all they had put me through, and ended the friendship right then and there.

I was stupid, in retrospect. Stupid for not ending the friendship sooner, but I am also the kind of person who, despite all cynicism, longs for friendly contact with others. I want friends, and so I might sometimes get a bit desperate in my attempts at keeping them, no matter the damage to myself.
But I also remember that this was the incident that made me not want any friends anymore. I've been stepped on one time too many... at least that's how I thought back then. It's a little better now, but the anxiety of making friends, and it turning out the same way as all my other "friendships" (either people pretending to be friends so they could shame me in front of the entire class, or, well... this) did is still lingering in the back of my mind.
Sorry to vent about this all of a sudden.
I... really don't know why I burden you guys with this kind of crap.

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In this chapter, we're defending Eliwood from Bern's invasion. This chapter's theme is sons of FE7 characters.

Here we have Harken and Isadora's son. Eugh. Must've taken after his mom... Guy can't even double mages.

This is Erik's son. He breaks the family tradition of being treacherous assholes by not being a treacherous asshole, and instead being very recruitable. I like his portrait.

This is the son of Desmond. He's--

...You know, it'd be really funny if I killed him here. Roy finishes suppressing the revolt at Ostia and then he just receives a letter from his dad saying "hey there sonny boy, the King of Bern came to Pherae and then an army led by your auntie Lyn's daughter came out of nowhere and killed him. Sooo uhhh yeah, war's over, come home, I'll have Lowen prepare some cookies."

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

There’s more than one? I thought it was just the finale in the first game. Though I think I saw someone saying that the battle right before Nikels does his thing has to be won as well.

Yeah, that one too. There's also one battle that you can do at Bindal that you absolutely have to win, though that one is optional. Those three are the ones I know of, though I believe there may be a couple more. Still, pretty good effort, considering the friggin' final battle isn't among them.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

If he was depicted as being 28 and not 280,

Actually, he's probably more like 1 month old. He's a defective war dragon. Defective as in, he developed emotions and refused to kill innocents. I don't think war dragons are too old, considering it's implied Idoun just shits them out on demand.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

I would have had to sue the creator of this for putting me in the game without my knowledge. They even made him a fire dragon.


1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

In any case, I have had an unfortunate encounter yesterday.
Or rather, someone whom I thought I had removed from my life decided to intrude again. I got an e-mail from someone I have not talked to in six years now, someone I once called a friend. Best friend, even.
But we had a falling out, and, well, we haven't spoken to each other ever since. I don't know what prompted them to message me yesterday, and honestly, I do not really want to know. Their message wasn't exactly apologetic, either, which caused some rather... unpleasant feelings of years of being taken for granted, feeling used, doing favor after favor after favor only to get no thanks for them, instead, the only thing I got were even more favors, sometimes even those that went past what I was really comfortable with, and favors I asked of my own were either met with complete silence or increasingly flimsy excuses for why that person could not follow through.
Now, I am really not someone who only does things for others for rewards. I really am not.
But would a simple show of gratitude and the really have been so much to ask?

I really do not know why I put up with that person for that long, and I probably should have ended the friendship much sooner than I ended up doing. But at some point, I just could not put up with it anymore. I felt like I was being taken advantage of, neither my health or well-being was of any concern. I was just there to do stuff for that person, whether or not I was actually willing or capable of doing it did not matter. In fact, I was being coerced into doing it regardless. And when I really said no, that person would actively get pissed off at me. And that was finally the point where I told that person to their face all they had put me through, and ended the friendship right then and there.

I was stupid, in retrospect. Stupid for not ending the friendship sooner, but I am also the kind of person who, despite all cynicism, longs for friendly contact with others. I want friends, and so I might sometimes get a bit desperate in my attempts at keeping them, no matter the damage to myself.
But I also remember that this was the incident that made me not want any friends anymore. I've been stepped on one time too many... at least that's how I thought back then. It's a little better now, but the anxiety of making friends, and it turning out the same way as all my other "friendships" (either people pretending to be friends so they could shame me in front of the entire class, or, well... this) did is still lingering in the back of my mind.

I know the feeling. I've had a friend like this, too. Ended up cutting all ties after high school. No real fallout, I just stopped contacting him. It's the best thing you can do with people like this. If they show no signs of trying to make amends and is merely asking for favors, my advice would be to just ignore them. It's not worth it.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Sorry to vent about this all of a sudden.
I... really don't know why I burden you guys with this kind of crap.

Hey, don't worry about it. I don't think anybody minds.

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I finished the second dungeon. It was pretty good too, which bodes well for the dungeons in the rest of the game. The boss fight was pretty easy, though.

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Sorry to vent about this all of a sudden.
I... really don't know why I burden you guys with this kind of crap.

Nonsense, friend! If someone doesn’t want to read that or be burdened by it or whatever, they can simply not read it. This is a public thread, after all.

If I were you, I would just try my best not to let what other people have done to you before effect how you are towards people if you want friends. You may have had a lot of bad relationships before, but there are also a lot of good ones to be had, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Like your friendships on here! If people want to be rude/mean/unpleasant, that’s their fault, not yours.

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

wish you all the world's enjoyment in your travels, and I hope you'll stay safe, friend!

Thank you, friend! You stay safe, too!


10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I was stupid, in retrospect.

Dude if that makes you an idiot then that make me the biggest idiot around!

Although i was able to get revenge later..., i was still made an idiot of for many years

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Ok so right off the bat you can tell that Prime 3 came out during the motion control craze of the Wii era. I'm not talking about the aiming, that's still all well and good, I'm talking about everything else lol. There's a little bit of a "Sony cinematic game" feel to it.

12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

How many what you have left?


4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

.You know, it'd be really funny if I killed him here. Roy finishes suppressing the revolt at Ostia and then he just receives a letter from his dad saying "hey there sonny boy, the King of Bern came to Pherae and then an army led by your auntie Lyn's daughter came out of nowhere and killed him. Sooo uhhh yeah, war's over, come home, I'll have Lowen prepare some cookies."

Guinevere: "...on God? Just like that?"

9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Sorry to vent about this all of a sudden.
I... really don't know why I burden you guys with this kind of crap.

Hey man, if you need to vent, just do it. There's no shame in talking about things like this.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here we have Harken and Isadora's son. Eugh. Must've taken after his mom... Guy can't even double mages.

“No, Karel not being recruited in fe7 is canon in this hack!” - No one ever.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, that one too. There's also one battle that you can do at Bindal that you absolutely have to win, though that one is optional. Those three are the ones I know of, though I believe there may be a couple more.

Where’s Bindal again? Or, a better question for me to remember, what happens when you go there?

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, pretty good effort, considering the friggin' final battle isn't among them.

Yeah, and I didn’t get anywhere close to learning that the hard way. Heh heh, nope, never…

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13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

@ShrimperorIn any case, I have had an unfortunate encounter yesterday.
Or rather, someone whom I thought I had removed from my life decided to intrude again. I got an e-mail from someone I have not talked to in six years now, someone I once called a friend. Best friend, even.
But we had a falling out, and, well, we haven't spoken to each other ever since. I don't know what prompted them to message me yesterday, and honestly, I do not really want to know. Their message wasn't exactly apologetic, either, which caused some rather... unpleasant feelings of years of being taken for granted, feeling used, doing favor after favor after favor only to get no thanks for them, instead, the only thing I got were even more favors, sometimes even those that went past what I was really comfortable with, and favors I asked of my own were either met with complete silence or increasingly flimsy excuses for why that person could not follow through.
Now, I am really not someone who only does things for others for rewards. I really am not.
But would a simple show of gratitude and the really have been so much to ask?

I really do not know why I put up with that person for that long, and I probably should have ended the friendship much sooner than I ended up doing. But at some point, I just could not put up with it anymore. I felt like I was being taken advantage of, neither my health or well-being was of any concern. I was just there to do stuff for that person, whether or not I was actually willing or capable of doing it did not matter. In fact, I was being coerced into doing it regardless. And when I really said no, that person would actively get pissed off at me. And that was finally the point where I told that person to their face all they had put me through, and ended the friendship right then and there.

I was stupid, in retrospect. Stupid for not ending the friendship sooner, but I am also the kind of person who, despite all cynicism, longs for friendly contact with others. I want friends, and so I might sometimes get a bit desperate in my attempts at keeping them, no matter the damage to myself.
But I also remember that this was the incident that made me not want any friends anymore. I've been stepped on one time too many... at least that's how I thought back then. It's a little better now, but the anxiety of making friends, and it turning out the same way as all my other "friendships" (either people pretending to be friends so they could shame me in front of the entire class, or, well... this) did is still lingering in the back of my mind.
Sorry to vent about this all of a sudden.
I... really don't know why I burden you guys with this kind of crap.

No real friend would do such a thing Draggy. People like that aren’t worth keeping around. That’s what I’ve really learned since my ex and I broke up last month. I hope everything turns out well for you.

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Where’s Bindal again? Or, a better question for me to remember, what happens when you go there?

Horseborn and dredge attack the town at the same time, and you get a whole bunch of choices.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Oh, I see. Tbh, the punishment for losing most battles is just the game saying “sucks to suck!” and moving on, though, of course, there are quite a few battles where losing causes you to lose those as well.

What immediately comes to mind is the final battle, where if you lose everyone except the characters that absolutely need to be there for the plot at the end dies. This might seem inconsequential, since you have no battles left to face, but it’s the only way you can get arguably the worst ending (the same result can be achieved in two different ways but which is one is more depressing depends on the individual. Kinda.) since one of the options for the finale involves a character performing the ritual to save the world, but that character is now dead. You can still pick the option that you would have if they were still alive, for some reason, but with no one to take over the ritual, the world is screwed. Plus, if you’re competing with someone to see who gets the fewest deaths, you’re screwed. I actually just barely won that battle. Ah, memories.

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10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

At least you vent.

You’re free to do that here as well, I highly doubt anyone minds!

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Horseborn and dredge attack the town at the same time, and you get a whole bunch of choices.

So which battle is it that you have to win?

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22 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I got an e-mail from someone I have not talked to in six years now, someone I once called a friend. Best friend, even.
But we had a falling out, and, well, we haven't spoken to each other ever since. I don't know what prompted them to message me yesterday, and honestly, I do not really want to know. Their message wasn't exactly apologetic, either,

Tell him to fuck off.

23 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I really do not know why I put up with that person for that long,

27 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

but I am also the kind of person who, despite all cynicism, longs for friendly contact with others. I want friends, and so I might sometimes get a bit desperate in my attempts at keeping them, no matter the damage to myself

People don't like to sever ties with others. We're social beings, after all.

27 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Sorry to vent about this all of a sudden.
I... really don't know why I burden you guys with this kind of crap.

It's because we're randos, and none of what happens here will affect you irl.

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

@Benice is there not a heart piece in the Earth temple? I can’t find anything in-game or online.


I don't think there is? It's a pretty linear temple IIRC, so I think you'd have found it. I don't remember if the next one has one either, but that one's MASSIVE.

35 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Sorry to vent about this all of a sudden.
I... really don't know why I burden you guys with this kind of crap.

I am happy to lend an ear (eye?) anytime!

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, the truth is that EliwoodxLyn is the one pairing confirmed to be non-canon.



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20 minutes ago, Benice said:


I don't think there is? It's a pretty linear temple IIRC

It was, but there were still a lot of places to poke your nose around in, even if you could really only fully complete one at a time.


but that one's MASSIVE.


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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Vtuber hell and MMO hell?

I'm sorry Twilit. You're too far gone.

It's okay.

I've accepted it.

even though I'm a fairly casual fan of both

also late because for some reason I missed the quote

50 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Sorry to vent about this all of a sudden.
I... really don't know why I burden you guys with this kind of crap.

I certainly don't mind. Glad to listen anytime.

Sorry you've had to deal with that.

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That was so fucking good.

I didn't even know Zephiel had a battle quote with him. He has no regular battle quote and his death quote is bugged. I shall consider it my reward for being such a peerless tactician.

Roy, you can go back home now, it's over.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That was so fucking good.

I didn't even know Zephiel had a battle quote with him. He has no regular battle quote and his death quote is bugged. I shall consider it my reward for being such a peerless tactician.

Roy, you can go back home now, it's over.

You risked everything on a 59% hit chance?

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