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This is the greatest FE ever


1 hour ago, WraithReborn said:

…Is there something you’re not telling us Ghost_06?

What makes you think that?

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

August 24th was the release date of the first Rune Factory game back in 2006.

Possible remake imminent? Or is this just a celebratory post? But why treat it like this if it's the latter?

A remake of Rune Factory 1 would be super interesting if it tremendously expands on the skeleton of the original.

@Interdimensional Observer @Acacia Sgt @twilitfalchion @DragonFlames (i think this all the Rune Factory fans here besides me)

I'm interested. I hope it's something good, but I'm always prepared for a fizzle.

RF5 released in May in Japan but it doesn't matter if it's not here, announcing another game now wouldn't be unreasonable. A remake would be an easier route than wholly new one in some regards. Although if they wanted to add a playable female option to RF1, they'd have to expand the male lineup, there's like five guys at best they could consider ATM.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

True although i don't know if simple QoL would be enough to fix Rune Factory 1.

It wouldn't. Trust me. 

Although if you really wanted to see for yourself, download the first game, play until you can buy a weapon, and head into the first dungeon with full RP. Count the number of strokes until you're out of stamina, tell me if you can feel the osteoporosis in every swing. And then think- you can't get to the boss in a cave until every enemy generator inside it is destroyed, so imagine all the crops you'd have to fill the dungeon with or food you'd need to bring and consume if you wanted to get to the end.

The thinness of the characterization would take longer to digest, so I wouldn't have you bother with that. Just know each character has at most one event associated with them.


59 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

As in... Batman, the Joker?

I think they meant this one.:


Joking ofc.

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When crossovering just... doesn't care anymore, pft:

I still haven't fought those two... I still haven't done lots of things in that game, and I've already done tons already.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Live-action Spider-Verse.

Appearently Green Goblin (Norman) is gonna be the main villain which is great because the guy is fucking hilarious in Spider-Man 1.

"Work was murder!" Xd

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37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although if they wanted to add a playable female option to RF1, they'd have to expand the male lineup, there's like five guys at best they could consider ATM.

I'd say, at that point, you might as well just make a new game. RF1 was designed for Raguna to be the one and only PC, changing it to accommodate another one, let alone a female one, is just needlessly complicated. Not that it couldn't be tried, but again, better to focus that effort into a new game for all the big changes you'd need to make.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I did finish after a long, drawn-out, piecemeal progress my fourth EOV run, minus the 6th Stratum (which doesn't take long). And with that, I've completed the game using every Legendary Title once. 

Nice, nice! Congratulations on that one!

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not usually one for high-risk high-reward builds, but my Impact Brawler, which I kept constantly at near-death HP was my MVP of the run. It started to fall off in the 5th Stratum when it stopped consistently OHKOing things with Titan Killer, but damned it was good in the earlier Stratums. And it remained my number 1 FOE/boss killer. Having a Botanist around made having to revive it with increasing frequency (almost never in the 3rd, sometimes in the 4th, often in the 5th) not such a bother.

I see! That is great to hear, as usually, these "you have to be near death to use this" classes/skills aren't things that I find too useful because the risk is often not worth the reward, but in this case, it appears to be that it is, at least early on!
Almost makes me wish this class had a skill to heal itself, like 7th Dragon III does with the Rune Knight, as Brave Blade is... stupidly overpowered, even if it does shave off a large percentage of your HP... which you can easily restore using Drain Sword. In some fights, you can have your Rune Knight do naught but spam Brave Blade and Drain Sword in this order, and you'll have won before most enemies (even bosses) ever had a chance to do much to you. It's insane.

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Graced Poisoner's Auto-Smoke skill was neat. It randomly tries to apply one of the four front row-targeting ailments before the first turn of battle. Not amazing since I can't choose which ailment gets attempted, but the sooner the enemy is debilitated, the better, so I like it. I somewhat regret using the default Brouni over a Celestrian for the Botanist though, although the Brouni's worst Luck in the game can be salvaged and become usable, I would've been fine trading some agility, wisdom, HP and vitality for 2nd best Luck instead.

I see! That does sound very useful! The lower luck, as you said, should not be too much of a dealbreaker, as these games usually offer ways to remedy it. A Luck-increasing accessory should do the trick nicely!
That almost makes me think of the very useful Random Disease skill from the War Magus, which I always found rather nice to use in EO2U, as you can bypass the process of uncovering which ailments a particular enemy or boss is susceptible to, even if the random nature of it can sometimes be a double-edged sword if you'd rather apply a specific ailment on something.

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Omnimancer was a cool idea- a class that can mix any two elements together and has all six available. But, the thing devours SP like with no end in sight. It has so many skills it wants to master to reach maximum potential.

Ronin moment. XD

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll try to get back to my second Classic EOU2 run, although I might drop the difficulty from Expert to Standard for the Overlord, my team doesn't look built for it. My issue with EOU2 is that I feel I need a guide open on hand when I'm fighting a boss to look up its attack pattern, because forget a step, and you'll get clobbered worse than you already will. And I need to eventually resume Nexus too, it bothers me just a little every day knowing they're still unfinished.

I definitely want to replay any of the Etrian Odyssey games I own, too! Mostly V and Nexus, however, as there are still some team combinations I have not yet played around with. And then, there is still III that I need to get back to. But that is what an extensive backlog does to you, I suppose, haha!

12 hours ago, Sooks said:

Hey Draggy, are you doing okay?

So-so, I'd say. Nothing to worry over, though, just the usual! ^^

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, I almost missed this. How dare you say such a false thing, Draggy! I'll kill you!

12 hours ago, Dayni said:


I pride myself on my honesty, though!

11 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Yes, this is blasphemy. What are you going to say now, that Angemon's got better in this version too?

I actually watched that episode today, where Takeru meets Angemon for the first time.
I enjoyed the combined Adventure/Frontier plot reference, and Velgremon's appearance in it, I will admit. But I have seen too little of Angemon himself to make a judgement at this point. I will say, though, the series itself had some really good episodes since the Eyesmon "arc".
I also liked the anime debut of NeoDevimon, whom I only knew from V-Tamer 01 previously. The thing looked creepy as hell.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Conquest has once again conquered this thread.

How very unfortunate.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

August 24th was the release date of the first Rune Factory game back in 2006.

Possible remake imminent? Or is this just a celebratory post? But why treat it like this if it's the latter?

A remake of Rune Factory 1 would be super interesting if it tremendously expands on the skeleton of the original.

@Interdimensional Observer @Acacia Sgt @twilitfalchion @DragonFlames (i think this all the Rune Factory fans here besides me)

We'll find out tomorrow if it actually means anything.

Oh, nice!
If there are some news on a new game or something, that would be pretty neat, I think!

17 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Probably ReBirth2. It really raised my opinion of Nepgear and as I liked the story/character development. I'll probably go there.

Being the not-so-secret Nepgear fanboy that I am, I approve!
Also, this game has the distinction of being one of three that made me actually cry. Well, one specific route in it, but still!

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

As in... Batman, the Joker?

Yes. The funny one.

37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

wouldn't. Trust me. 

Although if you really wanted to see for yourself, download the first game, play until you can buy a weapon, and head into the first dungeon with full RP. Count the number of strokes until you're out of stamina, tell me if you can feel the osteoporosis in every swing. And then think- you can't get to the boss in a cave until every enemy generator inside it is destroyed, so imagine all the crops you'd have to fill the dungeon with or food you'd need to bring and consume if you wanted to get to the end.

The thinness of the characterization would take longer to digest, so I wouldn't have you bother with that. Just know each character has at most one event associated with them.

Yeeeeeeah. Sounds like a rough time. A remake getting the super ehanced remake ala Echoes and Zero Mission would do wonders for this game.

Just now, DragonFlames said:

If there are some news on a new game or something, that would be pretty neat, I think!

We're still waiting for Rune Factory 5 to get localized early next year but I wouldn't mind a remake of 1 or whatever in the meantime.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

We're still waiting for Rune Factory 5 to get localized early next year but I wouldn't mind a remake of 1 or whatever in the meantime.

Speaking of which, I have heard tales of this game having several glaring performance and stability issues, which is worrying if true.

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36 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of which, I have heard tales of this game having several glaring performance and stability issues, which is worrying if true.

It was like that at launch but they've been getting patched out. When we get it, it'll probably be fine.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say, at that point, you might as well just make a new game. RF1 was designed for Raguna to be the one and only PC, changing it to accommodate another one, let alone a female one, is just needlessly complicated.

There is nothing that demands the main character be male. A hypothetical She can still -throwing it in spoilers:

  • Be captured and mind-wiped by Sechs before the game begins.
  • Have a bond with Earth Dragon Terrable.
  • And be possibly lost royalty of Norad, it's never been confirmed.

Those are the special things of Raguna. None male-specific.

Mist as the heroine can be diminished with a little rewriting to, I dunno, give Ivan more importance, there a counter male. -Although Ivan as dating material would be problematic if the hypothetical "Ragunette" was in fact related to him, which isn't certain. And make Lynette bisexual if you want the female option to get a "beat the game spouse" option. 


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I see! That is great to hear, as usually, these "you have to be near death to use this" classes/skills aren't things that I find too useful because the risk is often not worth the reward, but in this case, it appears to be that it is, at least early on!
Almost makes me wish this class had a skill to heal itself

Impact Brawler gets Soul Crusher: melee (so it gets halved against the back row) bash damage to all enemies, healing for 10-25% (depending on level of the skill) of total damage dealt. I did throw one point into it, but I never actually used it. It's also 10/16/25 TP in cost, a lot for an Earthlain. Still, it's an option.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Ronin moment. XD

Not dissimilar I'd agree. The problem is needing six attack spells if you want it to be an Omnimancer, a charge-style skill called Spread Chant that ideally demands you invest another 21 to 25 SP to max out, and Spread Chant is necessary for maximizing the damage of the seventh attack spell called Altar.

Reserve Magic is the Omnimancer's signature passive you want at least one point into as well. It adds the element of last turn's spell to the next one, with a slight damage boost. So Fireball on turn 1 followed by Lightning on turn 2 makes Lightning Fire-Volt damage, and then on turn 3, Volt will be the element in reserve.

Although the funny thing is that Overexertion, the buff of the Pugilist that when maxed provides a 100% attack boost to Cut/Stab/Bash attacks, in exchange for 50% of the beneficiary's current HP after attacking, works on the Omnimancer. Overexertion I take to be some kind of combination of extreme physical exertion and 'roid rage, so the notion of a nerdy wimpy wizard going vein-popping berserk while chanting "Rockfall!" is silly to me. 

...I wish this had made it into Nexus. The cutting back of maximum skill levels to 6/8 in many cases and increase in the level cap would've made the Omnimancer less evil on the SP investments. You'd have to tweak Zodiac a bit to avoid overlap, but we could've used another mage class.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Yeeeeeeah. Sounds like a rough time. A remake getting the super ehanced remake ala Echoes and Zero Mission would do wonders for this game.

I only wish you could readily witness it, but RF doesn't lend itself to that.

I don't know why, but I actually beat RF1 twice, and I didn't mind it. Maybe it had something to do with money becoming practically infinite when I got to the second cave, the game's economy wasn't planned well. It was most bothersome waiting for the cave that is only open in the Winter to become accessible.

RF2 might have remained a tad clunky in gameplay, but the girls got some character development via the addition of bulletin board quests (yes, so basic a thing as fetch quests didn't exist in RF1), so that's good. -Alas, they never get bonding events with Aaron/Aria though, that was a missed opportunity.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There is nothing that demands the main character be male. A hypothetical She can still -throwing it in spoilers:

  Hide contents
  • Be captured and mind-wiped by Sechs before the game begins.
  • Have a bond with Earth Dragon Terrable.
  • And be possibly lost royalty of Norad, it's never been confirmed.

Those are the special things of Raguna. None male-specific.

Mist as the heroine can be diminished with a little rewriting to, I dunno, give Ivan more importance, there a counter male. -Although Ivan as dating material would be problematic if he and the hypothetical "Ragunette" was in fact related to him, which isn't certain. And make Lynette bisexual if you want the female option to get another a "beat the game spouse" option. 


The fact Raguna already exists. Like I said, if you want more female PC's, that's what new games are for. Otherwise, it's like saying next Metroid remake must give us Guy!Samus as option now because nothing demands the main character of Metroid be female. The more you reach full AFGNCAAP, the less meaning they have as characters.

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17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The fact Raguna already exists. Like I said, if you want more female PC's, that's what new games are for. Otherwise, it's like saying next Metroid remake must give us Guy!Samus now because nothing demands the main character of Metroid be female.

The difference, is that Metroid is not part dating sim, and Samus is a more established character than Raguna, with less/no pretense of being slightly avatar-ish like Link or almost any Rune Factory protagonist other than like Aden and Sonia. It's not impossible to add a female option in a later version of a game- hi Pokemon Crystal and LG/FR, hi Persona 3 Portable! While there are plenty o' dating sims that cater only to the lingam, or the yoni in the case of the Switch's litany of otomes, Rune Factory now caters to both. And I don't see why, when RF1 doesn't have the nightmare of RF2's Other Villagers' Gen 2 Children to deal with, that it couldn't add a female option. 

But, I won't fight you on the point any further. I'd rather make loving fanfics in an open document adjacent to the Internet window wherein I'm conversing with you ATM, than make needless war.

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