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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Didn't they outsource the game to the makers of Warriors, actually? Clearly they shouldn't have. Most technically incompetent game in the series. Here's hoping the reason it's been taking so long is that they're actually trying to build the game on more than duct tape and chewing gum.

If you look into the code of 3H itself, the phrase "Hyrule Castle" can be found. A leftover from Hyrule Warriors, made in the same development engine.

Judging from a post in another topic, it would appear Koei Tecmo was supposed to do nothing except programming the game, leaving the story and characters to IS. Yet, IS supposedly took an interest in the games KT had made for this cooperative project, and willingly took up some KT influence for FE17's narrative. Dynasty Warriors is the original Musou franchise, and is based on the lengthy history-based Chinese literary classic- the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Quan-Sigurd-Eldigan are from three different kingdoms too, and studied together in Grannvale's capital, which has been outright stated as an inspiration for 3H. And yet, there is something fishy about a Koei-Tecmo FE having three major political entities. -Although no church or People Who Go Bump In The Night exist in Dynasty Warriors. There is the Way of Peace/Yellow Turbans, a Daoist group that always serves the enemy of the very first battle in every Dynasty Warriors game, but they get eradicated off the screen after the first fight is over. Avatars usually don't exist either out of Empires expansions.


2 hours ago, Benice said:

Something that I think would be cool in an FE6 remake would be including the original as well, so that if you prefer vanilla to the changes they made in the remake, you can play both! 

I've seen including originals into some games before. Metroid: Zero Mission contains the original NES Metroid. The shump Cotton Reboot contains the original version of the Fantastic Night Dreams game in addition to the more bullet-hellish remake.

An SRPG is on the longer side, but ultimately, I'd call it laziness if a modern game doesn't want to contain its much older original version, if it's a 2D game at least.


34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

FE4 remake will College prologue chapter

If having a prologue gets most or all of the tutorials out of the way of the "main" game, then I'm actually for it. It means the story fights themselves can racket up the difficulty, since all the "move unit here, be wary of Y with X" stuff is over with.


44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Anyways i'll take a new Xeno thank you ever much.

Don't say the thing I didn't want to say aloud because I don't want to hope.

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10 hours in, I encounter my first crash in Dragon Age. Clearly the rumors of its performance were exaggerated... Or the fixes have worked wonders. Either way, I am happy. I had just quicksaved, anyway.

Also, I ran out of inventory space, so I decided to start throwing some shit away and give my party gifts just to get rid of them. I happened to give this sort of dark book that I found in the First Enchanter's chest to Morrigan... and that triggered a cutscene where she revealed she had been looking for the thing. Just when I was going to give up on her, I go and stumble by accident upon her quest and now she likes me. Neat.

...Still can't match the 70 loyalty points Sten's got with me. That dude was so easy, for some reason. I look forward to finding his sword once we get out of this tower.

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If you look into the code of 3H itself, the phrase "Hyrule Castle" can be found. A leftover from Hyrule Warriors, made in the same development engine.

Nice. Beautiful.

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Judging from a post in another topic, it would appear Koei Tecmo was supposed to do nothing except programming the game, leaving the story and characters to IS. Yet, IS supposedly took an interest in the games KT had made for this cooperative project, and willingly took up some KT influence for FE17's narrative. Dynasty Warriors is the original Musou franchise, and is based on the lengthy history-based Chinese literary classic- the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Quan-Sigurd-Eldigan are from three different kingdoms too, and studied together in Grannvale's capital, which has been outright stated as an inspiration for 3H. And yet, there is something fishy about a Koei-Tecmo FE having three major political entities. -Although no church or People Who Go Bump In The Night exist in Dynasty Warriors. There is the Way of Peace/Yellow Turbans, a Daoist group that always serves the enemy of the very first battle in every Dynasty Warriors game, but they get eradicated off the screen after the first fight is over. Avatars usually don't exist either out of Empires expansions.

Yeah, I've heard about these things. I just wish they had found a way to implement the school that didn't take 45 minutes every time.

Also, People Who Go Bump In The Night is the best name for those dudes I've seen in a while.

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, I ran out of inventory space, so I decided to start throwing some shit away and give my party gifts just to get rid of them. I happened to give this sort of dark book that I found in the First Enchanter's chest to Morrigan... and that triggered a cutscene where she revealed she had been looking for the thing. Just when I was going to give up on her, I go and stumble by accident upon her quest and now she likes me. Neat.

Oh  boy

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Okay... So I found a succubus who played the part of loving wife, daughter and son for some templar with his brains fried. Upon entering the room, the succubus angrily told me I was interrupting something intimate. We had some back and forth, she said he was happy, I said his mind was mush, Morrigan made a quip about marriage, and I ended up letting the demon and her pet go free because I'm a dickhead.

Then we found some other demon who drugged us, and now I'm having a mad acid trip. I beat up Jesus by myself, which wasn't easy because my crossbow deals jack for damage, then I found the guy who was supposed to find a way to prevent mind control in the exact same situation, which is very reassuring. Now I gotta find Sten. And I guess the other two, too.

6 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Oh  boy

Hey. Only I'm allowed to do that to Sooks.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey. Only I'm allowed to do that to Sooks.

Prepare your fire resistance items.

Always spare your prisoners.

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I gained the ability to turn into a mouse, then I burned through the entirety of my healing item supply to get through an area.

I really hope I'm not softlocked. I desperately need my team back, but now I'm doubting I'll be able to make it to them... If I can even find where the hell they are.

4 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Prepare your fire resistance items.

Bold of you to assume I have any.

4 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Always spare your prisoners.

That doesn't sound like something I'd do.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That doesn't sound like something I'd do.

You should, or you'll lose a companion who's pretty cool.

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Just when I thought I was starting to get a grasp on how this game works, it takes every companion away from me and I find myself running around LSD land exploiting enemy AI around props while I run circles and wait for Dirty Fighting to recharge.

I really hope to find someone in this place called "Templar's nightmare". Anyone will do. Even Alistair.

11 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

You should, or you'll lose a companion who's pretty cool.

I already murdered a blood mage girl way before. So sucks to be me, I guess. But no matter. I'm doing a blind run, and I'd appreciate if you'd let it be that way. I don't mind getting some general advice, but please don't tell me how to get things specifically. Let me screw myself over if that's where my poor decision-making abilities lead me.

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Da bad CGI Battle Droid.

Anyways, i just finished watching The Village Bride episode of Star Wars Visions. It's pretty good.

And i gotta say, i love that none of these are canon. Star Wars is a sandbox franchise and being able to tell whatever story you want without having to worry about how it ties into Skywalker's Bizarre Adventure lets the creators go all out with their creativity.

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

guess I'm not too far from the end with one lord to go, eh?

I do appreciate how there's very little wasted time

next to no padding/downtime, etc.

Downtime =/= wasted time. Downtime is very good for developing characters outside of the immediate plot and also helps the audience digest whatever big events have happened up until now.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Metroid: Zero Mission contains the original NES Metroid.

I'm kinda sad that Samus Returns didn't have the original Metroid II as an unlockable like Zero Mission did with Metroid 1.

.....not that i'd actually play Metroid II beyond the first five minutes just to see what the fossil was like.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

we watch the direct and cross off the stuff we get!

Metroid Dread and Mario Party should already be crossed off tbh.

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I am so confused.

Just... generally confused. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it. But... I haven't the faintest idea what I'm doing. I don't know where I'm going, what I have to do to get out of here, where my companions are, what my goal is, which way is forward...

I take back what I said before, this isn't like the early days of Berwick at all. At least with Berwick I knew "okay, I gotta kill this bossman and seize." Going through these dreamscapes I feel like I'm exploring some sort of abandoned beta version of a game. It's so... weird.

And there's fire everywhere and I can't walk through the fire because I die! How do I go through the fire!? Every time I feel like I'm making some semblance of progress, boom, fire. Walls of fire everywhere, damn them! Where's the fireman transformation...? Aaarrrgh, what's going on!? @Ghost_06_ I should have known better than to listen to you and your blasted recommendations! My brain hurts! But don't tell me anything. I want to continue being lost 'round these parts and see if I can't figure out what the heck is going on.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Downtime =/= wasted time. Downtime is very good for developing characters outside of the immediate plot and also helps the audience digest whatever big events have happened up until now.

That's what I mean.

If I choose to see character development and all that jazz, great.

But if it's wasted time for fetch quests and the like that doesn't do anything for the story, then frick it.

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I haven't mentioned it but because I still had the NSO trial I popped on Link to the Past, having played it previously but not to completion on emulator (well, PC emulator).

I've gotten to the Dark World already, aLttP has certainly been breezy on that front versus, say a Link Between Worlds. And yes, the states have definitely contributed, the boss on Hera Tower alone proves that (Why does anyone say the Link's Awakening version of that boss is worse you have the feather to jump over it!)

I found it much more awkward playing it on a keyboard, but I think I've seen it slow down more than I remember happening in Higan. I could be remembering differently, but the slowdown when running with a bunch of enemies on screen has been more than I expected, but could be me. I also have to say I do like a bit more about the Hyrule of this game than I probably should, but that could be due to not being as annoyed as by other things like controls or feeling like I know what I'm doing more than last time.

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30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I already murdered a blood mage girl way before. So sucks to be me, I guess. But no matter. I'm doing a blind run, and I'd appreciate if you'd let it be that way. I don't mind getting some general advice, but please don't tell me how to get things specifically. Let me screw myself over if that's where my poor decision-making abilities lead me.

It wasn't her. But ok then.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I take back what I said before, this isn't like the early days of Berwick at all. At least with Berwick I knew "okay, I gotta kill this bossman and seize." Going through these dreamscapes I feel like I'm exploring some sort of abandoned beta version of a game. It's so... weird.

The Fade portion of this questline is usually considered to be the worst part of the game and there's even mods to skip it.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And there's fire everywhere and I can't walk through the fire because I die! How do I go through the fire!? Every time I feel like I'm making some semblance of progress, boom, fire. Walls of fire everywhere, damn them! Where's the fireman transformation...? Aaarrrgh, what's going on!?

You have transform into the forms you get access in order to pass.

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4 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:


Ew. Anime and Three Houses.

1 minute ago, Ghost_06_ said:

It wasn't her.

Ah, good to know.

1 minute ago, Ghost_06_ said:

But ok then.

Thank you for your understanding. Just sit back, relax, and enjoying watching me walk towards my own destruction. Unless I ask.

2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

The Fade portion of this questline is usually considered to be the worst part of the game and there's even mods to skip it.


I mean, I can see why people would want to skip it on a replay. Running around like a headless chicken without the companions is iffy. But I dunno, I'm finding some bizarre enjoyment out of it. The whole thing is so out of left field. Not to worry, I don't think I'll let it make me quit the game. If worse comes to worst, I'll ask you for advice.

2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

You have transform into the forms you get access in order to pass.

But... I'm only a mouse! Guess I must've missed a mouse hole somewhere... I'll take another look at the raw fade area tomorrow.

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You know, i think it'd be sick as hell if Tabuu was the final DLC fighter for Smash. What a way to end it.

12 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

But if it's wasted time for fetch quests and the like that doesn't do anything for the story, then frick it.

This also depends but it is admittedly harder to pull off.

Which is why Xenoblade X is the gold standard when it comes to sidequests. They don't really connect to the main story but the sidequests are so good that ask anyone who's played the game and they'll tell you the sidequests are the real story. Or rather, stories.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anime and Three Houses.

You favorite things together.

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