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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, Reunion at Dawn is so shit that even fans of Three Houses realize it's indefensible. Most agree it's bad, with a few handwaving it as not that bad in hard. Real defenders of Reunion at Dawn are rare, and the very few I've seen all resorted to an extremely dumb argument that went something along the lines of "hurr durr if you didn't train your starting class you deserve to lose because you failed your students as their teacher

On Normal and Hard, I never found it that hard to beat. I’ve successfully beat it on my first try for all three routes. On Maddening, yes I agree, the lack of a preparations screen is frustrating, but that’s probably the reason why people find it so frustrating- you can’t prepare for this map unlike others. Your preparations for this map comes from preparing it on the last map, getting the appropriate weapons, equipments and Gambits in your units inventory to ensure your adequately prepared. The map is still difficult, true, but I found it much more bearable in my current playthrough of Silver Snow because I prepared the right gambits, Weapons, and Equipment for this battle, specifically Cichol Wyvern Co. and School of Sorcery Soldiers were immense useful for stalling a turn of the thieves. Even on AM and VW, the game gives Dimitri and Claude two very powerful, two use gambits that has a huge area of range. Dimitri’s gambits we’re amazing essential during my Azure Moon Maddening playthrough for that map, so it’s not like the game gives you zero tools should you come unprepared.

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5 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

…Now I just feel older. I beat this game well over a decade ago.

Hey, maybe you can feel otherwise playing the incoming almost-assuredly-confirmed remaster.

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19 minutes ago, Ika Musume said:

So um





Tutturu, newcomer to Teehee

Welcome to Chaos!

10 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:


Problem with Claude tho on that map that any of the Sniper can one shot him, and if you are using people from other Classes instead of your main class, you basically only have Byleth and Claude to rely on.

Which was the point Ruben making. He was enjoying Maddening, but he was also going full customization, then  RaD just give him Claude and Byleth while the rest was useless (as he didn't use any of GD main iirc), which lead to a softlock

Edited by Father Shrimpas
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14 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

On Normal and Hard, I never found it that hard to beat. I’ve successfully beat it on my first try for all three routes.

I remember coming to it the very first time and being utterly thrown by it. I think I had to reset a dozen times and it was VW, so I had arguably the most optimal lord option (Byleth admittedly a swordmaster EO, but I was blind). Just because you have the tools doesn't make it any less of a frustrating map to play blind or ironman.

It has always bothered me.

14 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Problem with Claude tho on that map that any of the Sniper can one shot him, and if you are using people from other Classes instead of your main class, you basically only have Byleth and Claude to rely on.

At least he can get out of range with canto, but I remember seeing him die plenty of times too.

14 hours ago, Ika Musume said:

So um





Welcome to the seedy undergrowth where all things and none can be found, where the lost and the dammed wander, Where naught is truly safe...... that we call Teehee, I don't make the rules.

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6 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

was useless (as he didn't use any of GD main iirc), which lead to a softlock

Interesting. Why not use the Main members of the class though? And also, there are at least 21 save files in Three Houses. Couldn’t he just go back and readjust the difficulty if he disliked being in a soft lock?

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey it was in my feed too!

Huh. It was also in my feed...

53 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Technically FE8 isnt forcing Seth, but that doesnt mean he isnt broken though. 

Thank goodness for that. 

I'll concede that Palla is probably objectively at least top 7 or 5 unit in the game, even if I don't like using her much, but I dont think she's OP enough to the point where she mitigates the challenge, and I mainly said the forced part in response to the claim that Palla is essentially needed. She's one of many helpful tools, but nothing close to Frederick in Awakening Lunatic. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rend Heaven is fine, yeah. I mean, I should know.

Its too hard to resist rend heaven. That with hoshidan unity and quixotic and brave weapons or a shuriken is a recipe for hearing a character scream a crit quote every 5 seconds.

4 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

Why not use the Main members of the class though?

Sometimes, you just want try something different. This especially applies to when people try Silver Snow and attempt a faculty run since they already used Black Eagles on the other route, but then this map punishes them for not playing the way they want you to.

5 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

Couldn’t he just go back and readjust the difficulty if he disliked being in a soft lock?

Dont know about others, but I'm too stubborn to ever change a difficulty lower, especially if I spent 30+ hours in part 1 on maddening. You can't just place it back up afterwards.

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36 minutes ago, Ika Musume said:

So um





Hello there! Teehee indeed.

28 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

On Normal and Hard, I never found it that hard to beat. I’ve successfully beat it on my first try for all three routes. On Maddening, yes I agree, the lack of a preparations screen is frustrating, but that’s probably the reason why people find it so frustrating- you can’t prepare for this map unlike others. Your preparations for this map comes from preparing it on the last map, getting the appropriate weapons, equipments and Gambits in your units inventory to ensure your adequately prepared. The map is still difficult, true, but I found it much more bearable in my current playthrough of Silver Snow because I prepared the right gambits, Weapons, and Equipment for this battle, specifically Cichol Wyvern Co. and School of Sorcery Soldiers were immense useful for stalling a turn of the thieves. Even on AM and VW, the game gives Dimitri and Claude two very powerful, two use gambits that has a huge area of range. Dimitri’s gambits we’re amazing essential during my Azure Moon Maddening playthrough for that map, so it’s not like the game gives you zero tools should you come unprepared.

My Claude was RNG-screwed and Byleth was a squishy mage-oriented Enlightened One. They were both incapable of doing much.

22 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

(as he didn't use any of GD main iirc)

This is not right. I did use some people from GD. Of the people who join early into Reunion at Dawn, Hilda is the only one who wasn't used, mainly because she died late into chapter 4 and I had ran out of divine pulse charges. Leonie, Ignatz and Lorenz were used. Ignatz was a mage and Lorenz sucked, however. They got one-rounded by every single enemy and were stuck on the corner of the map. They were completely useless.

11 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

Interesting. Why not use the Main members of the class though?

If the option exists, the devs should account for the player going for it. Why let me use faculty and out-of-class students if they're going to softlock me for it? That's just awful game design.

Not that I even did that, as I said above. I didn't use all of the Golden Deers, but I did use some of them. It made no difference, because you don't just need to use all the starting students - you also need to put them into the right classes and they need to level well.

11 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

And also, there are at least 21 save files in Three Houses. Couldn’t he just go back and readjust the difficulty if he disliked being in a soft lock?

See, the problem with this is that the whole reason I was playing Maddening was that I didn't enjoy Hard at all. At first it was okay, but it didn't take long for every single unit to become completely overpowered. On Hard, the game is way too easy to be any fun for me. So, I went Maddening in hopes of it being better. When I got softlocked, I did consider going back and downgrading the difficulty, but what would've been the point? That would've just made the game into a snoozefest like my first run. So, I just quit instead and started a Shadow Dragon run.

That's my problem with Three Houses's difficulties - there isn't a good difficulty. Hard is really easy and Maddening, while difficult, is poorly designed and disincentivices one of the game's supposed draws, unit customization, in favor of making everyone wyverns to survive Reunion at Dawn.

7 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Its too hard to resist rend heaven. That with hoshidan unity and quixotic and brave weapons or a shuriken is a recipe for hearing a character scream a crit quote every 5 seconds.

Heh. I know.

7 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Sometimes, you just want try something different. This especially applies to when people try Silver Snow and attempt a faculty run since they already used Black Eagles on the other route, but then this map punishes them for not playing the way they want you to.


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1 hour ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Fuck hollow knight's soul Master

Atleast add a check point between phases...

Or add a check point before the boss so i don't have to walk through those annoying warping shits everytime i have to retry...

Soulslike moment.


48 minutes ago, Ika Musume said:

So um





Welcome to Degeneration Station!

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5 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Is it bad that I have an strong hatred for Seth?

I’ve literally never, ever used him beyond getting his support with Eirika for shipping purposes (but because GBA that can be done in three chapters) since the entire internet says he breaks his game and makes it not fun, he goes to the bench immediately.

5 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Basically my thoughts. Suprised to hear you defend this game right after going through one of the worst chapters. 

I don’t know if I’d say I’m “defending it”, I just don’t agree that essentially being required to use Palla for the thief is the worst part of the map. Easily the worst is the 100 turn walking simulator if you want Matthis, but squishy Palla being surrounded by enemies very easily if you don’t understand the AI (which the game doesn’t tell you) is a close second.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Why couldn't they do that in all the difficulties!?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So am I. Hope the trend continues and he ends up liking the game better in maniac.

The increased difficulty has made literally every map more fun so far except chapter 3, but the problem there is more the wyverns moving than their stats.

4 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

The auto leveling? It happens in all difficulties.

But afaik it depends on Unit. Some units level better than others or something

Auto leveling all units after the time skip? Huh, I thought that was difficulty exclusive.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Senno's paralogue

Haha, this is such a Ruben phrase.

2 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:


This was your first mistake.

43 minutes ago, Ika Musume said:

So um





Welcome! It’d be pretty cool if you joined our little corner of the internet.

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Just now, WraithReborn said:

...You know maybe she’d be just a little intimidating if I wasn’t constantly laughing at how big her hat is. She’s no Soulcatcher I’ll tell you that much.

You just see it now? I am still trying to figure out what the hell this was about.

The hat might be big, but not as big as the ham she clearly is tearing through saying all that.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Auto leveling all units after the time skip? Huh, I thought that was difficulty exclusive.

Here's the specifics.

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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

You just see it now? I am still trying to figure out what the hell this was about.

The hat might be big, but not as big as the ham she clearly is tearing through saying all that.

Yeah, because you’re the evil one summoner because reasons.

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1 minute ago, Father Shrimpas said:

ah yes those 2 were useless on my GD Maddening as well

Mine weren't stellar, but still useable.

Admittedly Lorenz was Frozen Lance spam and Ignatz was a sniper, but still. I do think Magical Ignatz wouldn't be impossible to use there, but it has to account for the enemy layouts they face at that point.

3 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

Yeah, because you’re the evil one summoner because reasons.

Hey, if they were willing to follow through on that that might be neat.

Probably not though.

7 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Tfw you go do a chill run (as in, just fooling around more than anything and trying silly stuff) of Conquest and you miss a critical 80 on the forest boss

Well, that's it for being a chill xD

Yeah, the Lunatic Conquest run's been 0% chill for me.

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Yeah, the Lunatic Conquest run's been 0% chill for me.

I mean, i did do god knows how many CQ Luna runs at this point, so now i just wanna do some silly stuff. Not necessarily finish the run, but just see how certain ideas might turn out.

Currently testing Diviner Felicia through shotgun Marriage with Corncob

Elise be like: ''Brother we leave you with her alone for a week and you guys already married?''

Although Yeah CQ isn't the game to be chill in xD

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All right, so now the RNG is just straight up refusing to let me proceed past the second turn.


22 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The increased difficulty has made literally every map more fun so far except chapter 3, but the problem there is more the wyverns moving than their stats.


22 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Haha, this is such a Ruben phrase.

Right? I mean, it's not like you get another unit in that map.

15 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

ah yes those 2 were useless on my GD Maddening as well

Ignatz wasn't useless. He was a damn fine mage. What he wasn't was a unit that could frontline, which is a problem when he was stuck in a corner with no way out and useless Lorenz as his sole backup.

11 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Tfw you go do a chill run (as in, just fooling around more than anything and trying silly stuff) of Conquest and you miss a critical 80 on the forest boss

Well, that's it for being a chill xD

Of course you'd do a chill run of Conquest. Then again, I'm not one to talk. I'm the guy who did a chill New Mystery run and ended up losing like 15 units.

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