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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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33 minutes ago, Punished06 said:


T89ol6ny o

Maximum respect for this guy.

Never. Down with the anime machine.

33 minutes ago, Punished06 said:

Also met an unironic XC2 elitist

You too? That guy gets around.

33 minutes ago, Punished06 said:

Dude is a fucking one-off boss, why does it even matter?

He stands out! No other one-off in SS is that silly! I demand answers of the videogame!

33 minutes ago, Punished06 said:

God, why is Syrene so hot?

Well, rejoice, you get her for longer in Ruben Stones. There are other parts of Ruben Stones that will upset you, but that's not one of them.

33 minutes ago, Punished06 said:

But Gheb gave us memes, so he is the correct choice. Even Cap says so

Fair point.

33 minutes ago, Punished06 said:
5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Heh. Sorry, but I'd like to be able to do a post about the cultural inspirations of Fire Emblem sooner than later.

And at the very least I think it'd be interesting to play FE4 and 5 to see what carried over from those games into Kaga.

See that's the thing, I want to play these games back to back because I want to make fun of it.

My crusade against sexism didn't find much resistance in Three Houses, however Hilda did tip me off a bit, not because she was a poor female character but because she radiated big cis woman energy.

It's harmless though. I think that's the point, how assumptious she is about gender roles and how silly it is.

I thought it was going to be Manuela but I suppose the sassy pigtailed character trope tradition had to be continued.

I can't wait to see how this side game explains the lore behind the Fire Emblem Awakening bride DLC

No seriously, my first real impressions of Eirika came from that DLC. I am all too eager to get rid of it.

At least FE7 was trying to tell an even remotely original story

Nice, I made a whoopsie quoting.

Anyway, yes, it tried. It most certainly tried.

Honestly I can't seriously argue there, while I heavily dislike 7's story, at least it isn't "wooden plank with a headband talks to the most unlikeable old fart ever for 20 hours"

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Heh. Sorry, but I'd like to be able to do a post about the cultural inspirations of Fire Emblem sooner than later.

And at the very least I think it'd be interesting to play FE4 and 5 to see what carried over from those games into Kaga.

Okay, fine. I will make this concession.

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

See that's the thing, I want to play these games back to back because I want to make fun of it.

Hah! Okay, I can respect that.

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

My crusade against sexism didn't find much resistance in Three Houses, however Hilda did tip me off a bit, not because she was a poor female character but because she radiated big cis woman energy.

It's harmless though. I think that's the point, how assumptious she is about gender roles and how silly it is.

I just like how she's a bad person but the game glosses over it completely to instead bash you over the head with the fact that she's hot and quirky

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I thought it was going to be Manuela but I suppose the sassy pigtailed character trope tradition had to be continued.

Manuela was... Surprisingly decent. I like how theybportray her as a proper mess.

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I can't wait to see how this side game explains the lore behind the Fire Emblem Awakening bride DLC

No seriously, my first real impressions of Eirika came from that DLC. I am all too eager to get rid of it.

Isn't that the one where Eirika is acting all paranoid? Yeah, that's not her here.

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52 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I can't wait to see how this side game explains the lore behind the Fire Emblem Awakening bride DLC

No seriously, my first real impressions of Eirika came from that DLC. I am all too eager to get rid of it.

Play Sacred Stones then. Please, for the love of God.

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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Since 1996. It's from a promotional OVA that was broadcasted in a V-Jump Festival. It was followed by a manga that would be published too at V-Jump until 1998.

There's also the anime cutscenes that were added to the game since the PSX port, if it matters.

I did find a worse quality video to watch for it.

But yeah, I was more surprised because despite it's Toriyama stylings I didn't know it had an anime anything outside the cutscenes.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If he is a villain, well I think this might be the first case for me of my hormones committing treason against my brain and justice.

2 hours ago, Punished06 said:

God, why is Syrene so hot?

Urge to find stick...... rising.

2 hours ago, Punished06 said:

Allende was a commie. That alone is reason enough for him to be overthrown.

Putting Allende on the same level as Stalin is a disservice.

Especially considering what regime would replace him.

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7 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Based Shrimpy.


6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I thought your persona wreck would be watching a submarine torpedo a cargo ship laden with all the physical copies of Ps 3-5 in the world into the Marianas Trench.


3 hours ago, Punished06 said:


T89ol6ny o

Maximum respect for this guy.


As i always say: Gatekeeping is a necessary evil.

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...after a montage of presumably important NPCs, he shows up again. The look in his eyes screams villain, the same as ingame. His first impression is awfully antagonistic as well. Although he has a "I'm a free spirit, I don't care what you do, just don't get in my way, because if you do, you're f***ing dead" personality judging from that debut. Which doesn't mean he has to be truly evil, he might stand a slim chance of a being a later game final recruit when he finally respects what the heroes are capable of.

I'm perplexed. I probably wouldn't be so were it not for one thing- he's shirtless. Honestly, I didn't think he looked like he's my type, and his merciless rogue could've-killed-the-hero behavior is unattractive. Despite the turnoffs, the bod kept my attention, thinking how happily odd it would be to have a Tales male playable who by default looked like this

Since it really doesn't spoil the story in pretty much any way: yeah, he's playable in Zesteria. Obv i won't go into details for you, just don't want you to feel disappointed at all.

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16 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:



Should i even click on this

Psch, it's on youtube. You've probably seen things ten times worse. Click it, Shrimp. What are you, a chicken? Cheep cheep cheep cheep!

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:



These titles are reaching new heights. Soon we'll see a manga with a title that takes up more space than the actual thing.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What is it with manga/LN writers and their fascination with slaves bro?

They are all horny lol

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34 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:



Should i even click on this

23 minutes ago, Armagon said:


What is it with manga/LN writers and their fascination with slaves bro?

Good question. What would drive it?

A kink?

An expectation of subservience?

A desire for control?

Is it for themselves as well as their audience?

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Just now, Punished Dayni said:

Good question. What would drive it?

A kink?

An expectation of subservience?

A desire for control?

Is it for themselves as well as their audience?

David Cage was the culprit of anime all along

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Since it really doesn't spoil the story in pretty much any way: yeah, he's playable in Zesteria. Obv i won't go into details for you, just don't want you to feel disappointed at all.


If he pares back his personality somewhat, then it'd be perfect.

The how then becomes the question for this guy, that'll be keeping me entertained.

Looks like he'd put the roster at 8 characters. Which is on the bigger side for a Tales team. Setting aside Xillia 2's three additions, Vesperia (barring the original Xbox 360 release, so maybe it doesn't deserve to count) and Symphonia are the last games to reach 8. In both cases, you could argue you the casts were maybe a little too big and had some irrelevancy problems.

  • For Vesperia, Repede is a good dog, but without a nanogram of relevance or anything except doggy charm. Patty -though a later addition- is also pretty irrelevant to the overall story.   
  • For Symphonia, I feel like you could delete Regal and Presea and the overall story wouldn't need any significant changes, maybe Zelos could go too -were it not for his societal position.

I'll be keeping my eye on the Zesty crew for relevancy issues. Though I'll concede that even in a smaller cast, like the more usual Tales 6, not everyone is super-relevant. For Xillia 1, Leia is pretty filler, Elise and Rowan both lost relevance after the first "arc" of the story is over (or the second arc? Do I break Xillia into thirds (in which case the first third is much longer than the latter two) or quarters?).


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

He's playable in Berseria iirc. So there you go.

Now you'd made me curious. Time will have to tell. -Though I wouldn't jump from Zesteria to Berseria right away, Tales are too long for that without suffering burnout.


9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say yes, since I feel we'd end up with the same amount of time to determine a year, thus same day no matter the calendar.

Yeah, I see my problem. That transposing lunar/lunisolar dates on a solar calendar are what make it look wobbly, the calendars themselves aren't (maybe special intercalary days that aren't in every year in a lunisolar adds a pinch of wobble though?).


4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Urge to find stick...... rising.

Don't get the impression that I'd jump on top of any shirtless dude in a video game!😳

I have seen shirtless Sephiroth before, he does nothing for me, nada, zero, zilch. I might have a little appreciation for One Winged Angel the music, but you could toss the man in a trash compactor and I wouldn't shed a tear. The most famed villain of Final Fantasy, and while I can make positive and negative remarks towards the writing of Sephiroth from a detached intellectual's perspective, there is not a dram of personal affection nor enmity towards him in me. Heck, I'm downright antipathetic towards his inclusion in Smash, although not so much because of Sephiroth himself, so much as what he is- a second FFVII character when the rest of the illustrious-infamous franchise lacks for Smash representation. I would've had the same antipathy had it been Tifa or Aerith or Cait Sith or Cloud In A Dress, which says something about how little Sephiroth affects me.


19 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I hate pokemon ice puzzles

I'm not if I love ice-sliding puzzles, but I sure don't hate them either. I think I might get into a certain zone when doing them. I don't figure them out right away, but I do think my neurons start transmitting information in straight lines until they hit an obstacle. The puzzles are very familiar, very digestible, I don't need to bend my brain for them.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

David Cage was the culprit of anime all along

He's done it again

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't get the impression that I'd jump on top of any shirtless dude in a video game!😳

I have seen shirtless Sephiroth before, he does nothing for me, nada, zero, zilch. I might have a little appreciation for One Winged Angel the music, but you could toss the man in a trash compactor and I wouldn't shed a tear. The most famed villain of Final Fantasy, and while I can make positive and negative remarks towards the writing of Sephiroth from a detached intellectual's perspective, there is not a dram of personal affection nor enmity towards him in me. Heck, I'm downright antipathetic towards his inclusion in Smash, although not so much because of Sephiroth himself, so much as what he is- a second FFVII character when the rest of the illustrious-infamous franchise lacks for Smash representation. I would've had the same antipathy had it been Tifa or Aerith or Cait Sith or Cloud In A Dress, which says something about how little Sephiroth affects me.

I didn't think that was the case. I am missing the power of the bonk though.

And honestly same with Sephiroth in Smash, he leaves and I wouldn't mind.

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1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's time.

3pm tomorrow here, might end up being in transit during it.

Neat. I probably won't get back from work quickly enough to watch it, but then, there's also absolutely nothing I'm expecting from this going in, so I'll just look through the announcements afterwards and see if there's any interesting surprises.

Maybe we'll finally get the HD Dougy announcement. A man can dream lol.

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"Champ" Time!

A cute Demon King, or smth. xD

Well, as usual, my Party!



My starter, a high speed special spread attacker. Why i picked her? Simple


Do i need any other reason xD

Carried me through the whole game, and also 10-15 levels higher than the rest due to ho much i used her...

Despite that, important battles aren't that easily sweepable by her.

Also, has a pretty cool ability: Positive. Whenever a stat is reduced, SATK increases by 2 levels. When that happens than it's a sweep...




Despite being a Tank, she's more an offensive attacker with some Terrain setting/clearing roles. Learns the equivalent of shell smash, if you can set it up...sweep baby!

Major Earth weakness tho...then again, half my team is weak against Earth!



Tanky physical focus attacker. The last one to join my team after replacing fast focus attackers that couldn't do the job well and just kept dying before doing anything. She can atleast survive, tank and then hit back, hard!



Zapdos is now a cute girl!



The tanky Moon soverign, saver of asses. Being tanky and having high SATK and access to healing, she saved my ass quite a few times. 



Toxin staller 


We fightin on Rainbow Road or somethin.


16 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's time.

3pm tomorrow here, might end up being in transit during it.

bout time

9 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I mean

Can't anyone there just view it on NoA's channel xD

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8 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I mean

Can't anyone there just view it on NoA's channel xD

True, but i still want to be annoyed because we're lumped in with Nintendo UK.

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OH MY GOSH, Touhou Puppet Dancer Performance!

I loved this game, and it has been the only Pokémon game I have played and beaten yet.

Sadly I played an early version without the characters past T13.

Seeing my beloved Junko is epic!


I would love to play a more modern version of it, but sadly I have not found one yet.

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