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Everytime i see this i remember something i read loooong ago about the translation of this scene.

In english, it's: "I've spent my whole life looking for you, finally, i found you"

Ya know, classic old Fates avatar dicksucking.

Apparently, in japanese, it's more akin to "Princess Hinoka of Hoshido, en guarde!" or something along these lines

Dunno if true tho, but would make much more sense, especially with Fates infamous loc fuckups

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5 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Fire Emblem gameplay at it's best and story at it's worst for all it's worth



Kaga is the original creator of Fire Emblem (until FE5) and even after leaving FE behind he did some FE like games

Oh really??

Hmmm...They might be worth lookin into then

Whoops... just looked on my laptop. I was thinkin of SaGa Frontier. Sorry bout the cornfusion 😀

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38 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Wait wait wait.

Shadow Dragon question.

...Are Minvera and Maria automatically recruited after chapter 10 or do I have to talk to them within the chapter?

I think Maria needs to be alive for you to even recruit Minerva. I suggest talking to them both tho, in that order.

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Zoran still the Fates GOAT.

So, with the game done, thought I'd give some unit comments and talk about the official artwork because why not? Well, just the stats in this post, so long as is.

Triumph Requires Soldiers:


So, in order or least to most, who was the most bloodthirsty?

The 0 squad:


Heal Team 6:

Enteh, Plum, Katri, Lyria, Rebecca, Renee

Thieves and combat don't mix:

Yuni, Narcus, Maerhen, Bud

No excuse but bias or full parties:

Vega, Sharon, Billford, Krishna, Frau, Sun, Shirou, Lionheart, Zachariah, Lina, Yoda, Hagar, Verna

Tom    1
Raphael    1
Arkis    2
Kreiss    2
Sennet    2
Tia    2
Alfred    3
Mel    28
Barts    38
Attrom    39
Narron    40
Alicia    44
Sasha    48
Rishel    50
Raffin    55
Mintz    57
Leonie    58
Garo    59
Estelle    59
Kate    60
Mahter    62
Raquel    62
Shigen    67
Norton    70
Roger    72
Julia    73
Lionel    75
Xeno    76
Maruj    77
Holmes    78
Sierra    85
Runan    86
Samson    87
Meriah    91

I got a shock when I saw Sierra was so high let me tell you. By far the latest recruit in the top 10, 20.... well maybe not 30 because of the endgame squad and she's just outside the top 3.

Meriah stole the top spot last second by virtue of Aura Rain, Samson I can get as I used him to tanky plenty, before and after the Dakuron, made worse by me giving him Wrath as well. Runan just got a lot of kills this time, because I wanted to ensure he got levels and he did fine. A pretty linear line of unit kills until you get to Barts and Mel.




Got Spd and Def in his one level. Good job.


Holmes may need to eat shit, but as a unit he did a good amount of work. Enough flying enemies for him to 1-shot, alongside a bunch of scrubs made him easily one of the most reliable options in the party. He was good I guess.


Runan Selius, slayer of gods, conqueror of nations, stealer of weddings.

So, the stats could be better. But they sufficed for him once he got enough levels behind him frankly. his slow levelling of mastery was a real bother though, he was on 6 or so for a good while and that limited his options. Probably could have used the Levin sword more in lategame, but I had better options for that.


Power is easily the thing she does well and her later game speediness was a pleasant surprise that made her one devastating bomb.

Probably her one main issue was her bulk: I couldn't trust her near the front line early on like Maruj could and she got 1-shot by dracozombies until the Angelic Potion she used in endgame. She popped off in the lategame and stole the win with those late aura rains, probably for the best I didn't use it more lest she dominated the charts.


This boy is so good. His offense was always good, he had the bulk with Sunflame, was able to carry whatever he needed, probably the only reason he didn't do more was because I had so many others and he was waiting for Chapter 39 for promotion because I'm an idiot and should have fully benched Alicia because Kaga thinks promotion items are funny to mess with the player on.


The guy who'd be first but for Meriah stealing the gold. He just got a lot of kills working for Holmes in the first two route splits, then got a bunch more with Runan on the last split. Dolharken was a blessing when I needed a wall in the lategame. And of course he got them good growths.

Boring maybe, but a solid unit who served his purpose.


Her having so few kills can only be explained by me kind of holding back on using her full time once she was on the wyvern. But yeah, grinding for levels is a pain at first, but once she gets Elite it's a breeze.

Didn't help she like Runan didn't get enough Mastery for Levin Sword until she got to level 20, at which point her Magic got hurt by promotion.


He and Mel were around for a lot of the game. I didn't give Roger enough credit, surprised at his kill count, but they were with Holmes before the last route split, so plenty of opportunities there. Giving him Lethality was a fun choice to help clear lategame monsters.

He did have alright stats, I didn't think he was this fast but he ended up on 18 late game, which is neat.


It's Combat Mel meme time. And honestly her kill count should have been higher, especially once she got over 20 magic damage. Both of them were not used as much as they probably should have been considering these results. But yeah, healer with Levin Sword is fun whether one or off foot.

Another victim of Mastery curses sadly, because otherwise she'd have been doing it sooner.


She screwed in Mastery and I lost a Mov level, which of course sucked. She was damm good once she got enough exp between Chapters the later chapters in the first route split and contributed well from even monster slaying at Fort Balt, then just kept stomping around maps and doing damage all the time. Stellar unit, too broken for the game's own good.


If he'd gotten Str more often in the latter half of the game he'd have been a stellar combat unit with more kills, but he was fast enough for heavier stuff. Again, later levels being poor was the one shame he had. Good character, Shigen should have been the sole lord /s


This girl did more than a solid when she arrived in the party saving Shigen from dying. Then she proceeded to be one of the best units in the party with great offences. She did get a bunch of stat boosts, but mostly bulk and Spd, which doesn't matter to her great Mag.

3 range, nosferatu and free range with warp makes her a busted unit.


Somehow he got 5% twice on Mov.

Lionel was a massive help with that range of movement and just being slid all round. Might have liked him to have done a bit better but these stats served him well.



Eisenbach's family did good this run. Mel could actually fight and Maruj was a well capable fighter who did a bunch throughout. Sure his Mag was a bit low for most of it but getting 13 without the potion sounds alright for him all things considered. I could have used his specials more, but hoarding was a real issue I faced playing this apparently. And of course Meriah managed to pip him on the Spd by the end, but she was blessed in late game, not a fair comparison.

Everyone above was in the final squad (alongside Tia, Albert, Renee, Lyria and Plum doing their things)


She had 9 Str before endgame. While 3 were from the potion, the fact prison just seemed to piss her off enough for her to get Str twice in Chapter 39 is the only conclusion I can make considering how badly she levelled it beforehand. Not a great unit by any measure, but she could have done more if I promoted her before Chapter 24.

Once again not a great unit, but Kaga be Kaga and insists we do this to ourselves. She definitely leaves even if Sasha's elsewhere right?


He probably should have been better, done more. But I didn't use him as much as I expected, that's the reason he only has 40 kills and this many levels.

But that early promotion ensured I had a good unit who could maybe leave units alive for others or remove them as a threat. I didn't need him for all the fights, so he did see the bench at times, but he did a good job on the first route split in particular.


@Saint RubenioHe was level 15 before Chapter 36. You're the reason he got so many levels in endgame, I hope you're happy. Narron could have done what he did, but still, he did fine..... except for 37 where he died a few times helping hold back all the summons. He didn't have stats that high starting out with that that's for sure, not helped by the dismount losses.

Anyways, Mintz was someone I didn't use much at first, he nearly died on my in Chapter 17 to a surprise meteor, but until the last route split he saw some combat, helped and was a decent enough unit. Someone insisted I keep using this guy and so I did over Narron. And maybe Narron would have done better than he did on those maps, but Mintz was fine. That 57 kills was definitely due to the zombie infestation he, Roger, Sansom and Norton fought (though he did the least so he has some other kills to his name.)


I chose to use The Norton.

He blessed me with 3 Spd levels in a row.

Praise Speedy Norton.

He could have been tankier, but it didn't matter. He could actually double things and that is all the blessing I needed, especially since once he was low enough foes were deleted.


Sure, he got a Spd potion because we wasn't the fastest, but he was a solid help who could fly up to ballisate or over walls, so he did what was needed. He could have been more accurate, but he did as you'd expect for a flier and that's good. He saw some use even in lategame with some inside lance uses too.


So, I chose to use her instead of Arkis or Kreiss.

I am happy to say that was a good idea.She wasn't a powerhouse before promotion admittedly so it took a bit before she was fully reliable, but she was fast, her mastery wasn't trash with the first potion and she did fine. Raffin got more kills, but not by much. 8/10, would recommend


Mr. Good at arena, even though there were others with similar arena kill numbers none did it as effortlessly. That aside, be was solid enough I taught him Astra...... only for me to not bring him to endgame. He did good work throughout the playthrough on Holmes's side at least and levelled solidly enough.

Well that's a shame, because next playthrough he's benched so I can use units like Arkis and Maerchen.


She was a bit of an issue because she was slow to start levelling.

Never let it be said she was bad, just sometimes she could have done more damage when her Str didn't level as much as another archer. That and I mostly used her for the obvious purposes.


This girl was a real problem. A 4 Str problem. She only matched Shigen Str by the end, before then she struggled to get to 10. She had 10 Def and 4 Str at one point, it was awful.

That aside, she killed Lentzenheimer, was a reliable dodgetank with the main gauche, could kill on occasion, she wasn't terrible, especially when she actually levelled Str after Lentzenheimer was slain.


So, her combat could have been better.

Unlike Julia she was kind of an ass to others and didn't get much of any good levels, being at low mag and spd before promotion and she couldn't tank halfway decently like Julia could for a while. She could hit with Dire Thunder, but wasn't doing better than any of the other mages. Which makes me leaving Rishel wait until 39 to promote baffling.


Garo was very helpful earlier on, being that he had bulk enough to jeigan for my squad. While not as broken as he might have been if I'd focused on him, he was reliable for most of the playthrough, mostly getting benched in late game for his lower movement.

That Str was pretty late in gains as well admittedly.


Martel was better with Levin swords, unlike the other characters who'd have wanted them. She was also fine at combat besides, but I was fine putting her on the bench behind others, especially once she hit the cap. But she was very helpful in Chapter 32, making the experience not an utter nightmare, so she has her bonafides as a good unit.

The shame is that the triangle attack doesn't matter until Chapter 36 at least so she doesn't get to really use that either.


He was levelled to save Renee. Offence similar to Xeno but less bulk until near the cap and skills. Pretty surplus to requirements.

He then had to be promoted because she ran deep in Shion's range. FFS I could have stopped it with Sierra if I knew she'd be that stubborn despite him being right in front of her.


Poor Butz, he could have gotten promoted if I'd not had to promote Attrom to recruit Renee. Admittedly he still would have been surplus to requirements with Samson in the party, but he was there early game with more move than Garo and good enough offence. Not enough to prevent missing, but hand axes are bad in this game let's be honest.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:
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Zero consequence on the ending, as I recall. As for what happens in it... Raquel fights an ugly man in a cutscene and hesitates to finish him. Eugen comes out of nowhere and chastises her for being useless and tells her to get out of there. If she accepts to leave, the scene ends and nothing happens, she stays in the team even. If you pick the option to... uh, hesitate? Luca just walks by and gets crit to death by the guy even though, bad as Luka is, he sucks and probably doesn't have the stats for it. Then Raquel murders him in revenge and unlocks the power of kill.

It's... supremely dumb, and you can just instantly undo it by reviving Luca anyway. They don't acknowledge it if you do that, by the way.


 So the event's as useless as Ruka is.

Good to know I'm missing nothing.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehhh I don't know. I'm not so hot on this one. I get his point, but usually the problem in these cases is that the executives who hold all the budget and all the power have no idea how to gamemake and want their money now, regardless of the consequences for the game or the developers. Try telling that to them!

...Not to mention, lines like "what comes back will prioritize the developers' jobs, rather than the player experience" and "they aren't going to cut you slack just because development was hard, nor should they" could very easily be twisted into "Crunch is good! Suffer for the player!" and there go the human rights of game devs.

I mean, the balance definitely sounds like it's a bit okay with stretching those working on the titles and going too far on that is a risky play that can make the game worse for the very people who are supposed to then play the finished title. Could be an issue of him being in the director's chair for such a long time that those considerations have been blurred for him, which is unfortunate.

41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, I got a patch for that.

Oh hey, that's good.

15 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Weren’t them Kaga games called Final Fantasy on game boy? I finshed the first one of those. I know I got at least 1 for playstation

Completely unrelated to FE.

 The GB games were FF Adventure (the first game in the Mana series (Secret and Trials)) and FF Legend (the SaGa games as you mentioned).

1 minute ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Whoops... just looked on my laptop. I was thinkin of SaGa Frontier. Sorry bout the cornfusion 😀

Bit late there, sorry.

32 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Leo: You're a disgrace




Literally his first attack and he crits XD

This gave Leo further shock

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

That's one way to fly, I suppose.

She just falls with style back onto her Negasus

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56 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Possibly unpopular opinion.

This is a GBA level Fire Emblem animation in a modern game and I'm all for it.

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think Maria needs to be alive for you to even recruit Minerva. I suggest talking to them both tho, in that order.

Yeah I looked it up, and I went managed to recruit the underleveled cleric along with the overleveled Dracoknight.

I already have my team kind of built at this point so now it's a mystery on who I'm going to replace with Minerva...

7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Zoran still the Fates GOAT.

There's something funny about seeing this video not too long after seeing his posts on twitter about upgrading to HD.

If I ever play Fates again I hope it'll be on Cirta so I can change the spoken language to Japanese and skip all non-animated cutscenes so I can appreciate the game as if it's an art movie.

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15 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

This is a GBA level Fire Emblem animation in a modern game and I'm all for it.

Fates has alot of GBA level animations!

Archer spin, Berserker spin, Horse rushing, Ninja spin, etc.

Alot of GBA crit animations are in 3D in Fates...and are better there tbh.

GBA animations are way overrated. Fates does it better xD

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Everytime i see this i remember something i read loooong ago about the translation of this scene.

In english, it's: "I've spent my whole life looking for you, finally, i found you"

Ya know, classic old Fates avatar dicksucking.

Apparently, in japanese, it's more akin to "Princess Hinoka of Hoshido, en guarde!" or something along these lines

Dunno if true tho, but would make much more sense, especially with Fates infamous loc fuckups

She's flying with her spear.

If anything, the localized line is at least stupid enough to match.

I love Fates.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think Maria needs to be alive for you to even recruit Minerva. I suggest talking to them both tho, in that order.

@Edelguardiansing You need to recruit Maria with Marth, then Minerva will want to talk to Marth. And yeah, Maria needs to live.

Nevermind you figured it out already. But I can delete quoted because Phonerenes, so... Whoops!

18 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

So the event's as useless as Ruka is.

It takes away Raquel's mercy, which is arguably a bad thing.

Thanks, Luca.

18 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Could be an issue of him being in the director's chair for such a long time that those considerations have been blurred for him, which is unfortunate.

I mean, isn't he the guy that BADLY overworked himself in every project he led? Perhaps he doesn't see it as too bad.

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Possibly unpopular opinion.

This is a GBA level Fire Emblem animation in a modern game and I'm all for it.

You know, that's... a good point. I guess it being in a cutscene is what makes it more jarring. But then, it's a Fates cutscene, so...

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7 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Fates has alot of GBA level animations!

Archer spin, Berserker spin, Horse rushing, Ninja spin, etc.

Alot of GBA crit animations are in 3D in Fates...and are better there tbh.

That is true I suppose, though the only ones that I can remember right now is the Sorcerer and Dread fighter ones.

Gah! Stop making me want to play Fates! I'm trying to speedrun the entire series here!

9 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

GBA animations are way overrated

Perhaps but after being spoiled by them in Sacred Stones I could not be more disappointed with Shadow Dragon.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, that's... a good point. I guess it being in a cutscene is what makes it more jarring. But then, it's a Fates cutscene, so...

As a cutscene I still think it looks cool. Fates even had the dignity to censor her upskirt which is saying a lot considering literally the entire rest of the game.

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33 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

GBA animations are way overrated. Fates does it better xD

Total nope!

Fates has sucky 3DS 3D graphics, they cannot pick a god and pray to compete with GBA 2D.😛 I'd rather Radiant Dawn's visuals any day over Fates's as well.

If you want to go over the top with the visuals, there is inherently something about 2D that makes it easier to create crisp and immersive flashiness. There has to be a reason SRW has stuck with 2D barring the occasional 3D side project. FE almost never invests the resources in 3D to create true technical spectacle.

I say almost, because TMS is an explosion of silly bombastic flavor for the eyes. However, mainline 3D FE barring RD hasn't sated my appetite for big booms and the ilk. Especially in the magic animation department, gimme back Rexflame-tier quality! Fast-forward and skipping animations altogether should be enough for the battle choreography philistines.

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1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Zoran still the Fates GOAT.

So, with the game done, thought I'd give some unit comments and talk about the official artwork because why not? Well, just the stats in this post, so long as is.

Triumph Requires Soldiers:

Somebody say Triumph? 😎



1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:
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So, in order or least to most, who was the most bloodthirsty?

The 0 squad:

  Reveal hidden contents

Heal Team 6:

Enteh, Plum, Katri, Lyria, Rebecca, Renee

Thieves and combat don't mix:

Yuni, Narcus, Maerhen, Bud

No excuse but bias or full parties:

Vega, Sharon, Billford, Krishna, Frau, Sun, Shirou, Lionheart, Zachariah, Lina, Yoda, Hagar, Verna

Tom    1
Raphael    1
Arkis    2
Kreiss    2
Sennet    2
Tia    2
Alfred    3
Mel    28
Barts    38
Attrom    39
Narron    40
Alicia    44
Sasha    48
Rishel    50
Raffin    55
Mintz    57
Leonie    58
Garo    59
Estelle    59
Kate    60
Mahter    62
Raquel    62
Shigen    67
Norton    70
Roger    72
Julia    73
Lionel    75
Xeno    76
Maruj    77
Holmes    78
Sierra    85
Runan    86
Samson    87
Meriah    91

I got a shock when I saw Sierra was so high let me tell you. By far the latest recruit in the top 10, 20.... well maybe not 30 because of the endgame squad and she's just outside the top 3.

Meriah stole the top spot last second by virtue of Aura Rain, Samson I can get as I used him to tanky plenty, before and after the Dakuron, made worse by me giving him Wrath as well. Runan just got a lot of kills this time, because I wanted to ensure he got levels and he did fine. A pretty linear line of unit kills until you get to Barts and Mel.


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Got Spd and Def in his one level. Good job.


Holmes may need to eat shit, but as a unit he did a good amount of work. Enough flying enemies for him to 1-shot, alongside a bunch of scrubs made him easily one of the most reliable options in the party. He was good I guess.


Runan Selius, slayer of gods, conqueror of nations, stealer of weddings.

So, the stats could be better. But they sufficed for him once he got enough levels behind him frankly. his slow levelling of mastery was a real bother though, he was on 6 or so for a good while and that limited his options. Probably could have used the Levin sword more in lategame, but I had better options for that.


Power is easily the thing she does well and her later game speediness was a pleasant surprise that made her one devastating bomb.

Probably her one main issue was her bulk: I couldn't trust her near the front line early on like Maruj could and she got 1-shot by dracozombies until the Angelic Potion she used in endgame. She popped off in the lategame and stole the win with those late aura rains, probably for the best I didn't use it more lest she dominated the charts.


This boy is so good. His offense was always good, he had the bulk with Sunflame, was able to carry whatever he needed, probably the only reason he didn't do more was because I had so many others and he was waiting for Chapter 39 for promotion because I'm an idiot and should have fully benched Alicia because Kaga thinks promotion items are funny to mess with the player on.


The guy who'd be first but for Meriah stealing the gold. He just got a lot of kills working for Holmes in the first two route splits, then got a bunch more with Runan on the last split. Dolharken was a blessing when I needed a wall in the lategame. And of course he got them good growths.

Boring maybe, but a solid unit who served his purpose.


Her having so few kills can only be explained by me kind of holding back on using her full time once she was on the wyvern. But yeah, grinding for levels is a pain at first, but once she gets Elite it's a breeze.

Didn't help she like Runan didn't get enough Mastery for Levin Sword until she got to level 20, at which point her Magic got hurt by promotion.


He and Mel were around for a lot of the game. I didn't give Roger enough credit, surprised at his kill count, but they were with Holmes before the last route split, so plenty of opportunities there. Giving him Lethality was a fun choice to help clear lategame monsters.

He did have alright stats, I didn't think he was this fast but he ended up on 18 late game, which is neat.


It's Combat Mel meme time. And honestly her kill count should have been higher, especially once she got over 20 magic damage. Both of them were not used as much as they probably should have been considering these results. But yeah, healer with Levin Sword is fun whether one or off foot.

Another victim of Mastery curses sadly, because otherwise she'd have been doing it sooner.


She screwed in Mastery and I lost a Mov level, which of course sucked. She was damm good once she got enough exp between Chapters the later chapters in the first route split and contributed well from even monster slaying at Fort Balt, then just kept stomping around maps and doing damage all the time. Stellar unit, too broken for the game's own good.


If he'd gotten Str more often in the latter half of the game he'd have been a stellar combat unit with more kills, but he was fast enough for heavier stuff. Again, later levels being poor was the one shame he had. Good character, Shigen should have been the sole lord /s


This girl did more than a solid when she arrived in the party saving Shigen from dying. Then she proceeded to be one of the best units in the party with great offences. She did get a bunch of stat boosts, but mostly bulk and Spd, which doesn't matter to her great Mag.

3 range, nosferatu and free range with warp makes her a busted unit.


Somehow he got 5% twice on Mov.

Lionel was a massive help with that range of movement and just being slid all round. Might have liked him to have done a bit better but these stats served him well.



Eisenbach's family did good this run. Mel could actually fight and Maruj was a well capable fighter who did a bunch throughout. Sure his Mag was a bit low for most of it but getting 13 without the potion sounds alright for him all things considered. I could have used his specials more, but hoarding was a real issue I faced playing this apparently. And of course Meriah managed to pip him on the Spd by the end, but she was blessed in late game, not a fair comparison.

Everyone above was in the final squad (alongside Tia, Albert, Renee, Lyria and Plum doing their things)


She had 9 Str before endgame. While 3 were from the potion, the fact prison just seemed to piss her off enough for her to get Str twice in Chapter 39 is the only conclusion I can make considering how badly she levelled it beforehand. Not a great unit by any measure, but she could have done more if I promoted her before Chapter 24.

Once again not a great unit, but Kaga be Kaga and insists we do this to ourselves. She definitely leaves even if Sasha's elsewhere right?


He probably should have been better, done more. But I didn't use him as much as I expected, that's the reason he only has 40 kills and this many levels.

But that early promotion ensured I had a good unit who could maybe leave units alive for others or remove them as a threat. I didn't need him for all the fights, so he did see the bench at times, but he did a good job on the first route split in particular.


@Saint RubenioHe was level 15 before Chapter 36. You're the reason he got so many levels in endgame, I hope you're happy. Narron could have done what he did, but still, he did fine..... except for 37 where he died a few times helping hold back all the summons. He didn't have stats that high starting out with that that's for sure, not helped by the dismount losses.

Anyways, Mintz was someone I didn't use much at first, he nearly died on my in Chapter 17 to a surprise meteor, but until the last route split he saw some combat, helped and was a decent enough unit. Someone insisted I keep using this guy and so I did over Narron. And maybe Narron would have done better than he did on those maps, but Mintz was fine. That 57 kills was definitely due to the zombie infestation he, Roger, Sansom and Norton fought (though he did the least so he has some other kills to his name.)


I chose to use The Norton.

He blessed me with 3 Spd levels in a row.

Praise Speedy Norton.

He could have been tankier, but it didn't matter. He could actually double things and that is all the blessing I needed, especially since once he was low enough foes were deleted.


Sure, he got a Spd potion because we wasn't the fastest, but he was a solid help who could fly up to ballisate or over walls, so he did what was needed. He could have been more accurate, but he did as you'd expect for a flier and that's good. He saw some use even in lategame with some inside lance uses too.


So, I chose to use her instead of Arkis or Kreiss.

I am happy to say that was a good idea.She wasn't a powerhouse before promotion admittedly so it took a bit before she was fully reliable, but she was fast, her mastery wasn't trash with the first potion and she did fine. Raffin got more kills, but not by much. 8/10, would recommend


Mr. Good at arena, even though there were others with similar arena kill numbers none did it as effortlessly. That aside, be was solid enough I taught him Astra...... only for me to not bring him to endgame. He did good work throughout the playthrough on Holmes's side at least and levelled solidly enough.

Well that's a shame, because next playthrough he's benched so I can use units like Arkis and Maerchen.


She was a bit of an issue because she was slow to start levelling.

Never let it be said she was bad, just sometimes she could have done more damage when her Str didn't level as much as another archer. That and I mostly used her for the obvious purposes.


This girl was a real problem. A 4 Str problem. She only matched Shigen Str by the end, before then she struggled to get to 10. She had 10 Def and 4 Str at one point, it was awful.

That aside, she killed Lentzenheimer, was a reliable dodgetank with the main gauche, could kill on occasion, she wasn't terrible, especially when she actually levelled Str after Lentzenheimer was slain.


So, her combat could have been better.

Unlike Julia she was kind of an ass to others and didn't get much of any good levels, being at low mag and spd before promotion and she couldn't tank halfway decently like Julia could for a while. She could hit with Dire Thunder, but wasn't doing better than any of the other mages. Which makes me leaving Rishel wait until 39 to promote baffling.


Garo was very helpful earlier on, being that he had bulk enough to jeigan for my squad. While not as broken as he might have been if I'd focused on him, he was reliable for most of the playthrough, mostly getting benched in late game for his lower movement.

That Str was pretty late in gains as well admittedly.


Martel was better with Levin swords, unlike the other characters who'd have wanted them. She was also fine at combat besides, but I was fine putting her on the bench behind others, especially once she hit the cap. But she was very helpful in Chapter 32, making the experience not an utter nightmare, so she has her bonafides as a good unit.

The shame is that the triangle attack doesn't matter until Chapter 36 at least so she doesn't get to really use that either.


He was levelled to save Renee. Offence similar to Xeno but less bulk until near the cap and skills. Pretty surplus to requirements.

He then had to be promoted because she ran deep in Shion's range. FFS I could have stopped it with Sierra if I knew she'd be that stubborn despite him being right in front of her.


Poor Butz, he could have gotten promoted if I'd not had to promote Attrom to recruit Renee. Admittedly he still would have been surplus to requirements with Samson in the party, but he was there early game with more move than Garo and good enough offence. Not enough to prevent missing, but hand axes are bad in this game let's be honest.

Completely unrelated to FE.

 The GB games were FF Adventure (the first game in the Mana series (Secret and Trials)) and FF Legend (the SaGa games as you mentioned).

Yup... just looked at Tear Ring Saga on my emulator. Definitely looks Fire Emblem like. That oughta be fun to get in to 😁

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Alright, let's get the full body artworks. Linking to the image pages on the non-fandom wiki for if the images don't load for people. Just giving brief thoughts, pointing these out. I'll admit, I'm writing these late and I'm not used to doing this, so some of what I'm saying could be comparable to excrement.



Ah yes, she of the boob window I thought wasn't. Pretty standard mage look overall, feels more like an older Miranda looking at her.


Had to put these two together to show off the sword being pointed in opposite directions. Their personalities are shown fine enough here (Arkis being the more cocky, Arkis more reserved and stoic)


Bit more uniform colour compared to her in game art, which honestly was a good change. This pose feels like she could have had a more combative personality or at least more direct with her wants, which is definitely OOC.


Surprise blogpost image from outside the credits! Didn't get any scenes outside her joining and I haven't watched the endgame yet, so not much to say on if this fits the underlevelled kid who wanted to do something.


Look at this badass! I'd love if Garo could be seen like this more often ingame but Axes be Kaga axes through and through. He looks like he's going to chop his way through the ranks alone here and if he had more Mov I'd believe it for sure. This pose, I'm all for it.



It's the lord with, like, 1 good villain on his route. Personality is conveyed well enough here, but I have to wonder if he's got giant feet or oversized shoes. The left arm also confuses me at a certain distance, I thought he had a bog wad of skin where the end of his glove is on his left.


Bit of an odd pose, but could be worse. What is strange is that the boobplate here looks fine, I guess, but comparing to her ingame halfbody and I just can't ignore the stupid amount of creases on the shirt she's wearing. But hey, she's wearing pants, not series standard.


Gee Kaga, why does Kate get two artworks? Anyways, love the pose on the first one, makes her look like she's going to handle the back so your boys can flee singlehandedly. Her second feels less so honestly, not as fond of this one.  It's not the colour of the armour, which I do think is better on the first, or the weapon change. I feel like it's because she doesn't look like the person who found you making moves on Sasha, that's probably why.


Katri, with little much changed about her based off her pose here. Clothes got changed in colour but that's about it.


Lionel, when I'm looking for a good unit who can move far indoors

Anyways, this one feels more like a pose that'd fit him when he's sitting down with Norton in the second reunion, both of them drinking away and talking about back home. It's a pose that shows a very relaxed attitude, which doesn't fit him when he's on duty. Not much has changed pysically from this to ingame looking at him, just not a posture I'd expect to see in this game.


Raziel here with the Sacae drip.

Anyways, Lionheart looks the part of the leader of a liberation force, with clothing allowing him to move quickly and cover himself if needed. Other than that, it's a cross-arms pose, not much to derive from it.


You call that a knight?

THIS is a knight.

Jokes aside, aside from a solid standing pose and full plate armour, I don't have much to add. Getting no convos in the second reunion beyond reminiscing with Lionheart was unfortunate because the former gets more events.


Okay, wait, why does Lyria get 2 artworks? Least it's not of her in that scene.

So yeah, two of them. The first was probably sufficient, gives her somewhat in her own head aspect fine. The second is a bit more of a reserved stance, like she's trying to avoid being noticed by whoever's talking at the moment.


It's the Sea Serpent himself.

And there's nothing much different from ingame. Don't know why they picked him for credits images.


Martel gets a surprise blogpost image and credits art! Martel got two of them, kinda surprising.This first one feels like she's just chatting away to whoever but wouldn't be afraid of a fight either.  The second feels similar to Frau's, only it looks more reserved compared to Frau, which fits. And can I just say that somehow this trio's hair looks even less like they're related than Blazing Sword's Pegasisters?


Look at windy boi, trying his hardest to look the hard man who you don't want to mess with. You can tell how he is in game pretty well with this image.


Another standard mage look here, but I see she's taking after Maruj's gesticulating.


Mel here feels about right looking at her. The pointing off to who knows what is fine here, her standing up straight makes sense, no real point here from me.



Bonus, because Mel's other art despite being half body is wildly different. It feels like she's going for a look closer to Esther's actually, maybe that's more standard for Welltese knights. I'm fine with Mel not having it, but would like to have seen it elsewhere.


This Narron looks like he's just heard he's been conscripted alright. The young boy who's been put to fighting can be seen here and I think it works.

Imagine if he kept these colours instead of going Gold


Yep, looks like Narcus alright. Untrustworthy and unreliable, hah!

Yeah, this is Plum alright.

totally innocent, going to be just fine.

Nothing to comment on with the clothes or the pose at the moment.


Raquel here looks about as relaxed as you'd expect. A pose that strikes as someone who doesn't want to deal with your worries at the minute. Regardless, don't bother her.

One thing I realise, unlike the other archers she doesn't have any accessories for archery on her at all, unlike every other foot archer. Lionheart doesn't either.


Leonie here looks like she's heard you talking shit. And knowing how good a shot she can be being in earshot's a terrible place to be. Other than that, looks like an archer for sure.

Put Leonie in your crossover hacks dammit!


For some reason all the halfbodies are half bodies except Rishel and as a result poor guy is shrunk. Regardless, when it comes down to it this looks a little off for someone who's a fire mage, and one using the sun at that. But that arms wide pose looks right for him as well.


Roger here looks about as you'd expect really. No further comments beyond him standing to attention really.


So, it's Runy time. Not much difference from his ingame art, Varunastra in hand. Not much to say about this piece.

Just a fun bit of trivia here:


Beta Runan, here looking like Marth with a dash of Roy. Amazing they went from copying the first lord to best lord.

Sword looks about the same too.


Look at that, it's Sasha, running and looking like she's worried about what she's seeing. Not in a she's in danger way, just that something's going to happen.


What is he sitting on here? He has to be sitting, it just makes no sense otherwise. Tom looks about as you'd expect.


And now to round off the lords people care about! Tia here looks like how you'd expect, from her armour down to her determined pose. This pic of Tia works.


Pfft, why is Vega wearing blue? Feels so wrong for Edgey boy here. Other than that it's fine.

File:YHWC Verna.png

Rounding off the pegasisters blogpost pics we have Verna. Don't know if this pose that looks like she's waving at you from a distance works, considering most of what we see of her is asking her sisters to be careful and delivering messages between groups.


I laughed when I saw this in the credits, that mouth is not helping. Other than that, pretty standard art with a pose that suits. He looks like he's telling you to back off, but base Xeno's not going to do much.


Well, this is different. Yuni looks like she'd running off after taking the wrong thing, not that she looks like she regrets it.


Zeig's is also from the blogpost, which is a surprise because it feels like it deviates the least from the other artworks. Here he looks like he's going to betray the party early if you don't stop talking he's overheard something, but beyond that it's an upright pose with good hold on his shield at least (would it be good to hold the lance like this? I wouldn't think so.)


Beta!Zeig, here looking like he probably should have while playable.

Oh, this breaks the rule and is a very spoilery character, but I have to bring up this one



It's Miradona! Also got a blogpost pic, similar enough pose to the ingame pic. The clothes are a bit more saturated in fairness.


And here's the big one! It's Dragon!Miradona! Looks like Gerxel really took after her, natch.

So yeah, the game really wanted to convey Miradona as Gerxel, but we never get a scene showing her in her dragon form to the ancient Zoans, which would have been nice.

There looks to be high quality of all the dragons, but I wanted to point to Miradona's specifically as you can never see it in game. Links to three of them, because the person who uploaded these from a guidebook didn't put up Rachis for whatever reason.

The credits song is a very 80's love ballad, production and all.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

If I ever play Fates again I hope it'll be on Cirta so I can change the spoken language to Japanese and skip all non-animated cutscenes so I can appreciate the game as if it's an art movie.

  That' certainly one way to do it.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It takes away Raquel's mercy, which is arguably a bad thing.

Thanks, Luca.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, isn't he the guy that BADLY overworked himself in every project he led? Perhaps he doesn't see it as too bad.

Maybe so, but that doesn't help those who happen to be working under the constant overworker.

I still can't believe Monolith Soft came out of a country stereotyped as overworkers to the point of harming themselves.

(Also I had a whole Rant in my unit description for Mintz at you, go back there!)

3 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Yup... just looked at Tear Ring Saga on my emulator. Definitely looks Fire Emblem like. That oughta be fun to get in to 😁

It's very FE like. Kaga (the series creator) was also behind this, Berwick and Vestaria Saga. Terring is definitely the closest to FE of those though.

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16 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


Oh. Interesting.

I don't know where that art is from but that's definitely the art that was used for Lea in Vestaria Saga 2. I was wondering about that one, since it didn't match any official Kate art I knew about.

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4 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Oh. Interesting.

I don't know where that art is from but that's definitely the art that was used for Lea in Vestaria Saga 2. I was wondering about that one, since it didn't match any official Kate art I knew about.

It was on a since dead website which was Kaga's blog?, archive link to the post here.

I'm curious if someone's gone through the full site yet? Some interesting stuff including ideas for a TRS sequel.

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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It was on a since dead website which was Kaga's blog?, archive link to the post here.

Sweet. Thanks.

32 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


An interesting glove she got there. I wonder if that's an actual archer thing.

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8 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

An interesting glove she got there. I wonder if that's an actual archer thing.

Seems elaborate for an archer's bracer, but if you look at the larger image this is cropped from (And you can kinda see the left arm of in this image) it looks like it's a bracer that's part of the forearm glove.

Edit: In that pic, it looks like she has a cyborg forrearm

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18 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It was on a since dead website which was Kaga's blog?, archive link to the post here.

Okay yeah, I do know that site.

And it's actually still online. It's just this particular page that's missing, it seems. No wonder I never saw it. You can even see it has only 13 pages tagged as "ts" while the decade old snapshot has 14.


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