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Bonus Quetzal Attorney time!

Continuing with


Edgeworth totally not being gay.


Phoenix being wrong.


Moments that make me really curious on how they were portrayed in the original Japanese version.

Like seriously, does this take place in the States in the original? It's nearly explicitly said so here but it's interesting to think of a Japanese game making references to the North and South divide, but it could also just be a translation of similar regional discrimination in the Japanese conscious.


Also apparently this game takes place in the distant year of 2016.


And this image that I see being posted every Christmas for some reason.

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19 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Edgeworth totally not being gay.

Reminds me I wanted to make a joke about "calling sign for the shippers" back when I was playing through the Trilogy myself. But well, didn't end up happening, heh.


Moments that make me really curious on how they were portrayed in the original Japanese version.

Like seriously, does this take place in the States in the original? It's nearly explicitly said so here but it's interesting to think of a Japanese game making references to the North and South divide, but it could also just be a translation of similar regional discrimination in the Japanese conscious.

No, it does not. It takes place in Japan.

Kinda. Lotta's accent in Japan is that of Osaka, which... in general, it's the one that tends to be turned into a Southern/Dixie accent when it goes through US English translation. She is meant to be a "Stereotypical person from Osaka", so US localization follows suit.


Also apparently this game takes place in the distant year of 2016.

I don't think I got to play the game in that year. One doesn't get to do that a lot. I remember I did played Ace Combat 5 in the year the game takes place, 2010. Complete to playing the actual missions on their actual dates down to the day. Not the hour, because some wouldn't have have been feasible, heh.

For the record, the original Japanese doesn't give dates. It's only assume to happen at "present time". At least for Phoenix Trilogy. So in Japan, present day is 2001, making 15 years ago the year 1986. Though again, it's not official. That said... maybe it was deliberate. Since 2001 is the year the game originally came out. So localization wanted to make a reference? Probably.

That aside, I find it kinda neat localization went for this. Because when you take into account Phoenix's age, it means he was born late 1992 or early 1993. So... he's between Wraith and I in age, hahaha. But just Phoenix, not Naruhodo.


And this image that I see being posted every Christmas for some reason.

Remember folks, careful wording can save lives. This has been your PSA of the day!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


People bitching about the turnwheel and blaming gameplay issues on it instead of, ya know, 3H bullshit design.

Because Reddit is a cesspit


6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Also ever since we came up with the hypothetical FE x Assassin's Creed game with Petra as the main character, I felt obligated to set her down the path of an Assassin.

That sounds like a fun excuse to make her an Assassin, perhaps she will even assassinate Rhea like Ezio taking down Pope Alexander VI.


6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



The irony of the commoner saying this to the noble.

Its shows the difference between there station, as the noble doesn't even think about the messes they make for their servants to clean, whereas the commoner understands how rude it is to leave a mess for other people to deal with.


19 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Edgeworth totally not being gay.

Edgeworth and Wright are a popular ship for a reason...


20 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Like seriously, does this take place in the States in the original? It's nearly explicitly said so here but it's interesting to think of a Japanese game making references to the North and South divide, but it could also just be a translation of similar regional discrimination in the Japanese conscious.

Nope, definitely in Japan, there is a bit of a joke about "burgers" being the equivalent of Pokemon's jelly donuts. Also from what I remember Lotta had the distinctive Osaka accent in the original. The localization was given a lot of leeway to capture the feel of the Japanese wordplay, and sense of humor that pervaded the script, and I think they did a solid job of it, although it originally being set in Japan become more noticeable in some of the sequels.

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1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Nope, definitely in Japan, there is a bit of a joke about "burgers" being the equivalent of Pokemon's jelly donuts. Also from what I remember Lotta had the distinctive Osaka accent in the original. The localization was given a lot of leeway to capture the feel of the Japanese wordplay, and sense of humor that pervaded the script, and I think they did a solid job of it, although it originally being set in Japan become more noticeable in some of the sequels.

I remember Case 5-2 being quite infamous for it, hehehe.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


@Sidereal Wraith You might be interested in hearing of this canceled game, in case you didn't know about it already.:


Yeah I’ve heard of Dark Sun before. If looked okay, but I’d much rather we’d gotten Dark Prophecy and a proper end to the series then anything else.

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Man, Sabu is completely wasted in River City Girls 2.

I'm sure some corners were cut for the lategame. Like, there must have been meant to be an actual boss fight against the Dragon Twins, for one thing. Because as is, that encounter plays out really strangely.
Still, I feel like those hypothetical corners could have only helped so much.

Maybe the comedy of errors style plot of the first game just played more to Wayforward's strengths.
I mean, Sabuko didn't do anything before she was fought either. But it made sense there because she was no antagonist in the first place. Like the other bosses, she just happened to be at a location where the girls happened to look for Kunio and Rikki.
But that's just not cutting it for an active, antagonistic force like Sabu is supposed to be.

Doesn't exactly help that Sabu got hyped up a lot. Besides the strong first impression he leaves in the game's intro... well, he was also the big unseen presence in the first game. Storming the Yakuza building, you were expecting to face Sabu until you got hit with the old bait & switch.
Then of course Wayforward localized Kunio-tachi no Banka earlier that year. And despite his limited screentime, Sabu most certainly leaves an impression there, with his ruthlessness and cold efficiency.

Really good game and all. But an unintentional anti-climax is always such a damn shame.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nooo the game is too easy"

The game:

The game will be meme centeral won't it be xD

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Because Reddit is a cesspit

It wasn't that bad during 3H era i feel, Edelgard discussions aside, and even that atleast it wasn't "Elitism" moment.

Atm it's like Fates all over again. Well, with the game looking to be Fates 2.0 the discussions around it had to be Fates discussions 2.0 as well, it seems

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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47 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Atm it's like Fates all over again. Well, with the game looking to be Fates 2.0 the discussions around it had to be Fates discussions 2.0 as well, it seems

Come now Shrimp-kun, we know that Engage is Awakening 2.0, not Fates 2.0.

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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Alright folks, this is the moment you were waiting for. SRW is, ultimately, anime. So here's everyone's favorite: The Summer Beach Fanservice Episode! Of course it's one of the DLC stages, making you pay a bit extra for it!

Not even SRW can avoid it I suppose.

How frequent can this even be in mecha anime?

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just then Armors show up, and Fasalina reveals herself to the rest of the group... in a different swimsuit. Because of course. Anyway, only Priscilla and Allenby brought their mechs, but getting to them will prove difficult. And then who shows up but Sai and Tobia, ready to buy them time! The girls are shocked to see them and the two... well, admit they had come to sightsee, if you get what I mean. After some teasing to the young boys from Fasalina (because of course), the stage begins!

Ah now lads.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, interesting. Next Desert banner was Khadein.

A Special Hero banner, with less fantitlation than usual and maybe doing some lore?

What is this bizarro FEH sthick?

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11 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

FE fans not crying about anything challenge (impossible)

Every night I cry to sleep thinking about how Garon dies in every route of Fates.

11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


People bitching about the turnwheel and blaming gameplay issues on it instead of, ya know, 3H bullshit design.

It's like they don't wanna any tools to help people at all. It's casual mode all over again and the fear that "casual mode will kill perma death gameplay in FE"

...and you know which game was it that totally felt not cool with Perma death/Iron man?

Fucking 3H

...Was Fodlan a mistake all along

Aslong as the game isn't designed like 3H maddening or Super Thracia turnwheel is an optional thing.

At this point I'd just tell you to disengage. These people have no power, what the games turn out like is all up to IntSys. The only power they have is the power to annoy you, and that's if you let them.


Ruben, anything bad you did in your hack you did because Save states exist! 

You are correct. Go play Ruben Stones everyone. I promise you will have a grand ol' time. I have been a very kind man.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I actually have heard about this before how depending on any amiibo you've scanned you get a special song from that game. I only have female Corrin so unfortunately no Alight but Dark Fall is pretty good to.

If a bit anxiety inducing.

I'd like to have a Corncob. Though mostly due to a lack of Garon amiibo. I don't care much for amiibos in general, but you can bet I'd be jumping on that one like a starving hyena.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


The irony of the commoner saying this to the noble.

I mean, Caspar probably expects a servant or two will come along to clean up.


11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:




Edelgard carefully treading the line between revolutionaire and despot.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


And perhaps...be lost in thought??


11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



...That's all I got. All I know about Kaiba is that he has a dumb hairdo and he's deeply unreasonable.

10 hours ago, Loliko said:

It's a shame Clarisse , you were so close. Like , a few inches away from him.Capture d'écran_20230108_020102.png

Good. Screw Clarine.


Chapter 10 was kind of a train wreck : I somehow managed to recruit Gonzales with a lvl 1 Lilina but Klain and his boys decided that it would be funny to pile up in the one tile large corridor to the right. And even with rescue dropping from Shanna , Clarisse didn't have enough movement to talk to him. Also looks like Tate doesn't care if Shanna talks to her so I can kiss my Orion's bolt and Elisan Whip goodbye. Not resetting for Clarisse , i'll get Cecilia in like 3 chapters and I promoted my Lugh. I'm probably not getting the good ending aren't I

Edit : Also learned something new. The AI put massive priority on the weapon triangle and being able to ignore counterattack to the point that they will spend 10 turns chucking javelins with 30% hit rates and 0 might at my promoted Treck , but if they see a kill , they will go for it. So yeah my Gonzales is dead.

Echidna's version of Chapter 10 is one of the toughest in this game, so don't feel bad. It happens.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Sakurai proves he is an imperfect human being. Let's get physical, phys-si-cal!

I thgouht he already did when he kinda sorta pinned the blame for executive rushing and crunch on the developers

Anyway, I can see the point he's making here. The man just doesn't have a place to put tons of games lol

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Me when Ruben downgrades from Maddening to Hard.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

The game:


I can't be the only one who mishears that as "the throes, being cucked" every single time, right? Right?

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Edgeworth totally not being gay.

As per usual, you find people going to war over whether or not Edgey is gay.

Personally, I think he usually just doesn't care a fig for human contact... But on the odd occasion that he does find himself riddled with unnecessary feelings... Yeah he gay.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Phoenix being wrong.

Yeah, Edgeworth exists.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Like seriously, does this take place in the States in the original?

Nope. In fact, it was always supposed to take place in Japan, as it's taking digs at the Japanese court system and it features a lot of Japanese-like cultural stuff.

However... Okay, this is really dumb. The localization team was worried that timezones would make the clock puzzle in the tutorial case a bit less intuitive. So they just rewrote the entire game to take place in California. This screwed over the entire series' localizations going forward, as they had to account for this nonsense, and it only got harder and harder with each game. There's a reason it's a meme.

To be honest, I've always found the English localizations for this series to be rather... ho-hum. There's this stupidity, and every two games it seems like they had no proofreader because they are riddled with typos (the original versions, at least). This is most egregious in the second game, where one of the most climatic scenes in the game has a massive typo that ruins the entire vibe.

Legit, I find the fanslation for Investigations 2 to be of higher quality than some of the official localizations the series has seen. The fanslation is great, but it doesn't help that the quality of the official localizations is... inconsistent.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It wasn't that bad during 3H era i feel, Edelgard discussions aside, and even that atleast it wasn't "Elitism" moment.

During the 3H era it wasn't "that bad" because there was zero discussion, there was only mountains upon mountains of 3H fanart. Now that we actually have something to talk about again, the toxicity has reared its ugly head again.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At this point I'd just tell you to disengage

The Engage is real!

Can we get it much higher?

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

During the 3H era it wasn't "that bad" because there was zero discussion, there was only mountains upon mountains of 3H fanart. Now that we actually have something to talk about again, the toxicity has reared its ugly head again.

So only the horni can defeat the toxicity?

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Oh right, I almost forgot. I had a dream tonight.

The dream was that @Edelguardiansing played Banner Saga and called it their new favorite videogame series of all time.

Then I went to a public restroom and started uncomfortably pissing an outrageous amount of a green, gooey goop until the entire place was flooded up to my knees.

Then I woke up at 3 AM and had to go take a piss.

I dream a lot, but this has to be one of the dumbest dreams I've ever had. Any experts on the meaning of dreams here, may I ask what the fuck?

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The Engage is real!

Can we get it much higher?

My favorite moment in Fire Emblem was when Marth said "we have to Engage" and Engaged all over the enemy.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So only the horni can defeat the toxicity?

I suppose you could say that, yes, but then it just got boring. And as you know, I often find boring to be worse than outright bad.

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good. Screw Clarine.

Echidna's version of Chapter 10 is one of the toughest in this game, so don't feel bad. It happens.

Yeah , in the long run it's just gonna save me one guiding ring lol

I actually got 10B , so I didn't get Echidna. I will get best dad Bartre tho , considering putting him on the team since my Lot has been stuck with 7 speed since I got him. That or Geese : always found it funny that he has the only portrait who looks directly at you for no discernable reason.

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4 minutes ago, Loliko said:

Yeah , in the long run it's just gonna save me one guiding ring lol

Good. You can use it on a better character, like Sophia.

4 minutes ago, Loliko said:

I actually got 10B , so I didn't get Echidna. I will get best dad Bartre tho , considering putting him on the team since my Lot has been stuck with 7 speed since I got him. That or Geese : always found it funny that he has the only portrait who looks directly at you for no discernable reason.

Ahh, well, 10B is pretty much just 11A, so my point applies.

Dang, Lot's not been doing well? That makes me sad. Lot's one of my favorites from Binding Blade. Then again, that's part of the beauty of this game. There's so many scrubs.

Geese's claim to fame is that he's really handsome and looks you in the eyes as you bench him. Seriously, why is this complete rando so cool-looking? Of course, being one of the worst axe users in a game that is already unkind on axes in general is just... ehh.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also Fates was horni yet discussion super toxic, so...

At least there was discussion. I stopped going to the subreddit regularly because I was beyond sick of seeing fanart of the same four Houses characters and nothing else lol

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

stopped going to the subreddit regularly because I was beyond sick of seeing fanart of the same four Houses characters and nothing else lol

Isnt that how things usually are when a game comes out?

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Isnt that how things usually are when a game comes out?

We're talking well after the release of the game. Until Engage was confirmed most of the subreddit was fanart of Houses and more fanart of Houses. Of course, it's not an absolute - there was occasional fanart of other games and, once in a blue moon, some discussion threads. But for someone who's no fan of Houses there was very little reason to go there anymore lol

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

The dream was that @Edelguardiansing played Banner Saga and called it their new favorite videogame series of all time.

Then I went to a public restroom and started uncomfortably pissing an outrageous amount of a green, gooey goop until the entire place was flooded up to my knees.

Then I woke up at 3 AM and had to go take a piss.

I dream a lot, but this has to be one of the dumbest dreams I've ever had. Any experts on the meaning of dreams here, may I ask what the fuck?



17 minutes ago, Loliko said:

Yeah , in the long run it's just gonna save me one guiding ring lol

I actually got 10B , so I didn't get Echidna. I will get best dad Bartre tho , considering putting him on the team since my Lot has been stuck with 7 speed since I got him. That or Geese : always found it funny that he has the only portrait who looks directly at you for no discernable reason.

RIP Clarine

Bartre's probably the better bet, least the bows are pretty useful in BinB.

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