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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Scenario 30: Young Man, Don't Turn Back

Right off the bat, the group is already aware we're gonna pick up Amuro. Naturally, a brief explanation is given to those still unaware of him. The pilot of the very first Gundam, who alongside Koji and Ryoma fought against threats like the Principality of Zeon and Dr. Hell. And what a partnership spanning over 30 years now! April 20, 1991 was truly a historic date. Anyway, despite officially retiring after the One Year War, Amuro remained active through the Gryps War. Still, Tetsuya notes that he has refused every offer to join T3 so far, and wonders if this will be any different...

So, Amuro is currently at Cheyenne Base, and is already receiving visitors. For starters Quess, daughter of Councilman Paraya, who isn't particularly happy Amuro has remained idle after events like the colony drop. She tries to be calmed down by Beltorchika... but Quess just blames her for Amuro being how he is, and storms off. Still, Beltorchika comments she wasn't that off the mark, and she reminds her of herself when she was younger. She tells Amuro she'll deal with her, and reminds him of his eventual meeting. We cut straight to that meeting... and Amuro once again refuses to join T3. Kamille takes it as it is, but Judau protests that they're quitting too soon. Still, Kamille comments Bright had already told them he wouldn't be able to force him. And now Judau is the one to lay it out that Amuro is a coward, still reeling from Char's apparent death. He talks how his death will be meaningless if the ones left behind won't carry on his legacy. Which is why Kamille fights even now, unlike him. Still, Amuro can only apologize, making Judau lament how the hero he had looked up to... "disappointing" can't even begin to describe it. At this Kamille finally tells him they should leave, and thus they depart. Amuro muses about having been Judau's hero, with Koji bringing up how he's being depicted like that by the army. Still, Amuro protests he's no hero, unlike him or Ryoma. He was justa kid himself back then, and perhaps not much has changed since then. So that out of the way, the two proceed to just chat, for old times' sake. Still, Amuro is back to ruminating he may indeed be more cowardly now. He even wanted to depart for space after the Gryps War, but he couldn't do even that. To which Koji brings up it must've been about Lalah, but Amuro says it's more than that. He was scared of space, where the souls of the dead wander aimlessly. He knows it isn't right, as humanity must break free from the chains that binds them to the planet in order to move forward. He owes it to Lalah, hence why he hoped Char could've done that. But now he's gone too, and what is he doing now? Idle away instead of taking up the mantle himself. Koji asks if it's truly that bad. Still, he must choose for himself what he wants to do, and not do it because he feels he has to do it. And with that, Koji takes his leave to, promising to bring back Ryoma next time.

Amuro is then approached by Quess, who had been listening. She comments how she'll be the one to save him from his current funk, making Amuro muse she reminds him of... himself, his past self. He notes how Quess is looking for someone to acknowledge her, hence why she's doing this. Though she protests it's that deep. Still, Amuro says he can't be anything to her in his current state, not even just because he's a Newtype. And now Quess storms off again, angry at him now. And now someone else approaches... a man in a Neo Zeon uniform! The man, Gyunei, had come here to recruit Amuro for their cause... but now he sees it was a waste of time. But now Quess says he should take her instead. She's sure their leader might give her what she need. Gyunei takes note of her perception and seems enough to make him accept. Amuro tries to stop her, but now Quess won't listen to him. As they leave, Amuro notes feeling some kind of pressure... not from him, but rather, his superior...

Neo Zeon mobile suits show up, intending to attack the base. Jegans deploy, but are forced to retreat in short order. Gyunei demands for Amuro to come out and face him. Beltorchika tells Amuro she might've told him not to... but now, she wants him to break free of the past, to have faith in himself. Amuro recalls about their first meeting... and this seems to do the trick, he finally deploys! In the Nu Gundam of all things! He only recently got it, but however far he'll go, it will be by himself!

All right! Enemies are a couple of Geara Dogas and Gyunei in his Jagd Doga. SR Point is to rout within three turns, but Gyunei must be defeated last. Let's go!


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The Nu Gundam doesn't have its Fin Funnels!

Oh, come next turn Gyunei do notes the Gundam doesn't look like much. He then attacks, with a blow coming close to hitting Beltorchika. Amuro... doesn't like that. Gyunei starts to feel a rising pressure, and the Nu Gundam's Psycho Frame activates. He feels both the Gundam and his own senses becoming sharper... as well as Beltorchika's own feelings. He vows to her he'll be a man worthy of her. Welp, guess Chein just doesn't exist in this game... or won't show up... or will show up but Beltorchika still wins out... or... Anyway, now he's sure he can use the Fin Funnels. There we go! The Fin-Funnels but also the All-Range Attack and Full All-Range Attack. Let's do this!

Good thing enemy phase is still part of the turn, since this pretty much asks you to cut it close. Still, got the SR Point! Gyunei accepts he underestimated the... captain's longtime rival? Hm! In any case, the base comes under attack again... but even Gyunei doesn't know who did it. Surprise! It's more Cephiran Golems and Aura Battlers. Gyunei comments they already achieved their goal, and so retreats. And so it's Amuro alone against them!

So, more Golems, Drumlos, and Vierreses. But as soon the turn ends, T3 arrives at last! The group is happy to see him, with Bright noting he has grown into a proper man at last, which Amuro laughs he was finally knocked some sense into him. The group notes they're been reports of the golems and Aura Battlers all over the planet now, making them wonder if Zagato truly intends to conquer Earth. For now, though, it's time to mop up!  Now, the TacP Bonus, Amuro must defeat two enemies now that T3 is here. Much more easier to achieve, thankfully.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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We should choose a romhack to play monotype runs. I once did it with my brother and some friends and it was fun. Pic related

Xipy2ulq o

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Take care of yourself!

Niceeeee 😄

Also based mon choices 😄

I was going to put Froslass on my ghost team, but since ice types suck I had Dragapult I decided against it

1 hour ago, Benice said:

Er... I'm switching to Flying, though. I'll be posting my gyms later, once I'm not at work. Good news for @Green06!

C'mon, you don't need to do this, I'm fine with either Psychic/Ghost teams

Also, when did you get a job???

1 hour ago, Benice said:

(btw, 06, thanks for your write-up on Brazil a while back! I forgot to reply 'cause things've been berserk for me lately)

No probs, mate. I also skipped a bunch of things while writing it. It's hard to write something cohesive out of something that its not

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6 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:


You don’t like crust on your sandwiches “Saint”_Siegfried?

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thank you for the suggestion, but I think I would rather watch this:


You have a bizarre taste in videos Rubenio, but maybe I can help:


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I'd say, it's... unusual to see the Funnels be back to be ammo based instead of costing EN. Well, good thing I have a Hyper Reloader Power Part to give the Nu after this.

With the enemy routed, the group notes they need more intel. Bright asks Amuro once again if he'll join, who has finally gathered his resolve, in order to support the next generation, and if he is waiting him in the beyond, then...

Amuro has come aboard, having finally accepted, as does Beltorchika as well. Oh wow, Amuro even says they'll be staying in the same room. I guess this truly is more Beltorchika's Children than regular Char's Counterattack then. When do we get The Origin Amuro from Baja California, SRW? When!? In any case, everyone's in awe with the Federation's legendary White Meteor. And of course, it's mostly focused on his popularity with the ladies, pft. Still, Koji jabs it will only be a matter of time before they meet the real him... to which Amuro jabs back if he talks from personal experience. Oh, I do like this dynamic between the SRW Main Three T and 30 were going for. And I expect we'll still see in a couple more SRW's to come. In any case, Amuro asks for Kamille, but Fa tells him he returned to his quarters, and Beltorchika adds she already to him about Quess. The latter adds she noted something different about the Neo Zeon forces, to which Amuro inwardly agrees, but without proof, he won't bring it up just yet... specially to Kamille.

Speaking off, Kamille apparently received a private message during the fight, addressed specifically to him. A call about how the old generation can't build a new era, so if he wants to see mankind having a future, he should lend his strength. He wonders if it could come from him... and thus the stage ends...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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So, with Amuro on board my planned endgame team is finally set. Now... I'm also approaching giving 10 upgrade slots on the mechs. What should be my FUB's to give them... I see the S terrain ranks is individual, not overall like in J. Well, that was a bit OP, heh, so I agree on this nerf. Still, what to choose... I'm partial between the +1 to Move or +1 to Power Parts slots...

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7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Or: Teehee should make a Pokemon hack

I tried it once. Too much trouble. Let's not get overambitious

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You know, it just hit me earlier how ironic it is that Engage is a game that got a massive leak months before its first reveal, with screenshots that were only slightly blurry and a super spoilerific character revealed as playable (so spoilerific that the artbook seems to be intentionally misleading to keep the secret, even though that cat's been out of the bag longer than the game itself)...

...And it is also a game that is still not getting leaked almost 5 days from release. We've gotten nothing other than photos of exactly five pages of the artbook.

Engage is so fucking unpredictable.

By the way @Acacia Sgt the hair on your pfp's character is a work of art, I love it. Now engage it and it will truly be perfection

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Too bad Beyond the Time is only for the special soundtrack edition. You'd think T of all games would bring it back as a regular theme. Ah well.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

By the way @Acacia Sgt the hair on your pfp's character is a work of art, I love it. Now engage it and it will truly be perfection

Heh, well, I'm not much of a good editor for that. Also since I kinda don't want to.

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Long day, busy enough, same tomorrow-

Sees pages

Skim it is.

12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Looking back at the thread

I have done a little write up for a Dragon type on

@Sooks did one for Electric types

@Acacia Sgt did a team for Steel types, which may get expanded

@Shrimpy -Limited Edition- called dibs on Ice type,

@Benice tried to call dibs on Ice, but was a bit late, and it sounds like he settled for Fairy

@Interdimensional Observer was considered Psychic, Dark, Ghost, and Flying, but it sounds like hasn't actually decided yet

...and sorry if I nabbed Dragon from you before this really moved into the Tee-Hee league direction, as it sounds like that might also be your favorite as well.

Actually mine's Grass. 😛

Wonder why you thought Dragon was mine, out of curiosity.

9 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Ya, I did hafta take a coupla hundred shekels of that and renew my AAA membership.... 

Arena Abusers Anonymous 😁

I remember my days doing that.

Way too much, just to make guys catch up.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, it just hit me earlier how ironic it is that Engage is a game that got a massive leak months before its first reveal, with screenshots that were only slightly blurry and a super spoilerific character revealed as playable (so spoilerific that the artbook seems to be intentionally misleading to keep the secret, even though that cat's been out of the bag longer than the game itself)...

...And it is also a game that is still not getting leaked almost 5 days from release. We've gotten nothing other than photos of exactly five pages of the artbook.

Funny how that works out.

@Sooks You're taking the list of types? Put me down for Grass.

Suppose I'll make that list, but an idea came to me: What if the trick of this gym is that the roster changes between levels so you have to work around each one? That variety also plays into the gym as a study centre for botany and zoology crossing over:

Gym 1: Shroomish, Lombre

Gym 2: Shroomish, Lombre, Tangela

Gym 3: Capaskid, Roselia, Breloom

Gym 4: Tangela, Lileep, Breloom, Roserade

Gym 5: Flapple, Appletun, Roserade, Whimsicott

Gym 6: Whimsicott, Roserade, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Cradily

Gym 7: Cradily, Whimsicott, Ludicolo, Ferrothorn, Scovillain

Gym 8: Ludicolo (Poison Tera if allowed), Ferrothorn, Cradily, Scovillain, Whimsicott, Toedscruel

Postgame, limit breach: Whimsicott, Ferrothorn (Tera Water), Scovillain (Dynamax), Leafeon, Toedscruel, Mega Venusaur

Screw the rules I call hax: Sky Shaymin, Mow Rotom (Steel Tera), Wo-Chien, Gigantamax Venusaur, Mega Sceptile, Kartana

Let me know if I need to tone it down a little, I did try and keep some realistic levelling, though I am probably being generous on stone/item evos.

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or you want ideas? XD

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just a week ago I wrote almost 3000 words in a short span of time.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Write about bricks.

Okay so whatever I write about is going to involve bricks.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Besides what the heck, we're arguing about this or that character being the best as if Sommie didn't exist

Wow so true

You just unlocked the Revelations ending.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What series? I have some plot bunnies from a few different series i could send your way

If anything that’s the problem, there’s not really any series I feel like writing with. I wanna completely start from scratch.

Unless! The ideas are really good! So what do you have on Trails—

just kidding… unless……?

Seriously though, S;G or something, idk. Trails is cool if they’re in the Sky, from Zero, to Azure, or made out of Cold Steel that’s actually good.

3H works I guess.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I have too much stuff i wanna write already xD


49 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Or: Teehee should make a Pokemon hack


19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, it just hit me earlier how ironic it is that Engage is a game that got a massive leak months before its first reveal, with screenshots that were only slightly blurry and a super spoilerific character revealed as playable (so spoilerific that the artbook seems to be intentionally misleading to keep the secret, even though that cat's been out of the bag longer than the game itself)…

I just realized that today.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...And it is also a game that is still not getting leaked almost 5 days from release. We've gotten nothing other than photos of exactly five pages of the artbook.

Engage is so fucking unpredictable.

The entire script will be leaked five minutes and twenty eight seconds before the game comes out.

7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


@Sooks You're taking the list of types? Put me down for Grass.

Suppose I'll make that list, but an idea came to me: What if the trick of this gym is that the roster changes between levels so you have to work around each one? That variety also plays into the gym as a study centre for botany and zoology crossing over:


7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:



7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:



7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Postgame, limit breach: Whimsicott, Ferrothorn (Tera Water), Scovillain (Dynamax), Leafeon, Toedscruel, Mega Venusaur

Screw the rules I call hax: Sky Shaymin, Mow Rotom (Steel Tera), Wo-Chien, Gigantamax Venusaur, Mega Sceptile, Kartana

Cool teams, although the lack of grass starters for most of it is a little surprising.

Here’s hoping I remember to do this when I’m done cleaning.

7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Let me know if I need to tone it down a little, I did try and keep some realistic levelling, though I am probably being generous on stone/item evos.

I don’t even know where this is going.

There are no rules.

I don’t even know why I’m the one doing this, I haven’t played through a Pokémon game in years. I don’t recognize a few of these names.

2 hours ago, Benice said:btw, 06, thanks for your write-up on Brazil a while back! I forgot to reply 'cause things've been berserk for me lately)



What about Brazil did 06 do a write up of? (Don’t mind the quote)

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1 minute ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

I know it's fun to play in the Chuck E Cheese play pen, but you have to come out some time.

There aren’t any Chuck E Cheeses here either. What are you prattling on about now “Saint”_Siegfried? Did I not say that I couldn’t understand the cross you bear, thus showing a modicum of empathy towards your plight?

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Nevermind, gonna go with the extra Power Part instead.

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Hmm... admittedly, hard to say now, heh. Since I'd probably want to write it myself instead. XD

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Hehe, well, I was inspired. Since it was a new story I was starting.

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