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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh lookie


Gotta speed up the Zelda-thon, Tears of the Kingdom comes out in-HOLY SHIT TEARS OF THE KINGDOM COMES OUT IN THREE MONTHS!


Ah Link's Awakening. Fun fact, the DX version was the first Zelda game I ever played, so I have a fair bit of nostalgia for this game.


2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I guess it's this games way of saying "Oh, both sides are needed to thrive" but it's use of "Ideals" here feels so confusing I don't even know what it's talking about.

It's not like a "You need the two halves of a greater whole" more like a "You need to beat this level before this level" kind of thing.

Its trying for a Chinese Yin-Yang sort of system but really muddling it by trying to capture American ideals as seen by Japanese developers...


30 minutes ago, Spara said:


However, one thing I did not realize is that the game actually shifts music tracks midmaps sometimes - when you break down the door in Ch10 the music "upgrades" and adds the choir and some bass simultaneously to the soundtrack while it remains the same piece. I did not notice it the first time, but holy shit this is cool. It's kinda subtle but really cool in practice once you notice it. FE has done midmap soundtrack changes in the past, but nothing like this, and rarely are they permanent like this one!

Thanks for pointing that out...you are right, that is a cool detail.

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"Mole dubstepers are more competent than Sombron"


6 hours ago, Armagon said:


Some peeps going how CF had better story beats or the better mc (lol) than Engage and some others going "nah AM" and bam war

5 hours ago, joevar said:

just like before then? nothing new, back to usual faction camp i go

Fates 2 electric boogaloo

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

We're only in the second week

These are gonna be some long years.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:


Oki doki. Not surprising tho game has had soft turn limits the whole game

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59 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Chapter 21 stuff, naturally.

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And Marni got Elise'd.

Alear being so upset about that. If only there had been a way to stop it, like, being able to rewind things and act on what you saw... nope, can't say I know about something like that... and probably Alear doesn't know about a way either...


Seriously, why are they so adamant about making the rewind feature be a thing that exists in-universe when it leads to situations like this.


Mila's turnwheel invention was a mistake that sprout so many  future narrative problem


1 hour ago, Spara said:

So, with Engage's OST, there are multiple versions of the main map themes, each with a bit more complexity than the previous.

and i've seen people on reddit even make thread complaining the soundtrack was bad... just because theres no head-banging OST for endgame doesnt make the whole OST bad and not complex enough. oh wait its reddit afterall..


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I am restarting Ch.25 because if you take just a little bit too long, you will get swarmed by reinforcements spam. Which is kind of an issue because it doesn't pair well with the gimmick.



but the gimmick (i assume the laser beam) is actually not that strong. it deals unsubstantial damage for many units.. so i just brace myself near the end when Lumera shoot it toward the center. maybe add a corrin rock formation for unit with weaker DEF/RES. and thats it. no need to wait a turn to evade it (which i did initially).

only a problem where theres still enemy near. if theres no enemy then just brace it and mass heal via Micaiah staff or somethig


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3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially a gamer.

A Gamer?! BURN THEM!

5 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

City elf is the second best origin because it has the biggest stakes and really helps the worldbuilding

Honestly, the only origin that falls off a bit in my opinion is the Dalish one, which is merely OK. As for this one - the set-up of a human noble just walking into the alienage to abduct some young women does drive the point home just how fucked up the elves' situation in the cities is. But I generally find that it's a bit lazy, for lack of a better word, to use sexual violence to "make a villain". Take a guy, imply or (as in this case) directly state that he's a rapist, boom, we have an irredeemable villain established and it only took us three lines of dialogue. Effective, but I find the end result less compelling, since there is zero sympathising possible with the villain.

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Fire Emblem Engage or How Wraith Learned To Stop Worrying And Except His Excruciation.

My TLDR review of what it’s like to play and finish Engage:




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basically wraith was tormented when playing it at first then now he likes it very much? i see


considering IS like to not follow their own trend, i hope the DLC story is unlike 3H (a separate story in parallel to main story) but maybe something else, either a prequel of some sort, or some short continuation

or even better


make a plot that touch upon emblem of foundation and just outright admit it is Kaga


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Emperor, I need something to enjoy that has a simply yet well executed plot and interesting characters to wash away the taste of regret and blood out of my mouth:


Wraith’s reaction:


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9 minutes ago, joevar said:

basically wraith was tormented when playing it at first then now he likes it very much? i see

No, Wraith suffered/accepted his excruciation and manage to survive to tell the tale. There’s a big difference. Less likes and more barely tolerated.

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10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Fool! If I wasn't busy dueling Maeda at midnight, I'd duel you at midnight for this...

...Why is it always midnight, anyway? Even I don't know the reason.

10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

IS: Ya know, we won't be able to create a classic style game for the next decade, what to do?

Fates Team: Let us give newcomers the middle finger?

IS: Perfect!

More devs need to give newcomers the middle finger tbh.

I mean, it's a pretty terrible business practice. But it funny thoe!

10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Maybe i should do more of that

Indeed, you should.

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm pretty sure Skirmishes scale to Alear's level or take their level into account. So a solution is to not over level them... I think.

Yeah, that's right. If you want skirmishes to be nice and easy, there's one simple solution: Keep Alear at level 1 the entire game!

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Guatemala is fun but jeez I'm exhausted with all we've doing. One of the down sides of being neurodivergent with a neurotypical family is that they often pull you along for rides you don't always have the energy for. It's still fun of course but I do wish I had more days where I could just relax and do nothing. Hopefully I'll get more of that soon.


Well, nice that you've been having fun, at least.

7 hours ago, joevar said:

people who want different challenge(not necessarily harder). that would include me (at least initially). i hate.. yes hate, skrimishes like awakening. you just repeat chapter with no dialogue. so all you need is just repeat the exact step you did. with vastly different enemy setup, different spawn  (usually you took place the enemy place previously) now you get different feel for the same map

but i dont like how it keeps scaling to player level everytime they refresh and eventually leaving the main story too easy if consistently skirmish -ing. Balance be damned.

Hmm. That's not bad, actually. Engage skirmishes sound like they'd make for a nifty postgame, actually.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh lookie


Gotta speed up the Zelda-thon, Tears of the Kingdom comes out in-HOLY SHIT TEARS OF THE KINGDOM COMES OUT IN THREE MONTHS!


Inb4 that's when the Gradlon campaign comes out

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh look, it's Vandad.

...Except not. I've seen that guy's full artwork and that has to be the ugliest beard I've ever seen in an anime artstyle. Dude's like, an alternate timeline Jigsaw that decided to use reverse bear traps as a fashion accessory rather than a torture device.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

I am restarting Ch.25 because if you take just a little bit too long, you will get swarmed by reinforcements spam. Which is kind of an issue because it doesn't pair well with the gimmick.

@Shrimpy -Limited Edition- beware.

Truth be told, chapter 25 was one of my favorites. Between the baller music, the wonderful visuals and the fast-paced dash forward toward the boss, I had a lot of fun. Had to stall just one turn before Etie and Critdon could reach the boss.

3 hours ago, Spara said:

Hey guys, 1AM Spara here with a mental breakdown.

So, with Engage's OST, there are multiple versions of the main map themes, each with a bit more complexity than the previous.

However, one thing I did not realize is that the game actually shifts music tracks midmaps sometimes - when you break down the door in Ch10 the music "upgrades" and adds the choir and some bass simultaneously to the soundtrack while it remains the same piece. I did not notice it the first time, but holy shit this is cool. It's kinda subtle but really cool in practice once you notice it. FE has done midmap soundtrack changes in the past, but nothing like this, and rarely are they permanent like this one!

Yeah, it's the kind of thing that you only subconciously notice, but it adds quite a lot. Pretty great stuff, I agree. Helps that some of the hype themes are really great.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm... Alear has a piano in their room... which has a flight of stairs just outside the door.


(Spoilers I guess)

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I hope you-know-who isn't a violin player...






1 hour ago, joevar said:

and i've seen people on reddit even make thread complaining the soundtrack was bad... just because theres no head-banging OST for endgame doesnt make the whole OST bad and not complex enough.



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And the cherry on top of the Sunday is that in the hands of decent (competent) writers Engage’s story actually could have been at the very least interesting without have to change to many of the major events in the plot.

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8k views on the Seforia whining thread now. You think there's any chance an IntSys employee has seen it and will do some correcting in a patch?

...Anyway, you know one funny thing I've just realized in retrospect? It's... I guess spoilers? Except not really?


The final time you face human enemies is the filler-ass boat map where you get Lindon. Everything past that is corrupted or Hounds. That random Elusium warship is the final remnants of the Elusian regular army, and its last commander, the random boss from chapter 3 who is revived for some undiscernible reason.

I just thought that was odd, in retrospect. What are these guys even doing out in the middle of the sea? Their entire country and army is in shambles at that point!


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26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hmm. That's not bad, actually. Engage skirmishes sound like they'd make for a nifty postgame, actually.



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wait no headbanging actually wrong word. what i meant was not heavy-metal-latin-orchestra. i actually really liked every map near endgame and even the final map theme which is a remix of several Engage song. it fits thematically too. chapter 21, 25, also comes to mind

except 4 hounds dubstep, it grates my ear after one hour

either way thats just people complaining for the sakes of complaining, followed by a very weak argument


the skirmish, trials , evidently had post game in mind

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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Anyway, you know one funny thing I've just realized in retrospect? It's... I guess spoilers? Except not really?

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The final time you face human enemies is the filler-ass boat map where you get Lindon. Everything past that is corrupted or Hounds. That random Elusium warship is the final remnants of the Elusian regular army, and its last commander, the random boss from chapter 3 who is revived for some undiscernible reason.

I just thought that was odd, in retrospect. What are these guys even doing out in the middle of the sea? Their entire country and army is in shambles at that point!


Don’t think about the plot Rubenio, just enjoy the gameplay, and you’ll be saying hello the angels.

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3 minutes ago, joevar said:

the skirmish, trials , evidently had post game in mind

What I'm wondering is... I heard that on maddening the game gives you like, two skirmishes at the start of the game and that's it. I'm wondering now if it starts giving more after the game is over, but Engage info is still rather disorganized.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, it's a pretty terrible business practice. But it funny thoe!

And the only way to get good games


1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Don’t think about the plot Rubenio, just enjoy the gameplay, and you’ll be saying hello the angels.

Engage plot > FE4 plot

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Engage plot > FE4 plot

You see, Shrimp-kun is already having a tea party with Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel!

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