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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

I wonder if it's because Nintendo owns Origins.

It did look like this a wholly-Namco move when the reveal happened. Bamco is listed as the sole publisher (but then have you ever heard of a dual-published game?). -Yet it is only being released on Switch when PC + PS4/5 ya think would be the standard nowadays. And...


...this is discretely placed on the webpage Bamco set up for the remaster. 

Perhaps Nintendo did nudge Bamco into doing this, but Bamco was left to do the remastering. Doubting if Monolith had any input on this.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Generally, Xenoblade 2 takes it slow. Actually most Xeno games do this. The first half or so of the game focuses a lot on character moments, introducing you to them. Then once all the relevant players are assembled, then the story goes full force.

*Thinks on Xenogears*

It is slow and a little random to begin until... you get to Shevat? Which means: opening, Aveh, Kislev, Thames stuff, all beforehand? Although, you might say Solaris is when things get heat really gets turned up. -But Solaris is the last thing before la tragedie du disque deux begins.

And XS is episodic, which inherently imposes a measure of a slowdown on it. 


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I know for a fact I'm not wrong about it. It's all Xenoblade fans ever talk about, regarding Rex.

-No, the top thing people say about him is how annoying the overeager brat is and that he should die forever now! -Just, nobody in this topic thinks that. His general Internet popularity at least among those who are vocal, is loooow.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do know that every screenshot of Xenoblade's combat I've ever seen induces severe sensory overload. Numbers, numbers everywhere.

And then there's XCX, which has the modern QoL issue of font size. More than a few games with varying degrees of RPG elements and openness to their worlds, from West and East, have, in the pursuit of packing as much information on the screen as possible while still leaving room to see the player and world and junk, have suffered from text that is way too small!😑

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd heard horror stories of Xeno 2's obnoxious "faux gacha" system, but you're seriously telling me there's whole areas gated behind the RNG roulette? Sheesh, that does sound like it could get annoying...

Not really. Keeps you from getting to a treasure chest or five (which aren't that valuable), but nothing majorly serious. No regions or subregions anything of the sort. Not that I remember.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And XS is episodic, which inherently imposes a measure of a slowdown on it. 

Honestly i might argue XS Ep III takes some things a bit too quickly, not having much explenation.

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One of the best things about XS Ep III's battle system. 

It is turn based, and yet the SPD stat does not inheretly mean "this character goes 1st" every time. In fact, every "round" they could end up going last every time due to the games variance. This makes SPD not a dominant stat in a turn based game, who would've thought it? XD

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Anyone else find chapter 25 in Engage to be a pain?? SHOOP DA WHOOP aside, the boss is a pain to approach. Also, Entrap sucks.

Speaking of, Seadall might be the first dancer unit in a mainline game that I completely abstain from using. 

Edited by Shadow Mir
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3 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Honestly i might argue XS Ep III takes some things a bit too quickly, not having much explenation.

Not unbelievable once I get back to it, owing to the fact it is a rushed finale. I simply had to choose husbandry & husbandos over XS as the game I've presently returned to. Though even as the final episode, well the starting dungeon was good, but after the ES tutorial battle things did slow back down.

But, I meant the episodic format in general. Sure Episode I does have a very devastating alien attack at the start, and ends with something of a threatening high note, but, as it was intended to be but one part of a long whole, it is incomplete by design. Being the very first episode of what was hoped to be many more before Namco demanded it be cut down upon seeing the sales, it sure feels small should I avoid Trails for that reason?. And unlike XCX, the central narrative is central in Xenosaga, so the episodic format stung at me more than XCX's begging-for-a-sequel problem.

3 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

It is turn based, and yet the SPD stat does not inheretly mean "this character goes 1st" every time. In fact, every "round" they could end up going last every time due to the games variance. This makes SPD not a dominant stat in a turn based game, who would've thought it? XD

I don't consider SPD influencing turn order to be an issue. If it consistently assures a consistent turn order, that is fine.

What is a problem, is when SPD allows individual characters to get two or even three turns before another character gets their first. That results in the overimportance of SPD and diminishes characters/classes that are supposed to be strong yet slow. This is true in a turn-based JRPG, and can be especially true in an SRPG, where the slower characters also tend to have less Move and in combination with their lower SPD, which means it takes them eons to get anywhere on the map to even attack any enemies. As long as nobody can double-up on their turns due to SPD, then the stat is fine.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't consider SPD influencing turn order to be an issue. If it consistently assures a consistent turn order, that is fine.

What is a problem, is when SPD allows individual characters to get two or even three turns before another character gets their first. That results in the overimportance of SPD and diminishes characters/classes that are supposed to be strong yet slow. This is true in a turn-based JRPG, and can be especially true in an SRPG, where the slower characters also tend to have less Move and in combination with their lower SPD, which means it takes them eons to get anywhere on the map to even attack any enemies. As long as nobody can double-up on their turns due to SPD, then the stat is fine.

I think that is one of the issues, it's consistent. This means the player can without a doubt, literally control the tide of the fight just using common sense for the most part since the turns will be pre determined, there is no surprises generally speaking. No real reason for the player to think, since you can play auto pilot due to going 1st being usually more influential than not.

Whereas if fastest "X" character isn't always 1st, well now the player has the decide or plan differently. Of course in XS this can be changed purely with the "Boost" mechanic, allowing for turn skips with a cost. But since that also applies to the enemy, that's fine.

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

I know, I have some grievances with certain decisions made... but now's not the time for that discussion.

Too true. It's Vangarre O'Clock.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:



There he is. Best Boy.

...Dickson?! Hulk Hogan is called Dickson? I can't fucking believe it. Why don't they have more old people in the series? They are great at making old people and yet they insist on sticking to highly marketable anime teens!

50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No, the top thing people say about him is how annoying the overeager brat is and that he should die forever now! -Just, nobody in this topic thinks that. His general Internet popularity at least among those who are vocal, is loooow.

Truly? I could swear I've seen more people singing his praises for his sex abilities than anything else. And complaining that people complain about it.

50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And then there's XCX, which has the modern QoL issue of font size. More than a few games with varying degrees of RPG elements and openness to their worlds, from West and East, have, in the pursuit of packing as much information on the screen as possible while still leaving room to see the player and world and junk, have suffered from text that is way too small!😑


50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not really. Keeps you from getting to a treasure chest or five (which aren't that valuable), but nothing majorly serious. No regions or subregions anything of the sort. Not that I remember.

Ah, I see. That's not too bad, loot is for loosers.

21 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Anyone else find chapter 25 in Engage to be a pain?? SHOOP DA WHOOP aside, the boss is a pain to approach. Also, Entrap sucks.

Ehh I was too distracted by the godly soundtrack in my first run. Didn't have that much trouble approaching the boss, though I do remember having to cram half my army in a corner so they wouldn't die while Etie murdered the boss.

We'll see how it treats me this run.

21 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Speaking of, Seadall might be the first dancer unit in a mainline game that I completely abstain from using. 

Interesting. For me it's the opposite. I think he's the first dancer that joins in the midgame that I've not ignored entirely due to already having an established team. I was too afraid of Maddening lategame not to have the dancer and Citrinne sucked anyway.

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So it turns out DeSantis just....admitted....in his own book......that he was intentionally targeting Disney after they spoke out against him


Truly incredible how stupid he is.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pyra is literally introduced with a boob close up from Rex's POV

That's later.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do know that every screenshot of Xenoblade's combat I've ever seen induces severe sensory overload. Numbers, numbers everywhere


there are people who see this and get scared. They are weak and won't survive the winter.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That sounds like the kind of thing that's cool the first time, then the times after you just reload to save time

Thing is, there are spots you can only reach by swimming across the clouds.

This is only relevant in three of the areas tho. Others just treat the clouds as void.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Counterpoint: He's called Bads. Silly name instantly means I cannot take him seriously

El Malos


5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

he really was cooking in broad daylight

Cooking so much it doesn't show up.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And XS is episodic, which inherently imposes a measure of a slowdown on it

Yeah like Episode I is a glorified prolouge essentially. 

Episode II and III especially is when shit starts hitting the fan.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

His general Internet popularity at least among those who are vocal, is loooow.

Of course now that he's like 40 or something and ripped as fuck, people like him now. They are weak.

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Honestly i might argue XS Ep III takes some things a bit too quickly, not having much explenation.

Executive meddling moment.


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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Of course now that he's like 40 or something and ripped as fuck, people like him now. They are weak.

I like Rex because we see the results and legacy of his ideals

You like him now because he is hot

We are not the same


Well not talking about you ofc but I gained hella lot of appreciation for Rex lately. I used to be ok/like him yes, but now even more so. Internet just seems horny for him now lol (which is also ok, better than being puritan or hating for looks)

"Smiles, i guess"

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Cooking so much it doesn't show up.


It also all ties together with Ontos being the Arbiter thing. With Oro vs. Moe being (kinda) Pneuma vs. Logos


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

No real reason for the player to think, since you can play auto pilot due to going 1st being usually more influential than not.

For battles against grunts, yes the first turn can seriously help. And, outspending your enemies can be useful for the rare boss fight where you have a lot of non-respawning minions where you need to alleviate some pressure by killing something right away.

But, prolonged boss fights? Not so much, the first turn of many won't matter a huge deal. The most important aspect of turn order there is yours healer's(s') turn(s) relative to the boss's turn. As long as your healers can consistently undo the damage taken and any ailments/debuffs inflicted before the bad guy can their next action in, all is well.

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Of course in XS this can be changed purely with the "Boost" mechanic, allowing for turn skips with a cost. But since that also applies to the enemy, that's fine.

Boost is something I basically never use in XS. In Episode I, conserved the points for it b/c bosses can Boost too and I wanted to save mine for a potential near-defeat emergency. In Episode III, I still don't, and the addition of special attacks tied to the same points as Boost, with the player allowed to store only 3, I've so far always kept a point in reserve that I never use.


42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Of course now that he's like 40 or something and ripped as fuck, people like him now. They are weak.

Glad to hear about the 180. The fickleness of the Internet on display.😄

33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You like him now because he is hot

...Hopefully I'll be in for some treats when I search "XC3 hunky daddy Rex XY-XY" the day after FR's credits roll for me.

But, that won't be for a long time. Since even after I do finish XS sometime in... June? I'd rather give 13 Sentinels a spin than jump into XC3. And maybe get to Memories of Celceta as well b/c that game has been bothering me as to how it'll compare to VII, which I deem the rough draft of the gameplay paradigm that peaked with VIII and declined with IX. Will it complete the course of an "empire" by the being the "rise" in a creation-rise-zenith-demise cycle? -And I need to figure out when I'll get to Berseria b/c two Tales in my backlog means one of them needs to go.

46 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Internet just seems horny for him now lol (which is also ok, better than being puritan or hating for looks)

I consider it a positive that it's about a guy for change, and not a gal as is usually the case. -And yes I remember last month also introduced us to Ganon-DILF! Ganon-DILF! [Say that in the voice of the Ganondorf chant in SSB Melee.]


58 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I guess even with all my writing experience I still get stumped writing conversations...

Same as me! Except for writing characters in general. World is easy, interactions within said world and the people who inhabit it is hard.

And, isn't this the problem that ruined the Star Wars prequels? One at least a biggie? -We ain't alone then. Professionals of great fame are as ruined by it too!😄

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

That's later.

Ah, I see.

It still happens and I would definitely cringe and ask "when does she die" only partly jokingly.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:


there are people who see this and get scared. They are weak and won't survive the winter.

Listen, Armagon, you can have a favorite game and admit it has kind of a poopy UI. It's okay. It's fine. Games are flawed. Berwick Saga capture sucks, Seforia isn't playable in Engage, Vandal Hearts 2's menuing is a bit clunky, Omori has mid gameplay. You can do it too. It's not the end of the world, see?

In all seriousness, I would probably get used to it if I were to play the game, but c'mon, you gotta admit that's a wee bit excessive. Especially the gigantic meter smack dab in the middle of the screen that's hiding a whole character behind it lol, couldn't they have put that at the bottom at least?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Thing is, there are spots you can only reach by swimming across the clouds.

This is only relevant in three of the areas tho. Others just treat the clouds as void.

Yeah, that's the cool part of such a system. Imagine falling off the side of an island and finding a secret area for your troubles. It's a neat thing, it breaks the boundaries of meta and the player's preconception of falling being bad.

Of course, for any instance in which clouds means Fail Zone you'd rather just restart and not have to swim back. Or at least, so it seems from what I'm hearing. It's not like I know exactly how it works. But I definitely enjoy the idea of hiding stuff in the Fail Zone, that's rad.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

El Malos


¡Vamos a ser Malos!

*bads all over Pyra*

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I like Rex because we see the results and legacy of his ideals

You like him now because he is hot

We are not the same

I am different to everyone, because unlike weaboos, I like adults better than generic anime teens just on general principle, so I feel he and Shulk received a massive upgrade in Future Redeemed. But then, what do I know, I hate anime.

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And, isn't this the problem that ruined the Star Wars prequels? One at least a biggie? -We ain't alone then. Professionals of great fame are as ruined by it too!😄

"I don't like sand."

- A real human bean.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

So it turns out DeSantis just....admitted....in his own book......that he was intentionally targeting Disney after they spoke out against him


Truly incredible how stupid he is.

Disney's first amendment (and fifth, and fourteenth amendments, but the big one is First amendment freedom of speech, and constitutional contract clause) lawsuit against DeSantis is amusing for how much it quote's his own book. In case you are curious, my main knowledge on the lawsuit comes from:



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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehh I was too distracted by the godly soundtrack in my first run. Didn't have that much trouble approaching the boss, though I do remember having to cram half my army in a corner so they wouldn't die while Etie murdered the boss.

We'll see how it treats me this run.

Meteor mages that go AHAHAHAHAHA as they rain giant fireballs on you, defense ignoring dragons, oh, and Entrap to pull you in to everything in that area (and most units would die to only two of those) Oh, and Maddening adds ANOTHER Entrap... tnat will drag you in range of the other Entrap user.. Did I mention I hate Entrap?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Interesting. For me it's the opposite. I think he's the first dancer that joins in the midgame that I've not ignored entirely due to already having an established team. I was too afraid of Maddening lategame not to have the dancer and Citrinne sucked anyway.

It isn't about me having an established team... but it has everything to do with his ridiculous, tacky, and ridiculously tacky design.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In all seriousness, I would probably get used to it if I were to play the game, but c'mon, you gotta admit that's a wee bit excessive. Especially the gigantic meter smack dab in the middle of the screen that's hiding a whole character behind it lol, couldn't they have put that at the bottom at least?

Keep in mind the Overdrive Counter that you're referring to is a DLC addition. The mechanic isn't present in the base game, and even with the DLC, a good 85-95% of the game one would be playing without it, if one wanted to bother using it at all. Arma intentionally chose an image with it for maximum memey UI.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, coming up with them is easy. It's transcribing them from the mind to the (digital) paper that it's hard.

The general idea is easy, the selection of specific words structured together that incarnate the idea is hard? Yup, I get that.

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3 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Meteor mages that go AHAHAHAHAHA as they rain giant fireballs on you, defense ignoring dragons, oh, and Entrap to pull you in to everything in that area (and most units would die to only two of those) Oh, and Maddening adds ANOTHER Entrap... tnat will drag you in range of the other Entrap user.. Did I mention I hate Entrap?

...Oh dear.

3 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

It isn't about me having an established team... but it has everything to do with his ridiculous, tacky, and ridiculously tacky design.


I mean, to be completely honest, I prefer it to Yet Another Generic Dancer Girl. Seadall isn't even that tacky by Engage standards, and half the dancers in the series are so uninspired that I'll take him just for the uniqueness.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Keep in mind the Overdrive Counter that you're referring to is a DLC addition. The mechanic isn't present in the base game, and even with the DLC, a good 85-95% of the game one would be playing without it, if one wanted to bother using it at all. Arma intentionally chose an image with it for maximum memey UI.

Ah, I understand.

Still, why would they sell the ability to not see as DLC lololololol

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Timerra gets doubled and dies exactly due to Citrinne's horrible meal. I lost one of two remaining crystals due to Citrinne's horrible meal.

It's seriously astonishing just how HARD that piece of shit's awful cooking abilities are screwing me over here. All to save 20 minutes of redoing preps. She's going to plummet to the bottom of my Engage ranking entirely because of the fuckery she's caused on cooking duty. Fucking asshole.

In better news, I seem to have outlasted the reinforcements. I mean, half the map is still alive, but surely I can pull this off. I pulled the last map off.

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The reinforcements won't stop coming, I just broke my rescue staff by rescuing the wrong person.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand yeah I didn't get through that.

Welp. I underestimated it, but the map's doable. I just need not to make a bazillion mistakes during the early onslaught, and then time my pushes right so the asshole infinite reinforcements don't render encounters impossible. In other words, turtle them and advance only when the next wave's still catching up. Not exactly too thrilling, and when the game plops more reinforcements from all sides it's going to be rough, but oh well.

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12 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Maybe all that money wasted on the divine dragon's shrine may have been better used for an actual chef.

Or just not let everyone cook.

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Whoops, I can't believe I forgot to comment on this one

On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:


Porygon wins vs. the first three of Lorelei's Pokemon (using a non-effective move there because Thunderbolt barely misses the two-shot); Eldoon beats Jynx (who doesn't know any Psychic attacks) and damages Lapras; Willie beats Lapras with a Swords Dance-boosted Hyper Beam.

I am stunned you took the time to get Hyper Beam...then again, you did take the time to grab Porygon, so I guess you were used to the Coin costs of things.


On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:


lol Bruno. I guess the AI "sees" the second type of Willie, i.e. Poison, which is why Onix didn't use Rock Throw? Anyway, Willie boosts up to +6 ATTACK and +2 SPEED and sweeps.

Fairly certain Bruno is dumb AI, and just picks moves randomly.


On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:



Agatha? Beedrill sweep, believe it or not. Inconsistent, of course, since this is bloomin' Agatha and Full Heals don't heal confusion just yet, but still a Beedrill sweep.

Beedrill doing a good job it seems.


On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:


Lance isn't the most pretty strategy - Porygon doesn't one-shot Gyarados and loses the 1v1 as a result; Arbok takes the kill and paralyses the first Dragonair. Our friendly HM helper takes one for the team...


...so that Farfetch'd has a better chance of setting up unmolested. Which DUX does.

I am suprised you didn't just use Beedrill's Psychic weakness to do exactly the same ting but safer, altough it is nice to give Dux a time to shine.


On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:


Anyway, I think this is the run I'm going to cite whenever somebody says that "new Pokemon is so easy, RBY elite 4 was so much more difficult".

Anyone that thinks recent Pokemon games are too easy, is blinded by their childhood.


On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:


[Body Slam | Mimic | Swords Dance | Agility]

The fact that Farfetch'd needs at least two boosts (one Agility, one SD) to sweep against any gym leader or E4 trainer means that it's not a reliable Pokemon, but it's not like the RBY AI is good at punishing that sort of play. Surprisingly viable as a result, I'd rate it above Pidgeot, actually. Mimic did nothing for him, though, should've just used Fly instead.

Mimic is a great move, but it works best on Pokemon that don't get a boosting move, or has a worse attacking option than STAB Body Slam.


On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:


[Surf | Waterfall | Blizzard | Horn Attack]

I wanted to teach some stronger move over Horn Attack, but eh. Water type doing water type things. Not-terrible SPECIAL stat, actually, Seaking was given a weaker Sp.Atk in Gen 2.

I appreciate that you let them have Waterfall just to see it.


On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:



[Thunderbolt | Ice Beam | Psychic | Agility]

Eh... not amazing, honestly. Without a STAB move or the ability to boost, 99 SPECIAL isn't that great. Agility is nice in theory, but because BRobot didn't one-shot anything (not even Gyarados with its x4 weakness to Thunderbolt), it still didn't get to sweep at all.

Kinda disappointing for the effort required to get the guy.


On 5/2/2023 at 9:41 AM, ping said:



[Strength | Cut | Fly | Flash]

An elite team needs an elite HM helper.

That is a hilarious choice of HM user.

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Still can't get over how this is an Ouroboros all on it's own.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It also all ties together with Ontos being the Arbiter thing. With Oro vs. Moe being (kinda) Pneuma vs. Logos


No i meant the thing you posted before didn't show up. Spoiler box was just blank.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I consider it a positive that it's about a guy for change, and not a gal as is usually the case. -And yes I remember last month also introduced us to Ganon-DILF! Ganon-DILF! [Say that in the voice of the Ganondorf chant in SSB Melee.]


Nintendo's been on some DILF energy recently.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In all seriousness, I would probably get used to it if I were to play the game, but c'mon, you gotta admit that's a wee bit excessive.

Some people love the sensory overload. You ever see bullet hells?


same principle. You get used to it yes. My eyes have learned to look at what, where and when and for how long.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Of course, for any instance in which clouds means Fail Zone you'd rather just restart and not have to swim back. Or at least, so it seems from what I'm hearing. It's not like I know exactly how it works. But I definitely enjoy the idea of hiding stuff in the Fail Zone, that's rad.

Oh i meant when it's a fail zone it just knocks you out and respawns you at the nearest Landmark. This is basically when you're so far high above the clouds.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

am different to everyone, because unlike weaboos, I like adults better than generic anime teens just on general principle, so I feel he and Shulk received a massive upgrade in Future Redeemed. But then, what do I know, I hate anime.

Rex and Shulk as adults (well Shulk technically was an adult at the beginning, he's 18 in Xenoblade 1) would probably be something you'd like since it's growth. You really get to see how they've matured and changed thanks to all the lessons they got in their own games.

You'd have two suck up two anime games to get to that point but it's not often you get to see grown-up versions of protags in an RPG and they actually feel like they've grown up and not just "we added some more numbers but it's basically the same exact character as before". I may or may not be subposting several RPG series here.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, why would they sell the ability to not see as DLC lololololol

It's an exclusive skill Elma has because it's also present in Xenoblade X


it's a main mechanic in this game. Xenoblade 2 oversimplified how it works tho, in X there's some fucking around you have to do to actually get it to last. No the game doesn't explain how it works. Xenoblade X doesn't explain anything.


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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Some people love the sensory overload. You ever see bullet hells?


same principle. You get used to it yes. My eyes have learned to look at what, where and when and for how long.

To be fair, some bullet hells have some seriously beautiful patterns. The prior example was just number bloat lol

Still, fair enough. I get where you're getting at.

17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh i meant when it's a fail zone it just knocks you out and respawns you at the nearest Landmark. This is basically when you're so far high above the clouds.

Aaahh. Well, that's nice.

17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Rex and Shulk as adults (well Shulk technically was an adult at the beginning, he's 18 in Xenoblade 1) would probably be something you'd like since it's growth. You really get to see how they've matured and changed thanks to all the lessons they got in their own games.

You'd have two suck up two anime games to get to that point but it's not often you get to see grown-up versions of protags in an RPG and they actually feel like they've grown up and not just "we added some more numbers but it's basically the same exact character as before". I may or may not be subposting several RPG series here.

No yeah, I give you this, definitely. Growth in characters is always really cool.

18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's an exclusive skill Elma has because it's also present in Xenoblade X


it's a main mechanic in this game. Xenoblade 2 oversimplified how it works tho, in X there's some fucking around you have to do to actually get it to last. No the game doesn't explain how it works. Xenoblade X doesn't explain anything.

B a c k   S l a s h

It's the funny, the funny from Smash!

1 minute ago, Armagon said:


One of the funniest tweets of all time

"Thanks! The answer to your question is yes!"

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