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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


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  • Armagon


Man, Internet went out yesterday since they had to replace a pole that was knocked down by a drunk driver, apparently.

11 hours ago, Hanes said:

Nah American, raised in Mexico.

Oh? Really? I'm Mexican, born and raised.

15 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'm not fully familiar on the subject but I wonder if it was because Franco just kinda didn't have any ambition. He was perfectly content with Spain's mainland borders (idk when the Philippines declared independence) and wasn't into expanding his territory like Hitler and Tojo were. Mussolini wasn't into expanding much either but iirc Hitler really liked him so he recruited him into the Axis.

And of course, after the war, it was the US vs Russia and since Spain didn't have Communism, the US probably just turned a blind eye. But if the Soviets were gaining influence in Spain, oh boy...

Spain lost the Philippines (as well Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico) in the Spanish-American war. Though the Philippines already had rebel movements in the 1890's.

That's precisely because Franco won. The Soviets were supporting the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War, but Franco's Nationalists won, thanks to Axis backing. Since the Republicans barely got any help. Only the USSR and Mexico (may sound unusual, but we had a Socialist president at the time... and I guess we had long buried the hatchet and had to help the motherland? I don't know) actually did something beyond condemnations and minor stuff. We sent weapons and took in thousands of refugees.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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This reminds me, we were also like the only country that protested quite strongly at the Anschluss.

... which, I actually don't know why.

Just the general principle of respecting a country's sovereignty? Lingering guilt over the Maximiliam thing?

I don't know...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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41 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

This reminds me, we were also like the only country that protested quite strongly at the Anschluss.

... which, I actually don't know why.

Just the general principle of respecting a country's sovereignty? Lingering guilt over the Maximiliam thing?

I don't know...

Some reasons I found:

-) Mexico saw itself as some sort of solidarity with the oppressed state and pürotesting against something that happens on another continent... free prestige I guess

-) Mexico apparently had some weapons/ammunitions deals with Austria, which apparently these weapons then went to Spain, but I can´t really find much more than short notes on the side.

-) The protest note was delivered the day after some foreign oil refineries or similar was nationalized and intended as a stay in yo lane to the US of A.


Funnily enough, Mexico protested at the UN in French:


<div><span>Die Protestnote Mexikos.</span>&#8195;<span class="figure__credits">(c) Faksimilie</span></div>


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On 8/5/2023 at 10:54 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

There is. The King in the 769 AD startdate is Aurelio of Asturias.


I kept the dynasty ruling for the entire game period, as it should be.

How did you form Portugal? I thought you couldn't do it if you were already a king.

On 8/6/2023 at 12:04 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Now that Steam has let the flood gates loose on hentai games, this comes across as blatantly inaccurate.

Steam has allowed 18+ games for quite some time now, but they were never mainstream nor glorified.

On 8/6/2023 at 5:14 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, yes. Poor Japan. Let me play a sad song on the world's smallest--


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25 minutes ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

Some reasons I found:

-) Mexico saw itself as some sort of solidarity with the oppressed state and pürotesting against something that happens on another continent... free prestige I guess

-) Mexico apparently had some weapons/ammunitions deals with Austria, which apparently these weapons then went to Spain, but I can´t really find much more than short notes on the side.

-) The protest note was delivered the day after some foreign oil refineries or similar was nationalized and intended as a stay in yo lane to the US of A.

Ah, I see. Fascinating.

Well, we certainly know a thing or two when your neighbor wants your land...

Yeah, it'd check with the fact we supplied weapons to the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War.

Yep. La Expropiación Petrolera. As politics would go, we certainly could've toyed with the idea with cozying up with the Axis powers in order to send a message to the Allies. Most of Latin America did, before then fully siding with the winning side.

10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:
How did you form Portugal? I thought you couldn't do it if you were already a king.

Certainly requires someone else to do it. But once you form Hispania, Portugal becomes De Jure vassal, so it's a matter of working it out from there.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't exercise lol. I'm a soft boy who's had an easy life. Yesterday my dad broke this boulder in half with the sledgehammer after two blows that I could do nothing against. He's 68.

...Later he told me my problem was that I brought the hammer past my head. That's not how you do it, that's how they do it in movies. God fucking dammit.

Lol. Soft boy Nation 💪 (ironic I use this emoji) If you saw me irl you'd think you were Thor Bjornsson lol.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Not bad, but somehow I doubt that man knows English. Right wingers overhere don't tend to know. Our last president told then UK president David Cameron, "it's very difficult todo eso" and grinned dumbly.

Lmfao. "it's very difficult todo eso", this is just like Mexico.

I mean, we have a country very close by that speaks English, yet the education system can't seem to try hard enough to teach it to it's students! A shame, really.


He was so fucking funny, he could not speak to save his life.

Lmfao, again.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I did, that's why I commented on the language!

Das ist der moderne Inquisition
gegen Dich, und die Sowjetunion!
Arbeiter, Bauern, fester die Waffen...

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

While he waits for his wanted criminal escaped to Saudi Arabia dad to arrive on a plane for his Christmas holiday in the country where he'd have been jailed years ago if he didn't happen to get pooped out of a royal vagina, yes.

Ah Spanish politics... and kings. 

At this point it seems like the kings are just kept there to be there, like a special aristocrat family and then nobody touches them with a 10 ft pole.

By the way, anyone play Touhou?

EDIT: Oops, I missed that there was a second page.

@Acacia Sgt


Oh? Really? I'm Mexican, born and raised.

Ooh nice, what region? Me? Up north.

Edited by Hanes
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5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Ooh nice, what region? Me? Up north.

Oh, interesting.

I'm from Baja California. Can't get any more north than that, hahaha.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, interesting.

I'm from Baja California. Can't get any more north than that, hahaha.

Shucks different sides of the North, Tamaulipas in my case. I have another friend I met recently who was also from Baja California... dang it.

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13 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Shucks different sides of the North, Tamaulipas in my case. I have another friend I met recently who was also from Baja California... dang it.

Ah, what a shame.

For long I've wondered how it could go being able to meet another member on SF in person. But well, I think the closest one lives in San Diego, but it's not someone who I converse with. Ah well.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, what a shame.

For long I've wondered how it could go being able to meet another member on SF in person. But well, I think the closest one lives in San Diego, but it's not someone who I converse with. Ah well.

It wouldn't be impossible, but also we haven't talked all that much 🤔

It's not like a 4chan meet-up though, lol. So it'd probably go infinitely better than you think.

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1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

I do not recall giving this person permission to share footage of my Dragon Age run.

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

Steam has allowed 18+ games for quite some time now, but they were never mainstream nor glorified.

No, but see, this game's case is different because...

...I'm not entirely sure, but I do appreciate that the specific sex scene you shared is between ugly monsters. Hot fictional people get enough action, it's about time justice was served. #JusticeForUglies

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:



1 hour ago, Hanes said:

Lol. Soft boy Nation 💪 (ironic I use this emoji) If you saw me irl you'd think you were Thor Bjornsson lol.

Meanwhile I'm told I look like a taliban.

1 hour ago, Hanes said:

Lmfao. "it's very difficult todo eso", this is just like Mexico.

mean, we have a country very close by that speaks English, yet the education system can't seem to try hard enough to teach it to it's students! A shame, really.

Yeah, except this is the leader of a nation. Imagine trying to do diplomacy without understanding the other dude.

1 hour ago, Hanes said:

Ah Spanish politics... and kings. 

At this point it seems like the kings are just kept there to be there, like a special aristocrat family and then nobody touches them with a 10 ft pole.

Pretty much. Nothing they do is irreplaceable and the amount of privileges they get for being born right (or marrying right) is absurd.

1 hour ago, Hanes said:

By the way, anyone play Touhou?

I play Touhou music lol. Though I curious to try at some point, they look like fun games underneath the anime.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, what a shame.

For long I've wondered how it could go being able to meet another member on SF in person. But well, I think the closest one lives in San Diego, but it's not someone who I converse with. Ah well.

Spaniards seem to be rare here. Depending on where he ends up going on his vacation, though, I might be able to jumpscare Armagon and make him play Berwick Saga by force.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Spaniards seem to be rare here. Depending on where he ends up going on his vacation, though, I might be able to jumpscare Armagon and make him play Berwick Saga by force.

If I recall, I'm pretty sure that with his contact network over there, he'll be the one to jumpscare you.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

If I recall, I'm pretty sure that with his contact network over there, he'll be the one to jumpscare you.

I will turn his jumpscare on him when I pull my laptop out of my posterior and open it up, revealing Berwick Saga is already starting up. He has no escape.

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3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

and I guess we had long buried the hatchet and had to help the motherland? I don't know

I mean, that's also what America did before they officially entered WW1. Neutral but were supplying weapons to their former motherland, the UK. Just a century earlier, the US and UK fought a war against each other. Speaking of WW1, the interception of the Zimmerman Telegram probably helped solidify US/UK relations.

I bring this up because that telegram is probably the single biggest political backfire in human history. It was interesting to read that even if Mexico had received it as intended, they didn't actually want to go to war with the US, they were in the middle of their own at the time.

1 hour ago, Hanes said:

mean, we have a country very close by that speaks English, yet the education system can't seem to try hard enough to teach it to it's students! A shame, really.

Bro, Puerto Rico hardly teaches it's students English. I've spoken with enough Puerto Ricans who barely understand English. A coworker tells me some schools do teach it but the same way high schools have foreign language classes. Most who attended those end up forgetting it anyways.

1 hour ago, Hanes said:

At this point it seems like the kings are just kept there to be there, like a special aristocrat family and then nobody touches them with a 10 ft pole.

Spain 🤝 Japan

Powerless monarchy that's just there for show

1 hour ago, Hanes said:

By the way, anyone play Touhou?

I've played a few spinoffs.


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2 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I've been asking myself this question ever since Awakening had a half-naked child for the player to knock up.
...or alternatively have someone else knock up the child so that the player can knock up the child of the child instead.

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47 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

half-naked child

Almost like the problem is the "child" part, not the "naked", isn't it? Let us join Ruben and play a sad song on a very small-- (since he's already hogging the smallest). If one of us picks the viola and we find someone with the world's smallest cello, we can form the world's smallest string quartett.

(Only speaking for myself, of course, but I think it bears mentioning that I don't find outfits like, say, Camilla "offensive", I find them bloody stupid. I don't have an innate problem with sexy adults in video games.)


(It also bears mentioning that Baldur's Gate 3 is officially an 18+ game. Why is it a big talking point that an 18+ game has what I assume is a sex scene played for shock/comedy? It's not like BG1/2, especially the latter, were devoid of sexual comedy, or shock, either.)



...am I a warmonger?

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So tell me, if you had to pick two of Acheron, Lamia, Ruben and Catalena, who'd you go with? Take your time, I know it's a really difficult question. So many fan favorite characters.

Lamia* and Ruben

*I don’t know who this is

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I want to pass out. 

I hope you’re feeling better, 5 hours after the fact.

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Wait, actually, I just got it. It was staring me in the face the whole time and I didn't realize until now.

Instead of having an Arran/Samson with Acheron and someone else, I'll just have Acheron appear as a druid or a paladin depending on the route! Brilliant. Thank you, Three Houses, for inspiriting me with your avant-garde approach to Acheron's class.

No seriously why is that guy a cavalier in Crimson Flower, Koei. I'm not even complaining here, this is a really minor thing, I'm not so desperate to find things to hate about Three Houses, I'm just... baffled.

8 minutes ago, gnip said:

Almost like the problem is the "child" part, not the "naked", isn't it? Let us join Ruben and play a sad song on a very small-- (since he's already hogging the smallest). If one of us picks the viola and we find someone with the world's smallest cello, we can form the world's smallest string quartett.

Heck, why stop there? Let's try and find the world's smallest piano, drums, trumpet, tuba and the rest. Then we can play a sad song on the world's smallest orchestra!

12 minutes ago, gnip said:

I think it bears mentioning that I don't find outfits like, say, Camilla "offensive", I find them bloody stupid.

Often the problem with horny outfits is that on top of being horny, they're really stupid, beyond hideous and defy the laws of physics. When the only priority is to show as much skin as possible, one tends to neglect other aspects such as making a character that looks good.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Lamia* and Ruben

*I don’t know who this is

Portrait_lamia_fe04.png This is Lamia. Minor swordmaster boss from FE4, which is already rare enough, but on top of that she leads a whole platoon of female enemies, some of the very few generic girls in the series (at least, in classes that have male equivalents). FE6 only has one swordmaster, two after I headcannoned a NPC into the class, so I figured it'd be nice to have another.

Anyway, this is rather unfortunate because I've decided those two are going to be mutually exclusive lol. Kind of unfair on poor Lamia, since Ruben's a flier right before the desert, but considering she's a hot woman and Ruben's... Ruben, she's already got that going for her.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Portrait_lamia_fe04.png This is Lamia. Minor swordmaster boss from FE4, which is already rare enough, but on top of that she leads a whole platoon of female enemies, some of the very few generic girls in the series (at least, in classes that have male equivalents). FE6 only has one swordmaster, two after I headcannoned a NPC into the class, so I figured it'd be nice to have another.

Also the only time that the female Bow Fighter class is actually used in the game, I think.

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