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I'd say, the only really actual dislike I have on Female Byleth's design is the whole "shorts over stockings/tights/pants" thing. Never been much of a fan of that one.

As a result, not a fan of it on Academy Phase Edelgard either.

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The only problem with Byleths design is the coat. You can run around like a lunatic, but the coat has One Piece levels of remaining attached to your shoulders.

Personally, it´s the evening wear (the black/golden attires). Takes all the characters and puts them in some decent clothing. 

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24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Mainly, because it's horrible-looking. The stockings look awful in the artwork and even worse ingame, the belly window makes no sense, what even is that white thing on her neck, why does she have only one kneepad, high heels on a mercenary... The design's a complete mess. Then there's also the fact that it's an oddly fanservicey design for someone who's supposed to be a teacher, but then again, it's the same teacher that can flirt with her students, so... Eh.

...You know a pet peeve of mine with both Byleth designs? The knife. Why do they carry that purple knife around? What's it for? It never comes up, nobody ever acknowledges it and they never get to use a weapon that is even similar to it. They just have an obnoxious bright purple knife hanging from their belt, for no reason at all. Why?

I know it’s atrocious looking but I didn’t see why people would be angry about that, just say it sucks and move on.

But she is supposed to be the avatar and it is rather sexualized... Yeah I guess male Byleth wins.

My biggest problem with Female Byleth is the leggings texture. It looks so, so bad. But the random hole and lack of anything on her arms or shoulders, because they don’t like wearing sleeves (at least male doesn’t).

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14 minutes ago, Imuabicus said:

The only problem with Byleths design is the coat. You can run around like a lunatic, but the coat has One Piece levels of remaining attached to your shoulders.


Didn't bother me as much, but still.

14 minutes ago, Imuabicus said:

Personally, it´s the evening wear (the black/golden attires). Takes all the characters and puts them in some decent clothing.

Honestly, I liked the Dancer Ensemble, mostly M!Byleth's. And considering I hadn't the DLC, it was my only option.

As an aside, the trailer for Raya (Rai-ya, Not pronounced like Rhea as I expected) and the Last Dragon dropped and while I'm not expecting a classic (not helped by the music used), it might turn out good. Might being the operative word, mainline Disney looks to have gone into a cyclical slump.

Speaking of Byleth, Raya had a whip sword too. Frigging hell is everything going to be whip swords now?

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7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Honestly, I liked the Dancer Ensemble, mostly M!Byleth's. And considering I hadn't the DLC, it was my only option.

Both Dancer Ensemble and Sothis Insignia (that´s what it´s called?) just look so out of place in the monastery. The Sothis gear is barefoot too I think, and that´s just doesn´t feel ok.

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40 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Wait @Benice have you read The Wheel of Time series?

Nope, but my dad has. I think. I dunno if he got to the LAST book, but I know he read at least 13 of 'em.

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Um, odd question, but to the German Teeheers here, in a normal, non-COVID time, if someone had one day to spend in Berlin or Dresden, what should they visit?

School gives me some weird assignments sometimes. Also I'm really bad at budgeting, they gave us 2,000 dollars to do any trip of our choosing and with mine, I have 13 Euros to spend after accomodations, travel and food.

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39 minutes ago, Wraith said:

I’m genuinely curious as to what JRPGS you’d recommend people should play Karimlan?

My palate is all over the place. While I'm fond of Xenoblade and selected FF games (5, 6, 7 and 12), I haven't given other ones a try (any Trails game besides CSIII, any Atelier game, and any Neptunia game save for Megadimension Neptunia VII). Right now, I've yet to finish Astral Chain (not a JRPG, yeah) even.

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43 minutes ago, Wraith said:

The Wheel of Time

I'm curious as to how accessible it is as an e-book, because I had thought about looking into it but 13 14 books is one thing, but the physical space with the rest of my books isn't so available.

@Benice, there's 14. I misremembered it being only the last book done by the second author, but the main author (Robert Jordan) died and a second (Brandon Sanderson) came in to finish the series.

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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

enice, there's 14. I misremembered it being only the last book done by the second author, but the main author (Robert Jordan) died and a second (Brandon Sanderson) came in to finish the series.

Thanks! I knew that there were 14 or 15 and that my dad liked the new author a lot, but I didn't remember the specifics.

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14 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

selected FF games (5, 6, 7 and 12)

Have you tried most of them and these were the ones you preferred?

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26 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Is it strange that I dont favor most earlier FF games? (Save 8, of course.)

Well, I'm not sure if they've aged that well.

  • I-III are pure historical curiosities at this point. 
  • IV is so basic, if slightly dashing narratively. 
  • V has a weak plot, but the class system means its gameplay has aged the best within the first 8 FFs IMO.
  • VI could really use a deep remake. The gameplay is nothing special, the story has a few good beats, but more presentation and detail are need to make the ensemble cast pop in the modern world.
  • VII being terrible is just your personal bias. Although it could use a remake. I wonder why Square refuses to give it one? The visuals have aged horrendously and Materia ain't that great.

Video games are different from books. Though the materials books are made of has improved over millennia, that has been irrelevant for the experiences they provide; papyrus, parchment, or ebook, it doesn't matter. Video games have technologically improved over decades very quickly, and this has allowed for some indisputable improvements. Presentation and the banishing of game size limits being among the most important changes, these things plagued the 16-bit era, with some carryover into the next generation. Even if a game sticks to a retro styling, it has the means to be a potentially generally superior game to the predecessors whose style it seeks to emulate.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

VII being terrible is just your personal bias. Although it could use a remake. I wonder why Square refuses to give it one? The visuals have aged horrendously and Materia ain't that great.

This is indeed a bruh moment.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

IV is so basic, if slightly dashing narratively. 

Honestly I'm a pretty big fan of this one.

Challenge wise the version that first came on DS is very solid (Unlike FFIII where I had to grind 10 levels for the final boss because it was that cruel) and I think well worth looking into, the addition of abilities you can pass onto allies is something I've always liked about it.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

VI could really use a deep remake. The gameplay is nothing special, the story has a few good beats, but more presentation and detail are need to make the ensemble cast pop in the modern world.

Can't say I disagree, I had this second once and I think it's probably lower now. I think the espers could be handled better, though I'm not sure what to say as that recommendation.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

V has a weak plot, but the class system means its gameplay has aged the best within the first 8 FFs IMO.

Not much of an argument to make here, just wanting to add it's pretty good on the humour for the time.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

VII being terrible is just your personal bias. Although it could use a remake. I wonder why Square refuses to give it one? 

You rejecting FFVIIR on principle? 😛

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38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

VII being terrible is just your personal bias. Although it could use a remake. I wonder why Square refuses to give it one? The visuals have aged horrendously and Materia ain't that great.

Uh, I suppose you mean VIII...

@Dayni: Those are the ones I remember finishing and liking a lot. 

  • I and II - played and forgotten
  • III and IV - not played
  • VIII - played, and hate with a passion
  • IX, X, X-2, XI, XIII and onward - not played
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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

They changed the gameplay from turn based to real time, iirc.

That's fine, the problem is moreso that it's not really a remake. There's taking creative liberties and then there's just completely changing the story, which is what FF7R does.

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Hm? FF talk? I'd say, I've played pretty much all main series games from I to X. Plus some like IV:TAY and X-2 and...

I liked them all. Seriously. Anyway...

It's crusade o'clock - iFunny :)

Ninth Crusade! And it's for...


... huh. When did he turned Waldesian!?

Welp, time to fight heretics again. Crusade took longer than expected, since the guy was allied with Aquitaine, and they decided best to honor the alliance than the Pope. It happens. After that Maghreb started warring against them in both Holy War and Claimant war. I joined the former, ended up killing his heir, who was also Waldesian, then the King died, his still Catholic grandson inherited, and the Holy War automatically ended. Well, there's that. Though Maghreb is still fighting their Claimant war.

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I can't believe GvK's Mechagodzilla design leaked.

49 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That's fine, the problem is moreso that it's not really a remake. There's taking creative liberties and then there's just completely changing the story, which is what FF7R does.

FFVIIR is more like a sequel-reboot than anything, also known as a sea-boot in the words of RedLetterMedia. Or is it a soft sequel sea-boot reboot prequel?

Edited by Lightchao42
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32 minutes ago, Karimlan said:
  • I and II - played and forgotten
  • VIII - played, and hate with a passion

I's a relic for sure, but I don't think it's terrible. You can play pretty quickly through it, even for a slowpoke like myself to the point where even with trying to clear most everything in the main game I got it in under 12 hours on the GBA version and I'd bet it can be played quicker.

II personally can be skipped even by enthusiasts. No matter what can be said about implementing new systems, the whole thing's a mess and I'd prefer to play FE Gaiden again than it.

I don't have much of an impression of VIII, finding the odd discussion around the optimal strats (aka Low levelling's top tier) a little distracting and confusing. The drawing's also an issue for me.

32 minutes ago, Karimlan said:
  • III and IV - not played
  • IX, X, X-2, XI, XIII and onward - not played

III's also a relic, though I think the DS version gave it a light shade of colour to it which can be alright. Course, I got it with my DS so I can't say it holds no sentimental value. I'd call it better than I unless you're on a roleplaying kick, where I shades it with leaving characters to the player's interpretation.

I already said the DS version of IV's satisfying on difficulty (though one boss has it's old strat mentioned in dialogue and following the text's a pitfall), think it presents itself pretty well (though it's not fully voiced cutscenes, a DS game getting voices is a welcome surprise and they're actually pretty good). I've played it on GBA as well to try the Lunar Ruins and I have to say that was not of much interest beyond Kain's part.

IX is my favourite, feel like most things in gameplay and story barring trances are handled well overall and it has best boy. Soundtrack's also great.

X..... Man, it's been a long time since I played it. I got pretty close to the endgame (got to the plains area and the mountain beyond it), liked the CTB system personally and how summons are handled. X-2 I have and barely played, wanting to avoid spoiling too much.

XIII wasn't so hot, only liked a third of the cast, found the gameplay a bother (oddly enough, XII had a similar impression), the central plot was a mess too. I finished playing it on an airship, like in XII. Though it's saddening I've played more of XIII than XII.

Haven't played XI, XIV or XV.

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Plus some like IV:TAY

I've heard bad things.

I'd be disappointed as IV's one of my favourites. I heard it was a mess and- Sorry, it's Deus Vult time.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:


... huh. When did he turned Waldesian!?

When some Waldesian got close to him I presume.

Is Epirus the Christan name for that title?

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

After that Maghreb started warring against them in both Holy War and Claimant war. I joined the former, ended up killing his heir, who was also Waldesian, then the King died, his still Catholic grandson inherited, and the Holy War automatically ended. Well, there's that. Though Maghreb is still fighting their Claimant war.

Are the Maghreb Catholic then?

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I've heard bad things.

I'd be disappointed as IV's one of my favourites. I heard it was a mess and- Sorry, it's Deus Vult time.

It has its moments. The loudest complain I've heard is that you're more or less playing the same course of events, if shuffled and tweaked slightly. Personally, I don't mind. IV is among my most favorite FF's, so as far as I know, I'm getting more of the same thing I like, and it's not entirely copy-pasted, so I'm still seeing new stuff.

3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

When some Waldesian got close to him I presume.

Is Epirus the Christan name for that title?

I don't think the title changes name due religion.

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Are the Maghreb Catholic then?

Take a guess, heh:


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