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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Sooks said:

No, another crit! Patrash!!

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

NOOOOO my rival got a crit! BirdeezNu-, no!!

Learning to play around the crit (and when you can't afford to) is one of the most important Nuzlocking skills to learn. What I mean by that is having an idea of when your pokemon is in range to be killed by a crit, and who you can switch in to deal the threat when that happens.


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I actually decided to use Patrash a bit, because having a second trained up Pokémon wouldn’t hurt.

Another valuable Nuzlocking skill to learn, is to keep even the pokemon you are keeping around only for fodder leveled up, just in case. Also knowing when you need to grind, even if its just for generic trainer battles.


1 hour ago, Sooks said:


What is going on? I swear I don’t remember this happening this much when I was younger. Does the RNG hate me this much? I’m pretty sure hard mode doesn’t affect crit rate… right?

Nope, it should just be 1/16, unless it generation 1, in which case its based on a pokemon's base speed, and could be as high as 23%. Its just a lot more noticable when there are actual consequences to being crit.


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Of course I could just say I “lost” the nuzlocke, but I don’t want to, so I will not. Riolu needs to be level 15 for a fighting type attack, which might save me here, but I’d rather not say I grinded two levels for the first gym leader.

I will also note that you can use a speedup button to wander around in circles until the Riolu's happiness maxs out for the evolution, which might give you the edge, but that is also kinda tedious.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


My Pokemon Journey begins here with Pokemon Leaf Green! No nuzlock, no special challenge, just a pure Pokemon adventure.

A Pure Pokemon Adventure is a nice way to play as well.

2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Bulbasaur was the odd but true choice for me. I had to shorten his name a little bit to fit the space but you get the idea

Menilik Kebangkitan Hingga Kematian Misterius Genghis Khan ...


I caught a rat and gave her a very nice name


And I just could not miss this opportunity.

What great nicknames as well, a mix of history and pop culture


13 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

didn't play honestly

Neither 5 or 6. I got out of pokemon for a bit after Gen 4 until 7, and lest again after 7

Despite all of the love for gen 5 in here (which is does kinda deserve, gen 5 is one of the best generations), there are some interesting things about gen 6. First there is this great sense of diversity in it, in basically every route you can find a pokemon from whatever generation is your favorite, there is a rival for each of pokemon's main appeal (one for the person that focuses on battles, one that focuses on the dex, one that focuses on just enjoying the story, and one that likes all that goofy side content nobody cared about), it even introduced character customization to the franchise. Also poke-France has a very distinct feel to it. Unfortunately it tends to be piss easy, the villainous team is one of the weakest in the franchise, and a lot of people don't like how the rivals always feel so behind the player at every turn, and it got cheated out of a third version that mixed of fixed some of these problems.

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2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

there is a rival for each of pokemon's main appeal (one for the person that focuses on battles, one that focuses on the dex, one that focuses on just enjoying the story, and one that likes all that goofy side content nobody cared about)

Imagine if they had contests for Tierno.

As you can imagine, this did not click for me at the time.

I am one of those who looks at it with confusing if not disappointment. And I chose to not use megas.

Edited by Dayni
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9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Learning to play around the crit (and when you can't afford to) is one of the most important Nuzlocking skills to learn. What I mean by that is having an idea of when your pokemon is in range to be killed by a crit, and who you can switch in to deal the threat when that happens.

So… how do I go about getting an idea of when a Pokémon is in range to be killed by a crit? How are they even calculated?

9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Another valuable Nuzlocking skill to learn, is to keep even the pokemon you are keeping around only for fodder leveled up, just in case. Also knowing when you need to grind, even if its just for generic trainer battles.

I see. I wanted to avoid grinding, but turbo made it not bad at all.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So… how do I go about getting an idea of when a Pokémon is in range to be killed by a crit? How are they even calculated?

It depends on the generation, but Generation 5 a critical hit deals double damage, ignores debuffs on the attacker, and ignores buffs on the defender.

Dying in two more hits is standard, three if their attacking stat is debuffed once or your defensive stat is buffed, I want to say four hits if two stat changes being ignored, etc. There is also the rare ability Sniper that makes crits even more extreme

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9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It depends on the generation, but Generation 5 a critical hit deals double damage, ignores debuffs on the attacker, and ignores buffs on the defender.

Dying in two more hits is standard, three if their attacking stat is debuffed once or your defensive stat is buffed, I want to say four hits if two stat changes being ignored, etc. There is also the rare ability Sniper that makes crits even more extreme

I see. Thanks for the info.

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Heh, it's okay. It's a common mistake to think Franklin discovered electricity. His contribution to the field was that lightning had electric properties. Before him, countless other people had already delved into the research of electricity.

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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Heh, it's okay. It's a common mistake to think Franklin discovered electricity. His contribution to the field was that lightning had electric properties. Before him, countless other people had already delved into the research of electricity.

Certainly makes sense that. My knowledge of Science history is lower then I'd like it to be.

But here, for now and later I'll name every electric Pokemon after a figure who delved into such topics. It shall be a learning experience for all.

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12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


@FlyingKitsune, I name this Wailmer after thee. I will note that the way this was documented makes it seem like the creator expected you to get this encounter from the other side.

And that is enough for now. Next time I will actually get closer to the next Gym instead of just checking out what I find with Surf while backtracking.

Didn't expect this.

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So, finished the TS demo.

I can still see the potential this has, though I must admit, the slice we got last year did give more options for combat. One change they made was that ability points are not at one at the start of the map: they're filled but the cap is set at 3 until a unit promotes, which is a mechanic that wasn't in the previous demo and this change I wasn't a fan of. I could adjust as these maps are more basic but it's something to watch out for. They also added a forging system for improving allies' stats, but how that'll be affected by resource scarcity I can't tell off of this.

Parts of chapters can include no fighting, as I learned with Chapter 3 whose first part centered on a binary vote on where to go before continuing to the next part of it (which will result in different events for the second part of the chapter). There's also skirmish maps available in the encampment, though I do suspect there's a large amount of time outside main maps in this game and that will bother some. I don't know that it will be as troublesome as with 3H, because the game does load faster, much has been spent on expanding the world so far and implying the main conflict so I do think it will ease up, voting was always treated as a part of the game and how you can influence that may have more depth beyond what I've been able to deduce and the encampment where you can get items and forge can be accessed in the battle preps. One thing that arguably would make that easier is taking away the world map between events, but this is where the game puts up side events the player can look at or not, so I assume they chose that for the player to decide.

The game also picked the third main map to tell the player about simulation mode which allows you to check how a skill you use would affect opponents while not activating it, but I was expecting it'd tell me if a bunch of enemies would attack an exposed unit. As for the maps themselves, objectives have been standard, terrain was only really used in the third and I do think you've had to try in order to avoid getting your people defeated in battle (I let the new guy fall in the third to see how it went after I realised the generics had his weakness and had let myself be hit in an aoe with 4 units)

I don't think I said I was day 1, but I am somewhat down compared to the first demo.

(Also, for being the land where Salt comes from, the lack of salt memes there was surprising.)

24 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Certainly makes sense that. My knowledge of Science history is lower then I'd like it to be.

But here, for now and later I'll name every electric Pokemon after a figure who delved into such topics. It shall be a learning experience for all.

Reminded me of the Platinum nuzlocke I hadn't returned too where I named each after an explorer from the last few centuries.

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Whew, what an afternoon. My pal arrived to hang out as usual, but we didn't play Bloodstained. He was beyond shocked that I was playing Pokemon, so he insisted I continued. So it ended up being five hours of just me playing Pokemon in front of him.

I beat Erico with great difficulty, using Swagger, Flash and Sierra's ability to force any status effects taken on the enemy to steer the RNG my way and buy myself enough time to destroy his Magneton through confusions and self-inflicted damage. Then I applied the same strategy to his last pokemon, with Antasma jumping in after Sierra's death. They were the heroes of this gym. Everyone else got murdered in one shot, so they served as sacrifices to buy me time to heal Sierra and Antasma.

Afterwards, I walked up to the mountains, did this, did that, fought a bunch of... What I can best describe as dragon furries (scalies, is that what those are called? I think?) and their leader Magno, who isn't as cool as Aquiles. That was the other part I faintly remembered from my childhood, both teams fighting on the overworld. It was... unimpressive, they were just standing there while their pokes walked in place. Aquiles was more powerful, you could tell because his Poochie was walking faster in place.

Then I got to the fire gym and fought Candela. My friend was hyping it up, and overheat did one-shot my entire team, which wasn't nice. But as it turned out, she was way easier than Erico. Mostly because I applied the same strategy that took me 20 tries to figure out against Erico. As such, Candela only took four or five tries. The time it required to get good RNG rolls against the big turtle.

I said it before, but it begs repeating - I'm having much more fun with this game than I thought I would. Perhaps it's just because I'm going into the gyms 10 levels below the recommended level and with all the wrong types of pokes, but these battles are requiring proper, tight strategy to beat. Figuring these things out has been quite enjoyable.

For my team, the following things happened.


I switched out Menelik II for Rusalka. Sorry, Quetzal. If it serves as a consolation, however...


Poundmaker remains. And probably will remain for the foreseeable future. He's a little underwhelming compared to others in the team, but he flies and he's gained a couple of good moves since he promoted.

Leteena has also been kicked out. You see, I laid eyes upon a beauty that instantly stole my heart.


Encountering such a magnificent wonder of nature, I knew I simply had to make room in my team for it. Beauty like this deserves to be known across the world. I need such a wondrous visage to not only obtain victory, but obtain it in style.

Thus arrived the time to give it a name. The perfect moniker immediately came to my mind, as a fragile pink petal gently landing on the ground upon falling from the sakura tree.


I simply could not resist. If only I could find a shiny one...

5 hours ago, Dayni said:

Using obviously powerful mons, and an Est-like at that. How unorthodox of you.

I ended up beating him with my Kadabra, my Sableye and four deadweight sacrifices. Go figure.

4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


My Pokemon Journey begins here with Pokemon Leaf Green! No nuzlock, no special challenge, just a pure Pokemon adventure.

This is getting out of hand! Now there are four of them!

Have fun. Leaf Green is, as I've mentioned before, not my favorite videogame, but... Uh... Yeah, have fun!

4 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:


should i join the fun?

Hey, go ahead. Might as well invade the thread with something other than Fates, for once.

3 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Damn. Am I that simple?


Well, don't fret over it. All of us New Mystery fans are.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

What great nicknames as well, a mix of history and pop culture

Meanwhile Ruben: Funny goo man

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Poundmaker remains. And probably will remain for the foreseeable future. He's a little underwhelming compared to others in the team, but he flies and he's gained a couple of good moves since he promoted.

Did you left an open spot for Shedinja? I'm guessing not.

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11 hours ago, Dayni said:

I thought it was IGN who had the 7.8

Alas you are right. What can I say, most of the big "Games Journalism" sources are similar enough to blur together for me.


3 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:

Didn't expect this.

What can I say, I was doing a Nuzlocke of the Emerald Trashlocke hack, and decided to name the mons after people in the thread. If you are curious I can probably compile a set of links for where in the thread the run occurs.


Back with my little Nuzlocke


We get to meet Steven again.


A bit wishy-washy, but I kinda like this play your own way philosophy he is trying to share.


I get the funny feeling we will. Well I better get an encounter from that grass right there


Its frailer than you would think, but an easy catch


@Robert Stewart has talked a little in this thread, and get a Mankey named after him.

Then we get to meet the Berry Master


Its interesting how much they tied Berries to flowers in Generation 3.


Huh, I didn't know the Berry Master had grandchildren. Looking at Bulbapedia it seems like the main theory is three of them are the girls at the Flower Shop, and possibly a trainer that specifically mentions the Berry Master on Route 120. I will keep an eye out for them.


You could just get off your bicycle then...


A fitting encounter for the tall grass, but


I accidentally kill it with confusion...oops, that is another missed encounter after so many easy catches.


The trainers in this grass do this weird thing where they kinda mimic your movement, and they all mention being a part of this Mimic Circle. Its a fun little bit of flavor that is easy to miss while spamming through the trainer dialogue.


And then I find this weird house full of Wingull


...Tee Hee...Finding this goof ball after his house full of Wingull is kinda funnier


At least he learned his mistake eventually.


Glad I didn't have to worry about Mankey's frailness for too long.


Ah you have got to love those incompetent grunt, spilling the beans on their evil plans. And its easy to fight my way to their minor admin


...Why do I get the feeling it is both.


I just can not parse if I am being complicated or insulted with this woman.

Alas the minor admin battle wasn't all the interesting, other than a little switching around to remove the effects of Swagger


Again with comple-insult. Also it is a shame that the remakes took away her red hair.


Team Magma is really made to seem more competent than Aqua in this game.


I guess this offscreen hoard is an excuse to have the bad guys run off to save the day again it seems. I guess when the premise is ecoterrorists you got to give them the same mixed reputation they sorta have in real life.


Alas another instance of the hack turning fixed encounters into Unown


I thought it was kinda ironic, but we aren't keeping it.


We are forced to take, but I consider it an invalid encounter by my Nuzlocke rules.


The pokemon world really is weird in that way isn't it. Although I guess it would be more accurate to say pokemon can freely change the weather, but I get the idea.


I feel like its kinda easy to put the rain to good use, but what do I kn-


Oh sweet Arceus I got ambushed.


I completely forgot about this encounter, and I am not prepared at all


Although things turned out fine. The Lombre is utterly walled by @Shaky Jones, who sets up two growth, and starts crushing th-


Huh, Brendon swirched. If he had done that earlier, or didn't switch at all this Slugma would have force her out, but now


I can kill it immediately, and


it ends up as an easy sweep.


And we get gifted a Fly HM for our troubles.


...thanks for making me feel bad after another battle Scott. I guess I really crushed Brendan there.


Honestly, you are starting to give off some stalking vibes, as I run into you more than my friendly rivals...

I think that is enough for now, as the weather institute acts as a Pokecenter for our purposes, and the rival battle was a bit of a shock.


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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Did you left an open spot for Shedinja? I'm guessing not.

I didn't even know that was a thing. Neither did my friend, until he messaged another friend about my return to Pokemon and he let us know.

3 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


We get to meet Steven again.

The man, the myth, the legend.

Maximo Peñas.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is getting out of hand! Now there are four of them!

Have fun. Leaf Green is, as I've mentioned before, not my favorite videogame, but... Uh... Yeah, have fun!

If it has grinding, I'll enjoy it.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I switched out Menelik II for Rusalka. Sorry, Quetzal.

Hey, I may met him on my current Journey. Everybody knows Menelik II copied his soul onto multiple Pokemon rom files.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I didn't even know that was a thing. Neither did my friend, until he messaged another friend about my return to Pokemon and he let us know.

And this was before Pokémon began getting very... creative with its evolution methods.

  • Galarian Yamask evolves into Runerigus when the player travels through the stone gate in the Dusty Bowl after it has lost 49 HP or more from a single attack and did not faint in the same battle or since.

Like that.

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6 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

If it has grinding, I'll enjoy it.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The moment I have to grind is the moment I stop playing this game.

The duality of man.

6 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey, I may met him on my current Journey. Everybody knows Menelik II copied his soul onto multiple Pokemon rom files.

Of course. How could I forget my history like that.

Call it Menelik II II

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And this was before Pokémon began getting very... creative with its evolution methods.

Like that.

I mean, I find Kadabra's evolution to be a lot more insulting. Mostly because I straight up cannot do it.

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