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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Dammit boy... got to thinkin today. Last runthru of ch 11a of Binding Blade, forgot to bring the damn Guiding ring for Clarine since she’s at level 19. Well that sure as hell aint no good for arena grinding. So I played thru it again.... after doling out all the promotion doodads I already had. And I’ll be hornswoggled,  also even managed to git all the idjits rescued before they could suicide themselves

Yea Im definitely liking that a little better 😎

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@lightcosmo Does it matter at all which of the Earth and Water (I'm assuming the Lakehaven one is water) trials I do first? I was about to do the Earth one, but changed course since I'd had side quest stuff out east to do. And I knew I'd be return west eventually b/c the Camelot Bridge and other area with an evil domain.

Also, are any sidequests missable? I ask this since I trekked back to Marlind and noticed an old man who was a light blue dot on the mini-map saying the Iris Gem is in the town sanctuary. It looks like I might not have picked this Iris  Gem earlier in the game, since the UI map legend doesn't tell you blue dots are sidequest-related people for a quest you haven't finished yet. I went inside the sanctuary but didn't see the Iris Gem anywhere, and since each has a skit associated with it, I take it I can't obtain the Gem since Alisha is no longer on the team. Would I be able to obtain the Gem whenever she does eventually rejoin? I have a feeling the Iris Gems might be affect the ending.

No spoilers please!

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

@lightcosmo Does it matter at all which of the Earth and Water (I'm assuming the Lakehaven one is water) trials I do first? I was about to do the Earth one, but changed course since I'd had side quest stuff out east to do. And I knew I'd be return west eventually b/c the Camelot Bridge and other area with an evil domain.

Also, are any sidequests missable? I ask this since I trekked back to Marlind and noticed an old man who was a light blue dot on the mini-map saying the Iris Gem is in the town sanctuary. It looks like I might not have picked this Iris  Gem earlier in the game, since the UI map legend doesn't tell you blue dots are sidequest-related people for a quest you haven't finished yet. I went inside the sanctuary but didn't see the Iris Gem anywhere, and since each has a skit associated with it, I take it I can't obtain the Gem since Alisha is no longer on the team. Would I be able to obtain the Gem whenever she does eventually rejoin? I have a feeling the Iris Gems might be affect the ending.

No spoilers please!

Im fairly sure you can choose to do trials at your discretion, although I -think- water is technically the easiest? Assumed first maybe as well from what i gathered.

I dunno how to answer this without spoilers but the game has quite a few missables if I recall. Its been a while ofc so my memory might be a bit rusty.  

I think they might be a requirement to continue eventually.

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Close to finishing Daxter.

Man this game was way better when i did not have the mental capacity to find out why i liked things.

56 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

...looking at the list CS5 is at more than 3 years now? Lmao, has it really been that long? Bruh

NISA moment.

56 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Even worse are the fans who are slaves to the series and are just bootlicking Nisa atm for their precious series. Toxic positivity at it's finest.

"But if it it sells we'll get more" conceptually yes but at this stage, the only people playing the latest Trails games are the ones who stuck around since the beginning. 

And yet i'm sure NISA will lie and say you can jump right in with Reverie. 

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14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I dunno how to answer this without spoilers but the game has quite a few missables if I recall. Its been a while ofc so my memory might be a bit rusty.  


...not ask for details. I'll continue playing blind instead.

Like Xillia, it seems Tales has gotten over the worst of its missable content problems, things appear to be more transparent than it was with the blind 100% nightmares of Symphonia-Abyss-Vesperia.

Knowing I might miss good conversations does weigh on me, but at least I know costumes probably aren't with how miserly Namco has become with them. And it's more liberating not getting a handful of location name spoilers and needlessly worrying about points of no return on sidequests well in advance of when they actually happen.

Did Mikleo have a inn skit about what his Armatization true name means BTW? Since I think I missed that if there was one.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...not ask for details. I'll continue playing blind instead.

Like Xillia, it seems Tales has gotten over the worst of its missable content problems, things appear to be more transparent than it was with the blind 100% nightmares of Symphonia-Abyss-Vesperia.

Knowing I might miss good conversations does weigh on me, but at least I know costumes probably aren't with how miserly Namco has become with them. And it's more liberating not getting a handful of location name spoilers and needlessly worrying about points of no return on sidequests well in advance of when they actually happen.

Did Mikleo have a inn skit about what his Armatization true name means BTW? Since I think I missed that if there was one.

Well, you kinda touched upon some stuff that -might- affect how you view the game onwards so id rather not give my viewpoint at all. 

I dunno, i missed alot of the skits myself so its possible!

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Daxter is the textbook definition of mid (review)

Daxter is a personally unique game in that it was the one and only PSP game i ever had. Loved it as a kid but how does it hold up now that i'm an adult who has developed taste?

...I think Daxter is like the most mid game i've ever played. It's not amazing but it's not awful either but it's just right in the middle. Like dead center. Which in some ways makes it worse.

The best way i can describe this game is that it simply exists. Almost everything in this game simply happens. Level design is whatever but they occasionally put in some new ideas so things don't get stale. But levels are simply just things you do. Maybe this isn't making a whole lot of sense but usually in good platformers, every level feels like it's own mini-adventure and it feels great to beat them. In Daxter, levels simply start and they simply end. There is no fanfare and the soundtrack is extremely forgettable and the overworld is devoid of any life. At least the combat's nice, if basic.

Even the story is simply just something that happens and complaining about the plot in a platformer feels strange but everything you're doing in this game up until the end is completely disconnected from the original goal. Daxter says he'll save Jak and then just fucks around for two years. He literally ignored the main plot because of sidequests.

This is the only Jak & Daxter game i've played (that's a lie, i played Jak X once) and it is a spin-off so it's not like i'll judge the series with this game. But man, sometimes games really are better when you're just a little kid who simply likes things.


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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And why did the devs decide to go Arthurian with a great many location names? Igraine, Ladylake (complete with a sword in a stone), Malory, Tintagel, Marlind looks like a corruption of "Merlin", Gaferis (Gaheris), Pendrago(n).


The "magnificence" of that trend started in the 8-bit era of Western releases plastering ugly, unrepresentative "art"work on video game boxes. I do not understand it.

64-bit would've been at the end of this hideous era of advertising, I believe. Suikoden 1 concluded it with a bang. It leaves me speechless, mostly because my voice can't travel through the near-vacuum of the planet's outer atmosphere that Toran Castle reaches into.

maybe zesty dev like arthurian legend? the moment soren must pull Lailah, i already expect the game will have another nod to arthurian stuff in other places or names.


i've read that somewhere thats because american very not into anime yet at that time so anything that resemble anime get westernized art they put effort to make it like that, but somehow forgot to just translate whatever subtitle below Suikoden is. misguided effort really

10 hours ago, Armagon said:


Slightly outdated because I made this before Sophie 2, put it in between Escha & Logy and Ryza 2.


i appreciate the tier list, but im not a fan (yet) so cant recognize any of it except maybe ryza which i dont know which one is ryza 1 or 2 😕

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41 minutes ago, joevar said:

i've read that somewhere thats because american very not into anime yet at that time so anything that resemble anime get westernized art they put effort to make it like that



Indeed, it required imagination to draw stuff like this. I'm not sure whether this is someone's courageous grandma whose hair has yet to grey, or in fact, a man who likes long hair and a metal bra.

41 minutes ago, joevar said:


i appreciate the tier list, but im not a fan (yet) so cant recognize any of it except maybe ryza which i dont know which one is ryza 1 or 2 😕

You can ignore the entire list. TL;DR, it means "Emulate and play the fan translation of Atelier Marie, the original Atelier game is still the very best!".😄

*Ahem* That was a joke. -I'll read the microfilm for you.:

  • 9/10
    • Lulua (Arland 4)
    • Ryza 2
    • Escha & Logy (Dusk 2)
  • 8/10
    • Lydie and Suelle (Mysterious 3)
    • Shallie (Dusk 3)
    • Ryza 1
  • 7/10
    • Firis (Mysterious 2)
    • Rorona (Arland 1)
  • 6/10
    • Meruru (Arland 3)
  • 5/10
    • Sophie 1 (Mysterious 1)
    • Ayesha (Dusk 1)
  • 4/10
    • Totori (Arland 2)
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Well, another Smash session since my cousin came over. I only won once, on the very last match, hah.

Now my brother and cousin are playing Wii Sports and... pft, my brother is winning on Mercy Rule in baseball. XD

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These images hit different after having now played Sacred Stones.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Today's main thing. I actually can't believe I had to do that. I would've assumed there'd be a dancer casting magic animation on the repository, but nope. Not for Tethys, at least.

So, I had to take matters into my own hands.

I am having way too much fun with this little project, I swear.

I like Tethys even more now.

I also respect changing her skin tone to be darker akin to her middle eastern origins.

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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Indeed, it required imagination to draw stuff like this. I'm not sure whether this is someone's courageous grandma whose hair has yet to grey, or in fact, a man who likes long hair and a metal bra.

You can ignore the entire list. TL;DR, it means "Emulate and play the fan translation of Atelier Marie, the original Atelier game is still the very best!".😄

*Ahem* That was a joke. -I'll read the microfilm for you.:

  • 9/10
    • Lulua (Arland 4)
    • Ryza 2
    • Escha & Logy (Dusk 2)
  • 8/10
    • Lydie and Suelle (Mysterious 3)
    • Shallie (Dusk 3)
    • Ryza 1
  • 7/10
    • Firis (Mysterious 2)
    • Rorona (Arland 1)
  • 6/10
    • Meruru (Arland 3)
  • 5/10
    • Sophie 1 (Mysterious 1)
    • Ayesha (Dusk 1)
  • 4/10
    • Totori (Arland 2)

lmao. that boxart is really something else, no arguing that. how could they get away with that. theres even "actual" screen put in there. then why not just make it  the cover art instead. smh. i think dont even want to understand anymore


"sophie 2 put in between ryza 2 and escha " so thats a 9. from 5 to 9 for sophie 1->2. thats huge bump

Arland series is all over the place huh. or rather, all series? or maybe the tier maker taste thats all over the place

and the best is arland 4 where theres a former protagonist who now became a milf? oh boi, im tempted

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58 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I also respect changing her skin tone to be darker akin to her middle eastern origins.

thats closer to dark than brown. not all middle eastern-er dark skin tho. middle eastern skin have quite range from olive to tan. and quite a few actually has bright skin for some tribe (but they could still get tan easily) from what i already met IRL

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1 hour ago, joevar said:

thats closer to dark than brown. not all middle eastern-er dark skin tho. middle eastern skin have quite range from olive to tan. and quite a few actually has bright skin for some tribe (but they could still get tan easily) from what i already met IRL

I say middle eastern as that's where many Arabic tribes originate, but the culture has since expanded across western Africa, and many different ethnicities now identify as Arab, including those of darker skin.

Perhaps I shouldn't have said middle eastern and instead said Egyptian as that's where the belly dancer idea that most FE dancers take from originates. And there are many more peoples who live in the Middle east, such as the Kurds, Persians, as well as many Turks and Assyrians.

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27 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Perhaps I shouldn't have said middle eastern and instead said Egyptian as that's where the belly dancer idea that most FE dancers take from originates. And there are many more peoples who live in the Middle east, such as the Kurds, Persians, as well as many Turks and Assyrians.

funnily enough (for me), Eqypt is actually even more unable to be identified by skin color. since ancient times (even before medieval) they already become center of culture that many people come and go. so skin tone become so varied due to that. lighter color actually become more dominant than darker color if you look at them now. i might be wrong tho.

altho belly dancer part is true till this day. dancer that dress like tethys still popular there afaik

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4 minutes ago, joevar said:

funnily enough (for me), Eqypt is actually even more unable to be identified by skin color. since ancient times (even before medieval) they already become center of culture that many people come and go. so skin tone become so varied due to that. lighter color actually become more dominant than darker colorw if you look at them now

Mhm, I'm aware. Egypt still has a sizable dark skinned population. so for me it's not totally unreasonable to suggest Tethys being a minority in that department.

Or you could say she comes from elsewhere, as belly dancing has taken route all across the Arabic world and beyond in it's own special form.

If you really wanted to be accurate to the source material, perhaps she's a white girl who picked it up from watching youtube videos.

Not-not that there's anything wrong with learning different culture's folk dances, especially for ones as cool as belly dancing. Hell, I'm a Native American and I've done Raas Baladi.

Egypt's ethnic history is an interesting one though, and there it's good to think about how Egypt, despite being a single idea in our minds, has lived through many different forms, giving no one answer to what was the ethnicity of the Egyptians?

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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Today's main thing. I actually can't believe I had to do that. I would've assumed there'd be a dancer casting magic animation on the repository, but nope. Not for Tethys, at least.

So, I had to take matters into my own hands.

I am having way too much fun with this little project, I swear.

Love the bow at the end.

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Tethys spinning somehow crashed my mobile Youtube app.

Tethys spin is too powerful, what have I done.

Speaking of Tethys, you know one little oddity about FE8 that I've always wondered about?


This cursed-ass wink. Tethys does it a number of times throughout the game. How'd they do that? Blinking doesn't work like that, there aren't separate blinking frames for each eye. The text editor just says [Wink] and leaves it at that. Fascinating.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Eirika watching Ephraim and L'Arachel flirt

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Eirika remembering her prf weapon is effective against L'Arachel

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

These images hit different after having now played Sacred Stones.

Don't they now.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I like Tethys even more now.

So do I. Though, to be fair, she always fell firmly in the "forgettable dancer I bench because I'm not an efficient player and my team is already built at this point" camp, alongside every other dancer in the series except like, Azura. So that's not too hard to pull off.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I also respect changing her skin tone to be darker akin to her middle eastern origins.

3 hours ago, joevar said:

thats closer to dark than brown. not all middle eastern-er dark skin tho. middle eastern skin have quite range from olive to tan. and quite a few actually has bright skin for some tribe (but they could still get tan easily) from what i already met IRL

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I say middle eastern as that's where many Arabic tribes originate, but the culture has since expanded across western Africa, and many different ethnicities now identify as Arab, including those of darker skin.

Perhaps I shouldn't have said middle eastern and instead said Egyptian as that's where the belly dancer idea that most FE dancers take from originates. And there are many more peoples who live in the Middle east, such as the Kurds, Persians, as well as many Turks and Assyrians.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

funnily enough (for me), Eqypt is actually even more unable to be identified by skin color. since ancient times (even before medieval) they already become center of culture that many people come and go. so skin tone become so varied due to that. lighter color actually become more dominant than darker color if you look at them now. i might be wrong tho.

altho belly dancer part is true till this day. dancer that dress like tethys still popular there afaik

Quite frankly, my thought process was a lot simpler than that. Jehanna is a desert nation, so I made everyone that comes from there dark skinned. Just so I could spend an afternoon recolloring portraits and battle sprites. Still, nice to see it's sparked such an interesting discussion.

The battle sprites are actually darker than the portraits, though. I did what I could - damn sprites have an obsession with using skin colors on weapons and clothes. Not to mention, half of them just plop a single pixel of white on someone's face, and then use that on their clothes and weapons. It makes darkskinned sprites absolute hell, I had to give Josh and Gerik bronze weapons just so it wouldn't look like they have... uh, something suspect on their face. I even had to repalette two people because I just could not make their palettes work!

In any case, I really do feel like the darker skin suits Tethys a lot better, to be honest. And Ismaire, but that may just be me.

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Love the bow at the end.

Thanks! It's not a bow though, she just nearly fainted from spinning too fast

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This cursed-ass wink. Tethys does it a number of times throughout the game. How'd they do that? Blinking doesn't work like that, there aren't separate blinking frames for each eye. The text editor just says [Wink] and leaves it at that. Fascinating.

Tethys transcends engine limitations. She does what she wants.

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On 9/14/2022 at 11:21 PM, Armagon said:

To be fair, this time Gust is involved and i'm way more confident in Gust projects than i am in Koei Tecmo projects.

I'll be honest here, it's less to do with Koei Tecmo as a company. It's just I can't help associating them with Three Houses/Three Hopes. Which to some people would be a plus. But I burnt out so hard on Three Houses that when Three Hopes came out I was like "whatever". Which feels wrong when I remember how excited I got for games like New Mystery (which I'm still mad about not releasing here), Awakening and Shadows of Valentia. Or how much I enjoyed Fates over-all despite reservations about "splitting the game Pokemon style". The worst thing is the fatigue isn't even something that happened over the course of one playthrough. I went through the game 7 times to get all the supports. The only route I didn't do twice was Silver Snow. Then right after I finished... Jeritza dropped as free dlc. I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back as it were. The idea of going through Crimson Flower again just to use Jeritza and get his supports made me feel physically ill. I know that's a bit of an over-reaction. But I was sick of Fodlan. Something about Garreg Mach turns the whole thing into a naseous tedium the more you replay the game. Fates MyCastle didn't do that. It was simple and streamlined. It couldn't convey plot or lore in the same way... but it also didn't make me walk around halls with no threat or grand secrets for what feels like an eternity.

tl;dr version being: I like the gameplay more than the lore due to the fact I like to replay games a lot... and Garreg Mach feels like it only added to the lore.

On 9/14/2022 at 11:55 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Glad you're still enjoying that so much haha.

Fun fact. My niece is very musically inclined despite her young age.
She wrote three different songs about my dog. To existing tunes, sure. But the fact she can sing a song about my dog to the alphabet song's tune while having entirely different lyrics is really pretty impressive. More so because you only know it's to the tune because you recognize it from her singing.

On 9/15/2022 at 1:17 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Why would I do that for a FE4 remake, though? I don't want a FE4 remake lol

Unfortunately, the worst part of Engage is that it leds a lot of credence to the possibility of the FE4 remake. The elitists will celebrate this silver lining. Me, I'll sit in the corner with you anime scum and give it the cold shoulder. I only tolerated those maps just enough to beat them once haha.

I wouldn't mind an FE4 remake. It'd have to make the gameplay quicker even if they didn't make a single quality of life change. Simply because unless it pulls a New Mystery I won't have to translate when I play... which isn't a very natural process to me. Plus, they could inadverdantly do something like fixing it so Arden could cross the mountains in Chapter 4 by making a path. You might say they'd never do this... but there's precedent. New Mystery of the Emblem removed some mountains by the forts in the pass towards the center of the map so Draug, Ryan, Gordin, and the cavs (who could no longer dismount) wouldn't need to be reclassed to pass the pass. Or maybe they could do something so crossing a certain desert in chapter 5 isn't a chore. You know. Basic, little changes even a purist won't throw a fit about.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

the only people playing the latest Trails games are the ones who stuck around since the beginning. 

And not even those. Quite a few of those also left.

I am seeing more newcomers sticking around due to them still playing the games and catching up, which probably makes the wait bearable.

I wonder if Kuro will lose half the peeps coming from CS like it did in japan tho. The fanbase is quite filled with CS only dude/ttes. Or maybe that changed since i left dunno.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

And yet i'm sure NISA will lie and say you can jump right in with Reverie. 

"YoU wAnnA GAtEKeeP???"

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I also respect changing her skin tone to be darker akin to her middle eastern origins.

Mid east ain't really dark

2 hours ago, joevar said:

funnily enough (for me), Egypt is actually even more unable to be identified by skin color.


Egypt has all tones of skin colors, due to constant "mixing" over the ages.

Source: I lived there myself for a few years. Visited there last year as well.

Well, mediterranean countries are all similar in that regard, no? You will find all sorts of skin colors there, and from what i know they are quite similar culture wise as well. I do remember dad the first time he went to Greece on business trip he was like "This is Egypt but in European" due to how some/many cultural antics reminded him of Egypt.

Still gotta visit Greece myself one day...

And many more countries!

2 hours ago, joevar said:

lighter color actually become more dominant than darker color if you look at them now. i might be wrong tho


More northern parts yes (as they tend to have European ancestors. One city is particularly known for that iirc) while more southern parts tend to lean dark.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Egypt's ethnic history is an interesting one though, and there it's good to think about how Egypt, despite being a single idea in our minds, has lived through many different forms, giving no one answer to what was the ethnicity of the Egyptians?

That reminds me of a thread i once on reddit where an egyptian living an america who got a kid was wondering what to put in the "race" field, because he doesn't know what he counts as an Egyptian. Not to mention most countries in the world don't put race in the birth certificate, yet America still does to this day.

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1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Source: I lived there myself for a few years. Visited there last year as well.

Well, mediterranean countries are all similar in that regard, no? You will find all sorts of skin colors there, and from what i know they are quite similar culture wise as well. I do remember dad the first time he went to Greece on business trip he was like "This is Egypt but in European" due to how some/many cultural antics reminded him of Egypt.

Still gotta visit Greece myself one day...

And many more countries!


More northern parts yes (as they tend to have European ancestors. One city is particularly known for that iirc) while more southern parts tend to lean dark.

That reminds me of a thread i once on reddit where an egyptian living an america who got a kid was wondering what to put in the "race" field, because he doesn't know what he counts as an Egyptian. Not to mention most countries in the world don't put race in the birth certificate, yet America still does to this day.

interesting. didnt know greece is like egypt too. but then again, greece was also center of culture too in the distant past. so lots of people from other place have blended together there too im sure.

you should visit many countries. it tends to make people more open-minded broaden your knowledge and become less judgemental toward people. more benefit (and fun) than not usually


o i guess im referring to northern egypt then

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Quite frankly, my thought process was a lot simpler than that. Jehanna is a desert nation, so I made everyone that comes from there dark skinned. 

well.. its true desert usually refer to hot place with less shade to hide into so can cause skin to burn darker fast. but desert=black is more of africa things i think. since theres desert in america continent and australia too but doesnt make them dark-skinned countries. 

but more importantly...

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In any case, I really do feel like the darker skin suits Tethys a lot better, to be honest. And Ismaire, but that may just be me.

since its your taste, who am i to judge, right?

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1 minute ago, joevar said:

you should visit many countries.

It's my life dream to travel around the world!

Wether i will achieve that or not is another thing xD

2 minutes ago, joevar said:

it tends to make people more open-minded broaden your knowledge and become less judgemental toward people. more benefit (and fun) than not usually


2 minutes ago, joevar said:

didnt know greece is like egypt too

Well, do note it's 2nd hand telling and it might not be really accurate!

But it's also the impression i get from meeting peeps from mediterranean countries, so..

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