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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And ironmanability.


5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Since that's indirectly my fault, i am sorry...

There's nothing you need to apologize for. Don't worry about it!

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

IT depends for me. If it's legit challenging, i enjoy resetting lel

40 tries!
And counting, because Arnice comes along for another round... Oof. XD

I could never muster the stamina to do this in FE. I don't know why.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

If it's RNG bullshit or ambush spawns, i am dropping the game.


Edited by DragonFlames
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16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I retried CQ Luna ch10 for like 3 months lel

Still one of my all time favs xD

Well, you know how I feel about Conquest (and Fates in general). XD

15 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Are you attempting to catch up to attempt count?

If I end up dying 200 times to her this time around, then yeah. XD

Edited by DragonFlames
too much Fates bashing; too negative in general. My apologies
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15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I will watch some stuff from early mid game, if i see the hitrates improving, i will try it, promise!

At least for me, The hitrates became a complete non-issue around...Chapter six? And they were only truly bad for the first couple maps. I didn't even use the three best units in the game either. Ooh, figured I should point out that units will get skill without leveling up as well. If you want to avoid inaccurate units, though...Sherlock probably isn't the kind of growth unit you'd want to use, even if he gets some OP skills later on. Faye in particular gets skill very quickly, and she has around 120 hit with most weapons for me. Nice.

Also, please use Esteban and Axel, they need the love. And I like their character arcs.


But the cool thing about Berwick is that literally every unit has some merit to using them. Enid, for example... Oh yes...

Pro tip, save the Liquid Magic for Enid, you will not regret it.

13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I could never muster the stamina to do this in FE. I don't know why.

Hey, I've lost to the Imprisoned from Skyward Sword WELL over 50 times, and Minas killed a grand total of 56 units and the Gram 8 times. I sitll like that map. It's just different strokes for different folks!

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

It's just different strokes for different folks!

That's probably what it is.
And besides, it's hard for me to get mad when this is the character that kills me:

And this is the music that plays while she does.
It only plays in the two fights against her, and never again, so you don't have a lot of opportunities to listen to it in-game, unfortunately.

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11 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Alright, alright! XD

That's probably how many times I'll end up dying to the final boss, because the Moon Queen is HARD.

Time to keep a death count! See who gets more! No intentional deaths, obviously!

Seriously, Don't test me.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

@Benice How long is Berwick?

Fifteen chapters-However, each chapter is Three Maps, and there are four paralogues, for a total of 49 maps. (Note that some side chapters will not occur if certain units are dead, and that only one mission, the main mission, is mandatory in most chapters.)

By the way, the units who have paralogues that can happen at any time before chapter 13, depending on how much you deployed them/Leveled them/gave them food at the Kingfisher Pavillion:

  • Faye
  • Sylvis
  • Kramer
  • Ruby

Uh, and you can find everything there is to know here at the Berwiki, although there are spoilers aplenty.

I can tell you the requirements for each paralogue, if you like.

In addition, every Mercenary has a permanent recruitment, which usually requires reaching a certain level, deploying in certain maps, and reaching a certain happiness, which is essentially the "you used this unit" counter, and unless you are trying to use every unit, you won't have to worry too much about it-Just know that mercenaries you don't use won't get character arcs. Deploying in a main mission nets two points, side mission one point, and feeding in the Kingfisher Pavillion is also one.

If I'm being honest, the one thing I dislike about Berwick is the capture system. It's not absolutely horrendous, but it's just...Not great.

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10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Does anybody know how to use Yune?


Ah, yes! What do you need help with?

18 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Wow long

Yep. The first nine or so are very short, though. Kaga really pulls his punches until chapter 5-This game has quite the strong difficulty curve.

Edited by Benice
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After helping my mom pay the bills for the month a little bit early, i decided that i will buy a Wii U in 2020. Found one for $150 on Ebay and it should be arriving by Friday. I will have to buy the Wiimote+Nunchuck separately but those are like $20 on Amazon.

I'm excited both because i'll finally be able to revisit my favorite game from my childhood (Galaxy 2) and because i'll be playing the one Xeno game i haven't played yet (Xenoblade X).

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Man, gotta love that Xenosaga Episode I soundtrack! At the moment, I'm just going through the Xeno series OST'S and figuring which are personal favorites 

Ah yes, Episode I OST. The one that has like 10 songs because the rest of the game is silence for some reason.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Cipher is ending. You can find farewell arts here.

F. No more amazing art pieces


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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

After helping my mom pay the bills for the month a little bit early, i decided that i will buy a Wii U in 2020. Found one for $150 on Ebay and it should be arriving by Friday. I will have to buy the Wiimote+Nunchuck separately but those are like $20 on Amazon.

I'm excited both because i'll finally be able to revisit my favorite game from my childhood (Galaxy 2) and because i'll be playing the one Xeno game i haven't played yet (Xenoblade X).

Ah yes, Episode I OST. The one that has like 10 songs because the rest of the game is silence for some reason.


YES! Congrats! Time to join the club!

And it's really sweet of you to help your mother out like that!

You know it's the superior OST, dont lie! XD

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17 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

How do I use it? Is there a general randomize feature, or do I have to pick individual options?

Pick individual options-I believe that the download page has everything you need to know about all the options and stuff, but to put it into a nutshell-

  1. Class randomization-You can choose whether to cross-gender randomize, (I.E, allowing female mage or Pegasus rider Hector) and randomize lords or thieves. You can also choose to force it to randomize the class so that it cannot be in the OG class.
  2. Skill randomization, (FE9 exclusive) change the chance to have a skill and which skills are more likely
  3. Weapons-Select effects that different weapons will have, I.E, Eclipse Steel Bow or Devil Iron Blade. I would recommend having safe basic weapons, though. (Which means they cannot have special effects on 'em)
  4. Buff enemy growths-Basically, improve their stats. Flat just adds what you add to every one of their growths, (I.E, a class with 50 speed and 20 skill would have 100 and 70 growths in those stats,) scaling adds that % of their growth and adds it to their existing growths. I.E, scaling 25% growths would mean that a class's growth would be 1.25 times their current growth. This means classes will be more strong in their respective strengths, such as fast myrms, tankier armor knights, etc, but retain their weakness.
  5. Growths-Variance adds or removes between whatever % you put there-I.E, if Hector has 50% strenght and you have a 20% variance, Hector could end up between 30 and 70% growths in that stat. I don't quite get what Randomize Delta does, and Randomize absolute is totally random, with no attention paid to normal growths.

Everything else is fairly self-explanatory, I think.

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@Espurrhoodie FYI since you're getting the DLC, one of Poppibuster's Affinity Nodes requires viewing all the Heart-to-Hearts but that actually can't be done without NG+. So if you haven't already, you're in a good position to start NG+.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

You know it's the superior OST, dont lie! XD

It does have Albedo's theme

God-tier villain theme.

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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

After helping my mom pay the bills for the month a little bit early, i decided that i will buy a Wii U in 2020. Found one for $150 on Ebay and it should be arriving by Friday. I will have to buy the Wiimote+Nunchuck separately but those are like $20 on Amazon.

I'm excited both because i'll finally be able to revisit my favorite game from my childhood (Galaxy 2) and because i'll be playing the one Xeno game i haven't played yet (Xenoblade X).

Good luck with both games!

And, while you'll probably only play through it once and done so long term endurance of the Gamepad doesn't matter, do be mindful of sprinting/vehicle mode as fast as they are, they down presses on the left control stick can wear at it.

I'm assuming you're getting the digital version of XCX, but if on the off chance you got the physical, be sure to get a flash drive or something and download the three free packs for improved loading.

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4 minutes ago, Benice said:

Pick individual options-I believe that the download page has everything you need to know about all the options and stuff, but to put it into a nutshell-

  1. Class randomization-You can choose whether to cross-gender randomize, (I.E, allowing female mage or Pegasus rider Hector) and randomize lords or thieves. You can also choose to force it to randomize the class so that it cannot be in the OG class.
  2. Skill randomization, (FE9 exclusive) change the chance to have a skill and which skills are more likely
  3. Weapons-Select effects that different weapons will have, I.E, Eclipse Steel Bow or Devil Iron Blade. I would recommend having safe basic weapons, though. (Which means they cannot have special effects on 'em)
  4. Buff enemy growths-Basically, improve their stats. Flat just adds what you add to every one of their growths, (I.E, a class with 50 speed and 20 skill would have 100 and 70 growths in those stats,) scaling adds that % of their growth and adds it to their existing growths. I.E, scaling 25% growths would mean that a class's growth would be 1.25 times their current growth. This means classes will be more strong in their respective strengths, such as fast myrms, tankier armor knights, etc, but retain their weakness.
  5. Growths-Variance adds or removes between whatever % you put there-I.E, if Hector has 50% strenght and you have a 20% variance, Hector could end up between 30 and 70% growths in that stat. I don't quite get what Randomize Delta does, and Randomize absolute is totally random, with no attention paid to normal growths.

Everything else is fairly self-explanatory, I think.

Okay, thanks.

Haha, Lyn is now a bishop! xD

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And, while you'll probably only play through it once and done so long term endurance of the Gamepad doesn't matter, do be mindful of sprinting/vehicle mode as fast as they are, they down presses on the left control stick can wear at it.

Ah, i have to hold down the stick for sprinting? 

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm assuming you're getting the digital version of XCX, but if on the off chance you got the physical, be sure to get a flash drive or something and download the three free packs for improved loading.

Does digital come with the packs pre-installed? I have a 200 GB SD lying around so i'm good either way but i could probably find a used copy of X for cheaper (because i'm pretty sure Nintendo's still selling it for $60). 

Then again, X is worth the full price anyway.

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