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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Hmm, interesting.

Of the random-order Einherjar, I'll get Jun and Nanami in Chapter 2, Janus in Chapter 3, and Yumei in Chapter 4. That's... well, not the perfect set-up I would've wanted (I don't think such an outcome exists, anyway), but it serves me fine enough. Just getting Janus for the Chapter 3 transfer was my main concern. I do realize I cannot do something I would've wanted; to send two Einherjar every chapter. It would've barely been doable for my goal if I could've recruited two of the random ones during Chapter 4, but sadly that's not possible in this playthrough. The order is set upon starting a new game, as it were.

Okay, having settled that, I'll reload the save and send both Llewelyn and Belenus to Valhalla, go through the Sacred Phase, and can finally finish Chapter 1...

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If I had actually started a Normal playthrough, this would've made me go through the two-playthroughs plan I had originally, but as it is, replaying the game twice on Hard isn't something I want to do. Well, I might branch-play here. The two Einherjar per chapter was only for the sake of Sacred Phase fluff (and fanfic ideas fodder), so I figure I can easily do that, then reload the save file to near the end of... Chapter 6 would be. Yes, this is fine.

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34 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, that's fascinating.

I wasn't expecting any of this.😆

34 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Even those who aren't normally hot-blooded.

I forgot Lelouch shouting it and yeah it does sound out of character. (The depth of Lelouch's voice in general caught me off guard. It really fits his character from what I saw of it, yet deeper than what I'd think for the typical anime boy his age, he sounds older.) But yeah, Ryoma in 30 realllly stuck in my head, in a good way.😄


27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh there's that option? Interesting, cause that would mean there's only one straight option for her while the male version gets two. Unless, it's Fire Emblem rules.

Actually there's four male dateables.


One being the android. Containing the Philosopher's Stone ought to let him... transmute some of his metallic body/circuitry into DNA?

I'd consider an android that looks like this to be gender-neutral, but the game wants to consider him male. TBF their attire does look butlery. Eh, I'll still consider them neutral.


And this entire conversion was how everyone was declared legal.

I think I missed the chance to start dating Satyus? I never picked any the dialogue choices with their face on it b/c Darius was always an option every time I could've pick him. And he's an NPC who doesn't appear to have any other ways of gaining affection? No biggie that I missed him though IMO. Grandson of the Demon Lord's loyal general looking like this does make it feel like there's an age gap that would be icky to cross. Although he is the one who devotedly worked alone to resurrect Maou-sama, which is kinda cute in a nonsexual way. Doting on him for his reverence and care for the last Demon Lord is one thing, but dating him would be another.

Still, I would rather date Satyus than...





You turned fused someone with a tree, you turned your fanatical followers into monsters, you sent Darius uncontrollably raging, you messed with Charme's insecurities too. And now you desperately won't stop until you've granted the Demon Lord's wish, which they won't allow b/c every wish you grant, you twist. And when you see your new master is looking to get stronger, you without their request nor consent draw the attention of the strongest monster in a forest.

And you're dateable.😑

Technically, they're not really male, they're just the humanoid form taken by a sentient indestructible legendary wishing ring (who is really devoted to their titular purpose). They're an object. ...One that the Demon Lord accidentally ended up having loyally submit to them as per the laws set down by the creator god. So I'm stuck with him, and everyone else living in the castle ain't happy about it.

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Okay, Chapter 2. I know the recruits will be Lawfer, Jun, and Nanami. This is good, specially Nanami, as it means earliest to get the Dragonsbane. Very good weapon for sorcerers.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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32 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


You turned fused someone with a tree, you turned your fanatical followers into monsters, you sent Darius uncontrollably raging, you messed with Charme's insecurities too. And now you desperately won't stop until you've granted the Demon Lord's wish, which they won't allow b/c every wish you grant, you twist. And when you see your new master is looking to get stronger, you without their request nor consent draw the attention of the strongest monster in a forest.

And you're dateable.😑

This is someone's fetish probably.

14 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Windblight Ganon fight was really cool i gotta say. Much better than the other 2.

Interesting since he's considered the easiest of the four Blights.

14 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I could finish the game in 1 more session, but dunno if i will

I'm guessing you got the Master Sword already?

There's also Eventide Island on the bottomright corner of the map if you want a "late-game" challenge before the end.

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The Sacred Phases are very interesting. I remember reading VP was originally going to be about the Einherjar in the Aesir-Vanir war, as an SRPG with about a hundred playable characters to boot. When that was changed to focusing on the Valkyrie instead, the Sacred Phases are all that remains on what was likely the original structure of the scrapped idea. You can certainly built up a full adventure from all the little pieces we get. Like how for this first Sacred Phase, where the main mission depicted is about eliminating bandits in the mountains west of Valhalla because they're harrasing the Aesir supply convoys.

Hmm, fighting bandits as your first mission in an SRPG... nope, can't think of any other game doing this... no siree...

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I do not remember this track being chill good.

Last amazing non-Kart sporting venture Mario undertook I unseriously say.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

World's tallest waterfall. And

The lightning capital of the world.

Fascinating. Wouldn't mind seeing it for myself -from a safe distance. I kinda like the sound of thunder if it's always thundering too, although that sound turns my dog into a panicked trainwreck.

And yeah the lake/lagoon looks just lovely too.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Like, it's a joke but it's also accurate to how Ubisoft has treated their most iconic mascot.

I guess a limbs-free cartoon... thing doesn't sell. The realism side of the company I suppose took over, despite those brief beautiful glimmers of hope for Rayman that were Origins and Legends in 2011 and 2013. Maybe he can get another new game after Beyond Good and Evil 2 releases.


11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

When that was changed to focusing on the Valkyrie instead, the Sacred Phases are all that remains on what was likely the original structure of the scrapped idea.

Breadcrumbs of what was/could've been are always curious things.

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Like how for this first Sacred Phase, where the main mission depicted is about eliminating bandits in the mountains west of Valhalla because they're harrasing the Aesir supply convoys.

Even in the heavens, banditry lurks. At least Norse mythos isn't so idyllic as to make that seem impossible.

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Breadcrumbs of what was/could've been are always curious things.

That's true. Though I still wouldn't know if that's the case, but perhaps it is. While each Sacred Phase depicts a big mission, there's also a list of other stuff the Einherjar did. Things like patrolling X area, battle at Y place, that kind of stuff.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Even in the heavens, banditry lurks. At least Norse mythos isn't so idyllic as to make that seem impossible.

To be fair, VP takes quite a lot of liberties, though still. Then let's not even get into the fact that I'm pretty sure one of the Star Ocean games has an easter egg where the planet that VP takes place on actually exists somewhere in the Milky Way of the SO world.

Anyway, it makes me wonder. Who are those bandits to begin with. Rogue Aesir? Vanir? Jotuns? We certainly never find out. They're bandits, the only thing that matters, so they must be dealt with.

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Ah, found it. Till the End of Time has a mention of a Planet Midgard at some point.

Okay, gonna do the Chapter 2 recruitments and call it a day. Will continue next time.

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31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And yeah the lake/lagoon looks just lovely too.

It's a unique region


Massive lagoon surrounded my lowlands and then mountains on three sides. Like the inverse of a peninsula.

The rather remoteness of the region+the fact that that's where they found the big oil apparently led to (according to mom) Maracaibans having some sort of superiority complex over other Venezuelans. Basically the Venezuelan version of Quebec. 

(Side note, looking at it, my previous post implied Angel Falls is in that region. No it's actually like in the exact opposite direction, towards the border with Guyana).

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Oh, I had it wrong. Chapter 1 does have an Einherjar requirement. Hero Value of at least 40. Other than that, anything goes.

Okay, recruited Einherjar, materialized some gear to equip, and assigned some skills. Chapter 2 Einherjar requirement is HV of 50, a Warrior (anyone who can melee attack, so no Sorcerers or Archers), who needs certain skills. I think just having them at level 1 is enough, but the higher the skill level, the better of course. How good the Einherjar is when you send them up does impact the rewards from the Sacred Phase, after all. Anyway, I can send either of Lawfer or Jun, as they can easily fulfill the requirement. I'm choosing Jun. I'll also send Nanami this chapter as well.

Okay... hmm, maybe I can play a little bit more. Okay, off to Nethov Swamp, then.

As far as Difficulty differences go, Lawfer can't be recruited in Easy difficulty. Meanwhile, there's another "not available in Hard" dungeon, but this is countered with a Hard mode only dungeon, so the number of dungeons unlocked this chapter is two always. Oh, yeah, Arngrim can't be sent to Valhalla. This game never explains why. It'll take a combination of both Silmeria and Covenant of the Plume to get the full story behind that.

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I like how everyone says Finishing Strike for their special abilities, but Jun, who is from Yamato (because of course Midgard has an East Asian theme area!) instead says Hi-Ougi, even in the English version. Hi-Ougi, as in, how they're also called in the Tales games. Though, they might actually all say Hi-Ougi in the Japanese version? Don't know...

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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I saw that. Five bucks into the pun box, if you please.

(and shout-out to Scott "KaiserNeko" Frerichs for allowing me to recognise the word. He used to wear a hat with big BARA letters on it)

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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Is that how i learn spanish?

"Minami (grandes tetas)"

I wish I didn't know Spanish.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not sure this has taught Killizerk anything about the perspective of the opposite sex as the Guru intended.

It has taught him how easily women get harrassed.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:




He's the correct option.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Holy FUCK, you didn't have to roast my boy Rayman like that. Like, it's a joke but it's also accurate to how Ubisoft has treated their most iconic mascot.

Ubisoft Milan casually roasting their bosses' mishandling of their property (they only look at the money so they didn't notice)

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

As far as Difficulty differences go, Lawfer can't be recruited in Easy difficulty. Meanwhile, there's another "not available in Hard" dungeon, but this is countered with a Hard mode only dungeon, so the number of dungeons unlocked this chapter is two always

I did hear easy was actually arguably harder than hard due to a number of factors. I didn't know you straight up missed charcters on easy though.

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Okay, done with Nethov Swamp. Remaining dungeon is the Salerno Academy, but that is definitely done for next time.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I did hear easy was actually arguably harder than hard due to a number of factors. I didn't know you straight up missed charcters on easy though.

Yeah, pretty much. Unless you really feel you aren't up to task, there's no reason to choose Easy. Anything that's not in Hard difficulty will be in Normal mode as well, so better choose that over Easy.

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Interesting since he's considered the easiest of the four Blights

I found Mipha's one the easiest so far.

The reason i like Wind is due to how interactive the fight was and how it makes full use of the environment. It was really cool honestly.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'm guessing you got the Master Sword already?


only 9 hearts so far

Need to do six more shrines to have enough orbs for Master sword


Kinda going fast through the game honestly, ignoring side content and leaving the real meat and Shrimpy% to ToTK so i don't burn out.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The reason i like Wind is due to how interactive the fight was and how it makes full use of the environment. It was really cool honestly

Ah well you'll really like TotK's bosses then.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Need to do six more shrines to have enough orbs for Master sword

You can also temporarily swap the stamina you have for hearts.

But Shrines are good, so....

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Kinda going fast through the game honestly, ignoring side content and leaving the real meat and Shrimpy% to ToTK so i don't burn out

BotW doesn't have a whole lot of side content anyways imo. It's why to me it's a game you really only play once.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What's the context of this? Game overs?

Spoilers for those who don't want to know Kuro II's story!



time leap from a failed timeline where the heroes die. 

You can see on the bottom which options lead to the death of the characters symoblised by "dead", haha.


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9 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Spoilers for those who don't want to know Kuro II's story!

  Reveal hidden contents


time leap from a failed timeline where the heroes die. 

You can see on the bottom which options lead to the death of the characters symoblised by "dead", haha.


Ah, I figured.

It'll be a while before I get there anyways, I still haven't even played Reviere yet.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Ah, I figured.

It'll be a while before I get there anyways, I still haven't even played Reviere yet.

Shoot, i did not mean to spoil anything (though by that time comes around, you will likely have already forgotten) 

But i apologise nonetheless!

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