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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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15 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

There are a few problems I have with the story, namely that the Laguz race allegory are presented as being fundamentally different from "regular humans" or Beorc.

Didn't respond to this because I was getting ready to leave for work but like, racism is still racism, regardless of who it's directed to. 

Like I get it from a real world sense because there aren't any other Homo species anymore, we're the only ones left. But if the Neanderthals or the Denisovans still existed, racism towards them for actually being different species would still be racism.

I don't think that these fantasy race allegories are made less effective because they aren't human because what makes racism so vile is that you're hating people for being born different. 

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

""did"", but only to the extent of seeing the first little choice split between Arabia (which I chose) and Sweden.

Didn't know TS took place in the real world.

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37 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

That's the best part, they literally tear their own army apart attempting to remove it (it always seems to take two hits to remove) So you just either use it again and it starts over, or the damage has been done and the enemies TP wasted. 

Fair. To be honest, I haven't really gotten to play around with charm much, because I never got Milo. In my first Switch run I got Travis. Then when I got the game on PC, since her branch is the one you need for the Golden Route, I decided to go get Trish and then Travis first, since I like them a lot. One of these days I'll do the Golden Route and finally get to see her in action. Outside of her brief appearance as a guest, of course.

38 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Her Decoy is great for A.I abuse. An enemy you don't like? Decoy can bait it.

Oh it is, I like it, but still, Lionel is a reliable mage eradicator. I really don't think he's the worst unit in the game. Still, as always, just my thoughts on the matter.

40 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

poor Serenoa, his kit is just... eh. Delay can be nice at times, though, no denying that.

Serenoa's a fine unit. Just, fine. He's not amazing, he's not garbage. He's fine. I've gotten a lot of use of his Hawk Dive, especially once upgraded to range 3. High damage, good range, decently reliable, it's very nice. Delay is a pretty nice thing too, though Jens and Travis are better for that since Jens's delay has range and Travis's can target multiple foes. His super and his damage share buff are situationally useful. Otherwise he just slashes people for good damage.

Not much else to say. Protagonist is an average combat unit. TS has a lot of really interesting unit concepts, but Serenoa's not it.

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2 hours ago, ping said:

don't have to take this from somebody who doesn't even use Book 1 MAJI.

You are not pressuring me into restarting fe3 on a different translation for this. It's just not worth it. Hell, I was literally JUST about to replay fe1 to use Maji to retain my title of Maji Minister, but literally the day after, my laptop broke down and now I'm waiting until Christmas to get a new one....even though I literally own fe1 on the switch and can use him there

but then it wouldn't be Maji!

Also its a shit port anyways.

2 hours ago, ping said:
On 12/8/2023 at 2:19 PM, Lightchao42 said:

Sir, this isn't the unpopular opinions thread.

Tough to tell the difference sometimes

There's 2 types of unpopular. Ruben's opinions being unpopular because nobody uses who he uses, and people being wrong about liking bad fe games.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, RD is the longest FE, not helped by the slowness of the engine. Not a game that you can just eat up again that easily

It would be the longest if it weren't for the lack of a monestary. Rd takes me 50 to 60 hours while 3h and engage take damn near 100, sometimes past that, my 3rd least favorite thing in a game.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fine, I won't say congrats, but I will say, good work! You have conquered a proverbial mountain. An entirely ordinary one.

And don't worry, I wouldn't dare to be pushy in these circumstances. After this great deed, you've certainly earned a break from my Play Berwick Sagaing.

So many Bows and Crossbows. And Counter. And Deathmatch + Killing Edge. And the Yell dude. And the Pulverizer. -Not to forget the guys on the bridge right at the damn start that made me come up for air over a year ago. Are we sure this wasn't the Raze Imperial Guard?

In the modern day, fighting in cities can be hell. Berwick somehow managed to capture that feeling. I'll give the map one point for that, out of like one-hundred.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Didn't know TS took place in the real world.

It doesn't, I couldn't remember the actual countries' names off the top of my head.

But, the one kingdom is in the north, snowy, and has a monarch by the name of "Gustadolph", which looks like an obvious contraction of "Gustavus Adolphus".


The King of Sweden known as the "Lion of the North". Prior to Gustavus, Sweden was cold, forgettable backwater on Europe's northern fringe. After him, the short-lived (~70 years) Swedish Empire became one of the great powers of Europe. Adolphus intervened in the 30 Years' War on the Protestant side, striking such victories on the battlefield before his death that the US military still teaches West Point cadets about him.


9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

All that XCX talk reminds me that i should be able to emulate it now 🤔

BTW the Shrimpy, I don't mean to say too much. But, if you decide to try emulating XCX, don't overthink avatar creation. Later in the game you'll be able to freely alter all the features- including gender but minus your character's name (the fact that you're given several design save slots for the avatar's appearance would've hinted at this for you). 

I would advise not saving during any Affinity Mission, you can only do one of these or a Story Mission at any given time. And you can't cancel an Affinity Mission (nor any kind of mission for that matter IIRC) once you begun it. So save right before initiating one instead.

And, DO NOT SAVE DURING A MISSION CALLED "PRONE SWEET PRONE"! There's a chance it'll be glitched (you need to open a door with a key, the glitch keeps the door from opening) and you won't be able to complete it, which prevents 100% completion in itself, and also locks you out of a bunch of other quests.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I suppose Vester's assertion that the most powerful combat force on the planet were just "ordinary men" makes slightly more sense if one considers that he couldn't see most of them.

Edited by BrightBow
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The funnymen are out in full force today huh. I won't complain.

33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So many Bows and Crossbows. And Counter. And Deathmatch + Killing Edge. And the Yell dude. And the Pulverizer. -Not to forget the guys on the bridge right at the damn start that made me come up for air over a year ago. Are we sure this wasn't the Raze Imperial Guard?

Of course it isn't. Raze wishes they had people as cool as the Entirely Ordinary Men.

33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In the modern day, fighting in cities can be hell. Berwick somehow managed to capture that feeling. I'll give the map one point for that, out of like one-hundred.

Woohoo for gameplay-story integration.


3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I suppose Vester's assertion that the most powerful combat force on the planet were just "ordinary men" makes slightly more sense if one considers that he couldn't see most of them.

"Huh, that's weird. Alvina only has like four entirely ordinary men posted around the town.

Hah, women."

- Vester minutes before marching to the horrible deaths of himself, his troops and Reese's troops.

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That being said, there is stuff than can be done there.
Almost all hidden enemies in the town will only move between houses. Sans 2 guys that will charge you straight at the entrance. Once they are dealt with, things become a lot more manageable. So Deathmatch guy cannot just attack you whereever.
Their obsession with standing on house tiles is so strong that they won't try to move onto a house containing a hidden player unit either. So in that case they are technically cheating, but it does make things much easier for the player.

Czene is of course immensely helpful as not only being one of two units with Watchful, but also the only one who also has Hide herself. Though as it only has 3 range, she risks ending her movement next to another enemy that she couldn't see and getting exposed.
However, you can actually tell if a move into a new hiding location leaves her visible before you commit to it. Because the Hide icon will already be shown before you confirm the action. If it's won't show up, that means there is either an enemy hidden in an adjacent hex or an enemy with Watchful up to 3 hexes anyway. Either way, don't end your turn there.

On a related note, on Fog of War maps you can press select to show all units that are currently invisible to the enemy.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All right. My dad will be fine. They've done that test on him and he's clean. The cancer was pushing the limit before his prostate was removed, so he'll need to be watched carefully, but for the nonce it appears he's home free.

...Then there were complications with the test that aren't worth getting into, because the poor man has no luck. But even that wasn't enough to sully his good mood at the happy news.

Glad to hear he is doing well.


17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



The funnymen are out in full force today huh. I won't complain.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


That's got to be the funniest level up I've seen in my life.

You're too much, Barzelphen.

Oh my, multiple mobility levelups, sounds like you will have an interesting run of VS2 on your hands.


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55 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Czene is of course immensely helpful as not only being one of two units with Watchful, but also the only one who also has Hide herself. Though as it only has 3 range, she risks ending her movement next to another enemy that she couldn't see and getting exposed.
However, you can actually tell if a move into a new hiding location leaves her visible before you commit to it. Because the Hide icon will already be shown before you confirm the action. If it's won't show up, that means there is either an enemy hidden in an adjacent hex or an enemy with Watchful up to 3 hexes anyway. Either way, don't end your turn there.

I knew about pressing select but I didn't know that particular quirk of the mechanic. That's pretty awesome.

31 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Glad to hear he is doing well.

Thanks. Believe me, me too.

31 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Oh my, multiple mobility levelups, sounds like you will have an interesting run of VS2 on your hands.

I can only hope it's as interesting as my playtesting runs.


Run 1. Asshole hit max level without getting that last move level to cap the stat.

Then in run 2...


Bennette showed him and everyone else who's boss.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

BTW the Shrimpy, I don't mean to say too much. But, if you decide to try emulating XCX, don't overthink avatar creation.

If i can't create a giant Shrimp can it even be called avatar creation?


Thanks for the info btw 🙂

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Random trivia: The wife's painting sidequest actually has an alternate ending depending on who visits the house to retrieve it. Apparently it has to be either Czene or Thaddy, though I can only personally confirm Czene.
It's a weird case where there is no logical reason why those actions should lead to a different outcome, not even retroactively. It's kinda like how FE7 likes to do everything, except in this case the alternate outcome makes no practical difference. The reward is still exactly the same.

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17 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Random trivia: The wife's painting sidequest actually has an alternate ending depending on who visits the house to retrieve it. Apparently it has to be either Czene or Thaddy, though I can only personally confirm Czene.
It's a weird case where there is no logical reason why those actions should lead to a different outcome, not even retroactively. It's kinda like how FE7 likes to do everything, except in this case the alternate outcome makes no practical difference. The reward is still exactly the same.

Actually, the house is weird. I've always done it with thieves because... well, instinct, but I'm 89% sure I discovered in one run that anyone can check it out. If I had to make a guess, it depends on whether the one that retrieves the painting is male or female. Either way, for a few runs I did it with Axel so he'd win the battle, so I was flabbergasted when I did it with Czene and something completely different happened.


If Axel or Thaddy do it, the dude was telling the truth, Tianna gets him his wife's painting and he solemnly thanks her. If Czene does it, the dude reveals he was lying, having been put up to it by a girl who... actually, I don't remember why she wanted the painting lol, I'm pretty sure I've only seen this version once and it must've been eons ago.

It's completely arbitrary and completely pointless. I'd love to know exactly why they felt the need to do it.

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5 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Nice boat Ruben?

They rerun this anime as a Christmas special? Ahahahahah! Oh that's priceless though. Yeah, nice family friendly fun for all to partake in during the holidays. This anime, of all animes.

I can't believe the boat is nice.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It doesn't

I know. The joke was that one of the fictional countries used a real world one.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And, DO NOT SAVE DURING A MISSION CALLED "PRONE SWEET PRONE"! There's a chance it'll be glitched (you need to open a door with a key, the glitch keeps the door from opening) and you won't be able to complete it, which prevents 100% completion in itself, and also locks you out of a bunch of other quests.

Not just this @Shrimpy -Limited Edition- but there is an Affinity Mission where a similar glitch can happen. Except, it's an Affinity Mission so once it's been accepted, you can't back out of it. The glitch happens and you save during it, that's it! Hard lock, you will not be able to progress the game. Makes the other one look like a minor inconvenience in comparison.


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Not just this @Shrimpy -Limited Edition- but there is an Affinity Mission where a similar glitch can happen. Except, it's an Affinity Mission so once it's been accepted, you can't back out of it. The glitch happens and you save during it, that's it! Hard lock, you will not be able to progress the game. Makes the other one look like a minor inconvenience in comparison.


How was the game released in this state?

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


How was the game released in this state?

Both glitches have a low chance of actually occurring so i guess it just wasn't caught the first time. How they never patched the game tho, idk. 

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fair. To be honest, I haven't really gotten to play around with charm much, because I never got Milo. In my first Switch run I got Travis. Then when I got the game on PC, since her branch is the one you need for the Golden Route, I decided to go get Trish and then Travis first, since I like them a lot. One of these days I'll do the Golden Route and finally get to see her in action. Outside of her brief appearance as a guest, of course

Her dodge tanking is busted, she dodges about 4/5 attacks on average.

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7 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Her dodge tanking is busted, she dodges about 4/5 attacks on average.

I wonder. Groma has the best avoid in the game (that is fact going by the numbers, if I recall correctly) and her survivability in my experience is super suspect. I can't imagine dodging being so reliable for Milo, but I suppose I'll find out in due time.

...wow it's kinda late huh.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wonder. Groma has the best avoid in the game (that is fact going by the numbers, if I recall correctly) and her survivability in my experience is super suspect. I can't imagine dodging being so reliable for Milo, but I suppose I'll find out in due time.

...wow it's kinda late huh.

Milo has... 80, i believe? And in my experience, which was 2 runs in a row on hard, she got hit about 20-30% of the time, and i fielded her every map I could.

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