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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Interesting, they raised the point that despite the 100 year difference, technology wise, both NCC and UC worlds are more similar. Specially the Gundams. Likely to explain how they and Kincade+Tobia can switch mechs around. As a side note, I'm reminded that the 13 year time skip in Armageddon was a literal one for Ryoma. He got sent thirteen years into the future. In a way, I can see why T and 30 ditched that, if they wanted the dynamic between Amuro, Koji, and him to work. Hmm...

Lack of psychological development from not experiencing those 13 years everyone else did? 

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, NOW I can actually use the Tuatha de Dannan as an airborne unit.

I'm happy for Teletha.😛

...As a total aside I didn't resume GC today, exactly. Feeling a little too tired for that. Though b/c curious I did jot down the various upgrade costs and increments, just so I could compare them with J and AP.

I also, just for a moment before resetting, started up a new file to see what the stats are on the Real OG unit the Soul Gunner, wanted to see how it compares against the Soul Saber. (Unlike J, you can't compare before you choose.):

  • The Soul Gunner is M-sized, and neither GC Original pilot gets Sniper, so you lose the ability to directly target battleships and certain lategame bosses (not sure how many, exactly). What you gain is the ability to cripple L-sized units, and not get guaranteed broken limbs fighting Gradosian units, not worth it IMO.
  • The Soul Gunner just seems like the more lazily-designed unit too (and I'm not just talking the copyright issue).
    • It doesn’t get a frame system like the Soul Saber, nor the near-useless S-size fighter plane you can irreversibly-once-per-map turn the Saber into.
    • The Soul Gunner doesn’t get anything neat to compensate until it upgrades into the Soul Lancer and gets its flight mode transformation.
  • The multiple frames of the Soul Saber don’t mean a whole lot, you can stick to the one you like all the game no problem.
    • But, it’s no wonder that the XO Xbox port added Storm/Burst auxiliary parts that convert the Soul Gunner/Lancer into a Huckebein Mk. III/Exbein Gunner-styled unit. Gives it a little more flavor.
  • It’s not like the Soul Gunner is bad though. Surprisingly it has flight prior to its upgrade, unlike the Soul Saber. It has 120 base Mobility with S ranks in Air and Space. It’s still an awesome M-sized Real. It’s just inferior to the Soul Saber in certain not-irrelevant aspects.

Akemi the male Original protagonist definitely looks slightly worse than Akimi too.

  • Akimi is the only pilot in the entire game to get Hit & Away, and you only get one skill part copy of that skill. H&A can be nifty.
    • Akemi gets Counter instead, which is unreliable and generally not very useful.
  • While their Super and Real Spirit lists are 5/6 identical, the one difference is in Akimi’s favor in both cases, IMO.
    • In the Soul Saber, Akimi gets Iron Wall/Guard for one-turn invincibility, Akemi gets the more niche Assault (not worthless with the Gunner Guard frame though).
    • In the Soul Gunner, Akimi gets Accel to zoom into the fray faster. Akemi gets Iron Wall, which isn’t useless for a Real pilot if they can’t get enemy hit rates low enough even with Focus, but it they shouldn’t need it/it isn't as effective for them.


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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Lack of psychological development from not experiencing those 13 years everyone else did? 

Also the fact he wouldn't remain peers with Amuro and Koji if he was now much younger than them, and all that time "missing". Well, 30 still did this with Guy, since he went MIA for ten years, but he's not a member of THE trio, so I guess they could do that with him.

21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It doesn’t get a frame system like the Soul Saber, nor the near-useless S-size fighter plane you can irreversibly-once-per-map turn the Saber into.

Oh, the Soul Saber has effectively a Core Booster?

21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • It’s not like the Soul Gunner is bad though. Surprisingly it has flight prior to its upgrade, unlike the Soul Saber. It has 120 base Mobility with S ranks in Air and Space. It’s still an awesome M-sized Real. It’s just inferior to the Soul Saber in certain not-irrelevant aspects.

So, the summary is... Super Robot favored in Super Robot Wars, eh? XD

21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Akemi the male Original protagonist definitely looks slightly worse than Akimi too.

  • Akimi is the only pilot in the entire game to get Hit & Away, and you only get one skill part copy of that skill. H&A can be nifty.
    • Akemi gets Counter instead, which is unreliable and generally not very useful.
  • While their Super and Real Spirit lists are 5/6 identical, the one difference is in Akimi’s favor in both cases, IMO.
    • In the Soul Saber, Akimi gets Iron Wall/Guard for one-turn invincibility, Akemi gets the more niche Assault (not worthless with the Gunner Guard frame though).
    • In the Soul Gunner, Akimi gets Accel to zoom into the fray faster. Akemi gets Iron Wall, which isn’t useless for a Real pilot if they can’t get enemy hit rates low enough even with Focus, but it they shouldn’t need it/it isn't as effective for them.

Hmm, interesting. Well, not unheard of if one protagonist does get favored over the other, I Guess.

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That aside, it makes me wonder what I should do in terms of Ryoma's... unique situation, for my fan idea.

Basically, his story goes that after failing to stop the nuclear missile that the JSDF launched to stop Dr. Saotome, which wiped out 99% of humanity when it caused a reaction with Shin Dragon, is that he himself got sent through a spacetime warp. He ended on the Moon, 13 years later, where he spent some time repairing the Getter 1. After that, he went back to Earth. The atmospheric reentry burned the Getter's paint job, leaving the original black coloring of the metal. Hence, the Black Getter he pilots before switching to Shin Getter.

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Oh, seems just like in T, this is the end of the Martian Successors as an organization. However, unlike T, V doesn't hide the fact Hokushin survives. No Lapis appearance either, nor Nadesico C showing up. Seems they're being shifted to happen later on. Then again, I'm not fully sure if this isn't how it went in Prince of Darkness and T simply put them here. Still, fascinating. You can count SRW not really repeating things too much even when it reuses a licence often.

! Koros is still alive!? Hmm...

Unlike T, where the Calculation Unit was taken away, seems here in V it wasn't here to begin with. Kusakabe explains they made a facsimile, based on Amuro's Psychoframe.

Now more Cross Ange stuff happens... Akito rushes to save Yurika, who uses her Class-A Jumper powers... and now the group is warped once again across worlds...

Hm? There's a scene at the Misurugi Empire, but no position on the map was given. I'm guessing this is gonna be the case with the Cross Ange specific countries. I don't think it even takes place on Earth to begin with... oh, Embryo, huh? Heard about him...

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, the Soul Saber has effectively a Core Booster?


I wouldn't say the Head Saber is entirely useless. Since capturing and how that plays with size differences gives it a tiny niche. Since the Head Saber is S-sized, it can hit the limbs of M and L-sized units, which the L-sized Soul Saber can't. If you no longer need the Saber's firepower or durability on a map and want to capture a grunt or two a little faster, you could use it. (Separating Raijin-Oh or Daltanious or turning Braigar into its car form can similarly but reversibly-on-map do the same thing.)

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm, interesting. Well, not unheard of if one protagonist does get favored over the other, I Guess.

Well, J does slightly favor Touya in Supers and Calvina in Reals, owing to personality differences aka Will gains. Touya is Cautious, which is +1 Hitting, +1 Damaged, +2 Evading. Calvina is Cool, which is +2 Hitting, -1 Damaged, +2 Evading. Real Touya is ideally +3 Will per combat, Real Calvina +4. While Super Touya is getting +2 Will per combat, while Super Calvina is +1 Will per combat. -Although if you throw either of them in any of the four BO machines into a pack of bad guys, they're going to get all the Will they need pretty fast.

...No, now is totally not the time for the J 4th run, so I need to stop talking about it. Immediately.😆

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

! Koros is still alive!? Hmm...

*Flashbacks to AP*

And to think she was only the base of the mountain impassable. 

So, still doing a little something with Daitarn even if it's post-story? I saw your mention of Banjo Jumping before.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I wouldn't say the Head Saber is entirely useless. Since capturing and how that plays with size differences gives it a tiny niche. Since the Head Saber is S-sized, it can hit the limbs of M and L-sized units, which the L-sized Soul Saber can't. If you no longer need the Saber's firepower or durability on a map and want to capture a grunt or two a little faster, you could use it. (Separating Raijin-Oh or Daltanious or turning Braigar into its car form can similarly but reversibly-on-map do the same thing.)

Hmm, yeah, that's a way to give use to a sub-unit like that.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, J does slightly favor Touya in Supers and Calvina in Reals, owing to personality differences aka Will gains. Touya is Cautious, which is +1 Hitting, +1 Damaged, +2 Evading. Calvina is Cool, which is +2 Hitting, -1 Damaged, +2 Evading. Real Touya is ideally +3 Will per combat, Real Calvina +4. While Super Touya is getting +2 Will per combat, while Super Calvina is +1 Will per combat. -Although if you throw either of them in any of the four BO machines into a pack of bad guys, they're going to get all the Will they need pretty fast.

...No, now is totally not the time for the J 4th run, so I need to stop talking about it. Immediately.😆

No surprises then for Moon Dwellers giving them the mechs they had, then, huh.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Flashbacks to AP*

And to think she was only the base of the mountain impassable. 

So, still doing a little something with Daitarn even if it's post-story? I saw your mention of Banjo Jumping before.

It's what it seems to be going for, yes.

Hokushin is also a Meganoid here, so even post-script, Daitarn is tied with Prince of Darkness in terms of plot. Well, makes sense, since Mars is important to both series.

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Scenario 22

It's finally time for the UC World to make its appearance. Almost as if on cue, the party warps in to a fight between the Federation and Neo Zeon... and so does a Gamillas fleet warps in, which wipes out both sides. Welp, time for a throwback to the early stages. Interestingly, Zabine is here among them. Well, time to fight...

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I haven't mentioned it before, but the enemy encounters in Radiata Stories are, like all cool RPGs, found in the world map where you can engage them rather than the game shoving you into fights at random.

...And even they have their own routines! Not nearly as intricate as the NPCs, of course, but the roads are, interestingly enough, safer at night because a lot of beasts are sleeping by that time. Amazing.

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I'd say, something I don't think I've mentioned yet. This partnership between Gamillas and the Jupiter Empire is interesting, mostly in why it happens. In the early stages there's a lot of mentions how the humans of Jupiter no longer seem to have any kinship with the humans on the other side of the Asteroid Belt. This is indeed the case in UC Gundam, where humans on the Earth Sphere are wary of Jupiterians, due to the fact they live in the fringes of civilization. That large distance has basically Other'ed them, and the feeling is mutual. I guess this is another factor why SRW V put Crossbone Gundam in the NCC World. Since they could have this alliance happen, as the Jupiter Empire is now as alien to Earth as the Gamillas are. That's my guess.

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Alright, Sosuke has 40 Score! I also have the combined 100 Score too, so that secret has been unlocked! Well, when I reach the point it should unlock.

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Okay, stage done.

Two more DLC stages opened up, and the next route split is right after. However, I'm gonna stop for today. Will resume tomorrow perhaps.

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On 1/25/2024 at 1:31 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Kids these days and their auto saves... Back in my day we lost an hour of progress per death!

Too real. I was always bad at saving as much as I should have as a kid...assuming it was possible to save the game at all that is. Much as I love Sonic 2, being a game before the save feature (a real selling point of Sonic 3) was rough on itty bitty baby me. Not to sell myself as older than I am, it was about a console generation old when I got to.


On 1/25/2024 at 6:41 AM, Armagon said:

The thing is that comparison doesn't work because she still willingly (but reluctantly) participated in those atrocities. The Pope opposed the Nazis the whole time but engaged in diplomacy to save as many as they could. Ishtar, despite being aware that Julius had actually become the Antichrist by that point, still remained loyal to him.

I suppose Chiune Sugihara would be a better comparison. By pretending to participate, she had the means of saving people, which she did. I guess she could have sacrificed the lives of all those children (and leave herself unable to save any of the children who would suffer during Seliph's rebellion, and beyond it if he failed) by rolling the dice with Seliph, but not everyone is willing to gamble with the lives of children. 


On 1/25/2024 at 6:41 AM, Armagon said:

In fact, everyone in the Friege family knew that Hilda beat Talitiu to death and mercilessly abused Tine/Linde but they said nothing.

Unless the newer translation changed things, fairly certain Talitiu was driven to suicide, not beaten to death.


On 1/25/2024 at 7:13 AM, Armagon said:

I get that but Ares and Tine also believed in the "Sigurd is evil" propaganda but eventually realized it was wrong.

Ares and Tine get the chance to see another side of him, before he murdered any of their siblings and reinforced that he was the same as that "evil" father of his. Heck if Seliph does manage to kill off Tine's brother, she doesn't defect with him either.


Sorry GuardianSing, there be Jugdral spoilers aplenty in this here box.


On 1/25/2024 at 4:02 PM, Armagon said:

Meanwhile, the time Iwata cut off his own pay during the terrible launch of the Wii U years ago stands out even more.

He truly was a legend.


On 1/25/2024 at 4:09 PM, GuardianSing said:


What do I do with this guy anyways.

Yeah, getting him off the ground is tough. He does still have the utility of being able to give gold to people that he isn't married to (so letting him gather up the village loot can be a good plan), and he can still steal gold from foes if he can get in some safe chip.


On 1/25/2024 at 4:09 PM, GuardianSing said:


Noishe I have good news.

It was kind of funny how close you were to the revival staff when he died.


On 1/25/2024 at 4:09 PM, GuardianSing said:



Uh oh.

Time for the otherwise niche warp staff to save the day.


On 1/26/2024 at 11:31 AM, Punished Dayni said:

To think I had all this stuff I wanted to post coming back to Teehee, only for it to all slide to the side. I suppose it can wait, but I felt I had to post something, even if it's a little trolly before I disappear for a while.

Teehee folks.

Take care, and we will welcome you on your return.


7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

The two games where women go to have unnecessary discourse about them.

I think Ephraim's gray stu-hood inspired more discourse than Eirika...


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And still they are better than their male counterparts in their games

Setting the bar rather low there 😛

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Ayy we've become Teehee again.

52 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Setting the bar rather low there 😛

He doesn't pick fights he can't win. But he can't win against his own sister. Ironic.

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On 1/26/2024 at 1:13 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

No, Kaga is just a pervert who likes seeing women in distress. And count your lucky stars she gets to flee without needing a male love interest to save her.

Technically this entire scenario comes down to Briggid protecting Claude.

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On 1/26/2024 at 11:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Or to be more exact, when you have these "small battles" akin to normal RPGs rather than SRPGs. Combines the tedium of SRPGs with the number of battles of RPGs. It's also one of my problems with SoV and it's dungeon sections. Gets boring fast, since the battles don't end as fast normal RPG battles tend to.

Makes sense. Although Mario Rabbids is kinda chapter by chapter for the most part. It's just not a literal chapter transition.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Unless the newer translation changed things, fairly certain Talitiu was driven to suicide, not beaten to death.

Tomato tomato.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Heck if Seliph does manage to kill off Tine's brother, she doesn't defect with him either.

You mean her cousin? Pretty sure Arthur or whoever is onboard without any convincing.

At any rate, Tine will still defect, but she just becomes a green unit.


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