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Special Heroes: A Festival Miracle


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47 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

~...okay Bernie's weapon is actually awesome in animation, they've really been stepping up on their tomes lately.
But... why does she have to inflict damage to her allies as well? There aren't a whole lot of units who want to be 1 point below their max HP. Sealed Falchion is pretty much the only one I can think of immediately.

It's also a counter to weapons that want the opponent's HP = 100%, like Shannan's Balmung or Legendary Chrom's Randgríðr. Conversely, it also can activate enemy Thrasir's Killing Intent a penalty isn't already inflicted. So, it's good in some places, bad in others. 

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Well, good thing I've been able to save up some orbs after splurging for Morgan last week. I've been making sure to get every Harmonic Hero, but this one I genuinely want for fun rather than keeping on top of Resonant Battles. I should be able to get one spark while this banner lasts, which is enough for me.

  • Sephiran looks nice, especially since I don't have Winter Eirika for the niche occasion where I want an armored healer.
  • Bernadetta looks powerful as expected. I don't care about her as a unit, but her tome's critical animation with the house is hilarious.
  • Hilda is meh. Not much else to say there.
  • Altina looks about as busted as her base version. Counter-Vantage with Ragnell-Alondite (which I note isn't constrained by HP) has the potential to trivialize so many situations. I'm also in love with the idea of Sanaki getting to celebrate Christmas with her adoptive father & mother/great-great-...-great-grandparents. Labeling RD and PoR as separate games, while technically already established by Resonant Battles, does strain my tolerances though. When it comes to those two games IS seems to throw units into one or the other arbitrarily. Base Sanaki is from RD while Bridal!Sanaki is from PoR, so who knows what'll happen when characters like Geoffrey or Volke show up.
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Nothing too interesting here for me. I was kind of hoping there would be some great fodder here since they hyped up the whole three sparks thing but I don't think I'm even going to do one. Hilda and Felix look nice though. Felix might be a merge project depending on his stats though I am kind of disappointed Hilda is an armored lance since B!Hector exists.

Also, I knew they would start repeating games for Harmonic Heroes before each game got a representative. Though I think doing PoR and RD for a Harmonic Hero is silly though.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Holy macaroni!! I am screaming, best boi got into the game, he is free, blue (a colour that needs a +10) and possibly an amror to go alongside Flame emperor. My new +10 project definitely (after 650 grails for the "last" Ashnards). Already have Close counter for him and either BoldF or Armor March hopefully I can get skills like Spendthrift, Close Fool, SpecialF and Amour Stride, really excited for his inclusion.

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Christmas banners are a usual skip for me. The designs aren't my thing and they are a bit too armour filled for my liking. Still there are a lot of neat things about this banner. Along with some less neat thing.

Being a popular male in three houses is though. First Ferdinand, then Sylvain and now Felix. Being free is good of course, but its strange how you can be the third most popular male in CYL, wielder of a legendary weapons and be one of the most powerful characters in your game....and still be the free reward unit thats very often made to be the most unimpressive unit of the bunch. Hopefully he'll be getting some good skills instead of another wave skill. Personally i'd have replaced him with Ashe since at least Ashe has that demote feel going on.

Sephiran: Its good to see Sephiran into the game and that C skill does look very intering. If I had to name a downside its that I thought the figure with the braid was Titania and as good as Sephiran is he isn't Titania.

Bernadatta: Attack animation is great, another green bow cav less so.

Hilda: Hilda, Hilda! I don't care much for armours, but perhaps i'll make a exception for Hilda. Her art looks great and Hilda is one of my deer favourites.

Duo hero: A interesting pick. I'm sure Sanaki will have a interesting conversation with Altina.

Edited by Sasori
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I pretty much expected most of the people we saw today. Only Bernie really came out of left field. 

Its really curious how they did Felix of all people dirty. I know he's a male but you'd think Felix was the exception to that general rule given how popular he is. I suppose Felix would make a fine Winter Festival Grinch though perhaps Ashe would be more in line with the spirit of Christmas. 

I hope either the tempest trial or the story will be about papa Sephiran showing the Grinch Felix, the slacker Hilda and the shut in Bernie the true spirit of the Winter Festival .

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Yeah, no. I got back into Heroes recently after losing my account, and I have had time to stock up on Orbs. No character on here is favorites/interesting/game breaking, so I ain't shelling out anything. I may make Felix a Grail project, however...

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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Its really curious how they did Felix of all people dirty. I know he's a male but you'd think Felix was the exception to that general rule given how popular he is. I suppose Felix would make a fine Winter Festival Grinch though perhaps Ashe would be more in line with the spirit of Christmas. 

How was he done dirty? We have no idea what his stats, skills, and even movement type are. (Just saw his skills and movement type in the notifications.)

There is almost nothing Skill Inheritance cannot fix. Just because a unit does not match a person's play style or does not have an exclusive Weapon does not mean a unit is done dirty. Hell, even non-dragon armor units are pretty usable now with Armored Stride being a thing. Exclusive Weapons as a category are highly overrated, and very few exclusive Weapons actually bring anything unique to the table, and fewer still have any noticeable impact on the meta and influence gameplay.

Exclusive bows now stand toe-to-toe with or slightly surpass Brave Bow in offensive power, and the most significant impact is that players can now save 20,000 Feathers since they do not have to give those units generic Brave Bows, which is hardly a big deal. Having an exclusive bow means nothing for most units. SK!Alm, Bernadetta, Shinon, Shamir, etc. all play exactly the same way as a Brave archer, and out of all of them, only SK!Alm on defense has any real influence on the meta by forcing super tanks to improve their Spd.

Being an archer alone gives AFM!Felix relevance since he can be a decent Blazing nuke regardless his movement type and most stats. Being blue sucks compared to colorless, but it is not the end of the world. As long as his Atk is not shit, his access to Slaying Bow-Special Spiral means all his other stats do not matter. If he is an armor unit, his options actually improves since he can run Firesweep-Bold Fighter-Armored Boots to improve his mobility while being a Firesweeper with the firepower of a raw damage nuke. If he is an infantry unit, he loses a bit of personal mobility in exchange for access to Wings of Mercy Dancer/Singer support, and if his Spd is not shit, he can still do Firesweep or fast Brave.

At least on the player phase side of things, there is nothing Intelligent System can do to ruin AFM!Felix unless they literally give him Caeda's or Azama's level of Atk. Trivializing Abyssal maps with Blazing Wind is pretty much the opposite of being done dirty.

Edited by XRay
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well i must say, this banner is pretty tempting, mostly because of altina+sanaki and sephiran (but for the love of god please stop adding new characters as special heroes)

also, i'm extremely happy to see felix being finally in the game, this means he'll most likely lose votes in the next CYL event; now they only need to add marianne (NY marianne maybe?) as well

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Here we go another Christmas banner with OP armours I suppose.

First off's Sephiran (WHAT?), a Staff Armour with Tannenbaton (+2 Def/Res to allies in 2 spaces, -1 to SCc on foes in 2 spaces), Restore+, Earthwater Balm+, Atk/Res Push 4 and Odd Recovery 3 (On odd-numbered turns, gives +20 HP and removes penalties on allies in 2 spaces), there we are Sephiran's in Heores now. Next is Bernadetta (Of Course), a Green Tome Cav (A CAV?), with Hrist (Spd +3, if unit has 100% HP and is 2 spaces of an ally, deals 1 damage to ally and self. If unit HP <100%, when conbat starts, get Atk/Spd +6 and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30%. Course the 3H character gets a personal and not Sephiran, but that description is LONG and not really condensable), Moonbow, Atk/Spd Solo 4, Lull Spd/Res 3 and Rouse Atk/Spd 3 (Cute that she has isolation skills, also her special puts her inside a cabin and the wind blows on the enemy, That's intentional). Then it's Hilda, who's a Lance Armour with Candy Cane+ (If unit's in 2 spcaes of ally, gets Atk/Def +5 in combat and -1 to foe's SCc), Shove, Atk/Def Form 3 and Even Follow-Up 3 (Odd Follow-up, but on Even turns, took long enough), this is odd for sure. Finally is our Harmonic Hero with Altina and Sanaki (....This doesn't feel all cross-title to me), a sword infantry with Ragnell-Alondite, Twin Blades, Atk/Res Unity (ANOTHER ONE, finally), Null C-Disrupt and Atk/Res Oath, with their duo skill giving them 100% Vantage and Atk/Spd +4, no word on if it's reusable. The final thing is Felix is in the game as a Blue Bow, so that might be an appetising TT unit and Hilda is confirmed to be 4* focus, Oh boy.

So, 4* Hilda eh? That alone is worth trying for because armour stats, I'll have to debate everything else in comparison. Also, only two armours, I'm seeing things right? Still no Reindeer though.

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Forgot to comment on the actual banner due to Felix's arrival so here it is. 

Sephiran looks fine I guess, don't care about him. The C slot looks really interesting and could be staff exclusive. Don't know how could I use this so skip. 

Bernie is boring. However, the AOE damage is very good for several weapons like OG Bernie's, BLysithea's and deactivating enemy weapons like LeChrom's and Mininerva's. 

Hilda being a 185 BST "freebie" that's easily mergable makes her automatically useful. However Felix being a grail makes her a pass. 

The harmonic is fun. However, the vantage is inconsistent and this means that because of the special she will be easy to kill. 

Will free pull red and call it a day. Felix is the highlight anyway for me. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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2 hours ago, XRay said:

How was he done dirty? We have no idea what his stats, skills, and even movement type are. (Just saw his skills and movement type in the notifications.)

Any free unit is automatically done dirty, no matter how good or bad they are as a unit. 

Frankly, given how desperate I am for a merge project that piques my interest, people complaining about their favourites being free sound like Marie Antoinette.

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Holy heeeeeeck we finally get Felix! And he's free! Awesome! =D Interesting that he's a blue bow unit. Hopefully we'll get a sword/gauntlet/blue tome version someday. (Absolute king of critical hits.) Also, I'm personally disappointed that we're getting a RD/PoR harmonized hero in the form of Sanaki and Altena. It makes sense, sure, and in some distant way, I'm happy for them. However...RD already has a harmonized hero (Masked Marth+Mia) and there are a lot more I would have rather seen than these two. That's just a personal note, though. It's cool that they at least included Sephiran, I suppose, and he's too good for me not to try to summon. Worryingly, Sanaki+Altena also have a harmonized skill I would use a lot, so I feel like I might have to summon them, too... Hilda didn't make the effort to be 5* exclusive. This is going on her report card. (I am humored.)

Edit: Oh right. Can we also talk about how Bernadette actually summons an entire cabin to hide in? AND THEN summons a BLIZZARD? Truly, she is the most powerful hero in the game...if only it was used constructively...a different kind of "constructively"...

Edited by Mercakete
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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

...okay Bernie's weapon is actually awesome in animation, they've really been stepping up on their tomes lately.
But... why does she have to inflict damage to her allies as well? There aren't a whole lot of units who want to be 1 point below their max HP. Sealed Falchion is pretty much the only one I can think of immediately.

Other Heroes that came in mind that would enjoy taking the 1 HP damage are Peri, Fallen Celica, Brave Lysithea and OG Bernie.

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7 hours ago, Jave said:

Bernie's critical animation is making a house appear to hide herself in while the attack happens. It's brilliant.

And holy crap I love everyone in this banner. I will save orbs and spark until I can get at least one of each.

It's not her critical, it's her normal attack.

7 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Tellius and 3H...well, it has a relatively easy to get Hilda alt so that's good enough for me. 

Anyways, let's see how everyone fares as units: 

W!Sephiran screams "Fodder me". Being an infantry healer means you're going to need an exceptional stat spread to even have a chance of being used outside of favoritism so we'll see. His fodder is interesting, his staff is like a mix of Toasty Skewer with Guard which isn't all that great when Melancholy+ gives the stronger Guard effect and the Drive Def/Res is meh. His B skill looks cool at first glance but it is too inconsistent for my tastes so eh. 

W!Bernie is green Bernie with extra BST and has her >100% HP condition active since the beginning of the match. Just don't pair her with school Dimitri because her Prf will ruin his. Not much else to say, she's a ranged nuke on a horse and will probably be quite fragile. 

W!Hilda is...not great. As much as I adore her I have to face reality and she isn't going to be on B!Hector's level for the remainder of this game's lifespan. Her Lance combines Guard and a more generous Bond effect which is pretty nice, but nothing crazy. As for fodder, Atk/Def Form is meh and Even Follow Up is inconsistent so she'll need heave SI to be competitive. Considering it's Hilda, she'll probably be pretty fast but have meager Res to make up for it so that's unique enough for Lance Armors to let her carve a niche, small as it'll be. 

The Harmonic pair should've been a Duo because PoR and RD are like the same thing (although how different PoR Ike looks from RD Ike always made me have my doubts. I know it's because Greil is a beefcake so it makes sense for Ike to follow through, but still). So Altina drops the flying shenanigans to walk alongside her descendant, which is pretty endearing and it's also pretty dangerous as she now gets access to all the repertoire of disgusting Infantry only skills she couldn't dream of getting before. Or that would be the case if not for the fact that most of those powerful skills are geared towards speedsters so the only things she can make use of is her native NCD and maybe Wrath. That's pretty comparable to the Rein skills her OG version has access to so they're both pretty comparable outside of the obvious BST boost W!Altina will have. So yeah, nice unit but not a must have. 

Personal score: 4/10. Will try to get W!Hilda to +1 but dip afterwards. 

Sephiran is an armor, not infantry.

6 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

Surprised we didn’t get Male Byleth. It seems that female avatars are assigned to summer, while Male Avatars are assigned to the Winter holidays. I guess there is New Years though. 

Maybe they want both of them to be duos rather than one duo and one harmonic?

3H characters in the NY banner would also be a chance for Marianne to join Felix in getting in before CYL5.

6 hours ago, Florete said:

It's surprisingly unclear, but I think the Guard effect is for him only. If it was for allies, I think the description would open with "Allies within 2 spaces gain:"

I think that's a translation error.

35 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Any free unit is automatically done dirty, no matter how good or bad they are as a unit. 

Frankly, given how desperate I am for a merge project that piques my interest, people complaining about their favourites being free sound like Marie Antoinette.

Agreed. And more mergeable ranged armors is nice for Arena, although I'll have to decide whether or not he's worthwhile. Gwendolyn is already doing pretty well in my blue spot, and TT units are expensive.

I'm curious what stat bin he'll be in.

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Felix news!

So, Felix looks like he'll be a fast armour. That looks like a good time too.

Blue getting some blessings lately.

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4* Hilda makes me happy but she'll sadly probably end up as fodder due to lance armor position already being hogged by B!Hector and Forsyth and her lance being yummy fodder for Heath and/or Charlotte.

Felix I'm super stoked about. A bit sad that he overlaps with Halloween Niles as what seems to be another speedy blue armored archer but then again his bow seems defensive in nature so maybe he'll have good defenses and I could opt for a tank build to prevent redundancy.

Talking about Niles, so glad to see atk/res unity is finally a thing. Will def be sparking Altina just so I can provide that for him.

Don't really care for Sephiran or Bernie but they have good fodder so I wouldn't mind getting one along the way.

51 minutes ago, Othin said:

3H characters in the NY banner would also be a chance for Marianne to join Felix in getting in before CYL5.

I almost wish she wouldn't considering she did pretty good last CYL. With her other competition gone and with 3H recency bias still being pretty strong, she could have a decent chance at getting a brave alt.

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15 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

A bit sad that he overlaps with Halloween Niles as what seems to be another speedy blue armored archer but then again his bow seems defensive in nature so maybe he'll have good defenses and I could opt for a tank build to prevent redundancy.

Looks like I wasn't the only one who thought of Halloween Niles! I'm thinking about running them on the same team for a bit just for fun, though that means I have to somewhat build my Halloween Niles.

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Even my usual anti-armour self is quite pleased seeing Felix like that. Stoked he's here instead of in his boring base form. What are the odds that having played since launch, my only ranged armours to this point are still Winter Cecilia and Winter Jaffar. Now I'll have three, hah.

Probably not the best candidate for my Bold Fighter fodder still though. The wait continues...

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I missed out on getting Halloween Niles (twice 😥) so he’s definitely a +10 merge project for me now! Thanks to him, I can finally start running a second armor team now. Wonder if he’ll have the stats for a Brave Bow+/Bold Fighter build... but since he comes with Swift Sparrow 2, maybe he won’t need it to quad.

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Hmm thinking about it, even though Sephiran and Altina+Sanaki are good for me gameplay-wise, maybe I shouldn't pull on this, and just wait to see what the New Years banner is like. I always wind up loving those and don't want to throw away all my orbs too early.

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Sephinan I am pulling for I have wanted him in FEH for years.  I am happy about Felix not being another infantry sword unit because I have more then enough good ones of those, while bow armors are not common and I will use him more.

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This...may be the first time I skip a Christmas banner. Not because of the characters, I love them, but because I have no orbs and no funds to put towards it. Otherwise I'd try for Sephiran. At least Felix is free and I can start putting my grails towards him when he's available. Good thing I didn't start on Jorge yet.

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3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

He's a male demote. It comes with the territory. 

I fail to see how he was done dirty when he got a decent Weapon-Movement combo. The only thing to complain about is just his color, but that one drawback alone is not enough to say he was done dirty.

That would be like me saying BH!Ike sucks just because he is not a pretty waifu nuke or a titillating Dancer/Singer with no explanation of how he was screwed over.

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