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14 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Also they seem to deal roughly 1/8 of the normal damage

Considering doubles exclusively use Mani Katti and not the weapon of the user, I don't think we can calculate damage percentage of Chain Attack that way

14 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Although the distinct background colors are interesting

I personally think the color is just to make those two skills look more distinct. It would be really hard to recognize one from another with a quick look if they all have the same background color

Edited by kienquocsi
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4 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Considering doubles exclusively use Mani Katti and not the weapon of the user, I don't think we can calculate damage percentage of Chain Attack that way

Yeah, but we do see a double counter directly right before. Different enemy but both cavalry. That's what I was basing it on.

4 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

I personally think the color is just to make those two skills look more distinct. It would be really hard to recognize one with a quick look if they all have the same background color

Also possible.

Also Hortensia is Lv 20 unpromoted in the Celica spotlight. So Thief really is different. Meh.

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6 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Yeah, but we do see a double counter directly right before.

Aren't those two enemies different?

One is a Wolf Knight, one is a Cavalier of sort


Also I just realized when attacking with an effective weapon, looks like there will be a rainbow effect, which is cool and can be useful in future analysis

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18 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Aren't those two enemies different?

One is a Wolf Knight, one is a Cavalier of sort

And I edited pretty fast, too!

Either way, it's the best we've gotten thus far afaik, though obviously imperfect still.

17 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Also I just realized when attacking with an effective weapon, looks like there will be a rainbow effect, which is cool and can be useful in future analysis

Same here, and I only noticed this time because I was looking for it.

Edited by Cysx
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Surprised that chain attacks are limited to "Backup" units. "Covert" units getting double terrain bonuses will likely make them a pain to fight on forest-y maps.

The amount of different classes we have seen characters in makes me worried that Three Houses level class changing is back. That system made most of the playable characters feel very samey and I hope Engage avoids this. 

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So seems like Thieves are gonna be reminiscent of their Arachanea variants and be a unique tiered class that goes to level 30 presumably like Dancer. Very interesting, ngl.

Also damn at covert units wtf. I wonder if most covert units will have shitty res to allow for magic to counter their high avo from terrain.

We now know what each pro of each class type is bar armoured. Dragon have Engage superiority, cav and flying have movement, backup have chain attacks, mystical ignore terrain bonuses, covert double terrain bonuses and qi adept have chain guard access. I feel like armoured should have that but whatevs.

Lyn seems cool, but definitely the least exciting emblem thus far imo.

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2 hours ago, Cysx said:


- I guess this thing
coupled with that thing
strongly imply that repositioning skills are indeed back. Although the distinct background colors are interesting. Does Amber's affect allies, while Louis does so enemies... or even both?

I can actually tell you what's going on there.
The first is probably Pivot, leapfrog over an ally to the space in front of them.
The second is definitely Swap, switch tiles with an ally.

It's funny to see the Cav have Pivot and the Armor have Swap, in Heroes you usually want the opposite~!

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8 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

Also I just realized when attacking with an effective weapon, looks like there will be a rainbow effect, which is cool and can be useful in future analysis

Really good catch! Confirmed on checking older vids that it shows up wherever you'd expect it to go off (including Seraphim vs corrupted, and also Mani Katti vs armoured/cavalry).


What I have noticed is that it seems that there are certain 'finisher' animations (I think they are generally 'running through' the enemy) that specifically play if an attack that doesn't crit, but otherwise procs an offensive skill, would kill. Examples of this are both Kagetsu and Lapis killing with their Desperation proc attacks in Lyn's video, Alfred proccing a Divine Pulse kill in Byleth's video, and Sigurd!Goldmary activating Momentum+ to kill in Sigurd's video. There may also be a suggestion with Engaged units having a finisher animation on kill with anything other than their first attack (see Byleth!Etie with Blutgang, both Marth!Alear and Marth!Framme).

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I imagine Twitch chat was extremely toxic when that happened lol. Nintendo likes to present FE on the big stage (like opening big directs with it), but the franchise is just very divisive, even among Nintendo fans lol.

Not that I particulary care...

Edited by Ziegenpeter
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3 minutes ago, indigoasis said:

and oh boy, I can't wait to incorrectly guess what the names of their emblems are gonna be

They seem to be a three-in-one Emblem, so clearly they'll be the Emblem of the Three Houses.

Also Tiki is here, maybe she's the Emblem of Divinity or something. I wonder what other DLC Emblems we'll get...

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Oh for fuck's sake.

I'm so sick of Young Tiki.

Well, this better mean that they'll put the rest of the lords in. And a gender swap option for Byleth and Corrin.

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Well I certainly wasn't expecting this. But hey, more analysis.

Small little things that I noticed:

- Timerra's crit animation is mimicking her Announcement Trailer pose, cute.

- Ivy's copying Claude with a backflip off a wyvern to perform a crit.

- Roy!Diamant is performing a very Critical Hit like Engage technique, but given the absence of an enemy target it might actually be a map attack.

- Wyrmslayer I think we saw as Roy's second Engage Weapon. The Engage outfit certainly feels a bit closer to modern Roy depictions in Smash and Awakening DLC with the greave boots design.

- Is Ephraim holding a Reginleif during the Eirika Engage Technique? COnfirmed with CyanYoh that Ephraim's holding classic design Siegmund, as seen in Wada art. Perhaps if your active Engaged emblem is Ephraim Eirika will take Ephraim's place here? I don't quite get the crossed-blades attack in terms of symbolism.

- The Engage outfit for the House Leaders is an Officers Academy uniform (if not a House Leader's one), and it seems at first glance to have Aymr / Failnaught / Areadbhar access globally. Hair color is dark purple. Interestingly the Fabrication enemy that gets Aymr'd makes the same death sound as a Corrupted.

- Did Tiki's Divine Dragon form ever wear the tiara so prominently?

- I wonder if, assuming Tiki isn't introducing a new precedent, that this might soft confirm one manakete or transforming character in base game. Alear? Veyle?

- The expansion pass icon is the Gradlon country emblem.

Edited by tipperthescales
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This show off all the 12 emblems (though there's only their appearance and original game's introduction)


EDIT: New info on the official Engage page, will do some analysis later

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The site has profiles for all the revealed characters and Emblems and a trailer for Somniel

Also a bunch of stuff on the Twitter page, I think it's mostly about costumes
(I guess it's time for the spoiler averse people to leave this thread)


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Some quick thoughts after checking the new character portraits.

1. What's up with Rosado's voice? Did I miss something regarding this character?

2. Some solid new designs. Zelkov is probably one of my favorite. Would like to have a translation of his dialogue with Alear, he appears to be more up-beat than I expected

3. Y'all need to check Merrin's crit animation. Finally, some good f*cking food. Seadall's dance animation is pretty neat, too.

4. IntSys needs to stop making characters with split-personalities. It's neither funny nor endearing from a writing standpoint.


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