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Gonna do one more before logging off for the day

My information are from the Japanese DLC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XLMHPDpJ_A


- Edelgard/Claude/Dimitri

  • Engage Weapon: Aymr, Areadbhar, most likely Failnaught too (unrelated to who's on front, there's Claude with Aymr in the video)
  • Sync Skill: "Working Together" - Change to a random person at the start of each turn, "Gambit: Raging Flames" (Edelgard) (most likely Claude and Dimitri will have different skill referencing their special gambit), "Lineage" - 120% exp
  • Engage Skill: Combat Art (unknown what it does, but its effect persists through the battle, so most likely some kind of buff)
  • Engage Attack: "Continuous Flower-Moon-Wind Flash" (will most likely be localized to something Three Houses) - attack 3 times with Axe, Lance and Bow
  • Dragon style has bonus with both the engage skill and attack (but of course they do)

- Tiki

  • Engage Weapon: Eternal Claw, Smash Tail, Ice Breath
  • Sync Skill: "Starsphere's Protection" - increase growth rate
  • Engage Skill: "Dragon Transformation" - does what it says. Seems like they can only use Tiki's weapon in dragon's form
  • Engage Attack: "Divine Dragon's Blessing" - grants one bonus HP bar to an ally

- Other things:



  • The world map. Looks like there's an enemy sprite for skirmish battle
  • The ship is heading to an island in southern Firene, which is most likely where the 3H lords' paralogue takes place. (Vander and Alear found their ring on an island in southern Firene)
  • Tiki's introduction takes place in some kind of ice/crystal chamber. Is it referencing her sleeping chamber? (Sorry, I haven't play the Archanea games)
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1 hour ago, kienquocsi said:
  • Tiki's introduction takes place in some kind of ice/crystal chamber. Is it referencing her sleeping chamber? (Sorry, I haven't play the Archanea games)

In Mystery of the Emblem, she was asleep in the Ice Dragon Temple before Marth came along.

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3 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Being able to change Alear's outfit to match my Amiibos is going to really help! Makes me wish I had gotten that Byleth though.

Wait, what showed that was a thing??

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9 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Presumably, you could get Micaiah's outfit from Ike's amiibo and Lyn's from Roy, but Leif really does stand out like a sore thumb given that there are no FE4-5 amiibo. So I'm stumped on it. Maybe you get him with any FE amiibo.

I believe instead of getting the costumes directly, you get tickets you can buy whatever costume you want. That way you don't have to worry about what specific FE amiibo you need, just have the FE branded ones.

Edited by KoriCongo
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17 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

The VA... is male. Their profile says they pursue cuteness and beauty. I'm sensing something...

I think that's looking a bit too into it at the moment. Their VA is known for doing a plethora of female roles, so I don't think that ultimately means anything.

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3 hours ago, Vexal said:

I think that's looking a bit too into it at the moment. Their VA is known for doing a plethora of female roles, so I don't think that ultimately means anything.

I hope so. IS doesn't have the best track record when it comes to stereotypes.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm pretty use Rosado uses an Ore pronoun in their website video, which would lean more to being a guy, though not 100% sure thing perhaps.

There is a trope of Girls use Ore but Rosado is also unique as they are the only profile that uses They.

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3 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

There is a trope of Girls use Ore but Rosado is also unique as they are the only profile that uses They.

I think that's with Boku, not Ore. Even so, it's usually to convey tomboyishness, which Rosado certainly isn't.

Does Rosado has an official English profile already?

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Don’t know if it’s official or just translated but

Rosado's VA - Shouta Aoi

Rosado is a royal knight of Elusia Kingdom & retainer and a friend of Hortensia. 

They are cheerful, positive, and an optimist who enjoys life to the fullest in pursuit of cuteness and beauty!

And yes it’s the Orekko trope.

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If it's the one from the Japanese website, putting it through online translations gave me gendered pronouns. Both She and He.

I still think it could be another Forrest situation, but well, I guess we'll see soon once the game is out or we get more info.

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48 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

I wonder what else got nerfed in this game... Did other ranged support spells get hit with the nerf bat as well?

Warp is set to around 5 tiles without engaging with an certain ring. Nearly everything else hasn't been mentioned, yet. One of the lightning spells has up to 3 range, but it can't double.


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8 hours ago, ciphertul said:

Don’t know if it’s official or just translated but

Rosado's VA - Shouta Aoi

Rosado is a royal knight of Elusia Kingdom & retainer and a friend of Hortensia. 

They are cheerful, positive, and an optimist who enjoys life to the fullest in pursuit of cuteness and beauty!

And yes it’s the Orekko trope.


8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If it's the one from the Japanese website, putting it through online translations gave me gendered pronouns. Both She and He.

I still think it could be another Forrest situation, but well, I guess we'll see soon once the game is out or we get more info.

There are no pronouns in that text in the official website. Whatever you may get from an online translator isn't correct.

The "ore" usage can be heard, but that's barely a confirmation either way. If anything, it sounds strange when the character in question appears really enthusiastic about cuteness but uses such a masculine term. It doesn't make sense.

But considering how that voice sounds and what the VA is apparently known for + the character having zero bosom, seems like a male character to me. Then again, it's not unprecedented for male VAs to voice female characters.

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On 12/9/2022 at 2:08 AM, kienquocsi said:

Engage weapon: Rapier (Eirika)

Is there gonna be a difference between her Rapier and Marth's..?

Also, is durability a thing in this game? I'd think so, but...

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5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Is there gonna be a difference between her Rapier and Marth's..?

Apart from the design, I don't think so

Which is funny because Marth's Rapier is closer to the GBA design, while Eirika's is closer to the DS design

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2 hours ago, Safy said:

There are no pronouns in that text in the official website. Whatever you may get from an online translator isn't correct.

The "ore" usage can be heard, but that's barely a confirmation either way. If anything, it sounds strange when the character in question appears really enthusiastic about cuteness but uses such a masculine term. It doesn't make sense.

But considering how that voice sounds and what the VA is apparently known for + the character having zero bosom, seems like a male character to me. Then again, it's not unprecedented for male VAs to voice female characters.

Well, doing some searching up, while Ore is mainly a masculine pronoun one of its context uses is to be an informal pronoun to denote friendliness and familiarity with people close to the speaker. Which in this case can makes sense if Rosado is close to Hortensia or that's just a byproduct of their cheerful personality to be informal with their liege. Meanwhile, if Rosado was a girl, then they'd be using Uchi or Atashi, the latter which is what Hortensia used in that same video.

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1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

Also, is durability a thing in this game? I'd think so, but...

Nope. Only staves and consumables have uses

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