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Special Heroes - Gods Renewed


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Not gonna lie, Askr and Embla being a duo hero is kinda cute and I kinda want them, but I also don't have the orbs to spare for this. Oh well. Also lol they're not actually beasts

That Distant Reversal on Ash though. I could think of a few units who might want it ... or maybe they just want close foil. Actually, maybe Brave Ike would like that more than the res version?

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So far, all of my predictions about the three Special Heroes banners have come true. No Brom for the Christmas banner, no Caineghis for the New Year banner. Now all that needs to happen is the theme for January's Special Heroes banner to not use Elibe's desert and I'll be 3-for-3. Gosh I hope I don't go 3-for-3.

Anyway, I'm very glad to see Askr as the lead and not Embla.

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We already got the update because everyone at IS wanted to go home for the new year, so stats [SPOILERS]:



Askr & Embla
Super Asset(s): Def
Super Flaw(s): HP, Atk, Spd

Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): HP, Def, Res

Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): HP, Spd, Def
*Beast N Trace 3 is exclusive to cav and flying beasts.
**Fun fact: this is just his base form's stat line after adding three points to Atk and Spd each. His base form also had 41/27/31 for HP/Def/Res.

Super Asset(s): Atk, Spd
Super Flaw(s): HP
*Atk/Spd Clash 3 is the 4* unlock

Super Asset(s): Spd
Super Flaw(s): HP, Atk

Skill Kit
Wary Rabbit Fang: Grants Spd+3. Effective against cavalry foes. If unit initiates combat or is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit
                                  during combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def during combat = 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, and also, after 
                                  combat, if unit's HP is less than or equal to 90%, grants Special cooldown count -2. Standard cavalry beast effects.
Spd/Def Solo 3 
Threat. Atk/Spd 2 [4* unlock]


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Ah, so this is why you evaded me in the Arval banner, Askr...you just wanted me to summon you with your wife Embla!

Okay but seriously, as annoyed as I was for not being able to get Askr while I was gunning for Arval on his first banner, I'm kinda glad simply because, for my non-gameplay tastes, I vastly prefer this over regular Askr (tho ill still try getting him whenever i can).

Welp. Looks like I gotta get to orb grinding! 'cause I'm at like 20-ish orbs right now.

Edited by Wyvern Fang
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I am very happy that they are giving a Beast character an Alt that is not a Beast unit! That's something that I wanted for a very long time for Dragons/Beasts, and I hope they do this more often from now on... We don't need all Tikis and Sothises to always be dragons, IS.

This banner looks nice, but no must have to me. I can keep saving for the Engage Banner of the Anniversary celebration.

And for people to know:


We will be getting tickets for an New Years Omega banner though quests and NY Orbs Packs, alongside NY Orb Packs containing Halloween Sothis and New Year Elm on them.

The NY Omega banner should be a combination of NY Peony and NY Dagr banners.


Edited by Diovani Bressan
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  • Ashe doesn't look like TOO important a unit to get, unless you just really want her teleportation effect for Astra/Anima season, but she doesn't look bad otherwise.
    Distant Reversal exists, and that's about as much thought into it I'm gonna give.
  • Oh look, Elm avoided the fate that Otr was met with last year!
    He looks pretty good, won't lie, but I don't know how to feel about these Beast skills... they're nice skills, but they honestly feel a little more geared toward CPU usage...
  • Half expected Askr/Embla to come with an effect that allowed Beast units to transform if next to them, assuming no other "humans" were adjacent as well.
    Looks like a lot of continued defensive nonsense, AoE specials won't work quite as well on them (especially considering how low their Def is gonna be with double LnD)
  • Yarne... exists.
    ...think I prefer the mom in this case...
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Ash/ Embla is really sweet and it's also cool to finally have a non-Beast Beast unit, but they're Colorless in a sparkless banner so I may end up skipping them. Embla's lines are hilarious though. Elm's new Beast skill is an addition to the "freely Transform" rule that I didn't expect to see so soon, but if anyone was going to add another one, it makes sense that it was the underling of the one who gave us the first one. Also, Ash having Bulwark seems to be an intentional reference to OG!Askr's kit, which is another sweet touch.

2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Oh look, Elm avoided the fate that Otr was met with last year!

Unfortunately that's because he's been saddled with the same fate as Fafnir and Freyr instead.

Regarding the datamine:


The stats are about what I expected. I appreciate the free tickets, so maybe I'll pull on all colorless stones I see and quit. Yarne is also... a lot more offensive than I expected? I'm glad we've got our first 4*/ Tier 3 Clash skill, albeit on a seasonal unit too.


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Always find the NY banners kind of awkward because of the proximity to the sparkable Winter banner (plus the usual New Heroes banners) making it the riskiest banner to summon on in a period of high orb demand. On the other hand, the generous number of tickets granted for it means there's good incentive to try for at least one unit out of the banner.

Not this year though, I've got nothing in the way of resources, and if I did, they'd go towards sparking Cordelia. Most likely though, I suspect I won't be able to do even that, especially during the holidays where I have even less desire to do much of anything with the game. I suppose if I had good impulse control, I could save all the tickets until late January in order to be able to, say, at least open all grey orbs across six discounted rounds.

As for the units themselves, I am as usual disinclined to use beast units, so I'm glad that the Duo is a beast unit. Shame that comes at the cost of being infantry though. As characters though, uhhh, I skipped the entire story of this book so I have no real idea of who they are. Nor any of the other OCs obviously, and Panne as a cavalry without Canto is whatever.

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Oh my gooooooosh I need these guys. X3 Kind of surprised Panne is the demote, especially since she's kind of right about the Year of the Rabbit thing. But MAN I want Askr and Elm! I don't think I have the orbs for this, but I really hope I get lucky in summoning them! X3 All the little details with Askr and Embla are perfect! Like in their regular artwork, how Askr's trying to sneak his hand onto Embla's shoulder without her noticing. XD I was worried that it would be out of character for them to be a duo unit, but this is being handled really well! It's like how they were just after helping the humans of their respective countries, before the backlash. ^_^ Askr sounds so happy, too! Hahaha!

If I manage to get them, maybe I'll go for Summer Nifl again, but I also wouldn't mind getting Ash. Panne would also be nice, but is the lowest priority for me here. But wow, Askr and Embla being a tome unit really surprised me! (They're still not dragons either...)

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I'm honestly surprised that my predictions were completely on point. The only thing I really missed was Askr being in front since his skills are not as strong, but it makes sense based on their personalities, and on second thought, introducing another unit with Severance would be a bad idea.

It's also really cool that Askr is a colorless tome instead of a beast unit since it means we get to see him fighting in his human form. Also it fixes the issue that his beast form takes up the entire half of the screen.

And as I had hoped, Askr and Embla's banter is pure gold and is exactly the reason I wanted them to be the paired unit for this banner.

Askr's and Embla's outfits are also fire. It's also cute that Ash and Elm are playing hanetsuki against each other.


I'll be grabbing the free Elm from orb packs so I don't have to pull on green. I've got a few days to decide if I want to go for more than one copy of Ash or not. I'm definitely going to be going for a +10 on Askr, and I'm probably going to go for a +10 on Panne, as well.


The character introduction pages are already up, and there are some gems there:

ash_earnest_greetings_info04.png elm_resolute_grouch_info04.png

It looks like Ash won the game of hanetsuki.

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Omega banner should be:

  • Red: Fafnir + 4* Kaden
  • Blue: Reginn + Velouria
  • Green: Dagr + Peony
  • Colorless: 4* Lyre + Plumeria

I already have all the units from the Peony banner, so the dual nature isn't helpful to me personally. Still, 10 tickets is nice, maybe I'll get Dagr or Fafnir. Wonder how many free tickets the new banner will have - probably 5 as a login bonus?

Kaden and Lyre are in a bit of an awkward spot though, since based on Double Special Heroes banners, they're probably sharing a 3% rate.

Edited by Othin
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Oh my gosh I just read Sharena's introductions to these guys and they're just so cute! Like how Panne and Yarne have little things styled after each other. X3 And @Ice Dragon nailed the hanetsuki thing, though the loser is dependent on who enters into his/her damaged art! It's a really cute touch. Feels almost like a family get together. 🙂

Also, I noticed that, in addition to having Askr's symbol pinned to her obi, Ash has the symbol of the gods (introduced in Book 7) on her chest (specifically the horizontal part.) Looks like 3 basic diamond shapes next to each other in the Celtic knot style that all these symbols use.

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And the usual translation notes:


The name of the banner, "Gods Renewed", is "神々の新年" (kamigami no shinnen), "The Gods' New Year".

Ash's epithet, "Earnest Greetings", is "生真面目新年" (kimajime shinnen), "A Very Earnest New Year".

Heralding Horn is "新年を開く角" (shinnen o hiraku tsuno), "Horn That Opens the New Year".

Distant Reversal is "遠反・金剛の構え" (enhan: kongō no kamae), "Distant Counter: Adamantine Stance". As usual, "遠反" (enhan) is an abbreviation of "遠距離反撃" (enkyori hangeki), "Long-Range Counterattack", which is the name of the Distant Counter skill. "金剛の構え" (kongō no kamae), "Adamantine Stance", is the name of the Steady Stance skill following the same pattern as "金剛の一撃" (kongō no ichigeki), "Adamantine Strike", which is the name of the Armored Blow skill.

Elm's epithet, "Resolute Grouch", is "ひねくれお正月" (hinekure oshōgatsu), "Sullen New Year".

Fang of Finality is "旧年を閉ざす爪牙" (kyūnen o tozasu sōga), "Claws and Fangs That Close the Old Year".

Beast N Trace is "絶対化身・近影" (zettai keshin: kin'ei), "Guaranteed Transformation: Near Trace". As usual, "影" (ei) here means "trace" as in "signs that something was here and is no longer here".

Panne's epithet, "Welcoming Dawn", is "跳兎の迎春" (tobiusagi no geishun), "New Year's Greetings From a Hopping Rabbit". "跳兎" (tobiusagi) refers to the South African springhare (Pedetes capensis), but literally translates as "hopping rabbit".

Keen Rabbit Fang is "賀正の母兎の爪牙" (gashō no haha-usagi no sōga), "Claws and Fangs of the Mother Rabbit's 'Happy New Year'".

Askr's epithet, "Renewed Gods", is "神々の新春" (kamigami no shinshun), "The Gods' New Year". "新年" (shinnen) and "新春" (shinshun) both mean "New Year", but the former is written with the words for "new year" and the latter is written with the words for "new spring".

Duality Vessel is "開神と閉神の祭器" (kaishin to heishin no saiki), "God of Opening and God of Closing's Festival Equipment".

Def/Res Finish is "守備魔防の秘奥" (shubi mabō no hiō), "Def/Res Secret". As usual, "秘奥" (hiō), literally "secret secret", is likely a reference to "秘奥義" (hiōgi), "secret secret technique", which is commonly used in video games to refer to the strongest special skills (e.g. Mystic Artes in the Tales series). "奥義" (ōgi), "secret technique", is the name of the Special skill mechanic in Heroes.

Yarne's epithet, "Hoppy New Year", is "新春脱兎のごとく" (shinshun datto no gotoku), "A New Year Like a Fleeing Hare". "脱兎のごとく" (datto no gotoku) means "extremely fast", but translates literally as "like a fleeing hare".

Wary Rabbit Fang is "賀正の子兎の爪牙" (gashō no ko-usagi no sōga), "Claws and Fangs of the Child Rabbit's 'Happy New Year'".

Edited by Ice Dragon
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11 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

And for people to know:

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We will be getting tickets for an New Years Omega banner though quests and NY Orbs Packs, alongside NY Orb Packs containing Halloween Sothis and New Year Elm on them.

The NY Omega banner should be a combination of NY Peony and NY Dagr banners.



Are we sure those quest tickets aren’t just for the NY!Peony + NY!Alfonse banner? Those tickets use the same name as that banner.

I know Renewed Spirit (2020 banner) is getting a standalone revival and Like Clockwork (2022 banner) isn’t on the calendar, but the 2021 NY units never had a standalone banner.

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7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:
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Are we sure those quest tickets aren’t just for the NY!Peony + NY!Alfonse banner? Those tickets use the same name as that banner.

I know Renewed Spirit (2020 banner) is getting a standalone revival and Like Clockwork (2022 banner) isn’t on the calendar, but the 2021 NY units never had a standalone banner.


That's just a theory I have.

Since Renewed Spirit (Alfonse's banner) is on the calendar and Like Clockwork (Dagr's Banner) and the ω Special Heroes (Peony's Banner) are not, it makes me believe they will combine the Like Clockwork banner (Dagr & Nott, Reginn, Fáfnir and Lyre) with the rest of the ω Special Heroes banner (Peony & Triandra, Plumeria, Kaden and Velouria).

So the banner I believe will be: Kaden, Fáfnir, Velouria, Reginn, Peony & Triandra, Dagr & Nott, Plumeria and Lyre.


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