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New Heroes: Turn of Fate (CYL)

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By the by for those who haven't played Engage, Divine Vein [Stone] and Assign Decoy are both effects that were lifted from Corrin's Emblem Ring and Soren's Emblem Bracelet respectively. The Chrom & Robin Emblem Bracelet also had Rally Spectrum as an effect, but Rally Spectrum at least existed before Engage.

Anyways, I'm honestly not sure who, between Gullveig and Corrin, to use the free summon on. I'm not going to summon on this banner past the free pull and tickets because I'm once again attempting the thing called "saving Orbs"

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I wonder how the meta will change because of Assign Decoy. Like... You can make very tanky units like Askr and NY Askr saviors now.

I will do the same I do every year which is summon on the banner first, and then after that I decide my free pick.

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Gullveig will likely be my free summon, she seems the most interesting of these

Soren might change my mind, particularly if I can think of something interesting to do with him, Kronya with Gullveig's A skill is coming to mind, with enough other ideas, I could pick Soren

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One complain I have with Robin is that his Adept Damage is locked behind using Bonfire or Ignis. In most the modes that's fine, but you can't use those specials in scoring modes like Arena because that will hurt your total score, so in the end you cannot use all abilities he has. They should have at least added Blue Flame to the special skills list.

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Corrin: her being an armored dragon was a given (as well as being colorless for improved tanking), but I was so sure she'd have Negating Fang. Instead that got turned into an (inheritable!) B Skill and she got a bunch of extra damage reduction in all of her other skills. Since she has a Prf DC skill I wonder if it'll be 350 SP like Hector's? The Vallite outfit is cool but she really had to keep the thigh gaps, huh?

Soren: Flare finally gets added to the main pool! Assign Decoy is a useful skill to have. For a second I thought it'd work well with Corrin since she's a Far Saver by default, but thankfully it doesn't work on anyone who's already a Savior. Speaking of, it's funny that it took two years for non-Armors to be Saviors too and I wonder if Gatekeeper's refine will have a Savior ability built in as well. I'm sorry to everyone who wanted something based on Ike or his heritage, but being an Archsage always made more sense to me... even if I wish his outfit wasn't just taken straight out of those class designs.

Gullveig: an outfit based on Seidr with her own color scheme, I didn't expect that! It's not as revealing as her default kit either which is appreciated. Instead of having the Njordr's Zeal effect in her weapon it got moved to her skill. I wonder how Mythic Gullveig will compare later this year.

Robin: him being a physical (i.e. no Levin sword) sword unit was the biggest surprise of the bunch, and he brings Rally Spectrum! The focus on the Bonfire line is neat even if it means you're forced to run score-losing Specials to get the most of his kit (given the Rally warp I'm surprised he couldn't at least use Blue Flame). I really like his outfit too, it's the best of the bunch and the cape being so colorful really goes well with the rest of his clothes' simplicity!


There's a LOT of damage reduction going on this year, isn't there? The story maps with these units are going to be a nightmare to clear the missions for, I already know it. Get your DR-piercing units and Brave Eirika/ Chrom ready, I guess.

Secondly, we have Dragon Veins now. Those are going to be very interesting to see expanded on, but at the same time I can already imagine them getting very frustrating very quickly. Heck, Corrin's even ignores DR-piercing effects! You'd probably need to bait units out of their Vein areas to beat them but then you'd risk more Veins popping up where you just did battle. Hmm...

As for my free unit, I'm torn between Gullveig and Robin. However, I think I have enough Orbs saved that I could try and get three of them from the regular banner and get the final one for free. Best of luck to everyone pulling here!

P.S. Is Yamada Kotaro okay? I expected him to have drawn one of the Avatars. Hopefully the random bashing FEH artists get didn't wind up getting to him and he's just busy...

Edited by DefyingFates
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Looks like meet the heroes answered my question anyhow


Robin serves the Halidom of Ylisse as a tactician, and here he is in a very special outfit—that of a royal advisor to Chrom, who is newly ascended to the throne!
Not a single detail has been overlooked in preparing his advisor’s attire. He won’t ever look out of place at the new exalt’s side!
Robin’s also carrying the sword that’s traditionally been used by the exalt’s advisors. I’m sure the sight of Robin holding his sword aloft, cape billowing behind him, will be more than enough to send his foes running in fear!
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I didn't really catch it when watching  the trailer (I didn't watch the FEH Channel) but seeing the static images now, Corrin's eyes really freak me out. I'm glad she's not a unit type I want.

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I'll do reactions and stuff later because I'm currently no thoughts, head empty right now.

So I'm doing translation notes first:


The banner name, "Turn of Fate", is "巡る運命の輪" (meguru unmei no wa), "The Turning Circle of Fate".

Corrin's epithet, "Silent Bloodline", is "白夜、暗夜、透魔" (byakuya, an'ya, tōma), "Hoshido, Nohr, Valla". As usual, "白夜" (byakuya), "Hoshido", literally translates as "white night"; "暗夜" (an'ya), "Nohr", literally translates as "dark night"; and "透魔" (tōma), "Valla", literally translates as "invisible magic".

Vallastone is "透魔の竜石" (tōma no ryūseki), "Dragonstone of Valla".

Divine Vein (Stone) is "天脈・護" (tenmyaku: go), "Divine Vein: Protection". "脈" (myaku), "vein", is commonly used in fantasy for the concept of ley lines, often as "地脈" (chimyaku), "veins of the earth". In East Asian settings, "竜脈" (ryūmyaku), "veins of the dragon", is also used for this concept as a borrowing from fengshui. Here, "天脈" (tenmyaku) literally translates as "veins of the sky".

Realms United is "白夜と暗夜と共に" (byakuya to an'ya to tomo ni), "With Both Hoshido and Nohr".

Counter Roar is "反撃の咆哮" (hangeki no hōkō), "Counterattack Roar".

Soren's epithet, "Radiant Confidant", is "神将の傍にある者" (shinshō no soba ni aru mono), "The One Who Stands Beside the Divine General". "伝承の神将" (denshō no shinshō), "Legendary Divine General" is Legendary Ike's epithet in Heroes.

Arch-Sage Tome is "大賢者の書" (daikenja no sho), "Arch Sage's Tome". "大賢者" (daikenja), literally "great sage", is the name of the Arch Sage class from Radiant Dawn.

Assign Decoy is "囮指名" (otori-shimei), "Assigned as Decoy".

Flare is "陽光" (yōkō), "Sunlight". This is the Flare skill from Radiant Dawn, which was a combination of the effects of the Sol and Luna skills in a single hit, unlike Radiant Dawn's version of Aether, which was performed in two hits. "陽光" (yōkō), "sunlight", is a combination of "太陽" (taiyō), "sun", and "月光" (gekkō), "moonlight", which are respectively the names of the Sol and Luna skills.

Rare Talent is "類稀なる魔道の才" (taguimare-naru madō no sai), "Unparalleled Talent for Magic".

Gullveig's epithet, "Seer Beyond Time", is "過去、現在、未来" (kako, genzai, mirai), "Past, Present, Future".

The Cycle's Turn is "円環の力" (enkan no chikara), "Power of the Cycle".

Flared Sparrow is "鬼神飛燕の炎撃" (kishin hien no engeki), "Fierce Deity/Flying Swallow Flame Strike".

Divine Vein (Flame) is "天脈・炎" (tenmyaku: en), "Divine Vein: Flame".

Gold Unwinding is "時を戻す黄金の魔女" (toki o modosu ōgon no majo), "The Golden Witch that Rewinds Time". "黄金の魔女" (ōgon no majo), "golden witch", is Gullveig's epithet in Heroes, localized as "Golden Seer".

Robin's epithet, Exalt's Deliverer is "聖王と共にある者" (seiō to tomo ni aru mono), "The One Who Stands Together With the Exalt". "聖王" (seiō), localized as "Exalt", literally translates as "holy king".

Deliverer's Brand is "聖王の軍師の剣" (seiō no gunshi no ken), "Sword of the Exalt's Tactician". Anything but a "sword".

Gambit is "奥の手" (oku no te), "Trump Card". "奥の手" (oku no te), "last resort" or "trump card", literally translates as "inner hand" or "hidden hand", i.e. something that isn't shown until absolutely necessary.

Tip the Scales! is ”戦局を変える!" (senkyoku o kaeru!), "[I Will] Change the Flow of Battle!"

Rally Spectrum is "七色の叫び" (nanairo no sakebi), "Seven-Colored Shout". This is the Rally Spectrum skill from Awakening. This skill uses the skill series name "叫び" (sakebi), "shout", which is used in Awakening and Fates where the skill affects all allies in range. Contrast with the Rally skills in Heroes, which use the skill series name "応援" (ōen), "support" or "cheer", which is used in Heroes and Three Houses where the skill is targeted at a single ally.

Cyril's epithet, "Rhea's Attendant", is "大司教の従者" (daishikyō no jūsha), "Archbishop's Attendant".

Aptitude Arrows is "良成長の弓" (ryōseichō no yumi), "Bow of Good Upbringing".


I like that the Japanese epithets draw attention to the fact that Corrin and Gullveig both represent a trinity and that Soren and Robin are both the right hand of their game's main character by having similarly formatted epithets. The English epithets don't do this, and I think that's somewhat of a shame.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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-  Corrin: I'm sad that she didn't get a fancy dance skill AND is a dragon again, at least I like her design and art a lot (and also at least she's an armoured dragon, not a infantry dragon again, what really disapointed me the most was not having a fancy dance-like skill it's such a waste).

-  Soren: He ended up being the green infantry mage based on his archsage form with zero reference to either Ike or any side of his heritage, exactly like I didn't want him to be (this makes me wonder what'd his ascended alt be if he got one)... tbh I thought I'd be pissed but he is such a cool unit that I guess I don't care much, I mean he has several of my favorite things on units: 2 range, crazy high res, high spd (not that much but with his almost non conditional buffs he becomes quite speedy), extra effects based on res check, brave effect, mystic boost, damage based on the amount of his foe's res (which means that he can be good against high res mages and tanky dragons too), healing of a percentage of his total HP bar, works as a support unit, premium special skill (and time pulse 4 to help us charge it faster), reduces foe's DR by half, crazy bonuses (almost unconditional +18 atk/spd/def/res in combat bonuses, 11 being from his weapon and 7 from his prf skill, + 6 atk/spd/def/res normal bonus). And he's drawn by Kita Senri which makes it even better! In the end he turned out so well that it's hard to ressent that he's not based on Ike or his heritage.

Also I liked that his skills force you to somewhat use strategy, his Assign Decoy effect can fuck you up if you don't think (they could easily have somewhat "solved" it by giving Vantage to the unit that gets Assign Decoy, and as much as I like Vantage, I find it cool that they didn't do it because then you're forced to think). The fact that his weapon let's you give the bonus either to a support partner or to the unit with highest def in 2 spaces also forces you to think both before and during the map. 

 -  Gullveig: She's also what everyone was hoping for her to not be, Seidr clothes but besides that only herself with more snakes (I gotta admit that I liked her design, actually, and her hairstyle is pretty cool), at least she's a tome as I wanted, and I'm glad that a blue one because now we have: Green tome-Seidr, Colorless tome-OG!Gullveig, Red tome-Kvasir, and Blue tome-B!Gullveig.
 About her as an unit, she's great and has lots of things I like too: flying 2 range, glasscanon with great damage reduction on 1st attack if they initiate combat (I love these), cool effects based on turn count, deals damage of 20% of spd, gets an extra action,... It'd have been nice if she had gotten the "ends foe's turn" effect like Seidr too but maybe it'd have been to much.

 About Divine Vein (flame): It really should allow units that can't be slowed by terrain to pass throught it but alas, except fot this I'm kinda curious as to where these new trap-like sort of skills are going.

 -  Robin: Well, so he got the sword huh? And it's neither Falchion or Levin sword... I mean, perhaps it's sort of some version of Falchion, I'm not sure (it just doesn't look like Awakening's Falchion) Anyway, his art is pretty cool!
 I like that his weapon negates non special DR (because I've been hating most DR lately) and of course, that if Robin has specials that deal damage based on def then his special deals adaptive damage (both because I love adaptive damage and because this encourages us not to give him a special like Godlike Reflexes), I liked his Prf skill and Rally Spectrum too (rally spectrum is a cool effect, although the +5 to everything is unecessary, and And I love over the top teleporting skills), also I know I'm gonna hate Gambit.

 - Cyril: Eh... has a prf weapon and good spd, nothing more to say about him I guess, except that he's the color that has the most infantry bows (except for colorless) so maybe he could've been better off as blue or green (or not, since every other red inf. bow is 5 star locked).


 Anyway, Soren will most certainly be my free pick, I don't think I have any good green mage except for L!Celica and maybe Triandra so he'll come in handy (a LOT more than he would if he had been a sword unit, yeah it's becoming harder and harder to ressent that he's not based on Ike, as much as I wonder how it'd have turned out), also I've been voting for him for the past 2 or 3 years so I'm glad that, now that he finally won, I'm not gonna pick him because I'm biased or salty that he's kinda bad after I voted for him for so long but will feel obliged to pick him, but because he's genuinely the one I liked the most as an unit here, it feels like everything was worth it (also Soren is likely the only one out of my favorite FE characters that will ever win a CYL, so it's nice to have this pleasure, because I know that after this year I'll be voting for a bunch of dudes that will mostly be lucky to be on the top 100)

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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30 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I like that the Japanese epithets draw attention to the fact that Corrin and Gullveig both represent a trinity and that Soren and Robin are both the right hand of their game's main character by having similarly formatted epithets. The English epithets don't do this, and I think that's somewhat of a shame.

That sort of symmetry(?) would have been really cool to see make the jump, but at least we have you to show us what they were called in Japanese, thank you very much Ice Dragon! You do great work as ever and I hope you feel better soon!

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7 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

That sort of symmetry(?) would have been really cool to see make the jump, but at least we have you to show us what they were called in Japanese, thank you very much Ice Dragon! You do great work as ever and I hope you feel better soon!

@Ice Dragon, I second this, thank you for your translation notes (they help me learn a bunch of things) and hope you feel better soon too.

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Well, it looks like IS wasn't as creative as I'd hoped, but at least we kind of got a mixed timeline Gullveig? It's very reminiscent of Ascended Idunn (how she acts/speaks/etc.) I'm happy we get Archsage Soren, but it feels like a bit of a waste to use it here instead of as a Legendary/Ascended/other costume instead of taking inspiration from his lineage (which has a lot of fun/interesting things to pull from.) Wasted opportunity, if you ask me. But he FINALLY gets (conditional) Adept! 😄 I also noticed that they took an ability from his Emblem self, too: Assign Decoy. It seems to be another clue toward us not getting Emblems. It was smart of them to include Dragon Vein for Corrin, and I guess now we'll be getting terrain-affecting things (unless it dies out immediately like some other skills, like how Julius is still the only one with a weapon that half treats him like a dragon.) That said, her design is annoying. Why is she always just in panties? It's a pretty boring design, too. Too similar to other stuff she wears. And Robin is like...what's his outfit even based on? And that is one powerful Spectrum Rally.

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I expected Gullveig to be in Seidr cosplay, so the fact that she's wearing Seidr's clothes with her own color scheme was a nice surprise. I agree with Mercakete that these outfits/ kits aren't as creative as they could have been, but after CYL 4 set the bar so low for both at least they tried to mix things up somewhat. I can be thankful for that, if nothing else.

I don't think I've seen anyone mention it yet, but I'm looking forward to the Forging Bonds for these Heroes, specifically Gullveig's, to see if she's treated differently to the others as she is in the web event thus far... also, because regardless of how she won CYL having a time traveller from the current main story on our side should hopefully be interesting to read about. Let's just hope she's not fawning over the Summoner the whole time.

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3 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I don't think I've seen anyone mention it yet, but I'm looking forward to the Forging Bonds for these Heroes, specifically Gullveig's, to see if she's treated differently to the others as she is in the web event thus far... also, because regardless of how she won CYL having a time traveller from the current main story on our side should hopefully be interesting to read about. Let's just hope she's not fawning over the Summoner the whole time.

Yeahhhh kind of expecting a "Kiran support" for hers, but there are some fantastic options for her. In particular, I can't help but think that Lucina would be great for her to talk to, since she came from a horrible future to make the past better, and clung to the hope that she could change fate (which is EXACTLY what Gullveig's struggling with.)

But yeah, good point bringing up the FB's! I forgot that we'll get to indulge in them with this upcoming banner!

Oh, and I forgot to say it, but I am 100% picking Soren as my free pull, and I'll only use free summons on the banner. Going to keep trying to get Freyja, as far as what I'm dedicating orbs to.

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9 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Well, it looks like IS wasn't as creative as I'd hoped, but at least we kind of got a mixed timeline Gullveig? It's very reminiscent of Ascended Idunn (how she acts/speaks/etc.) I'm happy we get Archsage Soren, but it feels like a bit of a waste to use it here instead of as a Legendary/Ascended/other costume instead of taking inspiration from his lineage (which has a lot of fun/interesting things to pull from.) Wasted opportunity, if you ask me. But he FINALLY gets (conditional) Adept! 😄 I also noticed that they took an ability from his Emblem self, too: Assign Decoy. It seems to be another clue toward us not getting Emblems. It was smart of them to include Dragon Vein for Corrin, and I guess now we'll be getting terrain-affecting things (unless it dies out immediately like some other skills, like how Julius is still the only one with a weapon that half treats him like a dragon.) That said, her design is annoying. Why is she always just in panties? It's a pretty boring design, too. Too similar to other stuff she wears. And Robin is like...what's his outfit even based on? And that is one powerful Spectrum Rally.

 Oh crap, she really does reminds me of Iddun too, now that you mentioned it...

 Yeah, it was sort of a waste, considering that Soren is such a strong canditate to have both a Legendary AND an Ascendant/Rearmed (though maybe an Ascendant/Rearmed could be based on his heritage too I guess), as much as I liked his new alt here it does make me wonder if there was any sort of foresight from IS in regards of the possibility of getting Legendary/Ascendant/Rearmed (or they could just do like they did Tiki and not make his legendary and ascended alts about nothing in particular, if that was the case then Legendary Soren will probably be just Archsage Soren but wielding Rexcalibur or have a colorless tome just so it won't be green again, or something like this).


I wish more units would be treated like Julius was, he has such a cool gimmick... (I mean, Fallen julia sort of was, but still it was not the same)


3 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I expected Gullveig to be in Seidr cosplay, so the fact that she's wearing Seidr's clothes with her own color scheme was a nice surprise. I agree with Mercakete that these outfits/ kits aren't as creative as they could have been, but after CYL 4 set the bar so low for both at least they tried to mix things up somewhat. I can be thankful for that, if nothing else.

I don't think I've seen anyone mention it yet, but I'm looking forward to the Forging Bonds for these Heroes, specifically Gullveig's, to see if she's treated differently to the others as she is in the web event thus far... also, because regardless of how she won CYL having a time traveller from the current main story on our side should hopefully be interesting to read about. Let's just hope she's not fawning over the Summoner the whole time.

 Yeah, also I hope that they'll at least reconize her as Gullveig on the main story, I'm still disappointed that Fallen Gustav wasn't reconized even though he appeared like one chapter after being mentioned... But yes, at least the Forging Bonds should be interesting specially since Gullveig said that there's only one of herself or something of the sort (I mean, assuming that she isn't fawning over the Summoner all the time as you said, if it's just that then I'll be so disappointed).

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BoaFerox brought a very good point when I was chatting with him on Discord, that I will bring here:

Does Soren's Assign Decoy allow us to cheat, and bring two Saviors to modes like Summoned Duels and AR Chaos Season?

Those modes only allow us to have one Saviors, but Soren's Tome description doesn't say that it's treated as a Savior skill so it should be allowed.

So you can pretty much bring a Near or Far Savior, and the Assign Decoy will bring the other one. If that's how it works, that's disgusting how a new skill can cheat a major rule of those game modes.

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5 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

BoaFerox brought a very good point when I was chatting with him on Discord, that I will bring here:

Does Soren's Assign Decoy allow us to cheat, and bring two Saviors to modes like Summoned Duels and AR Chaos Season?

Those modes only allow us to have one Saviors, but Soren's Tome description doesn't say that it's treated as a Savior skill so it should be allowed.

So you can pretty much bring a Near or Far Savior, and the Assign Decoy will bring the other one. If that's how it works, that's disgusting how a new skill can cheat a major rule of those game modes.

I think so, it's like how you can cheat the "only one dancer" limit with B!Marianne's Requiem dance

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Or use Citrinne and grant Assign Decoy back to Brave Soren. lol

Problem is, doubling up on the same Savior type makes it turn off if both are in range.

Citrinne also isn't great at hitting the Def requirement but I guess you can work around that by making her Soren's support partner?

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