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New Heroes: Turn of Fate (CYL)

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All right is there a clear cut winner here for the free pick?  I am skipping this banner since there are no favorites of mine here, so only using free pulls on the banner.  None of these units scream must have to me, but I really don't know who to free pick so some advice would be great (and before anyone starts talking about picking for fodder I don't do that since I am F2P).  

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1 hour ago, EricaofRenais said:

All right is there a clear cut winner here for the free pick?  I am skipping this banner since there are no favorites of mine here, so only using free pulls on the banner.  None of these units scream must have to me, but I really don't know who to free pick so some advice would be great (and before anyone starts talking about picking for fodder I don't do that since I am F2P).  

Robin and Soren seem to be good support units: Robin for general mass buffing and Soren if you have a really strong non-Savior unit built. Otherwise I'd recommend waiting for the banner to come out and people to experiment with the units. The free pull banner will last for two years after all. (For example, if you want some combat focused units, Corrin looks like she's going to be an incredibly sturdy tank and Gullveig looks like a glass cannon given how much damage she can dish out but being pretty vulnerable outside of that, but we probably need to see them in action to know how much of a threat they'll be.)

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32 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Robin and Soren seem to be good support units: Robin for general mass buffing and Soren if you have a really strong non-Savior unit built. Otherwise I'd recommend waiting for the banner to come out and people to experiment with the units. The free pull banner will last for two years after all. (For example, if you want some combat focused units, Corrin looks like she's going to be an incredibly sturdy tank and Gullveig looks like a glass cannon given how much damage she can dish out but being pretty vulnerable outside of that, but we probably need to see them in action to know how much of a threat they'll be.)

Thanks.  I guess I will wait a bit before picking for others to test these guys out.  

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My head is a bit less empty and my thoughts are a bit less no, so it's time to start processing the walls of text. Full lists of skill effects nicely formatted in spoilers for reference so I neither have to translate Japanese on the fly nor stare at English alphabet soup while picking my thoughts up off the floor.


Corrin looks like the new standard for fast Far Save units that aren't relying on Preempt. Hopefully, Divine Vein (Stone) is enough to actually let her tank through all of the percentage damage reduction nullification that's going on nowadays. Based on the skill description in both Japanese and English, it looks like it'll drop the effect onto the map after movement, not after action, which means even if you just sit there and end turn, it'll still activate.

Counter Roar looks like a new alternative to Savvy Fighter that grants "Ice Mirror Lite" instead of Null Follow-Up. It's hard to tell if it's going to be restricted to armors or restricted to dragons.

Armored Floe, Counter Roar, and A/S Far Save are really good skill fodder, though it takes two copies of her to get all of those skills because Counter Roar is new and they now insist on making every new skill have 4 tiers off the bat.

  • Exclusive skills (weapon, A)
    • Dragonstone common effect
    • Slaying effect
    • Distant Counter
    • After movement, applies Divine Vein (Stone) to unit's space and spaces within 2 spaces of unit
    • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
      • -5 to all stats on opponent in combat
      • Null Follow-Up effect
      • 30% damage reduction on opponent's attacks
    • With a Stance condition or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat:
      • -7 to all stats on opponent in combat
      • 7 damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks
  • Divine Vein (Stone)
    • Applied to allied units on this space:
      • 50% damage reduction on opponent's AoE Special, excluding Rokkr Specials
      • +6 Def/Res in combat
      • 10 damage reduction when opponent activates Special, excluding AoE Specials
  • Counter Roar 4
    • -4 Atk/Spd to opponent in combat
    • 30% damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks
    • After opponent's first attack, additional damage on unit's next attack equal to 30% of the opponent's first attack's damage before damage reduction
    • 7 HP recovery after combat
  • Armored Floe
  • A/S Far Save 3


As far as combat effects for himself, Soren is nothing particularly novel other than being a giant pile of stats and having the Meister effect with a Res comparison.

Assign Decoy is obviously the most notable part of his kit, and it effectively grants one ally either Near Save or Far Save depending on their weapon type. I think ideally you'd want to give this effect to a ranged tank like Duo Askr, Duo Ymir, or Gotoh since Duo Chrom is still prevalent as a counter to Far Save armors. If there are no AoE Specials on the opponent's side, it's also possibly viable to use a Preempt unit like Brave Byleth or Desert Nino. It's a bit of a shame that you can't make Distant Counter units like Brave Dimitri, Fallen Byleth, or Lucia into Far Save units, though I should probably be glad that's the case because dealing with them is already enough of a pain in the ass. And yes, this will definitely be usable to get around maps that have limitations on the number of Savior units.

I'm guessing that Flare is probably going to be restricted to tome units since it specifically target's the opponent's Res. I'm probably going to toss my first copy of Soren to Rearmed Ophelia to start duplicating Flare (and Mag. Null Follow).

Flare, Mag. Null Follow, and Time's Pulse 4 can all be passed down as skill fodder with a single copy of Soren, which is pretty nice.

  • Exclusive skills (weapon, B)
    • Slaying effect
    • If unit's support partner is in the team:
      • At start of turn, grants +6 to all stats and Assign Decoy to unit's support partner(s) within 2 spaces
    • If unit's support partner is not in the team:
      • At start of turn, grants +6 to all stats and Assign Decoy to ally with highest Def within 2 spaces
    • If there is an ally within 3 spaces:
      • +5 to all stats in combat
      • Boost to all stats in combat equal to the highest stat bonus on an ally within 3 spaces in the corresponding stat
      • Dragon Wall 3
    • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
      • +7 to all stats in combat
      • Nullifies opponent's "targets lower of Def or Res", excluding AoE Specials
      • If Res is at least 1 higher than opponent's Res:
        • Offensive Tempo effect
      • If Res is at least 10 higher than opponent's Res:
        • With a Blow condition or if opponent has range 2:
          • Brave effect
  • Assign Decoy
    • If unit is melee:
      • Grants Near Save 3
    • If unit is ranged:
      • Grants Far Save 3
  • Flare
    • 3 cooldown
    • If HP is 70% or higher when Special activates:
      • Deals damage equal to 60% of opponent's Res
    • If HP is less than 70% when Special activates:
      • Deals damage equal to 40% of opponent's Res
      • Recovers HP equal to 30% of unit's max HP
  • Mag. Null Follow
  • Time's Pulse 4


Is it just me, or is Flared Sparrow's icon identical to Surge Sparrow's?

Gullveig gets 2 more Atk/Spd each turn, capping out on turn 5, and also has a Noba's Zeal effect with a 2-turn cooldown.

Flared Sparrow is of course her primary gimmick, which deals additional damage and then drops lava floor that deals even more damage. Based on the skill description, it looks like it'll replace Divine Vein (Stone) dropped by an opposing Corrin, which is really annoying given that defensive units have a hard enough time as it is without offensive units simply nullifying their effects basically for free. It also looks like the lava won't get dropped if the unit is killed, but good luck actually killing Gullveig in one round of combat through her 60% damage reduction and Null Follow-Up.

The only skills she has for skill inheritance are Flared Sparrow and Atk/Spd Oath 4. I'll probably also toss a copy of Gullveig at Rearmed Ophelia.

  • Exclusive skills (weapon, B)
    • Canto (1)
    • Slaying effect
    • -5 Spd/Res to opponent in combat
    • With a Blow condition or if unit has a Bonus:
      • +5 to all stats in combat
      • Boost to all stats in combat equal to 2 times the turn number, maximum +10
      • Additional damage equal to 20% of Spd, including AoE Specials
      • Null Follow-Up effect
    • If HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and with a Blow condition:
      • 60% damage reduction on opponent's first attack
    • With a Blow condition:
      • Galeforce effect, cooldown 2 turns
      • Inflicts Gravity on unit and Pair Up partner
  • Flared Sparrow
    • With a Blow condition:
      • +7 Atk/Spd in combat
      • After start of combat, deals 7 damage to opponent; unaffected by damage reduction, leaves opponent with at least 1 HP
      • After combat, applies Divine Vein (Flame) to opponent's space and 2 spaces in a line to either side of opponent's space relative to facing direction
  • Divine Vein (Flame)
    • +1 movement cost for enemy units with range 2, cannot be nullified with movement cost nullification
    • Applied to enemy units on this space:
      • At start of enemy's turn, deals 7 damage to unit
      • After start of combat, deals 7 damage to unit; unaffected by damage reduction, leaves opponent with at least 1 HP
  • Luna
  • Atk/Spd Oath 4


When Robin is equipped with his default Ignis, he gets the following total effects from all of his default skills combined (including Rally Spectrum):

  • +20 Atk, +23 Spd, +13 Def/Res in combat
  • -4 Spd/Def on opponent in combat
  • -2 Special cooldown before first attack in combat
  • 10 additional damage on first attack
  • 15 additional damage on follow-up attack (Ignis activates here)
  • Tempo effect (Ignis will activate there ↑)
  • Nullifies non-Special percentage damage reduction when Special activates
  • Targets lower of Def or Res when Special activates
  • 40% damage reduction on opponent's AoE Special
  • 64% damage reduction on opponent's first attack
  • 40% damage reduction on attacks after opponent's first attack

The only way to actually block Robin's Ignis is to not get doubled or to activate Scowl. I'll just let all of that speak for itself.

Based on the stat effects of Gambit, it looks like it'll at least be restricted to physical units. Given that it's a Special-based skill, it's probably also restricted to infantry. And, since it grants percentage damage reduction, it's probably also restricted to melee units. I wouldn't be surprised if beasts get shafted again, and it has the same restrictions as Dodge skills.

Its effect is pretty difficult to make use of for units other than Robin. At best, you have Time's Pulse and some source of +1 Special charge rate to help out when running Aether without the Slaying effect to get the maximum boost, but because it's a B skill, you have to rely on other skill slots for things like Null Follow-Up, Tempo, or guaranteed follow-ups. On the one hand, the additional damage and damage reduction are based only on the Special you have equipped, which means you aren't relying on a comparison against an opponent's stats, but on the other hand, you're stuck with a very long cooldown that's vulnerable to Guard and Tempo.

That said, the additional damage is clearly there to compensate for not being able to activate your Special easily, so it might still be worth it to run Aether just for the guaranteed +10 additional damage and 50% damage reduction and just not rely on Special damage. 10 damage is already on par with a Moonbow proc, after all. Additionally, slow units don't really have access to anything better than 30% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack, so you can now do something like run Coral Saber (or any other weapon with a guaranteed follow-up and no Slaying effect) with Aether and get 50% damage reduction all the time, which is pretty nifty.

Gambit being a brand new skill means Robin can only be used as fodder or Atk/Spd Finish or Gambit, but not both at the same time.

  • Exclusive skills (weapon, C)
    • Permanent +3 Spd
    • Unit can teleport to a space adjacent to an ally within 5 spaces that has Rally Spectrum
    • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
      • +5 to all stats in combat
      • 40% damage reduction on opponent's first attack
      • Tempo effect
      • If max Special cooldown is 3 or higher and equipped Special activates on unit's attack:
        • Nullifies non-Special percentage damage reduction when Special activates
      • If equipped Special is Glowing Ember, Bonfire, or Ignis:
        • Targets lower of Def or Res when Special activates
    • At start of turn, with a Unity condition:
      • Grants Rally Spectrum to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit
    • With a Unity condition:
      • +3 to all stats in combat
  • Rally Spectrum
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • If equipped Special activates on unit's attack:
      • If unit has Brave effect activated in combat or if unit has Slaying effect:
        • -1 Special cooldown before unit's first attack in combat
      • Otherwise:
        • -2 Special cooldown before unit's first attack in combat
  • Gambit 4
    • -4 Spd/Def to opponent in combat
    • If equipped Special activates on unit's attack or opponent's attack:
      • Additional damage equal to 5 times [max Special cooldown - 2], maximum 10, minimum 0, excluding AoE Specials
      • Percentage damage reduction equal to 10 times max Special cooldown, maximum 50%, including AoE Specials, excluding Rokkr Specials
  • Ignis
  • Atk/Spd Finish 4


15 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

That sort of symmetry(?) would have been really cool to see make the jump, but at least we have you to show us what they were called in Japanese, thank you very much Ice Dragon! You do great work as ever and I hope you feel better soon!

14 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

@Ice Dragon, I second this, thank you for your translation notes (they help me learn a bunch of things) and hope you feel better soon too.

Things aren't so dire (I'm just burned out from marathoning the Genshin summer event over the last 2 days because I make poor life choices like that), but thank you for the concern nonetheless. It's greatly appreciated.


3 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

All right is there a clear cut winner here for the free pick?  I am skipping this banner since there are no favorites of mine here, so only using free pulls on the banner.  None of these units scream must have to me, but I really don't know who to free pick so some advice would be great (and before anyone starts talking about picking for fodder I don't do that since I am F2P).  

I'm leaning towards Robin being the best unit for general use. He's a support unit, tank, and wall breaker all rolled into one. I don't think you can really go wrong with him.

If you're in need of a more specialized unit, look into the others, but Robin appears to be the most versatile of the four and doesn't really even compromise anything to do so.

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Stats and skill info [SPOILERS]:



CYL F!Corrin
Super Asset(s): Atk, Def, Res
Super Flaw(s): none
*BST of 205 (first unit to pass the 200 mark) by the way, because IS insists on giving the dragon Corrins the trainee BST boost.

CYL Gullveig
Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): none

CYL M!Robin
Super Asset(s): Spd
Super Flaw(s): HP, Res

CYL Soren
Super Asset(s): Atk, Spd
Super Flaw(s): HP, Def

Super Asset(s): Def
Super Flaw(s): Atk, Res
*Cyril predictably got the trainee BST boost, so his BST sits at 193 (for comparison, Etie and kid Rebecca both have a BST of 183).

Cyril's skill kit and inherit restrictions for the new skills: https://imgur.com/a/eoNbl2u


Edited by Tybrosion
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There go my flared sparrow Clarisse and Kronya plans, although a fallen star Claude might be able to do something annoying, and Kempf too, but I never found a team/build for his refine


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6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Dude, I just realized ... why are literally all of Tellius's Brave units green? -_-

Ike already had a sword, and his other weapon is axe

Micaiah already had a blue tome from default, and red tome from Hoshido festival leaving her with only a green tome

and Soren never got a legendary unit or equivalent radiant dawn variation, so it makes sense for the brave unit to fill this gap

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I think Gullvieg they wanted complete the color cycle with and Robin was getting the sword so it was really a fight over which unit got colorless and which got green between Soren and Corrin. It probably was just simply easier to make a colorless dragon over a colorless tome which they don't do alot of.

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Even putting the Omega Yato aside, IS just refuses to make another red Corrin. There are now fourteen Corrins across both genders, and base M!Corrin is still the only red.

Meanwhile with Robin, it took until this year to finally get some red Robins. Before Groom M!Robin, we had eleven Robins (across both genders) and none of them were red.

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Okay. So, I did some FB.

Main plot


It's neat that IS took this as a good opportunity to explore an alternative iteration of Book 7's time loops. Clever. I'm enjoying it.

Gullveig (whom I'm thinking is only mostly Gullveig, but not quite as advanced from being Seidr as the one we're fighting in Book 7.)


I've only seen 2 of hers so far, I think. It's kind of working as a recap for Book 7, but with reflections. It's interesting.

Soren (I managed to binge this one all the way up through S.)


Absolutely heart-melting! Oh man, it was just so good. I love this one. So great. I can't even- just... My goooooooosh



I've only seen one of his so far, so I don't see much need to comment yet. Not enough data.



I've only seen one of hers, but it's shaping up to be a bit annoying to me, personally.

I haven't seen much of them yet, but there's some good stuff here!

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Skill inheritance analysis, I guess:


Counter Roar is restricted to dragons and beasts. I was expecting dragons, but I probably should have also expected beasts. I kind of forget they exist sometimes. The name of the skill sounded like it would be restricted to dragons instead of restricted to armors, but the icon didn't have a dragon head like the other dragon skills, so I was a bit confused, but now it makes sense knowing that beasts can also use the skill.

So it's basically Dragon's Wrath with much stronger defensive effects and a less consistent damage effect. It's also not dependent on the unit's stats, so it'll work on slow units as well, which is good news for slow beasts that can't run Beast Perception. Freyr will probably appreciate that over his default Lull Atk/Def 4.

Flare is restricted to infantry tomes. I probably should have expected the infantry restriction, too, since Radiant Dawn's Flare is restricted to the Arch Sage class.

The good thing is that I can definitely give the skill to Rearmed Ophelia for duplication, and, having 3 cooldown, works with her default kit. But it's still unfortunate that I can't give it to cavalry or fliers.

Flared Sparrow is restricted to non-staff cavalry and fliers, which is interesting and not what I would have expected.

And it's going to be an absolute pain in the ass to deal with on Brave Seliph because he wasn't already enough of a pain in the ass to deal with. I'm a bit disappointed I won't be able to give this to Rearmed Ophelia to duplicate, given how many copies of her I now have. But there's always Rearmed Chrom, I guess. I have a couple copies of him.

Gambit is restricted to swords, lances, and axes and has no movement-type restriction. I'm a bit surprised about the no movement type restriction.

This honestly looks like it'll be kind of terrifying when paired with Arcane Devourer, which lets you run Aether and get the full 10 additional damage and an almost-maximum 40% damage reduction. It also beats Savvy Fighter 4 on Valentine Hana since Arcane Devourer already has Null Follow-Up on it. It can also be used with Arcane Downfall, which has passive healing on it, but then you're missing Null Follow-Up and have to get it from somewhere else.


So current thoughts on what I'm doing with each skill:

I'm probably tossing 2 copies of Corrin at Rearmed Grima. One for Counter Roar 4 and the other for Armored Floe + A/S Far Save 3.

1 copy of Soren is going to go to Rearmed Ophelia so that I can duplicate Flare and Mag. Null Follow. I already have Time's Pulse 4 on her, so that's all Soren has to offer.

1 copy of Gullveig is going to go to Rearmed Chrom. Unfortunately, Flared Sparrow is the only skill I can give him. While it would be more efficient to give the skill to Rearmed Ingrid since I can also give her Atk/Spd Oath 4 at the same time, I only have 2 total copies of her compared to 4 of Chrom.

1 copy of Robin is going to go to Rearmed Chrom for Gambit 4. I'll probably toss 2 copies of Chrom at Valentine Hana to get her at least Arcane Devourer and Gambit 4, but that still leaves 3 inheritance slots that are going to waste. I might wait until Windfire Boost 3 is released before doing anything with Hana so that I'm only wasting 2 inheritance slots instead of 3.


5 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I want to hit someone now.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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lol, I went to playstore to update feh and found out that suddenly the game is not compatible with my computer anymore... WHY!

 Gee, I guess I'l just see the Forging Bonds on youtube because I'm not sure if I'll be able to clear enough space on my phone to see them on the actual game before the time runs out, now that I read Mercakete comment about Soren's FB I'm itching to see it.


 Btw, can Assign Decoy target two allies at the same time, if both are tied as having the highest def (and none is the support partner, obviously), or the effect won't go to anyone instead?


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16 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Btw, can Assign Decoy target two allies at the same time, if both are tied as having the highest def (and none is the support partner, obviously), or the effect won't go to anyone instead?


If you go for the Highest Def condition, yes. You can have two Assign Decoy units with a single Soren, as long both units have the same Def Stat.

This video will help you understand some points of this status effect:


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30 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

If you go for the Highest Def condition, yes. You can have two Assign Decoy units with a single Soren, as long both units have the same Def Stat.

This video will help you understand some points of this status effect:


Thanks! The video was very useful, I started to think of a lot of hypothetical scenarios and this video somwhow answered them all! the one I'm most surprised about was that you can't make an unit be an omnitank (I mean, it's great that you can't, but I'm surprised that they thought of that anyway).

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Well, looks like we have gotten many of the "worst case scenario" predictions from the other thread, but personally, I think Robin is actually looking pretty good as a sword infantry.

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On 8/16/2023 at 1:09 AM, Ice Dragon said:

Hopefully, Divine Vein (Stone) is enough to actually let her tank through all of the percentage damage reduction nullification that's going on nowadays. Based on the skill description in both Japanese and English, it looks like it'll drop the effect onto the map after movement, not after action, which means even if you just sit there and end turn, it'll still activate.

Speaking of: hey, the person who balanced the Chain Challenge maps, can we talk? Just stand right there on the X, don't worry about the lopsided chandelier directly above it...

Regular enemy B!Corrin was a pain to fight already, but the inflated stats from the CCs made her a complete nightmare that took me the better part of yesterday to beat...


Also, I tried pulling on the CYL Banner. I should have quit after the third spark, but I had a pity rate of 12% (after hitting the three off-focus charges) and I really wanted a second Soren. It's insane how long it took to get a focus unit after that (not until pull #152). There were all my Orbs. But anyway, I agree that Robin is probably the best choice for a freebie if you want a general unit (alongside maybe Corrin for that ridiculous tankiness) but who has the best fodder here? I still haven't done my free pull yet.

FWIW, so far I have 1 Robin and 2 of the others, but I'd still like to know who the most logical choice is. Thanks in advance!


P.S. I don't know if this is the right place to talk about Forging Bonds, but I'm partway through and I like what they're doing with Gullveig so far. Obviously the main story was pre-written so there was no time to insert Brave Gullveig in there so instead we got a FB set in an alternate Askr where the Order did decide to fight fire with fire. The web event kinda does this too, I can appreciate that. Her personal story also seems to be


one of self-reflection.

Again, I haven't seen much of it yet, but I'm curious to see where it goes. I'm glad IS took the opportunity to do something with the scenario the fans/ Yoshiku's art forced on them.


P.P.S. I forgot to mention this before, but considering Flare is infantry only, do you think we may get an alternate mage Special for other classes? Are there any alternatives from past games, or should we just hope for a Vital Astra situation?

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39 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I didn't have a hard time in the Chain Challenges, because Legendary Hinoka can easily deal with all 4 CYL units. But I can agree in the difficulty.

Oh cool, I'm glad you had someone to power through the content with! At least you didn't have to suffer as I did...

Who's the best for fodder out of these four units, please? I'm wondering if it's Soren considering he has Flare AND Mag NFU. As for Robin, I just wanted to confirm something: Gambit 1 -> 3 is just a Dodge skill that uses cooldown count instead of Spd, right?

Thanks again, everyone!

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I'm not as hopelessly behind on Chain Challenges as I used to be - at one point I had around a three year backlog I think - but I still float around a year behind which keeps their difficulty manageable. If I were optimising, I suppose periods where I have FEH Pass would be the best time since it trivialises them. Man, I still remember how hard the Echoes one was with that map that had the entire cast plus Bruno on the mountain.

On the other hand, I didn't think Squad Assault would be so trivial these days, bearing in mind the only ones I've ever done are the first 10 and the last 3.

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