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Alear: Awoken Divinity - Legendary Hero Battle


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The Female version of the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Engage has arrived and marks the first instance of a Brawling weapon in the game!
...wait nope she's just a dragon who punches.

Dragon's Fist is a Double-Attack weapon with the Slaying effect. As long as Alear is above 25% HP, she gains a +5 all stat boost, inflicts a debuff on her target based on the number of allies within 3 spaces who are from distinct titles (fortunately, at best the generic grunts around her should only count as being from Heroes) with at minimum a -4 debuff, and has Damage Reduction of 40% on AoE specials and the first attack she takes (or the first two if she is hit with a Double-Attack weapon). Even though she's human and punching you, she still has the "Adaptive damage effect on 2-range foes" effect standard to all dragons.
Dragon Blast is her Prf special of choice, and with a cooldown of 2 her special damage is increased by 50% of her Spd. Unfortunately for Alear, that's all it does in this battle, as the enemy is unable to have support partners. No need to worry about her piercing through damage reduction or having another layer of damage reduction herself!

Atk/Spd Finish 4 triggers when an ally is within 3 spaces, and not only adds stats but also makes Alear's special triggers stronger. Null C-Disrupt 4 means she will always be able to counterattack, weakens her enemey a bit, and even adds an extra layer of damage reduction for good measure. Atk/Spd Pledge will give Alear an Atk/Spd +6 buff, the Special Cooldown Charge +1 bonus effect if she starts the turn near an ally, and also a small Atk/Spd buff if she is near an ally when combat begins.
On Abyssal, Alear will be able to counterattack at any range with the Distant Counter (D) sacred seal. Fear her if trying to safely poke at her from afar.

This battle would be much harder if Alear's specific gimmick skills were in effect... but without anyone from other distinct titles to call an ally, much less a support partner, she must rely on her own power to win the day. Shame she has to be so weak to the blade of her own closest Emblem ally...

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Welp, no better way to display the power of friendship than by murdering all of your enemies friends, thereby making your main opponent weaker.

Legendary Julia was meant to be the one to take down Alear. No NFU on Alear and Julia's combo of a guaranteed follow-up and effective damage against dragons PLUS disabling the adaptive damage normally feared by ranged units meant she'd be able to safely put Alear down. All those other enemies Julia could take down so easily felt more like feeding live humans to a meat grinder...
I took Nina in because I don't think I've used her since she got her Resplendent outfit? Turns out when Alear is all alone, Nina outspeeds her and could get the kill with a Special Trigger. That's pretty nifty.
Lene was taken for no other reason than to limit the benefits I'd be going in with. Most other dancers have something good to offer, Lene just had a Canto weapon and Infantry Pulse.
Spring Marisa I don't think I've used since giving her Arcane Luin. She's basically just a worse ReIngrid, but I don't care because I'd rather use Marisa. She didn't do that bad either, if maybe a little less than I would have liked.

Hm... turns out Abyssal Hero Battles are a LOT easier when you don't have to deal with absurd Movement range, huge amounts of damage reduction, or a blatantly defensive hero...

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@XenomataImpressive how you can outspeed Alear. I really need faster units. Julia was a powerhouse over here!


I definitely do not want to spend more time on this game than necessary, so here's the Macedon clear. I need to save up orbs again after my horrible luck in the previous few summoning sessions...



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I am very glad that Alear didn't have Null Follow-Up sacred seal.

@XenomataThat was a very easy map for you. Julia was pretty much made for this map, and Nina did a great job in the right side. Wow! I didn't know, or at least didn't remember, you having a +10 Spring Marisa, and such well invested too!

@GuiltyLoveWell done with your Madecon team! Maria and Catria had some close calls, but nothing to worry about.

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19 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Impressive how you can outspeed Alear. I really need faster units. Julia was a powerhouse over here!

I truly love any moment where I can bring out Julia to utterly crush any dragons in the way.
Or magic in general I guess.

18 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

That was a very easy map for you. Julia was pretty much made for this map, and Nina did a great job in the right side. Wow! I didn't know, or at least didn't remember, you having a +10 Spring Marisa, and such well invested too!

I think I've had her at +10 since her last appearance in Hall of Forms? Of course I had to give her Re.Ingrid's inheritance stuff manually, but she's great. Everyone needs a confused bunny girl outfit-flier in their life!

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Took me quiet a bit but finally did it with my final villain in the book feh  team. Gullveig, Freya, Embla, Eitri. Mainly thing was dealing with Alear herself was really annoying ended up going the super chip damage route with Gullveig are special, flared sparrow savage blow and finally did it. Probably will take a bit to recreate it as it took multiple tries to get everything just right.

Edited by vikingsfan92
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@Xenomata Julia seems great for this map. I'm definitely jealous of your Marisa, she looks so awesome! I hope that HoF wins a rerun so I can get some new skills on mine, although the Arcane weapon I will have to get some other way. Great clear with great units!

@GuiltyLove Nice Macedon clear! I'm impressed Catria could take a brave hit from Alear, that special hits so ridiculously hard. Her and Palla did well in dispatching of her. Good job on the Lilith clear too, despite no video. I really hope you get some better luck next time you summon...

@Diovani Bressan Nice clear! Frenzy to deal with Alear was a good solution, I wanted to do something similar myself but my blue units couldn't hurt her enough. Kind of funny how despite Marth having access to a lot of dragon slaying weapons, it's ultimately the crazy power of brave hits that was needed to deal with Alear's own brave hits.


I always dread green boss units, as it means my melee Tanas who I always have to bring in order to Galeforce are basically unable to fight them. Luckily Tana recently learned how to use arson to weaken her foes.


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35 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

@BoaFeroxWow, +14 damage with the new dragon vein effects hurts! Nice clear! No refine on Arcane Luin, though? I'll try to summon for the new Catria, but I don't expect my luck to be good

Yeah these new effects are getting pretty silly. I had to take the refine off Luin to have less HP to get into Wings of Mercy range. I give all my Tanas max Dragonflowers but that also means every year it gets harder to drop into WoM range on some maps. Hopefully that won't be a problem any more if I can get a L!Hinoka at the end of the month so I can use Rearmed Tana to copy WoM4 to the others. I do have enough to make her +5 at the moment, I just have to wait until I have the right fodder to use her with... It's really annoying that Rearmed Heroes work like this, I wish they just kept tracks of how many "uses" you had available after merging.

I'm crossing my fingers you get good luck with Wind Tribe Catria!

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@Diovani Bressan

Not one, but two groom Marths? I did't expect a four star to be holding up so well there.

@BoaFeroxNeat clear, but I'm also a little bit surprised about those fire tiles. Wasn't the tile stuff introduced with Fcorrin and only for her?

Anyway powercreep and damage reduction everywhere make me play a bit less then before, so I'm a bit behind on my Legendary hero battles. Team Orphan did manage to clear this round though. This time it was Raigh's turn to play MVP.



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  • 2 weeks later...

@SasoriBrave Corrin has Divine Vein (Stone) actually, which is a different effect that currently only she has. The flames here come from Flared Sparrow which is an inheritable skill on Brave Gullveig, which can be inherited to all Flier and Cavalry units (except Staffs since they can't have Swift Sparrow). 
Nice work by the orphans clearing this! Getting them to deal with Alear when she has Null C-Disrupt and hits back with brave hits seems not fun, but you did a good job deleting all her allies first. I was sure Chad would be landing the finishing blow with his effective weapon, but Raigh really showed why he was mvp here. Hope your Chad gets a great refine next update!

@Yggi Nice clear! Jamke and L!Azura make a really deadly combo. Impressive that he could outspeed Alear by enough to get his Desperation effect, she's really fast!

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Quite an easy fight...somehow. I still don't know how I cleared this one so quickly, it was right after reset and everything. I was only goofing around seeing how far I could get before bed and it ended up being surprisingly straightforward.

@GuiltyLove - Still amazing how Catria can just one shot Abyssal level enemies, her Prf is so strong. Speaking of strong, Spring Maria feels super slept on lately so it was nice to see her tankiness here!

@Diovani Bressan - The Falchion boys not even needing their Falchions to take out the Green Dragon! Very impressive!

@BoaFerox - Nice new Skill for Dagger Tana, Flared Sparrow is perfect for extra chip damage during these one turn clears!

@Sasori - Flare Raigh! He's picked up a new skill, too, I see~ And with the SS4, his merciless massacre packs a major punch. Lucius is an adorable addition to the team, too.

@Yggi - Even without too many of the brand new, busted skills, the Judgral team is still plenty capable against these new LHBs! 

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2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

@LandmasterYou also have Flared Sparrow now! It's a skill that I need to eventually get, but I haven't pulled very much lately except for wind Catria. It's surprising that hot springs Elise survived a brave attack. Summer Elise pouring tea on people is funny to look at

Yeah, I lucked into a Gullveig on a pretty low pity rate just to give it to HS!Elise. I figured it would be useful for these new maps to at least slow enemies down. Hope you can grab at some point! Wasn't expecting her to survive two hits from Alear, either, so that was pretty lucky!

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