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Everything posted by XRay

  1. That looks amazing! I have a couple that I want, but I will just post one for now. I want to see my harem first and foremost. 1. Samsung Galaxy S5 Active is 1080 by 1920 I believe. 2. All four brides. If it does not look too ugly, I prefer Cordelia to be in the front, Lyn in the back (Lyn can also be in front and Cordelia in back, does not matter too much), and Caeda and Charlotte to the sides. If it does not look good, then arrange them how you see fit. 3. All four brides. Hm... It is hard to choose between damaged and Special attack. I think I will go with Special attack; I just saw Charlotte's injured face, and it does not look pretty. As for the order, it should reflect the positions in the foreground I suppose, and the order of the middle two does not really matter. If it does not look pretty, then by all means change the order too.
  2. They are two different colors. Unless we know what your team composition is, I cannot recommend one over the other. Alfonse is perfectly usable at 4*. Are you giving him the right skill set? He needs Brave Sword, Death Blow, Swordbreaker, and Ignis. You can also use Luna, Moonbow, and Bonfire, but Ignis gives him the most kills against neutral vanilla characters.
  3. I would not use Darting Blow on Florina. She is pretty slow. She benefits a lot more from increasing her Attack stat. Atk +3 from Cecilia or Gordon compliments her Brave Lance better. If you do not have anything to increase her attack, then Darting Blow is better than nothing. Dragonstone in Awakening have 1-2 range. Nowi's and Tiki's dragon models are pretty much the same, they might have a slightly different color though. Your question answered your own question. Give him a raven build. You can replace TA with Close Counter if you have lots of spare Hectors. We do not know if we will ever get those limited characters again. Unless you plan to get all the orbs, 20% bonus is sufficient.
  4. 1) Reinhardt, Xander, Azura, B!Cordelia This is my standard Arena team. 2) Reinhardt #2 (in training), Camus, Olivia, B!Cordelia #2 (+Spd, -Res; not yet built) Yeah, pretty much the same thing. 3) Reinhardt #3 (in training), Cecilia, Ninian, Celica (in training)/B!Cordelia #3 (Neutral; not yet built) I have a lot of Reinhardts and B!Cordelias... If I still have 11 of her bad copies left, I might merge either the neutral one or the +Spd one to +10. 4) & 5) Eirika, Ephriam (in training), Azura #2 (not yet built), Azura #3 & #4 (bad nature; not yet built), Linde, Julia, Sanaki, Nino (in training), Ryoma, Ryoma #2 (in training), Lucina, Chrom (in training), Ike (not yet built), Lukas (in training), Takumi, Takumi #2 (not yet built), Kagero (in training), Jaffar, B!Lyn, Hector, Hector #2 (not yet built), Hector #3 (not yet built), Zephiel, Effie, Cecilia #2, Eldigan, Abel, Michalis, Narcian, Cherche, Cordelia (in training) This is my junk pile. I will do the mix and match later. None of these teams are set in stone anyways.
  5. I am not sure what you mean by miscellaneous, but this is the best I can come up with: Florina +Atk -Res Brave Lance, Glacies Death Blow, Lancebreaker 99 Wins, 14 Losses, 33 Draws I find Reposition to be the most useful Assist in general. It does not really matter for C Passive as long as it is not flier buffs since not everyone will use a flier team. Her default Breath of Life is pretty decent, so I do not think you need to waste SP getting her another C Passive. For some reason, Glacies allows her to get the most kills. Moonbow, Luna, and Iceberg all gave her 98 wins. If you also plan to give her a Seal, Atk +1 boosts her wins to 103. I would advise against giving her QP since lowering the cool down of Glacies drops her wins to 98 for some reason. I suspect it might be due to a vanilla unit using Pavise or Escutcheon. Death Blow is not expensive, but if you do not have it, it can be substituted with the usual L&D, Swift Sparrow, and Fury. Lbreaker can be replaced with Sbreaker. Glacies can be replaced by Moonbow, Luna, or Iceberg.
  6. Three Wards and one Goad. +8 or +12 extra Resistance makes him a nightmare to face against frail mages. The Goad helps him take out a few extra stuff. Four wards also work, but he might have trouble against killing some units. +12 Defense and Resistance on everyone makes him nearly untouchable. Wings of Mercy also helps them stay together.
  7. What I love about Awakening the most is the quality of life improvements. Huge storage (I have almost every purchasable item at 98); easy money (with DLC); you have the option to make it as difficult or easy as you want; Japanese audio; etc. The game does not feel like a pain to play, but if you like it that way, the game does not stop you from that either with Lunatic or Lunatic+. The game is just fun. Fates took a few steps forward while taking many backward. Echoes looks amazing but lacks many modern quality of life improvements.
  8. Firesweep disables CC, but he cannot be retaliated against. He is great against units with Distant Counter and Vantage, who would otherwise kill your glass cannons. You can slowly kill Hector with it. You can also run Windsweep as your B Passive with C's Bow and kill Hector, although much more slowly without Poison Strike to help.
  9. Seem like the best way for you to get something good is to have a bad day. Maybe try flushing twenty dollars down the toilet.
  10. I read that somebody uses C's Bow and Panic Ploy on a Virion for the ultimate debuffing machine, although Clarisse can do that herself just fine too. Another common build is Firesweep/C's Bow, Poison Strike, and Savage Blow, which allows him to soften a bunch of enemies at once. However, you might want to be careful using it around enemies with Vantage.
  11. That would be great for modes using multiple teams, since I can put QP in every single team.
  12. I would promote Nino and kick Raven off the team. You need more ranged glass cannons. I would give Ike Rally Speed/Reposition, Hone Attack, and Fortify Res Seal.
  13. @MrSmokestack I am using +HP -Atk since that is the nature r_n has. I am trying to maximize what that nature can do. Yes, QP helps a lot. Using +HP -Atk: [K Axe, Ignis, DC, QR, QP] 81 wins overall, 33 wins against blues [Emerald Axe, Ignis, DC, QR, QP] 65 wins overall, 29 wins against blues PP build using +HP -Atk: [B Axe, Ignis, DB, Lbreaker, QP] 53 wins overall, 33 wins against blues Gem weapons do not boost enough damage over Braves and DB. With the right breaker: -Atk Sheena with B Axe and DB does a total of 192 damage. [4 X ((34+6)*1.2)] -Atk Sheena with E Axe and DB does a total of 123.2 damage. [2 X ((38+6)*1.4)] -Atk Sheena with E Axe and Fury does a total of 114.8 damage. [2 X (38+3)*1.4)] [EP with QR] The 2 extra hits from B Axe is super helpful, but that does not matter since your other EP build is better. — — — — — — — Sheena should use the bolded EP build if @r_n does not need the QP seal on someone else.
  14. This sounds awesome. If healers can do super effective damage against them, I would not have to bench them so much.
  15. I love tiny details too. It gives a work of art so much more personality. I think a nice compromise for the blanked out characters is that you only need to defeat them once to unlock everything. All limited characters can be encountered in Paralogues. I agree that spending Orbs on them just to unlock conversations is too much. I would not mind male dancers. I would love to have Nils on board, making him green and giving him Hone Dragon to compliment his sister. It would make dragon teams more useable. I am not sure how they would add the shapeshifters though, but I do want to see them appear. They are a huge part of recent titles that are not remakes.
  16. Breaker 2 is fine in most cases. Most matches in the Arena do not last long enough for your units to go under 70% HP. Units are usually killed in ORKO hit, so the HP requirement does not matter, or the unit receives minor damage so the Breaker will still work at near max HP.
  17. Oh yeah, that would be a really nice touch. Helps a lot to know which character is skill/Feather fodder and which to keep at a glance. Makes cleaning the barracks so much easier. I do not have to open up my browser just to check every single character. Would they implement that though? I remember reading it somewhere that IS does not officially acknowledge different natures exist or something. So if they release any feature that plays around with natures, it would be basically acknowledging it exists. I could be wrong though and misread it.
  18. Breaker 2 is fine, but Breaker 3 is ideal since you can lose up to half your HP for it to still work. Most Breaker 3 is not too rare though, so you could wait until you pull one. Swordbreaker 3 and Axebreaker 3 can be obtained from 4* Abel and 4* Laslow. Lancebreaker 2 can be obtained from 4* Arthur. Narcian has Lbreaker at 4* I think, but I would not sacrifice a GHB character just to give a unit Lbreaker 3.
  19. I prefer Player Phase builds and they are generally what I go for. r_n also wanted to use Lbreaker to focus on that corner of the triangle, so that is I what I went with. Abreaker gives Sheena a few more kills overall, but then she would be less effective at taking care of Lance users. Normally, Sheena would be an Enemy Phase unit, but -Atk is not ideal for EP because Fury and TA cannot patch her low Attack as well as Death Blow can. DC helps extend her reach, but it does not improve her Attack stat. With PP build, Sheena can get 51 wins overall. With an EP build, the best I can come up with is 40 wins using Killer Axe, Ignis, DC, and QR following your suggestions. Against just blues, Sheena can get 31 wins with a PP build, while she gets 20 wins with EP build. However, Sheena should go with EP build if she has +Atk since that gives her more kills overall. I would not invest in her unless I have to. I assume r_n needs her for the Armor quest, so a bad nature Sheena is better than no Sheena.
  20. For the most kills, you usually want to give them Braves, Luna, L&D, and melee Breaker of their own color (Abreaker for Tiki and Lbreaker for Robin).
  21. My dream team is impossible for now. I just want a simple flier team consisting of S!Camilla, Hinoka, Cherche, and Palla. It would also be nice if they could implement the Triangle Attack for the White Wings.
  22. I would love to see a Herodex as well. I have close to a 1,000 of each type of Great Badges and 3,000 to 4,000 of each type of normal Badges. There is only so much upgrading I can do unless they give out feathers more freely. That is a great idea. It will help players manage their playtime better. — — — — — — — Although I love the idea of giving teams their names, I find it weird that you can only see the team name in the Allies menu. I want to see their names appear in the Battle menu too since I have a few teams that are similar to each other and having the team name displayed makes it easier for me to differentiate them. Even though we will have our Barracks expansion coming soon, I feel that even 1,000 or 2,000 is too small for me. I wish they can implement a feature that when you send Heroes home, you get to choose between getting feathers or choose three of their skills to be kept in a "skill storage." That way, I can send home all my skill fodder and I can keep summoning more Heroes. When I need to inherit a skill, I can just grab the skill from the storage. I also want them to increase the social aspect of the game. Outside of getting an insignificant amount of daily feathers from Friends and using their representative in Voting Gauntlets, there is not much reason to add strangers to your Friend list. It would also be great if they implement a guild feature or something similar. The rest of these features are unlikely to be implemented though: I want to trade units; I am willing to trade my extra ten B!Cordelias for some S!Camilla to finally make a flier team. I want to be able to reroll a character's nature. I want them to implement a permanent method to increase SP yield just as how we can increase experience yield by upgrading our Castle. I want to be able to adjust the AI of my defense team. If we can adjust the AI, we can also implement a PVP mode of allowing only auto battles, and the two players can watch how their team fares.
  23. Brave Axe, Luna, DB Lbreaker gives her 31 wins and 6 draws against blue units. Emerald Axe, Moonbow, DB, Lbreaker gives her 30 wins and 7 draws against blue units. Brave Axe is a bit better in my opinion. With +Atk, she gets 36 wins and 1 draw. You can always sacrifice her to a better copy later.
  24. That is strange. It works fine now. When I loaded up the calculator earlier today, I switched Abel to Cordelia and gave her Brave Bow+, +Atk, no bane, Brave Bow+, Life and Death, Desperation, Luna, and HP to 26/36. Then I changed Alfonse to Cecelia and gave her +Spd, no bane, Triangle Adept, Quick Riposte, and Moonbow. Then I opened up a few more character tabs, and gave Takumi, Jeorge, and Klein similar builds and I was changing everyone's natures back and forth between +Atk and +Spd. When I switched back to Cordelia and changed Life and Death to Swift Sparrow, it did not work, and battle log just states that she got 4 attack, 4 speed, damage dealt, damage dealt, Cecilia counterattacks. Which is a little strange because Desperation should have made the log said damage dealt four times in row instead of just twice in row. Might be a mistake on my end where I forgot to readjust her HP when I was switching her natures, but I was pretty sure I checked her HP to make sure it was 26/36. I am trying to replicate what I did earlier right now, and if I see it again, I will take a screenshot of it. But so far, the calculator is working correctly.
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