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I think Shinori is going to flip town.

I agree ;~;

Seriously guys, what the fuck is with the Shinori wagon? I don't like it ):

Levity - Is Kay still scum? If so, why? I ask this because almost all of Kay's posts scream supertown to me and I just can't see it so far. Also, thoughts on Marth now that he's posting?

I don't remember the case I made on Kay very well, probably because I haven't seen posts made by her in a while. Just like I hastily voted Rapier, I think I was too hasty to accuse Kay, but she still just doesn't rub me the right way somewhere. I guess perhaps my suspicions on her are more based on gut than actual logic, so maybe they aren't really worth paying attention to.

As for Marth, I like what he posted, but TBH I hate changing my vote all the time since I've done it around 37483248723874 times and it's making me feel uncomfortable. I'll tell you what, I'm going on a walk to the park and I'll have an actually coherent post with what I think of everyone so far, plus a new vote (although that's a 'maybe' at best to the latter part). I need to do a re-read because I don't think I'm paying attention enough to some of the more important things players have said; I'm looking more at small things, singular posts, and points I only half-remember after five-hour naps.

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I don't like Marth's vote on Shinori, though, but that's just me. That's the thing that I was going to say, but I forgot. Some of the later Shinori votes aren't very justified to me I dunno

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Also, seriously, if people are going to pile pressure on a lurker then it should be Paperblade for starting a wagon then disappearing completely. Is he busy with IRL stuff or something? His profile says he was online today.

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(on second thought, my vote's probably going to Eclipse or Iris personally)

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Even if Shinori flips town, as he himself said, he has a weak role so he was trying to draw attention away from a PR by initially saying he had a strong role. Even if it's a mislynch, I feel safer voting someone who seems slightly scummy to me, and has said he has a weak role, then someone who I am really unsure about. Also, personally, if it was me, and I was a townie in his situation, with a wagon on me and a pretty good chance of getting lynched, I would claim and attempt to back it up, not just say how I always get lynched as a townie and then say I'm going to leave for the rest of the day. That, to me, seems like a desperate way to get people to at least temporarily hold off on voting me.

On other fronts, the Paperblade thing entered my mind too. Additionally, Ether's claim that he can only post 6 times could easily be a lie so that he can get away with lurking.

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a townie with a weak role is still town god dammit why do people always do that?

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I'm at the park on my phone lmao, I just wanted to check in and see if anything new happened. I'll be back soon.

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I'm not saying that a townie with a weak role is not a townie, I'm saying that lynching a townie with a weak role is better than lynching a townie with a strong one. Obviously a mafia member would be the best, but honestly, nobody is popping out to me right now.

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Lynching scum > lynching a townie with a weak role, which is why people should stop wagoning Shinori. At the very least, I want everybody voting Shinori to explain why he's a better lynch target than Manix and Marth, as well as why he's not just derptown flapping his mouth too much.

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Hi everyone, I have a life!

First, Ether mentioned that he had some kind of posting restriction, so his posting dumps are forgivable. We'll see if he pulls this again.

Second. . .the hell is up with this Shinori wagon? He's offering a bit too much info on himself IMO - that's something that's a town read. It's also why I stopped pressing him.

Third, that allergy I found is coconut water. It makes me abnormally sleepy (like, sleep for nine hours kind of sleepy).

I see a lot of whining about Paperblade and a lot of nothing being done about it. I'm not happy about Rapier, but I'm less happy that Paper gets more IRC access than me this weekend.


##Vote: Paperblade

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I am not good enough for an impression?? Not even a "I haven't noticed much" or whatever? sad.gif

Eeep, why do I always forget someone? Sorry Strawman --- er, youre solid, but most of the time you're always solid, whether town or scum.

@Everyone: Guys, I'm 'Lies' --- long story, but Ador-- Spike's being a derpface for confusing y'all.

I'm not into the wagons for our current lynch targets (although they're pretty shady). Rapier and Marth have not impressed me (especially the former) -- Shinori spent like too much time asking about djinns, I doubt he's scum fishing for info.

##Vote: Paperblade

I know you're there Paperblade.! c'

asdf afakjsf, eclipse beat me to it

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  1. Joshaymin/Aurora
  2. Clipsey!/eclipse
  3. Kay/Centurion
  4. BigBangMeteor (0) - Paperblade
  5. Prims
  6. Domu/Rapier (1) - Prims, Spike, Clipsey!, Manix, Bizz, Blues, Shinori
  7. Shinori (5) - Paperblade, BigBangMeteor, Strawman, Domu, Domu, Ether, BigBangMeteor, Blues
  8. Strawman/StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw
  9. Paperblade (2) - Clipsey!, Iris
  10. Iris~
  11. Ether
  12. Manix (1) - Shinori, Prims
  13. Blues/Marth (1) - Prims, Bizz, Domu
  14. Spike/Stolypin Necktie (2) - Joshaymin, Kay
  15. Bizz/Levantamos
  16. LIES (1) - Spike

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right, imma here: 2 things;

1) re: Shinori; it's possible that he doesn't have an active role, but a passive role. Some passive roles can be really strong, so drawing a roleblock to them can make it easier on town, and they still have a strong passive role (ie, stuff like Vengeful).

2) I'll reread the entire thread and post actual thoughts. That'll take me probably about an hour, so don't expect anything quickly.

also, ty for the birthday messages especially you Prims ily

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actually scratch that for now, I'm feeling lazy

I'll get around to it later today

I did the first 6 pages

Edited by Manix
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The reason i voted rapier was pretty much because i was going to be gone for most of the day and I had voted him solely because he seems to inclined to voting me. A lot of players had began to draw their attention away from him and yet he just continued to pressure onto me, more or less like he was desperately trying to lynch me. He even removed his vote from his previous target to vote for me again, calling it a gamble.

I'll be honest, I'm not adamant on voting Shinori, but he's my best bet for now. If I am convinced otherwise, I'll take my vote out.

Posted with over 2 days till cycle end.

I don't have anything concrete about Shinori too, but he's my best bet. I can't let a single cycle go without voting, unless there's a very very good reason not to.

We still had close to a day and a half when he posted this which is still plenty of time to look for someone else and pressure someone else but yet he chooses to still focus on me. He's not looking for anyone else. This just makes me thing he's scum attempting to force the town onto a mislynch, his only other vote during all of cycle 1 was for an inactive person that he just wanted active it seemed, and then he went straight back to me, once again, calling it a gamble. Why are you so focused on me? Other people are looking at other people. Not just me.

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I think it's hard to blame people for activity given the holiday and all

I'm guilty of getting onto people for activity but if I can't remember your posts, I just find something odd with it. It's difficult deciding when to be suspicious about a normally active player for being oddly lurkish this game given recent circumstances and all, so I'm kind of confused as to who to pick off and scrutinize about it. >: Like Paper/Eclipse/Iris. Even Prims is a little less vocal than usual, or maybe it's just that his posts are shorter, I don't know. I'm personally beginning to think that maybe people are just sleepytired at the moment.

I actually am getting scum vibes from Eclipse. I have a legitimate reason but I don't want to discuss it since it might not be a good idea to mention it, I don't know. I'm piling up an up-to-date list of what I think here in the next hour. I know that my opinion changes really rapidly--forgive me for that, okay?

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Also, Rapier, what are your thoughts on the other suspects besides Shinori?

What's so bad about Shinori, anyway? Just because he asked about the Djinn and tried to attract the roleblocker to him? I didn't find his content very scummy at all, just a little disorganized and puzzling.

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@Shinori wrt Djinn: If you are wrong or right about Djinn, it doesn't matter. If the people who are mafia get "scummy djinn" or w/e like a Tailor or something, they will lie about it, and we will have revealed basically half our roles to the mafia (assuming everyone has a real role and a djinn). Plus, any info we get from this massclaim from an info role djinn can't necessarily be trusted because the person could be mafia lying, which means we're then outing other abilities.

Also I'm not sure if it was the best for you to basically out what your djinn does.

Shota seems pretty useless atm, however he seems to be a typical newbie that's afraid to mislynch on D1. I've never ever seen a mafia make this mistake, even a newbie one, so I consider him probably townie although I don't know how much experience he actually has.

I honestly think that Shinori's posts are scummier than Shota's. It's difficult for me to push for an inactive lynch at this stage because

A. the list of people who are inactive or somewhat inactive is about half the game. This means that if there are scum they could easily push a lynch onto an inactive town and not look bad

B. Holidays

C. Lynching lurkers doesn't get us information about relationships, which is the main reason we lynch people in NOC

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Paper, don't call people useless, especially when they're trying their best to participate in the game.

/pet peeve

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