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Smash 4, Character Discussion Thread. #21 Metaknight


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Like I can't help but think if she had more momentum, less lag and more combo possibilities that would at least be a start.

But alas I doubt she'll get any of that in the next patch.

Is there anything more to say other than Farore Kills stupidly early if it lands? Can you ledge cancel it? Like I know Palutena can warp to the edge and go into another warp. I dno if Zelda can do that though.

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Even if she did more damage, she still would lack an approach option and the speed to take advantage of it. Like she does fine damage as is to be honest, thats not an issue she has.

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I'm sure damage buffs alone would eventually fix Zelda. She'd be a risk vs reward character, only with the risks actually being worthwhile. The only question is, how many damage buffs would it take? By the way, who has the better approach, Zelda or Ganondorf?

Edited by Zera
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they wouldn't help since zelda has to hit the other player to do anything. that requires hitting someone with zelda's awful moves.

and fighting games at their core have risk/reward factors so that doesn't mean anything.

Edited by Comet
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You seem to be under the impression that Zelda is so broken she literally can't hit with any of her moves, which is simply untrue. If all her moves did 100% damage, she'd get plenty of use in tourneys. Either that, or she'd be banned from tourneys, which would have no negative effect since almost no one uses her anyways.

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In high level play, only the best of Zeldas would actually even land a hit. It would take someone like Nairo, you seem to be missing the fact that she cannot approach confidently at all and has absolutely no shield pressure, also her grab also has bad frames so she has even weaker pressure. Combine these 3 things and you have someone difficult to use period.

Sure make her damage 100%, watch as people STILL outrange her, out prioritize her moves with their less start up frames, and make it totally hard for her to approach still. She'd also have even less combos than she has now if you just increased her damage too.

That's actually part of her problem, her moves do TOO MUCH DAMAGE which scales knockback so she has a hard time comboing.

She works in Doubles somewhat though.

Edited by Jedi
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Sure make her damage 100%, watch as people STILL outrange her, out prioritize her moves with their less start up frames, and make it totally hard for her to approach still. She'd also have even less combos than she has now if you just increased her damage too.

My idea was that combos would be unnecessary since all her moves would instantly KO the opponent.

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So I think we've run out of things to say. Voting period starts again now.

Ends on the 29th. People may still discuss her if they want during the voting phase, if Zera has more to say that is.


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The Goddess Of Light is now up for Discussion


L1HZngi.png "This coral is sooo beautiful!"

1TJCHz5.png "True, but don't forget the old saying that every coral has its thorn."

L1HZngi.png"I'm pretty sure you're thinking of roses"
Ya2z4pR.png "And I'M pretty sure I'm thinking of coral."

Origin: Kid Icarus on the NES

Year: 1986

Developer: Nintendo

English VA: Brandy Kopp
Japanese VA: Aya Hisakawa
Frame Data

RSATD: All of Palutena's special moves, including her customs are various powers she could grant Pit in Kid Icarus Uprising, in the heat of battle, all proving pretty useful overall.

Palutena is quite the strange character, she has probably one of the best jabs in the game, with some of the most laggy tilts as well, a fairly ok aerial game, but has a difficult time KOing. Any move that utilizes her shield, actually blocks attacks, that would usually be trades (if I recall). With customs she has access to some of the best specials in the game those being super speed and light weight, giving her the mobility and absolute aerial domination she'd desire, especially with her fairly good throws that lead into a number of attacks.

However customs are not allowed, so she has to work with possibly her worst set, reflect can be used in goofy ways, auto reticle, which is a delayed multi projectile that isn't super great, warp which can be ledge canceled into some funny spike situations and mobility, however warp has a few frames on both the start and end which allow her to be hit. Also a counter like that of the FE fighters, but its not particularly strong.

Palutena can do a fair bit of damage, but her attacks tend to leave her open if used improperly or wiffed, her general KO power is also pretty lacking, her best options being uair and Usmash, although fsmash can get the job done decently, her smash attacks that use her wings also have wind boxes that allow for some weird possibilities.

Current Meta suggests without customs she's dropped quite hard, low tier abouts, mostly due to the issues I have described, but theres more strengths, weaknesses and various things to discuss so HAVE AT IT.

Edited by Jedi
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