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How I see members here: Past and Present - Now with Integrity -


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ITT: Simply post in here and I provide my opinions on you. The first opinion will be from when I first met you and the next will be my current opinion.

Blame Sho.M. He asked for this.

Feel free to participate in giving your first impression/current impressions on users here.

Edited by Elieson
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Lux: But you are just a calm, cool, collected 16 yr old shota...i imagine anyway. Always have been and always will be.

sho: a VERY narcissistic egoist progressing through drug rehab. Now, I know you are at least smart. Before, I didn't know what to think of your intelligence.

Crash: at first, I kinda ignored you because off your hate on troubadours...now I see your as a 18 yr old blonde rebel, leaving with your dad only...

Lumi: 20 something british art major. Super sweet and really patient. now, I know are not fron europe though...i think...

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Merc Raven: 16 and I thought you were another gfaqs noob, illiterate and objective. Now, I know you play the trombone, like I do, and you are now in my circle of jazz~

NARGA: 25/M/Germany.I thought you and naglfar were the same person. Now, I think you are Horace's older brother.

strawmanducky whatever you are this week: I can't take you seriously...because of your username. I can't picture you in High School though...college bound I think?

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Lumi: 20 something british art major. Super sweet and really patient. now, I know are not fron europe though...i think...


Heh. I almost went into art, actually. Got accepted by them anyway. But art schools don't offer calculus and other complicated enough math for my tastes so I'm a compsci/math double major. :P Made that decision literally at the last moment.

I'm from the US, but I type using British spellings because Furet's Australian and he rubbed off on me so it might be easy to think I'm British because of that.

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So you all know, I'm doing this from my phone, so I'm spitting these our as quickly as I can...

@Lumi, you are in the states? Holy catfood! I honestly thought indonesia...

@ShoMTheMoney, Eclipse changing your name finally gave me the hint that you are an English major.

Kaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii¡¡¡¡¡¡™: LOOOOUUUUUDDDDDDD player of MMOs, mostly rocking shit up on PK servers. 18, & obviously male.

Narshen: who are you? That flamboyant boss with one hand, from fe6...because of that, I imagine you kinda creepy, and missing a finger or something weird.

Cam: The hacker of hackers. 25, married, and living on a beach in the Cayman Isles...dunno why I think that...

Sef: I still think you are securely a mod on the art forums. If not here, at FEP. A blunt, but cool brofisting bro, IMO

Raven (not a merc): another raven fanboy, until I chatted with you in ipchat. now, I don't think your actually like him. Are you a younger brother? Also, Vulcan Raven.

That is a huge compliment btw.

Aleph: obvious 20 yr old golden sun fan. Probably has ADHD. That was then, this is now. Now I know you are ADHD. Probably OCD too.

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