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Rate the Unit, Day 36: Jake

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Dat Rules

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard 2 Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. Also, if your vote is already a 10/10 or greater than 9 and you give a full point of bias, The score may not exceed 10!

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Each ranking phase ends from 2100 to 2200 EST. 13th May start the topic again but i am not sure. Do the math if you are in another timezone!

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "He Comes with a Free Ridersbane" as an argument.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Maria: 1.05

Radd: 1.31

Vyland: 1.67

Matthis: 1.87

Bantu: 2.02

Rickard: 2.34

Darros: 2.45

Linde: 2.60

Roshea: 2.88

Gordin: 3.11

Caesar: 3.50

Jeorge: 4.00

Roger: 4.35

Bord: 4.37

Navarre: 4.66

Cord: 4.87

Castor: 5.54

Merric: 5.58

Wrys: 5.92

Marth: 6.33

Minerva: 6.45

Sedgar: 6.57

Wolf: 6.67

Julian: 6.60

Jagen: 6.98

Draug: 7.12

Ogma: 7.56

Athena: 7.95

Hardin: 8.70

Abel: 8.76

Cain: 8.90

Wendell: 8.92

Lena: 9.26

Barst: 9.40

Sheeda: 9.89

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ballisticians are kinda tough to rate

killing those fortify curates deserves a 5 in itself, then taking an arrowspate forge to kill pesky dracos is cool too


Starsphere + Pachyderm/Arrowspate/Thunderbolt is pretty fun to mess with, especially against Michalis.

And why Thunderbolt? if you keep the Starsphere, may as well. Where else are your Spirit Dusts going?

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ballisticians are kinda tough to rate

killing those fortify curates deserves a 5 in itself, then taking an arrowspate forge to kill pesky dracos is cool too


This'll be my vote as well.

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Starsphere + Pachyderm/Arrowspate/Thunderbolt is pretty fun to mess with, especially against Michalis.

And why Thunderbolt? if you keep the Starsphere, may as well. Where else are your Spirit Dusts going?

I only really see the Thunderbolt as useful for whacking enemy Ballisticians. And since you don't really see them that often after chapter 13... Also, I find saving the Spirit Dusts for use on a Ballistician to sound rather silly, especially considering that that after chapter 11, the other spirit dusts aren't attainable until lategame.

Ballistae is pretty epic. Has many uses. 7/10

This is my vote as well.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Thunderbolt has its uses besides knocking off enemy Ballisticians - namely, making armored units hurt early on.

Ballista are great on harder modes, even with the lack of readily available ammo.


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Thunderbolt has its uses besides knocking off enemy Ballisticians - namely, making armored units hurt early on.

That's true, I suppose, but considering the Thunderbolt is gotten in a chapter with Ballisticians up the wazoo (and said chapter makes me a nervous wreck)...

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Pretty much what others have said. Good for killing off healers quickly so they aren't as much of a pest, and snipes flyers like nobody's business, which helps a lot in places like Michalis's chapter, or the endgame (even if he can't double EVER). Of course, there isn't much incentive to use him outside of personal preference, considering you get an almost carbon copy of him 2 chapters later, and his Arrowspate (the only Ballista he has access too) doesn't have too many uses, so he can only be used sparingly, and his carbon copy is marginally better in some stats, although not by much. He is a good unit, with great potential, but not amazing since, between him and the next Ballistician, there isn't much difference. Ballisticians themselves aren't godly anyways.


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That chapter can be done in five turns (three if you skip Beck), and your other units had best not be slacking.

Personally, I don't see that as much consolation considering that aside from Stonehoists, ballistae are accurate enough that they'll hit more often than not...

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IIRC, the map is made of two Arrowspates to the north, several Stonehoists down the middle (maybe a Hoistflamme, but I don't remember), a Stonehoist, Hoistflamme, and Arrowspate to the south, and a Stonehoist, Arrowspate, and Thunderbolt near the boss, with the boss himself wielding a Pachyderm. Beck can't reach anyone to the south, nor can he get near the boss. Jake can make use of Thunderbolt, if you plan ahead. Anyway. . .

North: The first Arrowspate should be dead by turn 2; the second one by turn 3.

Middle: Assuming you're doing things in a timely manner, everything should be dead by turn 4 (including the thieves).

South: You can probably clear things up by the end of turn 5, at latest.

Stuff by the boss: Don't spend more than two turns in range of them.

You have two Physics and two savepoints; it's not rocket science (or H5).

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I've always passed up this guy for Beck, I just do. Who is better?

Still, a Stonehoist forge (accuracy) and Starsphere+Thunderbolt is pretty cool. And arrowspate is one of the best things in taking out those Dracoknights. Sure, Ballistae are hard to come by, but they sure are fun.


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ballisticians are kinda tough to rate

killing those fortify curates deserves a 5 in itself, then taking an arrowspate forge to kill pesky dracos is cool too



I prefer Beck a little bit more than Jake but as far as good units go, Jake is better than most. He can pick off enemy reinforcements as soon as they spawn into the map and laughs at all those boss loving curates. Also he's blessed as Anna's boyfriend so that counts for something, right?

Also a 7/10.

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Jake is such a player. Look at all the women he hits on. Anna, Lena/Rena, Minerva, Linde/Linda, Caeda/Shiida/Sheeda/Shitface/Vergilina, Monica and... uh... Maria.

Anyways - Shootin' up shit from a distance is spectacular!


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IIRC, the map is made of two Arrowspates to the north, several Stonehoists down the middle (maybe a Hoistflamme, but I don't remember), a Stonehoist, Hoistflamme, and Arrowspate to the south, and a Stonehoist, Arrowspate, and Thunderbolt near the boss, with the boss himself wielding a Pachyderm. Beck can't reach anyone to the south, nor can he get near the boss. Jake can make use of Thunderbolt, if you plan ahead. Anyway. . .

North: The first Arrowspate should be dead by turn 2; the second one by turn 3.

Middle: Assuming you're doing things in a timely manner, everything should be dead by turn 4 (including the thieves).

South: You can probably clear things up by the end of turn 5, at latest.

Stuff by the boss: Don't spend more than two turns in range of them.

You have two Physics and two savepoints; it's not rocket science (or H5).

So that's the layout... The south lane is the least of my worries, since it's easy to get a Dracoknight or Paladin in close and pound their faces in without worry, with how close they are to each other. The north's nothing too worrisome either, with only two ballistae. As for the middle, I think the Hoistflamme ballistician is the one that moves, but I might be wrong (I'll admit I haven't played SD in forever). At any rate, that's good to know. Thanks.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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