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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I am so glad we won't have to wait all the way until Late September for Chapter 10. :)
  2. No wonder the Order of Heroes is broke if they get scammed this often. Lif and Thrasir basically being like lazy teenagers is not something I thought I wanted. 😄
  3. Who knows. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll skip having any seasonals in September and give us 2 New Hero banners then. 😄 Yeah probably not happening but a man can dream.
  4. November will probably have 2 New Hero banners, which would get us up to our normal 13 of them before Book 5 in December.
  5. Well, points for creativity that they actually went with something new for the seasonal theme. I'm still not drawing on it, but credit where credit is due.
  6. Colorless is going to be awesome for me if both Bramimond and Bernadetta are on it. I don't have the former and could use some merges of the latter.
  7. Not the English one so far. We do know the singer of the Japanese version of the song though. It's Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Alfonse).
  8. YES! FINALLY! Been looking forward to this for a while. 😄
  9. I honestly wonder just if they'll really dive into everything they've implied so far. There's Eir's whole "bring born from the dragon of life" story, and there's Loki's research into dragons. They've left a lot of little lines like that be so far. It makes me wonder if they'll remember to wrap them all up.
  10. Honestly, I don't think Anna was ever really intended to have character development. I think they basically just figured they'd make her a commander given she's kind of a series mascot. Other than the new title, she's just like every other Anna. I feel pretty certain that developing Anna was never their intention. Hell, I don't think Anna has had character development in any game she's been in. Sharena on the other hand, that's a valid concern. Of course with her, we'll have to see just what they're trying to build with her in Book 4. I think the story would be better had it not been tied to new hero banners. For comparison, look at Dragalia Lost's story. It's got a lot more flexibility in how it handles itself, and that's because it doesn't tie itself to banners. It never concerns itself with any characters who aren't necessary. Heroes on the other hand wastes about 3/5 of each chapter just showing off new units and nothing more, leaving little time to actually explore it's OC cast.
  11. It's kind of hard to say given Thorr has rarely done anything direct in Heroes so far, but I guess it depends on just what lengths she's willing to go through to help mortals grow. The whole "pain helps one grow" trope is not uncommon.
  12. I agree to an extent. I wouldn't really call Heroes' story good. It's more that I've just accepted that there are certain flaws they're not going to get rid of and I may as well just going along with it. Still, even with their very flawed story structure, they do just enough to at least keep me intrigued as to where they'll take in. In a way, it's kind of like Kingdom Hearts to me. I don't know if I'd call KH's story good or bad, but the fun comes in how crazy and intriguing it is and you have no idea where it'll go as a result. Heroes is kind of along similar lines. Not really what I'd call good, but it keeps my interest just enough for me to want to know what's next.
  13. I would guess it's probably inspired by more than that. The goat is commonly depicted as demonic in nature across many religions/myths.
  14. Yeah that ending leaves a particular sour taste for sure.
  15. I'm not so sure about that. Could very well be that she specifically targeted children from broken families as that might make it easier to convince them. If anything, I enjoy the idea of little Triandra going all Eren Yeager on her dad. 😄 I'm pretty sure what Freyr is talking about is that Freyja didn't used to be this obsessive and was a kinder being at one point, before she resorted to drastic measures to keep the dream world going.
  16. To be honest, I still think that mentality of his (or theirs I guess) is stupid. The whole "I want to be forgotten to glorify Marth" makes no damn sense. Though I suppose that's happens when you basically create a self-insert OC into an established story.
  17. Forging Bonds stories were overall good, albeit a little weak with the Krises. Julians was really sweet with his interactions with Ylgr. Plus a nice bit of lore with her trying to get the one thing she has left to remember her mother. And then Fjorm comes right in at the end to give him more work. 😄 Lenas was absolutely heartfelt, and I loved Eir's role along with it playing with a little bit continuity with her previous FB conversation with Midori. In all honesty, I think Eir's a decently written character. The Krises were.....okay I guess. The main plot dealing with Female Kris feeling like an alternate was a pretty meh storyline. The cooking one was funny.
  18. Yeah, there's not exactly much ambiguity as to Triandra's little sister, given the trailer basically spelled it out. 😄 And Freyja's motive definitely has me curious. It's another world conquering plot but actually has purpose beyond conquering just for the sake on conjuring.
  19. At long last, a new chapter to finally sink into. And I gotta say, I'm intrigued by Freyja's motive and the history of the dream world. And the bit we got on Triandra's backstory is intriguing. A little disappointing that it ended on the cliche "I could kill you all with a thought but I'll let you wander around first" bit with Freyja but I can't say I'm surprised. They seem to rely on the worst tropes at the worst times.
  20. That might not be true. I heard about that myself but then someone on reddit told me that it was a false rumor.
  21. In any case, the banner is a pass for me, even though I don't hate it really. It's just that no character strikes me as a must-have. Boy, I'm going to have a ton of orbs by September at this rate since I rarely pull in seasonals and on CYL I typically just take my free pick and run.
  22. We also got Ashe's VA (Shannon McKian) now voicing Julian as well. Pretty cool to see these newer actors getting more roles. And Felecia Angelle was quite a surprise.
  23. I doubt CYL has any effect honestly. They plan these banners out months in advance. We likely would have gotten this TH Summer banner regardless if TH dominated CYL or not.
  24. Sigh....damn it IS. That's 3 seasonals in 2 months. Way to advertise "Book 4 Part 2" and then do next to nothing for 2 months. Guess they need that fanservice money.
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