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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. So they thought of doing modern or Mars, but not of doing Renaissance (technology wise), Classical, or non-European?
  2. Oh, joy, the FE9 incarnation. My favorite. Hopefully "can" means they don't have to. Finally, something helpful for Generals. Flying magic user that also gets a black pegasus? Sweet. Hopefully they'll at least be decent at using magic. If Velvet is the last of the Taguel, that pretty clearly means there aren't any others.
  3. Is Celerity as cool as Grafcalibur? FE9!Tormod and Asvel are, I think, the only two young mages (or characters in general) I tend to use. Maybe Richt will have something going for him? Or at least he won't have the worst magic base in the game? *coughyubellocough* Although young kids on the battlefield might not be *that* weird within the world. I mean, Spartan kids were trained from age 7 (IIRC) and would be in some brutal situations at a young age. Richt doesn't look like he fits that culture, but who knows?
  4. Screenshot. Video takes longer for you to do and longer for me to watch.
  5. Ah, I was just about to ask if you wanted to do this! Also, it reminded me I still need to preorder so I can get the Saga clan. I vote that you do Saga, on that note. And if you're doing the super modern clan, I don't think you should import the medieval units over. I'm not entirely sure if you could, since it's a standalone expansion, anyways.
  6. Oh, is this rescue type thing related to supports? That would balance it more. I was thinking that the last thing we needed was for fliers to get combat bonuses for ferrying the lord.
  7. It wouldn't surprise me to see an E3 announcement for the states. I suspect a big part of Nintendo's presentation will be hyping up the 3DS.
  8. The problem is that I have an angelfish with a bunch of smaller fish (actually only one now) and it lived fine with them for years. Then, I don't know why, the Angelfish stopped eating fish flakes so it finds other food. That other food would be the little fish.
  9. I think it was called Bye, Baby, Bye. I probably just looked up at the worst moments, since my parents aren't generally big fans of really violent movies. I suppose I'm also not 100% sure the kid was decapitated, but it looked like he was. Also, that girl who was the pinata? Somehow she survived. Then I discovered one of my fish had broken another fish's back and so that took my mind off of the not-so-pleasant images.
  10. I agree wholeheartedly. Forced grinding is perhaps the single worst thing you could add to a game, IMO.
  11. I'm sitting in the living room with my parents. I'm browsing SF. They're watching a movie. I look up. So far it involves a man who has had his arms chopped off violently getting his brains blown out because the main character went into some psychotic break when he saw a little kid's head (decapitated) in the sink. I think the kid's head was cut off by the same person who chopped the guy's arms off. Also I think there may be more words that are swear words in this movie than aren't. So now I'm blasting folk music through my headphones and trying to ignore it. Probably going to go watch some Whose Line now. Might actually, like, play Fire Emblem, too. Also, my fish keep eating each other :/ Edit: Oh, now they're playing pinata in the movie. Except with little girls and bullets instead of candy-filled cardboard and sticks. Also the girl gets to wear the blindfold.
  12. People don't hate them. They just ignore them.
  13. This. Then I'd probably laugh and forget about it. Maybe bring it up if someone asks about my day or something.
  14. I wonder if the Leaf's treasured sword will be DLC or if that's a connection to Jugdral here. I would guess the former, if only because Leaf's sword lasting that long, remaining battle worthy, and moving continents without (to our knowledge) significant contact between the cultures seems awfully unlikely.
  15. I'm pretty sure different genders are stored as entirely separate classes, so giving them different names would be easy enough to do. Do you think we might see Taguel(s) with several transformation options instead of just one or a few different dragon types like we've seen in the past? I would like to see them with various transformation options so they're less static than Manaketes and laguz were in battle.
  16. I would like magic to be more diverse/important in general. Instead of having eight physical units, a healer, and one offensive magic user at most, I would like to see it be more 50/50 and require units to be used together more rather than each basically doing the same thing. I think the problem goes deeper than just having multiple weapon types- I feel like FE could use more unit diversity in general.
  17. So first you say that gameplay is the only thing that matters and then say that it doesn't matter if it doesn't affect gameplay and the different magic types just have to exist? That's all that matters? I feel like I'm arguing with a creationist.
  18. First off, fusing axes/lances/swords doesn't make sense. Besides that, axe-only fighters are much more different from sword-only myrmidons than dark magic users typically are from light magic users. Way to cut out all of my reasoning and insist things are one way when I've explained why they aren't. I'm not going to repeat myself when you just keep ignoring it and insisting you're right without actually backing up your claims with anything other than your opinion that it is necessary to have a horde of different magic types. The problem is that the magic triangle almost never matters. Magic users are very rare compared with sword/lance/axe users and typically you don't go after them with your own magic users anyways. The magic triangle may as well not exist in most games. If IS actually made anima/light/dark users as common as lance/sword/axe users, then I would say that there really needs to be a magic triangle. The problem with that system is that you have to go out of your way to make supports grow. Even fast supports can take 60+ turns right next to each other to get to A rank compared to needing to be deployed in the same chapter 12 times (but not necessarily be near anyone) to reach A with the PoR system.
  19. Well what if it's a person pretending to be someone who is pretending to be Marth, and the mask is really just to distract people from how he/she is really hiding his/her identity? Depending on how far IS is willing to go, this could really be a brilliant disguise. (note: I'm not being entirely serious right now.)
  20. Care to explain why? That's different. Rescue was a mechanic that didn't exist in the originals, but clearly in that world one person could protect another/carry them on their mount. Magic being one type matters because it says that using different spells is fundamentally the same. Unless people have discovered entirely new ways of casting spells (possible) then that would still be the case. You're saying magic should be different types for variety but you also think armors and regular infantry should have the same movement, reducing variety and also not making sense logically.
  21. Is that trickster shown with a name in the clips? It really does look an awful lot like Anna. As in, maybe Anna shows up in battle.
  22. The point was that within Archanea's history, magic has been varied but used fundamentally the same way. If that continues to be the case, then there really isn't a reason to break up the magic if within that world it's all similar to use. Having one group of magic doesn't mean thunder magic can't be effective against armored units. We have specialized swords/lances/axes/bows already. I don't see why we can't have magic with specialized spells. The problem with turning all melee weapons into one group is that it doesn't make sense. I would like separate anima/dark/light, but in Archanea that may not be the case. That doesn't mean magic can't be diverse. As for the magic triangle, well, how often has that really come into play?
  23. They could do that under one anima type, too. Have fire, thunder, and wind all have different (perhaps very specialized) applications and be rank E Anima magic. Ether brought up a good point about Archanea's magic historically being one group with various types of spells.
  24. I believe Canas talked about how different using dark magic instead of anima/light can be in his supports, although it has been a long time since I read those. Comparatively, it can't be all that different to swing an axe instead of swinging a sword. In fact, a number of games make the distinction between one and two handed weapons, rather than swords vs. axes. I do suspect someone trained to use a short sword would find it easier to use Ross's hatchet than to use, say, Durandal. You can't say I'm missing the point completely when you are assuming that the magic types are being separated arbitrarily when maybe, just maybe, in this world they are actually as different to use as a sword and a bow. Maybe you're missing the point?
  25. It's also annoying to have that myrmidon that can't use hand axes for 1-2 range, but that doesn't mean it would be a good idea to fuse all physical weapons. Also, I (at least) thought that all magic was combined because at first that's what Vincent's post sounded like. Since then he has edited it to make it more clear.
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