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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I think Renault is probably getting decent scores because people figure that sure he can't contribute much, but that's way better than Wallace or Wil being detrimental.
  2. His growth beats Garcia's and Ewan's Phantoms. That's all. That's pretty terrible. Also, there's the whole needing to be 20/1 to hit 10 SPD thing, although that's not just a growth problem.
  3. Gilliam's a dude I really liked at first. I mean, look at that DEF! Look at that STR! Too bad he sorta sucks everywhere else. If he can get a level up with SPD in it in chapter 1 (unlikely) then he can be pretty effective in chapter 4... but otherwise, he can never really contribute anything. Thanks to his crappy SPD, his combat is actually worse than, well, just about everyone's for most of the game since most people don't have trouble with surviving anyways. In fact, his durability is actually pretty abysmal at first. Even in chapter 2 he can be 2RKOd by enemies that he like 3HKOs at terrible hit. On top of all that, he has terrible MOV. Even after promotion he's not good, and that's assuming you go so far out of your way as to actually get him there. I don't know that anyone could make up for what you have to do to get him promoted, especially Gilliam needing ~20/12 to hit 14 SPD, and 20/12 is a level that only Seth and maybe Franz (if you aren't using Seth) will ever reach. Gilliam should be happy with, like, 10/5, and, well, that's 8 SPD... 1/10. Edit: darkandroid, you do realize his horse after promotion still only gives him 6 MOV? I wouldn't consider that a plus the way an 8 MOV horse is.
  4. 9/10. The best unit behind Seth, but since I gave Seth a 10 and Seth is so absurdly good, I don't feel I can give Franz more than a 9.
  5. 10/10 You know, I think one of the low votes might actually not be countable given that the logic is "if other units were like Seth he wouldn't be better than them."
  6. It's interesting to look at all the votes here. Some people seem to start at 0 and contributions bring you up, some people start in the middle and some things help, others hurt, and others seem to start at 10 and go down from there for the negatives. At, least that's my assumption based on seeing 3's, 6's, and 9's around all using basically the same logic.
  7. Um, the low votes weren't based on poor reasoning. They were based on nonranked runs.
  8. Good filler... but he doesn't have long to do that. I give him a 6/10.
  9. Wil has a couple pegs he can hit that don't involve him replacing someone better than him. Not many people play Ranked, so to most people Nino has 0 value.
  10. So, because I don't want to reply in detail to everything that has been said, Nino handing you up to 34 levels out of however many that you need in ranked runs, never mind all the other areas she doesn't help and in all of the playthroughs she doesn't help in adds up to a 9.9? She is not even *that* helpful for the EXP rank, as has been shown. And as for other things, like not being that good once leveled, 20/20 Pent, in comparison, has all the SPD he could want for most enemies, does plenty of damage, and actually better physical durability. Never mind when she's level 5 and has 5 MOV and low damage output. The difference between Pent and Nino is 1500 EXP in exchange for help with the other rankings. Ultimately, it's entirely possible to make up for the advantages either of them have in a ranked run, but Nino has nothing to contribute outside of one that is objectively quantifiable.
  11. @God Brady: You want places to take of points? Um, how about hardly existing, or sucking for the majority of her levels, or not even being all that good once she's leveled up?
  12. Best: Aran: “I'm not a hero... I'm just a soldier. There's no lesson in this... I knew that's...how it would be... But still... I...” Makes me think he could have been a very interesting character. Worst: Can I just vote FE11? Well, if not, I'll say Bord/Cord (it's the same) with so many coming close.
  13. I am 99% sure that you can only have access to falcoknight if the unit is promoted with an Elysian whip. If you changed her class then promoted, you would not be able to make her a falcoknight.
  14. Brave sword, good stats, good weapon choices, what's not to like? Well, to be honest, 6 MOV and not so great availability. But that's nothing compared to some units' problems, so I'm giving him a 7.5/10.
  15. Well, I think it's fair to assume we're using him for the rating... Doing so, I would at first be inclined to give him a six or thereabout. Solid stats and a nice sword, although his stats could certainly be better and swordlock isn't fun. Given that he forces you to miss out on Harken and the Brave Sword, however, I'm going to give him a 4.5/10.
  16. Also they're snipers so their durability isn't really what I would be looking at to decide which one to use...
  17. Wallace is really the cream of the crap. Terrible bases, growths, movement, EXP gain, and he's difficult to even recruit before he dies, but I guess he has partial WTC? 0/10
  18. Just nitpicking, but the person would actually have to head to NoA and give them the money. I'm sure IS wants it localized, but it's not up to them.
  19. I don't think it's fair to rank him based on playthroughs where he doesn't exist. Ratings should measure how much they help you when you use them. Yes, poor availability can factor in to how much they help you, but taking into account the times where you don't use the units seems counter intuitive to me.
  20. Of course, movement is also character dependent, to an extent, in 5.
  21. Again, I'll point out the irony in it not being worth people's time to potentially help themselves but it is somehow worth their time to say that it's a waste of time, which simply cannot help them in any way. No matter how small the chances are of it doing something, it still might. What else are you going to do with those 15 seconds? Type out that petitions are useless? Because I don't see how that is any less useless. And as for giving out your address on the petition... you are aware you can put gibberish in, right?
  22. Um, it has been up for ~20 hours and has ~50 votes. That doesn't seem too bad to me. Edit: And then of course people decide that signing the petition isn't worth their time but typing out reasons that it isn't worth your time is? I mean, it can't hurt unless it has pitifully few votes so NoA thinks no one cares, which those people are only encouraging.
  23. A unit can only contribute so much if they're only around so long. What everyone else has said. 8/10.
  24. It's generally assumed that actions that are literally required to beat the game that only one unit can do are ignored for this reason.
  25. What about units like the Jeigan who joins in the first chapter or soon after in the normal game? Would they go to level 1 unpromoted now? What level would it be assumed the prepromoted units promoted at? For instance, in FE8, a Seth that promoted at level 20 would have 11 HP at level 1. One that promoted at level 10 would have 19.
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