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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. mine is: Call of Duty every time I babysit this is what the boys I take care of play and they play it badly and then go on and on about how great the game is. I am fine with shooters, but the sameness of every Call of Duty gets to me because they all look like the same game to me. Let's just say I was happy to see them playing GTA last time I babysat just for something new even though they still play badly at least they can do more random silly stuff in GTA and it was easier to watch.
  2. Too bad I don't have savage blow fodder right now, but this looks really fun. Ethlyn will get the next Camilla I pull for sure. This looks really fun.
  3. I ended up using Jamke as my colorless since I wanted to get him to 5* level 40. He is really good with the buffs and makes it to the end map better then my Eldigan. I will swap to full horse emblem once I get 5*Ethlyn.
  4. Well I give up on the Genealogy banner I wanted Lewyn what did the game give me? Rhajat:( She is -hp,+def so keep her since she is new, but not who I wanted at all. I think this is the universe telling me to save orbs for L!Hector and Halloween.
  5. I am going by how big Veronica's team is and by the gap. I don't really care who wins, I just think this one will be really close since team Ephraim is probably out of flags.
  6. I will just take whatever feathers I get and focus on TT. Sadly VG is not the mode I hate most now, that honor goes to Relay Defense. Congrats to team Ephraim I guess, but I am not 100% sure he has this in the bag.
  7. I don't have time to find pictures of clothing from both eras, but trust me as someone who was a Goth as a teenager I know the difference between the two. I also corrected people back then as well, though no one payed attention. The big difference is the guys clothing men in the Victorian are wore pants, in the Renaissance ara men wore puffy shorts with tights. The girls dresses are closer but Renaissance dresses had very lose sleeves and women wore hats just like Lilina's, Victorian dresses had very tight sleeves and the women wore bonnets not hats.
  8. Well after seeing all the rumors I am going to go with either M! or F!Corrin. I hope it is not, but I have the sinking feeling it is. I will have the slim for sure to be smashed hope that it will be Bruno, but who am I kidding? that will not happen anytime soon.
  9. You mean Renaissance era, there is a big difference in clothing between the two eras especially for guys. If it had been Victorian the guys would not have been wearing tights. I would love a banner with guys in suits so a modern Vday one with the guys on it ready to go on a date in a suit would be cool.
  10. I want mummy Elphin. Since Elphin can't see very well him being a mummy would make sense and he could be an armor dancer. I also want santa Basilio because it would suit him very well and I wish this had happened last year.
  11. Like everyone above me has said take a break. I have several game series I play and I switch between them one week/month is FE the next Zelda an so on. This helps me when I get stuck because taking a long break means I can step back and when I do pick up the game again I can normally solve my problem quickly.
  12. Well I hope this means book II is ending and that we will be getting more playable OCs. I am really hoping that Bruno and Hrid become playable soon.
  13. Every time I hope for an FE 6 banner and every time I am disappointed. Oh well, at least my orbs are safe.
  14. OK thanks everyone. Looks like it will just be a regular Fates banner then. Oh well at least my orbs will get a break.
  15. You know as much as I want an FE 6 banner, I almost want this banner to be Fates and just humans no shifters so that I can save orbs. I am just wondering when did the "Far Fetched" heroes banner come out last year? I saw some comments on other sites saying that this might be version 2 of that banner since Flora place very well on CYL 2 poll. I would be fine with that since Kliff would probably be on that banner as well.
  16. This is what I hope with Elphin on the banner as well and an Idunn GHB. BB deserves a banner since it has not had one. The only Fates character I want in is Keaton so if it is Fates I know I am going to be skipping.
  17. Thanks again @Sunwoo for posting that link I managed to beat 6 and 7 thank to that. I refuse to even attempt 8 for only 500 feathers. @Othin This mode is not fun at all, while abysmal LHBs are a really good challenge. All this new mode is stat inflation to the max and praying that some how you managed to get enough points to win. I don't have a problem with a challenge, but relay defense is not challenging in a good way at all. Relay defense now takes the spot as my most loathed game mode I can normally find some reason to like a mode even if it does have faults but nothing can save this from the trash heap.
  18. I will have to try these later since I want that dew and orb and not even my Friends +10s have helped me beat 6 and beyond.
  19. At least he is decent fodder, I would rather have him the the 300th Fae that showed up yesterday I am so glad she can't pity break me anymore. Free pull was 4*Titania and the two pulls I did trying for Lewyn were Nino an Cecilia. Hopefully Lewyn will show up soon.
  20. I sent feedback about this new mode saying how it is not any fun and that it needs a lot of fixing to be playable. Since IS listens to feedback I think everyone that can should send feedback about this mode, if IS gets enough bad comments they should change it. I said they should scrap it since I couldn't really think of ways they could make it better.
  21. This sums up what I think of him, I feel like they are dragging this out to 13 chapters just like book 1 so hopefully this arch will be over soon. He is an OK villain and he does what someone who is "evil" does best which make the player want to kick his ass and stop him.
  22. I'm stuck on 6 as well. It does not matter what team I use I get smashed to bits.
  23. -def seems to be my most common bane, as to boon I would say +atk would be my most common but I get more verity in boons so it is only by like one or two units.
  24. Able is fine I am just happy to see a non colorless unit. Anyone who is not colorless is fine. Though it is mostly the random allies that are colorless, the people on my FL are really good about not putting units the same color as the bonus unit. Of course I was looking at the leader board for team Veronica and half the leads are colorless, why I can't figure out. I thought the days of players not knowing that if the bonus unit is another player's it does not add to your score were over. I just wanted to remind people that players who can run a bonus unit in VG do and while Veronica is a really good unit having two of her in one team can cause problems.
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