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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. It has a supreme position in terms of people trying to attack it, it's super easy to defend from all of its sides, creating no real weak point. There are forts like that in real life. The top left peak, it changes from brown to light brown.
  2. I'm giving him a three out of ten. He's nice to have the first time you play, and I like that he contributes a crest.
  3. Did you give it a two range animation in Nightmare?
  4. That's actually the top of a cape, in such a fashion. http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/FireToan/AAAAC7eRitcAAAAAAP2eyw.jpg (It's not the best photo, but I think it gets the idea across.)
  5. Bryan

    The worst pokemon

    What's up with all this Pikachu hate? At least it's cute. :( And how did nobody mention Zubat?
  6. I'm still a fan of Eirika/Lyon. It always seemed right. The only other pairing I ever consider is Innes/ Eirika. Seth is like her father. Ewww.
  7. I love Lyn, she's always been one of my favorite units. Mani Katti is pretty awesome even though I never use it. 8/10.
  8. 8.8/10 (Not a one word pot, don't have time to type up something.)
  9. It depends on how many holy bloods her "parents" would have had too. You could have had a majoir Ulir with minor baldo and a Major Dain with minor Narga, whos child then had a child with somebody with Major Holstey and minor noba. (Yadayadayada.) That's accounting for over half the bloods in only two generations.
  10. I did! I blared it with a load speaker, and danced to it with some people.
  11. Why would you turn off animations on anything Yeti works on? I feel sorry for them too.
  12. I guess you're supposed to put "I am not sure?" Your only options are yes and yes, obvs. I think we should wait until it's released just to be sure. They could change the title again or something. Also, it could be a different title in English.
  13. Bryan

    Hacking Theory

    He's talking about something that would be more like a longbow, as he was saying that people can shoot across football fields with a bow and arrow. (Was it with a recurve?) I was saying for gameplay reasons that it's boring to have a bow over 5 range.
  14. Bryan

    Hacking Theory

    Let me know about the FEditor problem. Are frames not lining up after you insert it? Just give the bow a Wao Do Weapon lock, and then give Archers/ Snipers the unlocking skill. IMO, anything above five range is gamebreaking. It gets boring really fast. Personally, I would suggest nothing above four range.
  15. Bryan

    Hacking Theory

    According to Usenti, The red one has 17 colors, while the blue one has 16. They both have one extra color in their eye, I would suggest using the blue's lightest shade to replace it, since they're virtually identical. Also, there is some FE7 outline above both of their ears. With those changes, it should be enough that you can insert them.
  16. For one, she's got two chapters on him. Two, you can have her being a tier three unit going into part three because of how much BEXP you get from 2-3. You can't have Aran as a Tier three unit without screwing over every other character in part one. (If even that.) Three, who else are you going to use in part two? You pretty much have the Knights, who have 3 1/2 chapters to play in until endgame, Lucia one chapter before endgame. You have the laguz, and Marcia. Harr and Elinca are only there for 2-P and 2-F. And Brom is ugly. Heather's not to bad though, she does net you a bolting if you trained her. In part one, I have Miccy, Sothe, Edward, Nolan, (I like to train Ilyana as well) Jill, Volug, then you get the BK and Naliah. Why would you ever want to use a solider that some people kill because they thought he was just some random? That's three points in Neph's favor, and that doesn't even take stats into account.
  17. Eww, Onions. My girlfriend likes them, so whenever we both get some, I give her mine. I've actually seen somebody eat it like an apple once. It was odd... I really enjoy Friday. (The song. I <3 Rebecca Black!)
  18. FUUUUUUUU. This sucks. I wonder what all we'll be able to buy? If it's just items, I'm going to stick to hacking them. I'm not going to pay, I've already bought the game, why do I need to pay more?
  19. Except for that first Seph, I voted the same way. I really liked Kon's. It looked really nice IMO.
  20. Please have red... Dammit, I'm green. :( Now have red? Sweet!
  21. I'm having to agree with Furet here. I'm all for making Archers not suck, but this isn't the way. 2-3 bows are pretty awesome. They aren't gamebreaking, and they make sense. Oh wait, it makes sense... Nevermind. Have you ever tried running while trying to shoot a bow? Tell me when you can hit a bulls-eye while running, and I will commend you.
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