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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. Who else in the series is like Maribelle? The closest I can think of is Levin. Also, I don't really recall Myrrh being all that mature, but I only really remember her support with Ephraim.
  2. That's because "typical" dating sims can cover a very large base of character types. Frankly, I'm just happy that FE13 introduced new character archetypes past games didn't have like Owain, Tharja, or Maribelle. Hell, even Nowi is the first character of her archetype that at least shows some signs of maturity.
  3. I haven't been able to really stop playing it since it came out, and after playing it and going back to some of the older games, those just made me realize how easy most of them all are when compared to Awakening, especially the GBA games. The Dual Support system is probably the best mechanic added to FE in ages. Hopefully they keep it inplace of the old support systems.
  4. I remember once reading this interesting copy pasta that kinda answered this question in context of SAO and other series with OP protagonists. It has more to do with the direction than the fact that they are OP. IIRC, it explained that the problem with Kirito is that he is OP and as such everything he does is solved instantly and there is no challenge for him in what he does, unlike someone like Black Jack(who was the stu he was compared with) who, despite being this fantastic doctor, still runs into various challenges that test his skills and morals and such. Skipping training arcs like in One Piece or FoTNS (which both arguably have OP protagonists) is nice and all, but if you have an OP protagonist who spends the whole story solving every problem he's faced with without effort, then the story becomes boring. Even Superman has weakness that he can't overcome. Whether or not this is completely true of Kirito, I can't really say since I didn't finish SAO(from what I saw I would agree), but that would be the problem with an overly OP character. There's just no conflict or challenge, just a predictable ending because the invincible MC will solve the problem effortlessly.
  5. If it weren't for Sorcerer being such a good class, Libra would be a pretty bad parent. He essentially only exists to make magic kids better or give someone sorcerer but otherwise he is even a bit redundant for most of the people he is best suited for. 6/10.
  6. And I'd like to assume the same of you, since if you had been reading any articles about the situation for the past few weeks as you'd claim, you'd know that the Obama administration has been heavily criticized over the fact that they never presented any actual proof that the Syrian Army had ever used chemical weapons at all and have merely said multiple times "We have proof, but we won't show anyone." To further add to this, if you had also been reading such news articles, you'd know that there are claims that the rebels were accused of being responsible for the recent attack by eyewitnesses on the scene, and have accused of using chemical weapons in the past. From just a simple google search, you get this: http://shoebat.com/2013/08/27/evidence-syrian-rebels-used-chemical-weapons-not-assad/ http://www.infowars.com/rebels-admit-responsibility-for-chemical-weapons-attack/ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/may/6/syrian-rebels-used-sarin-nerve-gas-not-assads-regi/ http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/09/05/201268/russia-releases-100-page-report.html http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2013/08/actual-video-footage-of-syrian-rebels-launching-chemical-weapons.html http://news.yahoo.com/iran-says-proof-syria-rebels-used-chemical-weapons-004613934.html But I guess a UN official making such accusations about rebel forces along with eyewitness claims are about as reliable as a Facebook blog. And last I checked, the UN still didn't say who was responsible for the recent attack, just that chemical weapons were indeed used.
  7. I think he's right in that if Syria has indeed used chemical weapons against their people action should be taken and we shouldn't ignore it, however starting another war/some kind of attack is wrong. The way things are currently panning out i.e. Syria is going to have their weapons taken away is the right way to go.
  8. DG is always active. Avoid isn't. DG+ effects both units in a pair and has zero reason not to be given to a support unit. That alone makes it a pretty great skill.
  9. FF has needed to die for awhile now, if it isn't already dead.
  10. Given the criteria of this list, I really don't see how Sumia > Cordelia other than possibly having earlier access to galeforce(which arguably doesn't even matter) and more time to build supports since otherwise Cordelia could even go Mercenary->Hero and get Patience+Sol in addition to Nosferatu if we care so much about durability and the like. Though really, they both preform pretty much the same by and large in hard. Maybe if this were Lunatic Sumia would clearly be the better of the two. Also, Libra should probably go up.
  11. This is a really weird list criteria... I'd say Nowi > Tharja/Henry(not sure about Miriel) in hard because she has a much faster rate of exp gain and support with Gregor, more movement, and is still pretty invincible in HM. Tiki is also pretty invincible in HM once she joins, and Nah can be in a similar position if Nowi got enough exp(which she can easily do), not to mention you can't buy Nosferatu until you've beaten chapter 13, and if we're allowing spotpass to get it earlier that just makes Nowi even better with buyable DS+.
  12. Haar. Though my personal experience with Jill makes me think Aran is an even better unit than she is since he can at least hit stuff...
  13. Couldn't you just play this off as a joke? I don't know what kind of person this girl is, or the full extent of the relationship you have with, but "www" is kinda like saying "lol" in Japanese internet slang. I don't know why someone would add that at the end of a sentence or phrase otherwise.
  14. Except that Frederick is still a great unit and last I checked Jeigan was considered to be a pretty great unit as well considering the garbage stats enemies had in the NES/SNES games and how broken stat boosting items were? I'm honestly having some trouble trying to understand what you are saying here.
  15. This begs the question of how often do armor slaying weapons even show up in enemy hands. Armored units are designed as units who take next to no physical damage at all, and such weapons exist to give more options towards killing them since otherwise they would be somewhat difficult to kill and that way you don't always have to rely on your mages to do so. For the most part, playable AK's taking little to no damage works in many games throughout the series(Especially 2, 11, and 12), with FE4 and FE5 being the only games where armored units really suffer as a class because of 4's large maps and 5 having so many enemies with hammers, but even then Armored units in 5 were the only ones capable of using lances indoors as a small advantage of some kind. There are then other questions you need to ask such as how good is the person playing the game because the average person won't know all the ins and outs of the game and will feel more comfortable using a unit they know can survive rather than one they don't know if they can or have to rely on the RNG.
  16. They managed to pass the 900,000 mark in about 2 days? I bet Capcom is so pissed right now for casting Megaman aside and letting Inafune ride in on the hole left by them.
  17. @Samias: What makes you think Ganondorf wasn't trying to kill Link all the time until the time he caught Zelda? As to why not capture Link instead of Zelda, assuming he is only strong enough to capture one, Link is clearly the stronger target to catch since Zelda never really fought back against him like he did, and for all he knows, he wouldn't be able too. I mean, he doesn't try and capture him when they meant again later considering he tries to fight him first.
  18. Without impact, your correct arguments will go ignored, and if you're credibility is being called into question, then no one will even bother to pay attention to your arguments, especially if it's something like you not even having played the video games that you are complaining about, since it calls to question why are you getting involved with something you were never apart of in the first place. You can have all the "correct" arguments in the world, but if you don't try and spread your message in a way that will reach the people and make them listen to you, ultimately you will accomplish nothing since no one will take you seriously or believe you. If you're willing to wade through the "good and the bad" you may find something "worth" reading. Off hand, I don't have any kind of "copypasta" saved, and the only thing I can think of worth reading in relation to sexism and video games is that one thing where a photographer absolutely demolished(for lack of better wording) some guy at Kotaku who was responsible for bringing Dragon's Crown "issue" of sexism into the light, but that might not really have much to do with anything. Zelda being kidnapped had more to do with Ganondorf's motives than Link's considering she has the triforce of Wisdom and Ganondorf needs to get it from her, not to mention she was trying to get in the way of him taking over hyrule anyway.
  19. You vaguely asked for "evidence" and I had no idea as to what you wanted evidence specifically of hence why I mentioned Abigail V. Fisher since that pertains to the actual topic at hand aka my last point about their being no line... I made no effort to counter her arguments because I just posted a summary as to who she is and the thought of providing specific examples never really crossed my mind as such. If you/anyone want(s) more info on her, (they should)go look her up if you/they want, but it honestly isn't worth doing at all in my opinion. If you're credibility is being called into question, then that effects the impact that your arguments have, especially when it implies that you haven't even played the games you're talking about, since no one will want to take you seriously if that is the case. Bad reception is bad reception. She wouldn't have recieved so many death or rape threats that she had to close the comments section if her videos were more positively recieved, and even then this is just a small fraction of the negative feedback she has gotten that you can easily find on reddit, 4chan, or other gaming communities.
  20. What kind of evidence do you want? Something like this: http://victorsopinion.blogspot.be/2013/07/anitas-sources.html or the case of Abigail Fisher? The fact that Anita's videos don't let you comment on them on You Tube because of all the bad reception she was receiving?
  21. Anita Sarkeesian is someone who works for the feminist frequency that makes You Tube videos about women in gaming. She has been heavily criticized by the community for having almost no idea of what she is even talking about, and considering she gets most of her footage for video games from Let's Play videos, she has also been called into question about whether she plays video games at all. She's someone you arguably shouldn't take seriously. As for the topic at hand, the line doesn't exist. People will always say that they are being denied/harmed for reason X when they don't get what they want or have things go their way.
  22. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/07/nintendos_first_quarter_financial_results_boosted_by_3ds_performance From a quick google search I'm getting the end of July, but if this news holds true(and I'm a bit wary as well since it is VGChartz), and being that it has just been reported today, they would announce it at the next one possibly, if at all.
  23. http://mynintendonews.com/2013/08/27/fire-emblem-awakening-has-apparently-sold-over-one-million-copies/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Fire Emblem: Awakening has possibly broken 1 million sales (VGchartz isn't known for being completely accurate) becoming the first game in the franchise to do so. It's incredible how what was almost going to be the last game in the series has now become the best selling game.
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