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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. Huh, I was curious if you were going to be able to 2 turn chapter 11.
  2. Being that the deposition reeks of tl;dr to anyone not involved with the actual case, all I have to say is, if this really did happen so long ago, why is this only happening now and too this extent? Is this the difference between going to court because of your actions and just acting like Michael Richards or Charlie Sheen, not that anyone really cares what Sheen does anymore (though I don't recall if he's called a black person the n-word to their face)? Though at 66, I don't see Paula Deen really being too upset over the incident unless she really enjoyed her job and fame. Her books are also doing well on Amazon as a result, though I don't know how many of those are going to get pulled.
  3. How dare you insult the angel that is Trayvon Martin. Lord have mercy on your soul you Satanic Zimmerman supporter, as you are sure to burn in hell! What we need right now are real Trayvon Martin supporters like Spike Lee, not "wankers" like yourself who don't see the travesty in this poor poor baby who was too afraid to run back to his own home and had to confront the evil Zimmer man and let him know the errors of his ways only to be shot in cold blood by that wanabee white cop! Thank the lord the DA was smart enough not to charge that devil with Manslaughter and did the smart thing of charging him with 2nd degree murder, something all legal analyists have praised throughout the country as the greatest legal action our country has seen in years! I mean, have you even seen what they look like: What kind of monster kills such a young an innocent child who was clearly in worse shape (probably obesse and definetly not some kind of 5'11 football player)! Did you even listen to Mister Good's testimony? The one on the bottom was the one in red! That was our little angel's body covered in blood, while that white devil (why are we even calling him a devil when he's white? It's the same thing right?) was on top savagly beating him! Did you also see all the blood that ricocheted off of Trayvon's body and onto that White's face? It even reached the backside of his head as if it had been smashed into the concrete! And then there were all those injuries on Zimmerman's hands too... Lord, lord, lord, O Lord, have mercy on your soul! I will do my best to let this lost sheep see the error of his ways, but lord almight I can only do so much! Why are we all being sarcastic again?
  4. If you can't even read basic documentation, you aren't even ever going to figure out how to hack into FE8. .jfp is a patching format Xeld made himself to apply most of his patches and use for patching in general. It stands for "just fucking patch." You can use some simple program like dr java, open the .jfp file in it, and press run to get it to work (IIRC this is how I did it?). However, applying the FE8 skill patch causes a graphics glitch with long range weapons from what I've seen, and when I spoke with Xeld about it ages ago, I don't think he was too interested in trying to fix that, and I wasn't to keen on trying back then, and definetly not now since hacking takes too much time. As for hacking FE8, from what I've seen from barely skimming the hacking community these last few years, it honestly looks like I was the only person who, to this day, ever tried to make a serious FE8 in this community, though I honestly hope I'm wrong on this count, so that should give you one idea about how much "harder" it is. Ultimately, the palettes, placement of units in the event assembler, and way to go about accessing chapters due to the world map makes hacking into it more annoying, but in exchange, you get all the superior features that come with FE8 such as skills, more spells, monster classes, branched promotions, and I think it had one more delphi shield pointer or something so that you could make two weapons for it. Or maybe that was for something else like Slayer, I don't really remember and I don't know where any of my old minor notes on hacking FE8 are anymore. Other than those differences, the two are largely the same for the most part, but chapter progression and palettes can be really annoying. I think boss/death quotes also worked a bit differently, but I don't 100% remember. You're welcome to try hacking FE8, but while the difficulty between it and FE7 are arguably about the some, FE8 does require more creativity to get around certain things, so it is definetly the harder of the two to hack into, and you aren't even really able to make a true good final product because of the limitations in it thanks to the world map and all that jazz.
  5. God forbid a group of racists who have actually had an impact on this trial make the same complaint a bunch of other non racist media groups have critized as well right? Though maybe we should just continue to throw out more ad hominems to show how much better we are than them! Then again, what does anything about this have to do with the topic at hand? If you want to cry about how Zimmerman is likely going to walk free at the moment, do it in another thread. If you want to talk about the bias in the media's portrayal of white on black and black on white crime as well, do that in another thread too. This isn't about Zimmerman, this is about whether the media is going too far in inciting emotion (let alone doing a good job of reporting fact) and whether it's influence is getting in the way of the judicial process. I just used Zimmerman as an example because we are seeing these problems clearly unfold before our eyes now, and asked people if this was even the first time this has happened with media coverage of such cases before trial.
  6. Please tell me this was meant to be ironic... As for the whole Martin drug whatever stuff, that's mostly to show that Martin has enough of a bad background so that it doesn't seem immpossible that he could have started the fight, and all that defamation against his character isn't even admissable evidence in this case anyway, since the state is doing everything they can to show Zimmerman is guilty since they have no case thanks to lol Murder 2.
  7. Really? I never heard anything about it actually going to court yet and I'm surprised that would get done before this trial. That's one of the things I pointed out, and in a way, things like this already in exist in society anyway as social taboos (i.e. saying nigger, threatening to burn religious texts like you mentioned which is also a big problem) and in the case of inciting riots, you can't do something like yell fire in a movie theater when there isn't one. For what I'm trying to get at really with that point though, is more in line with what Dieselpunk was getting at, but trying to make the news more fact based and less entertainment based won't really cut it given the current news environment. But like I said before, the news media still isn't really at fault for this since at the end of the day, they can't 100% predict how popular a news story will actually end up being or how people will react and at best try and spin things so as to get more ratings. I just wish there was something that could be done to stop this from happening, but rioters will just end up rioting anyway. The other point at hand is an actual real problem; pre-trial publicity. Garnaring this much attention to a criminal case pre trial is a problem and will certainly cause problems with the trial and jury selection processes in the future. The girl who got caught lying under oath and the guy who got kicked out of the jury selection processes are both examples of this, where the former's problem has likely hurt the prosecution's case and the latter causing problems in the jury selection process. In the near future, if incidents like this keep happening, I really won't be surprised if there is some kind of regulation when it comes to how the media is allowed to go about reporting crimes before trial if things are going to get this out of hand. But then this is also why I brought up the Casey Anthony case in another post because I can't think of any other trials that had a similar precedent to this one, where they garnered lots of attention before actually going to trial and still ended up being a trial by jury.
  8. 1. What I imagine, given this situation, as to what the best way to go about it would be A. don't do extensive reports on criminal cases until it goes to trial and B. don't report on issues that you aren't fully aware of and act like something happened when you don't know what happened at all. In the case of this trial, you could find the police report on Zimmerman in the first week it became a national news sensation, and you'd know that Zimmerman got attacked and was beat up. The media didn't even get that until months later, and until then they never even played with the idea that Zimmerman really got attacked at all. I'm too young to remember most previous high profile court cases, but I think this is kinda what happened with the Casey Anthony trial? It didn't really get to the media until it was on trial, and while that may have been spun by the news media as well, at least when the jurors came out of court and found out how much of a high profile case it had become they had no idea how any of it got so out of control and were capable of giving an unbiased opinion in court. As for rioting, well, that may just always be unavoidable in cases like these and there may be nothing that can be done other than try and do a better job of educating the populace on the matter at hand. 2. There's not much you can really do about that.
  9. Did you even read what you quoted, let alone understand the issue here? I honestly expected a better post from you that shows some level of thought, not one that shows next to none.
  10. After over a year, the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case has finally started, and although it is likely a bit premature to be making a thread like this, the whole situation is completely screwed up. Anyone who has actually been using their brain or knows anything about law that has been actually trying to follow the case without letting their strong emotions get in the way of his/her own ability to think should be aware that the chances of Zimmerman walking are actually pretty high right now. While the initial big blow to the prosceution was the fact that they charged him with 2nd degree murder, the past two days have essentially just been the prosecution's own witnesses destroying themselves, with one getting caught lying under oath on the stand, and the other making such an embarassment of herself that Trayvon's father actually ended up shaking her head at her because of how badly she probably screwed up the prosecutions case, and both of these people were pretty important witnesses (with the latter, Trayvon's girl friend, actually being the key witness to the trial?). What pisses me off about this is the way the media has portrayed the case and the situation the U.S.A. is possibly facing right now. The amount of media bias revolving around this case is incredible, and there are still people who think George Zimmerman is white because of it, let alone even bother to play around with the thought of him walking. There was even that incident with MSNBC(or CNN?) where they edited out part of a phone recording to portray Zimmerman as racist. As a result, the U.S.A. is now faced with what could possibly be the prelude to the next situation similar to the L.A. riots. In fact, you can already find people on twitter/facebook saying how they are going to riot if Zimmerman walks, and there were some small riots after the incident was made public already. I don't live in Florida, but the fact that this could, and probably will, happen disgusts me. It honestly makes me think that the media shouldn't be allowed to cover major criminal cases like if this is going to be the result. But this isn't even the only problem. There's the fact that the case got so much publicity that it very likely got in the way of the jury selection. I know at least one person had gotten kicked off the selection because they knew too much about the case, and after being denied, went back to the selection to try and cause a scene. And stuff like this could just happen again in the future. Regardless, the media still has its right to free speech, though I wish they could at least present information in a way that doesn't stir up the population. Then again, they also can't tell how the people will react to their initial reports. But what could possibly even be the best way to go about this? Is it even possible at all given the arguable corporate greed that news media hold and their quest for better ratings?
  11. Giving them bows actually doesn't sound like a bad idea. A flying Archer would be pretty sweet.
  12. I'm more interested in the Marth figure. Though the Tharja figure looks pretty nice. Only reason I'd ever try getting it though is because I love all things Fire Emblem.
  13. Update! Chapter 4 5/29 Paralogue 1 12/41 Chapter 5 7/48 Paralogue 2 9/57 Not sure if I should redo do chapter 9 or not. Think I'd only be able to save 2 turns at most, and one of those two turns relies on a crit against an enemy who has a 20% chance of OHKO'ing Lon'qu...
  14. It's easier for a person's looks to catch your attention more easily than a persons personality because you can't actually see a persons personality at first glance. Though I'm not one of those people who went "Aw yeah Tharja! So hot; gotta bang!" I picked Cherche first because she felt to me like the spiritual sucessor to Minerva, and Minerva was always one of my favorite characters.
  15. That would in a way defeat the purpose of this run, but I have tons of chapters and the bonds DLC to get some Seeds of Trust, so I'm not TOO worried at the moment. It all comes down to whether everyone can keep up. Anyway, here are chapters 2 and 3. Chapter 2 7/18 Chapter 3 6/24
  16. I don't know how to really go about doing that since it will still effect support growth and the stages you fight on are random. It would also take to long...
  17. Place holder incase too much text in first post.
  18. One of the things I often notice about playthoughs of Awakening is that most people don't seem to do all the chapters in the game. While the only FE games, to my knowledge, that seem to ask you to recruit everyone you can to get the best rank are FE4 and FE5, it seems kinda dull to me to complete the game without at least trying to do everything. So that's why I want to do this run. The goal/rules of this run is to do the following: 1. Complete all chapters, DLC included (I own all of them, so why not?) with the following chapters excluded: The Golden Gaffe, EXPonential Growth, and Apotheosis. Infinite Regelia will be allowed only because the rewards aren't as great as the other two "gift" DLC chapters and because the chapter can produce some kind of challenge when compared to the others. TGG, EG, and Apotheosis being incompleted should be obvious for obvious reasons obviously. 2. All characters must be recruited and alive by the end of the game. This includes DLC and spotpass characters like Priam and the like. Their use is not banned in this playthrough, though I don't know how much help they will really be anyway. 3. The following bans will be put in place: No Veteran(For the first 3 chapters, I really only need the avatar for chapter 2 in pair up, so he shouldn't be above level 3 as a worst case scenario by chapter 3), Paragon, Limit Break, or Aptitude. I don't plan on using Donnel for this run, so I think these are a fair set of skill bans. Rescue chains will be banned as well. Spotpass shops/characters are banned. Renown awards past the large bullion will be banned. Bonus box legendary weapons and sparkling tile weapons will not be banned. The latter is only not banned since I will be hoping sparkling tiles will make it easier for me to build relation ships up (however the three DLC chapters filled with Sparkling tiles will be banned for ST use for those three chapters only). The former isn't banned... well, just because I want to use those weapons and never really get the chance too. DLC village weapons are not banned. Anna shops and Barracks are banned. 4. DLC chapters, along with paralogues, will be done once the current main story enemy levels equal the levels of the opponents in the main story chapter I must do. 5. I will do my best to make this an efficient run. I don't want to spend more than 10 turns in every chapter. 6. Side goals, such as keeping villagers alive and getting the goddess staff, are not mandatory, since I'm not even sure if some of them can even be done efficiently, like getting Inigo all those kills in his chapter. 7. Grinding is obviously not allowed (meaning I can only do a DLC chapter once, no risen battles, etc). 8. I think this is enough restrictions, but if anyone can think of something that I'm forgetting to do, let me know. Planned pairups: Anyway, went +Mag/-Luk Male Avatar. Premonition: 2/2 Prologue: 5/7 Chapter 1 4/11: Chapter 2 7/18 Chapter 3 6/24 Chapter 4 5/29 Paralogue 1 12/41 Chapter 5 7/48 Paralogue 2 9/57
  19. From a tactical perspective, it's a skill of pure convience really only worth using for a handful of regalia weapons or for people who don't have the golden gaffe. From the way I've seen people talk about the skill, it's IMO the most overrated skill in the game by far. Then again, I never forge when I play anyway. There are much better skills I'd rather use than Armsthrift, like any breaker, Pavise/Aegis, dual *+, vantage, deliverer, *faire, etc.
  20. Do I really have to link to you every post you made in this thread to prove you otherwise? Or you going to continue to dig yourself into a deeper hole everytime you post? Avatar with Nosferatu is not as reliable as Seth in late game because, even with infintite nosferatu, he still has a noticable chance of dying, especially in the last three/four chapters. Solo nostanking with Avatar really only works because it's a fast way to manipulate the rng in your favor rather than the Avatar actually being a completely reliable unit.
  21. We all know FE13 Lunatic+ is the hardest FE mode the series has to offer, but what is other than that? I'll rank the modes I played: 1. FE5 2. FE6 HM 3. FE10 HM 4. FE9 MM 5. FE7 HHM 6. FE8 HM . . . . . 7. FE13 LM Right out of your own mouth.
  22. Your first post in this thread, and agreeing on one game doesn't change your ratings of the others. Boss abuse. If it takes longer to find a better chapter than chapter 1, then it takes longer, and all that does is make FE12 the hardest game in the series anyway by this ranking based on trivialization.
  23. Well you see, you said FE13 is the least difficult FE because you can trivialize it from the second chapter of the game. But I just proved that you can trivialize other FE games right from the first chapter, and the only reason you can't do so in other games is because of artificial difficulty aka the proper requirements to boss abuse aren't met. What this means then is, by your definition of trivialization, we have an official ranking of what FE games are the most difficult: FE12 = FE10(8 chapters to trivialize) > FE7 Lyn mode(7 chapters to trivialize) > FE6 = FE7(Hector) = FE9 = FE13(one chapter) > FE1 = FE2 = FE3(Both books) = FE4 = FE5 = FE7(Eliwood) = FE8 = FE11 There you have it, the official order of difficulty in Fire Emblem by your definition of trivialization.
  24. Well, that's one more chapter than it takes to trivialize games like FE1, FE2, FE3, FE4, FE5, FE7(if you start straight in Eliwood mode), FE8, and FE11! You see, all those chapters let you do something called boss abuse right off the bat in the very first chapter, except FE4 and FE8 which give you Sigurd and Seth, and they break the game anyway at base, with Oifaye and Shannan probably able to do everything in FE4 part 2 easily, especially when your holsety user shows up. Regardless, to trivialize the other games, what you do is you let the boss use up all his weapon uses on the thrown, and then you leech exp from him for as long as possible. FE1, FE3(both books), and FE11 have forts in their beginning chapter (along with healers) that make it easy to have them use up all their weapon use and leech exp off of them. FE5 doesn't have forts or healers, but lets you use Leaf's light sword as a worst case if need be and also has vulneraries that heal you to full HP anyway. With proper AI manipulation, you can easily leech exp off all the enemies you face in the first chapter of FE2. But hey! Once you reach the second chapter of FE6 and FE9, you can perform this same strategy again(I don't think you can do it with the first chapter of FE6 since the boss deals too much damage and there aren't enough vulneraries, but maybe I'm wrong?)! FE7(if you start with Lyn or Hector), FE10, and FE12 don't let you boss abuse for a while in each of their games sadly (sadface ;_;) so it takes a bit longer to reach a chapter where you can start trivializing the game, but once you get there, you're gold! But wow! Just look at how easily we just trivialized each FE game. Sounds like the only difficulty found in the game is the artificial difficulty of waiting for a chapter where we can boss abuse! I'm glad that if we think of the best way to manipulate the system, we can come up with such easy ways of trivializing each FE game, regardless of how much time they take to do! It's a good thing that FE13 at least removed the ability to boss abuse, but I guess Veteran ended up making up for that anyway! What a shitty franchise Fire Emblem is for making it so easy to trivialize each game. It's just like how you can go to the max level of any RPG once you leave the first town and have access to infinite monster fights. So maybe we shouldn't stop at calling Fire Emblem shit, but all RPG games in general shit because of this! What a trivially easy genre of gaming!
  25. It really isn't if you're willing to sacrifice someone. The only reason Chp2 gave me trouble was because I tried to keep everyone alive, which caused me vastly more restarts than Frederick dying.
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