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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. Could it be for more virtual console related things?
  2. We don't know that Zimmerman called anyone a "fucking punk" since the later is considered inaudible and we can't tell what he said. His comment about people getting away wasn't about Martin in particular, and was made before Martin ran. Considering he was on the phone with a dispatcher trying to get this guy checked out, Martin noticed he was on the phone, and then ran, I would consider that suspicious behavior too. Would I say following him outside of his car was the best decsion to make? No. Would I say Trayvon is equally at fault for just not going home after Zimmerman went back to his car and following him? Yes. As for having "nothing to go on" for what Martin was doing, we have his phone call with Rachael, and her testimony is just as reliable as George Zimmerman, except not since she was already found lying twice during this investigation while Zimmerman passed multiple lie detector tests about the case. And Zimmerman following Martin being "anything but profiling" is nonsense, and the FBI investigation came up with the same results. Also, Zimmerman following Trayvon is frankly irrelavent to the trial . As for why you should care about Zimmerman's opinion/story, it's because it's the most important thing about the trial, and disproving it is the only way to convict him. Yes, we will never know who really started the fight, but picking sides based on that doesn't work like it or not. The fact of the matter is that at the end of the day, Zimmerman has injuries matching having been assualted, Trayvon has injuries only matching those of someone who attacked someone and one gun shot wound taken at very close range, and loads of witness testimony arguing that Zimmerman was getting beat up. There's a reason they never charged Zimmerman when he was arrested, and that's because there was litterally no evidence to charge him with anything after over 5 hours of questioning, and the prosecution proved as much as well.
  3. I don't follow this line of thought at all. What do you mean by this exactly?
  4. Here's an essential rundown of what happened: Zimmerman is captain of his neighborhood watch. He was off duty that night and on his way home, when he saw someone acting suspiciously in his gated community. Since there had been a lot of crimes in that community, and the suspect was just walking in the rain, staring into houses, and acting like he was in no rush to get anywhere, Zimmerman called a non emergency line (something he had already done over 50 times that year alone, so typical behavior for him). While on the phone, the "suspect", Trayvon, ran and Zimmerman followed him. Zimmerman was told, after he had already exited his car, that he doesn't need to follow him, and as he had already lost him, he then said he was about to go meet up with the police. According to one of Trayvon's friends who he was on the phone with, Trayvon was hiding near the place where he was staying at this point. What then happens there are no pure 100% facts of but it goes like this: Procescution: Zimmerman and Trayvon somehow meet up near Zimmerman's car (away from Trayvon's residence), Zimmerman attacks Trayvon, gets on top of him, Trayvon starts screaming for help, and then Zimmerman shoots him. Or Trayvon attacks him after a slight altercation caused by Zimmerman, gets on top of him beating him up and screaming for help, and gets shot. Defense According to Zimmerman, he was walking back to his car, Trayvon approached him, they had a small dialogue, Trayvon attacked him, started beating him MMA style and bashing his head against the concrete, Zimmerman was screaming for help, no one came, so he shot him once and this apparently killed him. Zimmerman also said Trayvon saw his gun, reached for it, and threatened to kill him, but Trayvon had none of his DNA on the gun. However, since it was raining, it was speculated it could have been washed off somehow. More concrete facts continue here: There are more witnesses that agreed Zimmerman was on the ground being beaten by Trayvon, and one of the witnesses for the procescution arguing the other way got caught lying on the stand/discredited since they signed an arrest Zimmerman petition on Facebook and then approached the police about info for the case. As far as who was screaming, not enough data is available to be admissable in court, and it was just both sides saying it was the person I support screaming. However, Trayvon's father admited at one point that he didn't recognize the screaming voice, so that might be why the prosecution lost some points there as well. Trayvon only had two noticable injuries on his body, cuts on his knuckles matching that he had attacked someone and the gun shot wound received from very close range, while Zimmerman had injuries matching having been beaten up. What pretty much caused the case to get thrown out was that: The intial charge was complete crap and criticized by the legal community, there was much more witness support for Zimmerman (including the police officers at the scene), the prosecution was a shit show where some of their own witnesses ended up helping the defense more than the state, and the prosecution's star witness, Racheal Jeantal (who was on the phone with Trayvon), essentially came across as an idiot seen as not a reliable source of information, said Trayvon described Zimmerman as a "creepy ass cracka" (which also isn't racist to do according to her), and she had been found lying about information about herself twice (her age and why she wasn't at Trayvon's funeral as she was in the hospital). Following someone isn't a crime, let alone grounds for you to attack someone, so if Trayvon was really outside his home and had the chance to just go inside and really did follow back after Zimmerman and attack him first, then it was a case of self defense. Stupid decisions were made on both sides, but based on the evidence presented at the case, everything Zimmerman did was in line with the law, and a lot of the reason why this case became so big is because there was a lot of disinformation thrown out about the case in the beginning and no charges were filed against Zimmerman (but the police claim they had no evidence to charge him with anything at the time anyway after 5 hours of questioning). People still think Stand Your Ground was a factor in the case which also, but that wasn't used at the trial. If you want more info, watch the trial (or at least find summaries of key points since it is very long), since you would likely have the qualifications to be a juror in this trial.
  5. Makes me wonder if it's more that those characters just know heroes who have died in the past, rather than a specific group of people.
  6. I'm looking forward to, based on that list, Valrave Kill A Kill (Really hoping it doesn't get overhyped to oblivion and then flop) Infinite Stratos S2 White Album 2 (I haven't read the VN, but it got a lot of praise and is regarded as one of the best VN's ever made, so I'm hoping it will be good) And maybe I'll try Pupa, Blaz Blue (never played the games), and Arrpegio. Will probably watch a few episodes of the new pokemon anime as well. Otherwise I will have to wait and see on everything else. I can't believe they're making a 2nd season of Freezing though...
  7. If Zimmerman initiated some kind of physical contact with him like touching his shoulder to talk to him or grabbing his arm it might, but there is no evidence to support anything like this happening obviously. Also, Rachel Jeantel needs to stop going on all these interviews. Both this and her Pier's Morgan interview essentially imply that Trayvon likely attacked first (she outright says he did in the HuffPost interview), and she just keeps changing up her story...
  8. I've seen a lot of good stuff about the Sakura Wars games, and am actually really interested in playing them. I should probably get the one released on the Wii if I can find it used somewhere.
  9. As you've already mentioned, most people I've seen talk about the movie mention how it's a lot better than most of the other crappy movies that have been released as of late, and gave them some new hope for the future.
  10. Except it isn't a problem. It's your first time through the game. You don't know everything about it and complaining about unforseen circumstances the first time through, with the result being that everytime you do it afterwords is still harder than the alternative, is just nonsensical. Video Games have always had this kind of mentality and mechanic too them. You might as well complain about fighting Marlboro's in FF for the first time with all the status changes bad breath causes or fighting a Megaman boss for the first time without knowing the bosses pattern or attacks.
  11. A character dying because of perma death means that you lose that unit and all the benefits you get from having that unit. Imagine losing Chad in FE6. You no longer have a Thief until Astol joins you. Imagine losing Serra in FE7. You won't get another healer until you promote someone or are able to recruit Priscilla, which not everyone will always be able to do on their first run through the game and what then if she or all your other magic users die? And let's not forget dancers, of whom you only get one of in every game but FE10 and FE7 IIRC. Perma-death adds plenty to gameplay, and most SRPG's I've played without perma-death tend to be much easier than FE beause of it, since you don't care if people die or not since it will have little to no impact on your army. And saying "memorization isn't difficulty" still only applies for the first time you go through the chapter. Every other time you do it, that level just becomes slightly easier with a more challenging experience than the enemy showing up on player phase. I'd rather suffer one moment of slight unfairness with similar situations attributable to a multitude of video games, that then still results every time afterword in a more challenging experience than having an infinite number of easy experiences.
  12. 1. How is this unfair? What Video game do you have absolute complete knowledge on how to beat the first time through without a guide? Most games give you fair warning about enemy reinforcements, and they do add to the challenge in the game since they keep you on your toes and force you not too dick around too much. 2. Perma death does add to the difficulty in the game. Games without perma death allow you to use strategies where you don't care if you're units die, and it makes the game much easier. No one forces you to restart the chapter. If IS wants to make the games harder, they need to add in more enemy player advatanges (Such as lots of units with command stars, effect staves, long range magic, "illegal forges", enemy only units, enemy only skills, etc.) and make there be more conditions for the player to get a game over. Otherwise, Fire Emblem is still a series that has traditionally had some of its difficulty come from limitations the player sets on themselves anyway, which just allows for more ways and freedom to enjoy the game. As far as newer mechanics go, dual guarding and attacking need to be nerfed in activation rates. Vengeance should probably be changed so that if it activates you can't heal from it and veteran should be changed to be some kind of support bonus skill rather than gaining more exp.
  13. Just finished watching this movie, and have to say it was awesome as far as action and special effects go. The plot was at least interesting enough to keep me entertained, and I certainly felt the thrill of this movie really being a kind of "Humanities last Stand" sort of feature. Probably going to be my favortite movie of the summer. Anyone else see and enjoy this film or have any complaints?
  14. Because Zimmerman got let off because it was a case of self defence, meaning Trayvon is considered the aggressor here. And I would recommend looking at some of the evidence actually presented at the trial if you want better closure on the case, not nonsense like Zimmerman waved his gun infront of Trayvon (who could have even presented this as evidence, and where did you even hear this?). The wikipedia page of the case was usually a good, non-bias analysis of the case last I checked if you don't feel like watching the whole trial. Also, Trayvon didn't live in the area, he was there because he got suspended from school.
  15. The whole case was essentially just the prosecution looking to score political points rather than trying to achieve any kind of "justice." The second Zimmerman was charged with Murder 2, the case was lost, not that things would have been any different regardless. This ultimately became a huge fiasco because the media spun the whole incident out of control, and to anyone who is in disbelief over the result, your best option would be to do the following: 1. Forget everything the media told you about the case 2. Watch the trial. It's a shame Trayvon died, but even if he lived, he proably would have gotten charged with assault and battery if the results of this case are anything to go by. I think one of the police chiefs said something along the lines of "If both people could have done things differently that night, both of them would" and that's all you can really say at the end of the day. And frankly, I think most people have forgotten why this case became such a big deal in the first place now anyway a.k.a. Zimmerman wasn't charged with anything at the time of the incident.
  16. They're definetly going to fix this in the future, though whoever wrote up that bill should probably lose their job.
  17. Trying to reach 700k when Fire Emblem has traditionally sold worse on consoles doesn't seem like a smart business move. IS already has a lot of work to do if they want FE14 to be as innovative as FE13. With the Wii U being in the slump that it's in right now, I'd say wait and see how FE x SMT turns out, and then maybe we can see an FE game on the Wii U. Otherwise, they should just stick to the 3DS.
  18. They didn't find it "moe" enough when compared to the anime. If you're reading the manga, you'll see the author talk about it in the season 2 volume 6 4 koma IIRC.
  19. The way I used to go about map changes in FE8 was to just copy already existing ones, edit them a bit, and change them to match my stuff as necessary. I don't remember if I had any problems with getting village doors to close though.
  20. They are supposed to serve as role models for us to follow, but the extent to which celebreties are followed is indeed extreme. That most likely stems from people just liking to gossip a lot and finding enjoyment from it.
  21. To appeal to Otaku, and I'm pretty sure the first season of the anime at least sold decently well. Funny thing is that fans of the anime actually complained to the author when they found out what the manga is like.
  22. Not really sure about everything I'll be watching for spring so far, but Dogs and Scissors felt painfully average at best. At least the quality of this season looks as good as last season for now.
  23. I like them. It isn't unheard of for a video game to throw stuff at you when you don't exactly know that it's there, and trial and error is part of the fun.
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