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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. Did you look at FurryYeongsun's(Can't remember the spelling. Guy who made GhebFE) notes on Skirmishes to see if that helps you? Also, why does everything look like it's only become harder to hack into FE8 with?
  2. Maybe they use an entirely new algorithm for the RNG? I've noticed that I get hit more often in Awakening compared to the other games as well. But this applies for all modes.
  3. Why? That sounds silly to take something that worked before and then make it not work (Please understand that the code I posted is years old). Also, I don't really remember what CHAI 0x54 did. In fact, I don't think it should've done anything basedon the chapter I used that in. Might have been just something I left over on accident when I copied and pasted the code in.
  4. What exactly are you trying to show with Reinforcement events in FE8 exactly? That they all follow the same pattern and it can easily be copied? It looks like you're just overcomplicating the entire process. In my FE8 hack, a typical reinforcment event would look like this: TurnBasedEvents: TurnEventPlayer(0x00,BeginningScene,0) TurnEventEnemy(0x0D,ReinforceArm,8) TurnEventEnemy(0x0E,ReinforceArm2,3) TurnEventEnemy(0x0F,ReinforceArm3,5) TurnEventEnemy(0x10,ReinforceArm3,7) TurnEventEnemy(0x11,ReinforceArm2,9) TurnEventEnemy(0x12,ReinforceArm3,11) TurnEventEnemy(0x12,ReinforceArm3,4) TurnEventEnemy(0x12,ReinforceArm3,6) TURN or this
  5. Arguing semantics is very important in terms of law and other legal related things since legal debates are essentially just arguments about semantics, but in more casual conversations it depends on the topic otherwise you're very likely just busting someone's balls for almost no real reason. Take anime for example. Shounen and moe are likely the two most abused words in the community which cause semantic arguments quite often because the way people use them as words is just flat out wrong and shows ignorance or contradiction.
  6. I don't know how long most spell animations are in FE4, but Starlite seemed a bit on the slow side. Otherwise that was pretty neat.
  7. I liked both, and I think I spent more time playing FE11 than any of the GBA games. Reclassing was a fun mechanic that allowed for multiple types of playthroughs. Then again, I like every FE but FE1 because it's too archaiac compared to the rest of the series.
  8. If you were to compare it to the other games in the series, yes its reputation on difficulty is deserved.
  9. The best way to establish freedom is to try and do it in a way that allows people to do as they please as long as they don't cause physical harm to others or threaten to cause physical harm. Psychological harm is a bit too broad to really make a set in stone limitation.
  10. Have you not played Lunatic mode before? Or are you going to be abusing the RNG a lot?
  11. I don't think S;G is an anime that little kids would really be watching considering most anime air late at night when they go to sleep. If such content was taken out, it's most likely because anime in general is less extreme (for lack of a better word) when compared to manga and VN's.
  12. The DS games looked better. Mostly just interested in the roster.
  13. Are the translations included in the download? Or am I misunderstanding something somewhere?
  14. Haha, the new episode was pretty funny. Too bad Gohan still can't dodge...
  15. As a Unit, Shannan. As a character, Karel.
  16. It only gets worse in that aspect if it keeps following the manga (haven't seen episode 3 yet, but I doubt they'll change anything). At the same time though, Tomoko is kind of a bitch, so there are times where you'll feel bad for her and others where you'll go "Wow, no wonder you don't have friends."
  17. In a world where you only care about satisfying your libido, and just your libido not some specific "homosexual" one, being with a man is better than being with a women. Men don't prefer long relationships, they'd rather just have short sexual flings and move on. There is no risk of getting your partner pregnant, which is a plus for any swinger since if you get a girl pregnant while leading that kind of lifestyle, you can get pretty screwed over by the law. It's meant to follow the same kind of logic behind why real sex dolls could replace women, since you approach an easier method to satisfy your sexual needs with less cons than being together with a real women. I really can't think of a better way to explain it right now but like I said, it's a slipery slope and flawed theory.
  18. As long as they fulfill some kind of substitute role like in FE4, then I have no problem with it. The replacement character should just be (generally) worse than who they replace.
  19. Some kind of fusion between Awakening and PoR/RD would work best ala what spotpass/DLC characters, Aversa, and Priam have. Not really a big fan of capacity and neutral on skill trading.
  20. I actually just finished reading Monster. It isn't really my genre of preference since I prefer sci-fi/fantasy settings more, but it's still pretty great. There weren't any parts to it I would call bad, but there weren't that many parts that really got my blood pumping and made me go "Wow, this is awesome!" I recently caught up on Dorohedoro, and that was more entertaining for someone of my tastes than Monster, but like I said, Monster was still pretty good.
  21. By slipery slope. Legalizing gay marriage would be a small step in letting people know homosexual behavior is more acceptable. For most homosexual males, part of why they are homosexual is just that they are looking to satisfy their libido. Most studies have shown that homosexual males constantly shift through sexual partner after sexual partner to satisfy their lust, and considering the history of STDs in the gay community this makes sense. If all you really care about is getting it off, then a male partner is likely more preferable than a female one, as a male partner is less likely to be looking for a commited relationship and can't get pregnant, so by letting homosexual behavior become more "rampant" you begin to run into what would happen if we could have real robot sex doll territory. But this is just one flawed way of looking at it. I also remember once reading something about how it ties into this experiment, but I'm too tired at the moment to really try and connect the dots on that one. It would probably have to do with male partners being easier to find, thus being another offshoot of why not too mate in an overcrowded borderline utopian society. You could also argue that the constant shifting is a result of marriage not being legalized, but lesbians are generally more likely to stick to one partner so...
  22. This case will probably just get thrown out like the guy who wrote graffiti on that bank wall, but it does send out a good message. Sucks this guy has to be a martyr. Though I remember something like this also happened during the Zimmerman trial, and I don't think there has been much follow up with that, which just makes me think this is Texas being Texas.
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